Short Paper Instruction 41619691728 996568

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Short Paper

Class Book: Charles Zastrow and Karen Kirst-Ashman, (2015). Understanding Human
Behavior in the Social Environment. 10th Ed. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers.

Teacher instructions: Your paper should be 6 pages (typed, double-spaced), and should be
properly referenced using APA style.  You can use our textbook and supplemental readings
as references, but also include at least five additional scholarly resources.  Please turn it in
here as an EDITABLE GOOGLEDOC link so that I can give my feedback directly to you in
your document.
Critically examine the current state of knowledge regarding a specific problem or
concern that affects older children or youth and/or their families.  Be sure to address the
following issues:
1.           Describe the problem and its characteristics as specifically as possible.
2.           Estimate the prevalence of this problem, and indicate any gender, ethnic or
class differences in its prevalence and presentation.
3.           Consider the impact of the problem, identifying likely contributing factors. 
Critically evaluate evidence for and against your claims.
4.           Identify unresolved issues or gaps in existing knowledge regarding this
problem (e.g., ethical issues, legal issues, societal attitudes, etc.)

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