Transgender Community in Pakistan: A Look Into Challenges and Opportunities

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National Journal of Advanced Research

National Journal of Advanced Research

ISSN: 2455-216X; Impact Factor: RJIF 5.12
Received: 27-02-2019; Accepted: 29-03-2019
Volume 5; Issue 2; April 2019; Page No. 36-40

Transgender community in Pakistan: A look into challenges and opportunities

Komal Sabir Dayani1, Anmol Minaz2, Sarmad Muhammad Soomar3*, Rabia Salim Rashid4, Khadija Shafiq Dossa5
Aga Khan University School of Nursing & Midwifery, Karachi, Pakistan

Gender is one of the basic elements that socially constructs human personality and identifies one as either man or woman in
society. Transgender are the individuals whose gender identity does not match with the sex given at birth. There are at least 35
global cultures that have had representation of transgender individuals. There are number of theories based on cultural,
biological, psychological and other medical grounds about why transgender people exists. In Pakistan, they draw their cultural
heritage from “khuwajasara” community who guarded the ladies of the harem during the Mughal times. In Pakistan,
transgender individuals are forced to set their identity in gender binaries. Failing to do so led them to a number of issues from
harassment to lack of education and employment opportunities ultimately leading to increased plight and poor quality of
living. While these challenges horrify society and portray how difficult their lives are, there are some great examples of
people, who have broken the socially constructed barrier, and are succeeding in life while keeping their identities in existence.
Also, few efforts like giving status of third sex in CNIC and reservation of 2% employment quota are being made to increase
their visibility. Since current picture of transgender community in Pakistan is full of challenges with few dots of opportunities,
pertinent steps, aimed at transgender empowerment and creating awareness in society, should be taken to change this picture.

Keywords: gender, sexuality, transgender, violence, Pakistan, challenges, opportunities

1. Introduction There are at least 35 global cultures that have had

Gender is one of the basic elements that socially constructs representation of transgender individuals like hijra or kinar
human personality and identifies one as either man or in India, tranvesti in South America, Nadleehi in Navajo and
woman in society. In spite of this popular belief, one's sense two-spirit in Native America to name a few. Moreover, in
of gender and one's anatomical sex are two distinct features. context to South Asia, transgender community has a great
Each develops at different intervals in different parts of the historical and cultural past [6]. Their origin traces back to 9th
body (sex between legs and gender in the mind) [1] The century B.C. and even earlier to it. In Pakistan, they draw
society generally ignores those who transcend the dual their cultural heritage from “khuwajasara” community who
categories of man or woman; feminine or masculine, and guarded the ladies of the harem during the Mughal times.
express socially constructed and acceptable gender Hijra, Murat, and Khusra are other names given to them in
‘atypical’ behavior – against the dimorphic norm of the Pakistan [7]. Cinema in Pakistan, like Bol, Poshida, Chandni
society [2]. The social forces expect people to carry either and Rani also include transgender characters and portray
way not the both one. As, these values have been created by their identity. This shows that they are not aliens, belonging
people living years back and followed by their families and to any other place; they belong here, in the same society.
societies. Transgender are human beings and they have equal human
Shame, abnormal, whimsical or curse, these are the labels rights as other humans but unfortunately they are not treated
that society use to define transgender people, while avoiding humanely. They are not considered as part of human society
the fact that they are equally human as those who set in and are coerced to disconnect their selves from the world.
gender binaries of men or women. For most of the people Several cases has been reported for violence against
life is very tough, even empathy becomes difficult to transgender and researches reveals that this violence ends up
practice in real life. Ever wondered, how it feels to be a in amalgam of difficulties like sexual assault, gang rape,
person who does not get equal right to education, job and emotional breakdown, suicidal attempts and physical
safety? Living such a life, and being treated as a sin for harassment [8]. An individual suffering from such violence
society is hellacious, knowing that one self is different from entangles into numerous agonies. Few of them are
others. emotional breakdown which leads to disturbed mental
The term transgender is used to indicate anyone whose health. Victim may suffer from depression, mood swings
gender expression or identity differs from the socially and isolation. Another significant impact of violence is
defined norm [3]. According to American Psychological increase in molestation rate and decrease in physical health
Association, transgender are the individuals whose gender . Transgender people are terminated from jobs and forced
identity does not match with the sex given at birth [4]. to leave houses. They also experience refutation of services
Hence, it is not a diseased condition but a condition which is by police, health care and government officials usually. The
natural. Alas! That it took longer to prove on a larger level most common place that becomes site of harassment and
and recently WHO removes it from mental disorders. Some violence for trans-people is restroom. These fundamental
culturally sensitive societies still deny their existence as public and workplace facilities are even not secure for them.
man and woman so they termed them as “third sex” [5]. Even though the call for rights has been given in many

