This Study Resource Was: How Flow Charts Can Be Used As A Project Management Tool
This Study Resource Was: How Flow Charts Can Be Used As A Project Management Tool
This Study Resource Was: How Flow Charts Can Be Used As A Project Management Tool
Outline how flow charts can be used as a project management tool and how they contribute to a project. (100–150 words)
Answer :
Flowcharts can be used to display a stage by stage progression. They effectively show a sequence of events, with the
completion of one stage leading to the beginning of another. The only downside of using a flowchart for project planning is
that you cannot add a time interval for each stage. Flowcharts of a project plan must show:
1. A clear beginning
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4. A clearly defined end
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How they contribute to a project.
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A basic flowchart can help project managers most especially during the planning phase. When a chart is created, it shows
the method that the organization uses to reach a particular milestone of the project. This will make it easier for project
managers to move through the process of determining, delegating and scheduling each task to the team members.
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The best thing about this particular project management tool is that it is very easy to make and project managers can keep a
template to use again for other project planning activities. It can also be easily made using computer software to design a
customized flowchart that suits the needs of the project manager and the project itself.
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Question 2
Project parameters are usually set by the delegating authority. Outline how parameters relating to
budget, human resources and timelines can impact on the delivery of a project. (200–250 words)
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Delegating authority - A manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him. In order to
meet the targets, the manager should delegate authority. Delegation of Authority means division of
authority and powers downwards to the subordinate. Delegation is about entrusting someone else to
do parts of your job. Delegation of authority can be defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of
powers to the subordinates in order to achieve effective results.
Budget -Costs are associated with activities, and since each activity has a
start date and a duration period, it is possible to calculate how much
money will be spent by any particular date during the project. The money
needed to pay for a project is usually transferred to the project account
shortly before it is needed. These transfers must be timed so that the
money is there to pay for each activity without causing a delay in the start
of the activity. If the money is transferred too far in advance, the
organization will lose the opportunity to use the money somewhere else,
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or they will have to pay unnecessary interest charges if the money is
borrowed. A schedule of money transfers is created that should match the
need to pay for the activities. The process of matching the schedule of
transfers with the schedule of activity payments is called reconciliation.
Refer to the table, which shows the costs of 10 major activities in a
project. Funds are transferred into the project account four times. Notice
that during most of the project, there were more funds available than
were spent except at activity 6 when all the available funds were spent.
identifying the needs for HRM in the project-oriented organization and describing the
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practices adopted. We have formulated an initial set of hypotheses and conducted a pilot
study to test them. In this paper, we report the results of that pilot study. We have found
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that HRM is a core process in the project-oriented organization that needs to be more
invasive, with greater involvement of the manager at the work interface than in the
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classically managed organization.
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Your project deadline is bound to be one of your most important
Timelines -
parameters. What is the finish time and why? There may well be a
relationship between the budget and the deadline, in that you may have
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spent over a particular period. As well as your final deadline, there are
certain to be a number of critical time points that need to be taken into
account. We go into these in more detail in our Project management
course but it is important to be clear, right from the start, that in order to
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Question 3
Explain what project risk is and the processes for managing it. Conduct appropriate independent research.
The best people execute the plan does not guarantee success. There are a host of external factors which may
play a role in determining the outcome regarding whether a project has been successful or not. These are called
Project risks. The formal definition of a risk is an event or occurrence that may negatively impact the project.
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Risks can be mitigated and even prevented. However this requires a good amount of understanding of the risks
and advance planning. It is for this reason that DMAIC methodology in Six Sigma has risk assessment as an
inbuilt step. You cannot ignore it if you truly follow the DMAIC philosophy.
To better understand risks, it is essential that we understand that risks fall into categories. The major categories
of risk are as follows:
Stakeholder Risk: Stakeholders are people who have any kind of vested interest in the performance of the
project. Common examples of stakeholders are as regulators, customers, suppliers, managers, customers etc.
Stakeholder risk arises from the fact that stakeholders may not have the inclination or the capabilities required
to execute the project.
