Phase 3 - Project Development - 216005 - 7
Phase 3 - Project Development - 216005 - 7
Phase 3 - Project Development - 216005 - 7
Elizabeth Hernández
The acceptance of a new product is very broad. What we understand as a "new product"
has different interpretations depending on who we are interacting with. For an R&D
technician or food technologist it can be a change in the nutritional characteristics, or a
change in the packaging, but it can also be for a marketing department of a company
any change in the sales strategy in terms of price , advertising or distribution.
On the other hand, from a commercial or market point of view, we must present the
consumer with new products adapted to their tastes and needs. Parameters that are
changing over time, characteristic of each population group or target to which we direct
the product or well adapted to the economic times that we are living.
General objective and specific objectives
Products resulting from the development of Steps 1 - 2 - 3 – 4
Blueberry, being a fruit with many nutritional qualities, constitutes an excellent business
idea, which is strengthened by the fact that "quality" requirements have been
implemented in foreign countries that are very difficult to achieve by all producers. such
is the case of organic products, which in this case our product will be considered 100%
organic, allowing better prospects.
The fruits of the blueberry also have natural pigments (anthocyanins and carotenoids)
that together with vitamin C give it a high antioxidant activity; They neutralize the
action of free radicals that are harmful to the body, and also have an anti-inflammatory
and anti-bacterial action. Even recent studies have shown that the antioxidant properties
of cranberry can contribute to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
The dietary intake of these substances enhances our immune system and contributes to
reducing the risk of degenerative and cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. The
cranberry juice of the red variety, exerts a surprising antiseptic and antibiotic action on
the germs that cause urinary infections. It is recommended to drink a glass of about 300
milliliters of juice daily for one to three months, as a treatment and prophylaxis for these
infections. A study by Joe Vinson concluded that drinking three glasses of cranberry
juice per day reduces the chances of heart disease by 40%.
Nutrient density
200 186
Nutrient 100 84
density DN 80
C 60
amoun 40 12
Ve 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t of 0
nutrien V Energy as H os t A D t E t K t C B1 B2 B3 B6 B1
2 Fe Ca g Zn 1 2 3
in CB ípid Vi Vi
t Vi Vi Vi t t t t M M M M
t in g / value in ot
e L Vi Vi Vi Vi Vi
Kcal / Pr
100g of 100g of
food food
Protein 0,5 43 12
CBH 3,6 43 84
0 43 0
Vit A 0 43 0
Vit D 0 43 0
Vit E 0 43 0
Vit K 0 43 0
Vit C 0 43 0
Vit B1 0.003 43 #¡VALOR
Vit B2
0.033 43 !
Vit B3
0.43 43 !
Vit B6
#¡VALOR BEER BLUE beer is a functional product since apart from alcohol,
Vit B12
0.15 43 ! beer also contains a small amount of carbohydrates and proteins.
#¡VALOR Regarding micronutrients, a varied presence of B vitamins stands
0.01 43 ! out, as well as various minerals. Among alcoholic beverages, beer is
Ca 8 43 186 perhaps the most recommended.
#¡VALOR Rich in vitamins, proteins, folic acid and antioxidants, some studies
Mg indicate that its moderate consumption is associated with
9.6 43 !
#¡VALOR cardiovascular benefits, bone health and even against obesity. Of
Zn course, always within a balanced diet.
0.006 43 !
M1 0 43 0
M2 0 43 0
M3 0 43 0
BEER BLUE beer is a functional product since apart from alcohol, beer also contains a
small amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Regarding micronutrients, a varied
presence of B vitamins stands out, as well as various minerals. Among alcoholic
beverages, beer is perhaps the most recommended.
Rich in vitamins, proteins, folic acid and antioxidants, some studies indicate that its
moderate consumption is associated with cardiovascular benefits, bone health and even
against obesity. Of course, always within a balanced diet.
Many times we have blamed beer for that belly that spoils our physical appearance, but
more and more studies are emerging that also relate it to positive health effects. Without
going too far, a few days ago, the Spanish Society for the Study of Obesity (SEEDO), in
collaboration with the Beer and Health Information Center, launched an information
campaign in hospitals on the benefits of moderate consumption of this drink on
cardiovascular risk, osteoporosis and obesity problems.
According to the Beer and Health Information Center, this food has very valuable
nutritional properties for the body:
Folic acid.
Carbohydrates, some in the form of soluble fiber.