National Journal of Advanced Research

countries the social behavior is still the same [10, 11]. Tran sexuality and develop the literature based basis of
In Pakistan, the single attempt to count the population of different gender options by different people.
transgender individuals was done in 2009 in Punjab and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa only. Here out of a huge population, 3. Challenges
the recorded transgender individuals were 2167 and 324 While the visibility of transgender individuals is increasing,
respectively [12]. However, transgender rights activists reject they still face so many challenges in order to adjust
this survey claiming that it has underrated the population. themselves in gender dichotomies. Some of the issues faced
The UNAIDs estimate it to be approximately 150,000 in by transgender individuals are: stigmatization and
2015. According to Integrated Biological and Behavioral discrimination causing them to be rejected by their families;
Surveillance (IBBS) survey (2016-2017), Pakistan’s total they are pressurized to set their identity in gender binaries,
population of transgender reported in the sixth population to act as either man or woman and failing to do so leads to
and housing censes is 10,418. However, a survey conducted separation from their families and sending them to
in the 23 cities of Pakistan reported 31,790 transgender transgender community where they are brought up by Guru.
residing in this country. Out of 23, four of the cities had the Their exclusion from families makes them isolated and
major concentration of this population forming more than unnerving for others which lead the prejudice towards them
60% of the total estimated number in Pakistan. These cities . In Pakistan, transgender live on the fringes of society,
include Karachi, Lahore, Multan and Faisalabad [13]. socially excluded and being vulnerable. Illiteracy, poverty,
injustice, lack of opportunities, social and cultural boycott,
2. Theoretical Perspective power imbalances in relationship, and obstinate attitude of
Many models and theories exist which describes transgender religious leaders are some of the reasons for social exclusion
identity development. Medical and psychiatric perspective of this community. Other than that, inability to reproduce
according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of and coping with their sexual orientation further adds to their
Mental Disorders Fourth Edition, posit normality as a disdain [21]. They encounter negligence, humiliation and
biological and gender identity match with transgender discrimination everyday on the basis of their physical, social
viewed as individuals with some sort of psychiatric and even cultural characteristics. In some cultures they are
disorders. The majority of this approach focuses primarily not allowed to be part of religious practices, while in other
on gender identity as binary construction. Opposed to this, a cultures, they are believed to be blessed with divine power
number of feminist, postmodern, and queer theorists suggest .
gender identity as a construction of society within systems With this, they also fail to find a secure place to study,
of power and thus favoring a more fluid notion of gender which leads to diminished education. Trans-activists think
identity [14]. that 98-99% of trans-community in Pakistan is illiterate
According to this, gender identity is not essentially linked to while UNAIDs 2014 report affirms that 42% of the
biological sex assignment at birth, but is created via transgender sex workers surveyed were uneducated. In
complex social interactions. This is in accordance with Larkana, a study revealed that 67.8% of hijra population is
Bilodeau’s perspective that referred to Gender-ism as a set uneducated. Furthermore, there is no quota system in
of rules and expectations society sets for an individual to educational institutions for them in Pakistan [23, 24]. Even if
show behaviors that are consistent with their observed sex. some of them try to get education, they face a lot of
When a child is born, a sex is assigned immediately and problems in terms of their enrollment, selection of groups
with this a gender is assumed. With such practice, the and answering to unknown questions of others around.
society inhibits the opportunity for gender exploration for Since, social hatred and discrimination keeps them away
those individuals who may not identify with their observed from educational institutions, they are compelled to adopt
sex and the gender roles expected by the society from them such means livelihood like prostitution, singing, dancing at
. This eventually led to issues such as harassment, weddings or childbirth, and begging for pennies, work
violence and isolation. which is condemned by our mainstream society. They are
Another theory of Gender schema has put forward the not hired for household work, for daycare services or for
concept of how we as individuals process the concept of any other job for which they can learn the skills easily and
gender in ourselves. According to this some people are thus, are constrained to live in such setups where adopting
sorted in terms of gender and some are not. A gender such means become an easy option [25].
schema supports and filters one thought to fit in as These experiences of severe marginalization by families and
masculine or feminine. The theory was challenged also with community lead to immense health risks for transgender,
lot of huge theoretical phenomenon and concepts [16]. including increased risk for sexually transmitted disease like
There are number of theories based on cultural, biological, HIV infection, mental health disparities, and drug abuse [26].
psychological and other medical grounds about why In Pakistan, 44.2% transgender sex workers and 31% non
transgender people behave in such manner. There is no sex workers transgender have reported using alcohol/drugs.
single underlying cause of why some people are Moreover, approximately 71% of transgender sex workers
transgender; genetics and prenatal hormones play a vital who use injectable drugs have sexual relationships with
role here. Furthermore, early life experiences, adolescence other drug users and up to 33.7% of them did not use a
and adulthood contribute to the development of transgender condom in the last coitus with their clients. A study revealed
identity [17, 18]. However, there is no more evidence for that, out of 409 participants, 84% had sold sex, 94% could
psychiatric illness associated with being transgender as it is identify a condom, but 42% reported never needing one,
a natural phenomenon [19]. 58% had sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and 38%
Learning theory, cognitive developmental theory and had multiple infections. The commonest infections were
Freud’s psychosexual theories can also be referred in order syphilis (50%) and gonorrhea (18%). Seven percent had
to develop insights and build connections in order to support inguinal lymphadenopathy, 1% had ureteral discharge and