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Regulatory Risk: An organization faces several kinds of regulations. It faces rules from the local and state
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government where they operate. It faces rules of the national government where it operates. It also faces rules
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of international trade bodies. To add to all this there are internal regulations which have been put into place for
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better internal governance and avoiding fraud. The Six Sigma team has to ensure that the project does not
adversely affect the compliance towards these risks in any way whatsoever.
Technology Risk: Many times the solution proposed by the project requires implementation of a new
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technology. However the organization may not be in a position to acquire these technologies due to financial or
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operational constraints. This poses obvious risks to the project as it can adversely affect the implementation of
the proposed solution.
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External Risk: The execution of a project requires help and support from several outside vendors as well. The
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dependence on these vendors poses obvious risk to the execution of the project. These vendors lie outside the
direct control of any organization. The organization may have very little ways to predict issues arising from
external sources.
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Execution Risk: The project also faces risk of not receiving continued support from the organization. This is
because the organization may discover better use of their resources in the additional time. It is also likely that
the project may be poorly scoped causing it to spill over leading to wastage of resources prompting the
management to abandon the project.
An experienced six sigma team will usually give the risk assessment part to its most capable member. The better
prepared the risk assessment plans, the better chance the organization has of successfully implementing that
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The processes for managing it.
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- implement controls
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- monitor and evaluate the effective ness of risk controls
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Question 5
Make a list of 10 procedures relevant to managing a project. Why would it be important to explain, to the project team,
o quality assurance
o human resources
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o recordkeeping
o reporting
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7. Project quality management – quality assurance
8. Project human resource management – identification of lines of authority
9. Project communication management - recordkeeping
10. Project risk management – risk identification, assessment and management
Why would it be important to explain, to the project team, the requirements applicable to:
answer – Team members must understand what action to take in order to gain approval for various
sections of the project. The team leader or a higher authority will need, for example, to release funds,
provide resources and ensure that proposed actions are in the line with project requirements. This is an
integral part of project justification and project management.
o quality assurance
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answer – Team members must know who they should report to, what to report and how often they should
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report. Project processes will be aimed at producing quality project deliverables by identifying quality
standards then following and meeting standards. This will incorporate continuous improvement –
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identifying and correcting project defects.
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o human resources
answer- The project progressed which relies on the data collected, should be submitted so all
stakeholders are informed about the project’s success and outcomes. This information will contribute to
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answer – Team members are responsible for following procedures to ensure that finances (outlays) are in
line with the allocated budget and that the project is tracking effectively to achieve in financial objectives
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(inputs). This involves determining whether sufficient staff, who with the right skills, are allocated to the
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o Recordkeeping
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Answer - Good recordkeeping can not only protect you but can support your organisation in legal or
other challenges. It also protects the rights of your clients and ensures that they have what they are
entitled to. Without records, your organisation and your clients are at risk.
o Reporting
answer – An essential aspects of project management. Progress should be reported, on a regular basis, to
the project owner and to any other senior managers who are direct stakeholders or who will be impacted
by the projected its outcomes. Data should be recorded to ensure that all of the important aspects of the
project are captured and can be reported on.
Question 6
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Why is it necessary to consider health and safety legislation, regulations and requirements in
the context of any project work? List five other legislative/ regulatory requirements that
should be adhered to when working as a project team member (200–250 words)
As a business owner you have legal responsibilities to implement health and safety practices in your
workplace as soon as you start your business. You need to ensure that your business doesn't create health
and safety problems for your employees, contractors, volunteers, visitors, customers or the public.
Knowing and understanding WHS laws and how they apply to business will help you avoid unnecessary
costs and damage to your business caused by workplace injury and illness.
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provide safe work premises
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assess risks and implement appropriate measures for controlling them
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ensure safe use and handling of goods and substances
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provide and maintain safe machinery and materials
Though it may cost to implement safe practices and install safety equipment, the effect of not taking action
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can be severe and costly. Complying with WHS requirements can prevent you from being prosecuted and
fined, and help you to retain skilled staff.
Your legal obligations may vary according to circumstances and industry. You may wish to seek
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List five other legislative/ regulatory requirements that should be adhered to when
working as a project team member
disasters, emergencies
the environment
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equal employment opportunity
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