Minerals such as phosphorus, silicon, portassium and sodium (the latter in small
Group B vitamins (niacin, pyridoxine and riboflavin) and folates. It is also rich in
hops, a substance that contains polyphenols (flavonoids) with antioxidant properties and
beneficial effects on aging and cardiovascular risk.
The caloric intake can vary according to the different types of beer and its
carbohydrate content, but it ranges around 45 kcal / 100 ml for traditional beer and 17
kcal / 100 ml for non-alcoholic beer.
In the development of this new product, the equipment and methods associated with the
process stand out, such as: maceration, filtration, boiling, cooling, fermentation,
maturation, and packaging, all these operations are carried out in technological
equipment designed for that operation, in which it is possible to control variables to
obtain a good finished product.
In addition, it was possible to investigate the possibility of working with emerging
conservation methods for this product; in this case it was possible to obtain information
on high pressures and nanofiltration.
For example, IntelligentX decided that the best way to improve beer was through data;
that's why, with AI algorithms and machine learning, he created new recipes. From this
initiative, 4 varieties of beers have come out: Black AI, Golden AI, Pale AI and Amber
To get to these products, what the company does is ask its customers to leave their
opinions about the beers in a URL link published on the bottles. With the collection and
analysis of this data, they modify their recipes.
Another case is that of the Carlsberg brewery, which started the multi-million dollar
‘Beer Fingerprinting Project’, in partnership with local universities and with the
technological support of Microsoft. What it does is predict the best flavors of beers
using sensors and data analysis. Thanks to this process, the fingerprint of the flavor of
each sample can be determined and different yeasts analyzed; New beers are created
with the data collected, ensuring the highest quality.
Unlike wine, which generally improves over time, beer does not age well. Typically,
within a year of bottling, the beverage begins to develop an unpleasant paper or
cardboard taste that drinkers describe as "rancid."
Now, researchers from the public-private sector in China published in the Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry of the American Chemical Society the development of
a genetically modified lager yeast to produce more molecules that protect beer against
aging, improving stability. of flavor.
Scientists have linked stale beer flavors to aldehyde compounds, such as (E) -2-nonenal
and acetaldehyde. Many of these compounds are produced by yeast during
fermentation, and chemical reactions during beer storage can increase their levels.
Brewers have tried different approaches to reducing the levels of these compounds, such
as controlling fermentation conditions or adding antioxidants, but aging remains a
problem for the brewing industry.
This yeast contains genes from mint and basil plants. He combined these genes with
yeast DNA and then mixed them with yeast cells. He hopes this process will lead to
some interesting flavors.
When validating the brewing industry there are several factors that can be detrimental to
the durability and conservation in the market; having the microbiological issue as the
main enemy since the residuality that it may have creates an environment highly
conducive to the development of microbiological organisms that generate the
appearance of turbidity in the liquid and in turn generate an unpleasant taste when
consumed by customers; Through microfiltration, it is observed that yeast cells are
trapped and it has been shown that they cause high turbidity and generation of
microbiological organisms in the liquid; These unwanted effects end up being
summarized in a decrease in the useful life of the product.
In the validation of the microfiltration process, several operational factors were taken
into account, such as the diameter of the membranes, the pressure of the filtration
system, and the temperature of the liquid to be filtered, which was mainly sought with
the addition of this process before the stage. of packaging is to achieve that the useful
life of the product can be increased, it is also highlighted that although the
microfiltration system has its operational variables, the raw material (beer) also has
several properties that must be evaluated and compared with the line product to
conclude whether the microfiltration process has an impact or not; Within the properties
the following is evidenced:
• Physicochemical properties. (Original extract,% alcohol, color, turbidity, pH and
• Microbiological properties (total count, fungi and yeasts).
• Operational parameters (required flux density, depletion coefficient, filterability ml).
• Sensory (appearance, smell, taste).
Bibliography using APA standards
Buzrul, S., Alpas, H. & Bozoglu, F. Effects of high hydrostatic pressure on shelf
life of lager beer. Eur Food Res Technol 220, 615–618 (2005).
Munekata, P. E. S., Pateiro, M., Barba, F. J., Dominguéz, R., Gagaoua, M., &
Lorenzo, J. M. (2020). Chapter Three - Development of new food and
pharmaceutical products: Nutraceuticals and food additives. Advances in Food
& Nutrition Research, 92, 53–96. Recovered