National Journal of Advanced Research

3% had genital sores. All of these were associated with result in social vulnerabilities of transgender and future
physical abuse and low condom usage [27]. implications for the welfare of transgender population [33].
Transgender sex workers start sex work at a young age of Other than this, there are many NGOs working to empower
16.9 years and have reported to be involved in sex work for transgender community like Wajood, a community-
approximately 10.9 years. They earn PKR 10,000 per month based transgender community organization in Pakistan
from sex work. Approximately 57% have reported being which launched the Pakistan Transgender Empowerment
involved in unpaid sex, only 13.1% of transgender sex Association: voice for social change and empowerment, and
workers and 9.7% of non sex workers transgender have Gender Interactive Alliance. They aim to empower and raise
reported consistently using condoms which makes them a voice for transgender community rights and issues at
prone to STIs. About 43% of all Transgender knew where national level [34]. Other examples are of Exploring Future
an HIV test is being done and 34.2% of them reported Foundation’s project “The Gender Guardian” which is
getting tested. The overall prevalence of HIV was about Pakistan’s first all-transgender school and which provides
7.1%” [28]. According to WHO, Pakistan has seen a 45 % both formal education and vocational training. With this,
increase in new HIV infections since 2010 with officials Blue Veins Khyber Pakhtunkhwa based advocacy group is
believing that HIV is largely concentrated in high risk group giving educational scholarships to transgender community.
that includes people who inject drugs, the transgender These kinds of initiatives are making way for socio-
community, sex workers and their clients and men who have economic inclusion of these individuals [35, 36].
sex with men [29]. In the sector of healthcare efforts for reducing healthcare
In addition to that trans-people are also the target of abuse disparities faced by transgender community can be seen at
and brutality not only by their families but also at schools, provincial level. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sehat Insaf
workplace as well As their gurus. In 2016, 46 murders and Cards are issued to transgender individuals to ensure health
300 attacks had been documented across Khyber for them. This initiative will ensure free-of-cost coverage
Pakhtunkhwa. Likewise, the occurrence of sexual abuse in for HIV/AIDS and cancer tests and treatment and it will also
childhood among transgender is about 82%. More than half offer medical coverage of Rs 400,000 per family for health
of them reported being beaten, choked or threatened with a emergencies. Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences at
knife or other weapon, while 56% of them reported being Islamabad, under the Transgender Protection of Rights Act
tricked/ laid into having sex without consent. While physical 2018, allocated a separate ward for transgender individual
wellbeing of transgender remains at stake, psychological where they would be treated for free [37, 38].
health is also adversely affected owing to the fact that
physical and psychological abuse by people becomes a 5. Recommendations and Conclusion
scourge for them [30]. At community level, projects aimed at transgender
While these challenges horrify society and portray how empowerment like transgender literacy projects can be
difficult their lives are, we also have some great examples of initiated by NGOs. Also, programmatic interventions can be
people, who have broken the socially constructed barrier, organized by NGOs to deconstruct the stigma associated
and are succeeding in life while keeping their identities in with transgender individuals. Additionally, mass media can
existence, like first ever Pakistani transgender model be used to create awareness in general public by organizing
followed by transgender working as news caster, hair dialogue between legal and religious experts to facilitate
stylists, fashion designers, interior decorators and trans talk on the existing notion. At national level, anti-
activists working for the growth of their community. They discrimination laws should be formulated and implemented
have proved that being a transgender is not a disability; to address workplace discrimination while also enforcing
rather it is their identity [31]. existing policies. Strict actions should be taken by law
enforcement agencies against society individuals involved
4. Opportunities in any act of violation of their rights like harassment or
Violence, poverty, human rights violations, inequality, lack abuse. With this, all law enforcement agents should be
of educational opportunities, and insufficient legal and equipped with human right training so to improve their
medical services remain the significant issues faced by treatment with transgender individuals. Also, there should
transgender community today, but efforts are being made in be incorporation of compulsory gender course or subject at
this regard. In 2009, Pakistan Supreme Court for the first some level of education to increase awareness to all
time gave transgender a status of third sex in CNIC and segments of society.
ordered reservation of 2% employment quota. Moreover, in In Pakistan, transgender individuals are forced to set their
2012 the court recognized their rights of employment and identity in gender binaries. Failing to do so led them to a
inheritance after death of parents. Besides this, the Lahore number of issues from harassment to lack of education and
High Court for the first time issued the order to include employment opportunities ultimately leading to increased
transgender community in 2017 population census [32]. plight and poor quality of living. Since current picture of
Transgender Protection of Rights policy has been published transgender community in Pakistan is full of challenges with
by Punjab Social Protection Authority on May 24, 2018, Act few dots of opportunities, pertinent steps should be taken to
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