Lonzanida Vs Comelec
Lonzanida Vs Comelec
Lonzanida Vs Comelec
Romeo Lonzanida was duly elected and served two consecutive terms as municipal mayor
of San Antonio, Zambales prior to the May 1995 elections. In the May 1995 elections, Lonzanida
ran for mayor of San Antonio, Zambales and was again proclaimed winner. He assumed office and
discharged the duties thereof. His proclamation in 1995 was however contested by his then
opponent, Juan Alvez, who filed an election protest before the RTC, which declared a failure of
elections. Accordingly, the office of the mayor of the Municipality of San Antonio, Zambales was
declared vacant. Both parties appealed to the COMELEC, which declared Alvez the duly elected
mayor and issued a writ of execution ordering Lonzanida to vacate the post. Lonzanida obeyed
and Alvez assumed office for the remainder of the term.
In the May 1998 elections, Lonzanida again filed his certificate of candidacy for mayor of
San Antonio. His opponent, Eufemio Muli, timely filed a petition to disqualify Lonzanida from
running for mayor of San Antonio in the 1998 elections on the ground that he had served three
consecutive terms in the same post which is a violation of the three-term rule. COMELEC First
Division granted the petition for diqualification upon finding that Lonzanida had served three
consecutive terms as mayor of San Antonio, Zambales. COMELEC En Banc afffirmed. Petioner
Lonzanida filed a petition challenging the validity of the COMELEC resolution. Petitioner
Lonzanida maintains that he was duly elected mayor for only two consecutive terms. Private
respondent Eufemio Muli maintains that the petitioner's assumption of office in 1995 should be
considered as service of one full term. Solicitor-General prays for the dismissal of the petition
and contends that petitioner Lonzanida discharged the rights and duties of mayor from 1995 to
1998 which should be counted as service of one full term, albeit he was later unseated, because he
served as mayor for the greater part of the term.
This petition for certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court seeks to set aside the
resolutions issued by the COMELEC First Division dated May 21, 1998 and by the
COMELEC En Banc dated August 11, 1998 in SPA 98-190 entitled, In the matter of the Petition
to Disqualify Mayoralty Candidate Romeo Lonzanida of San Antonio, Zambales, Eufemio Muli,
petitioner, vs. Romeo Lonzanida, respondent. The assailed resolutions declared herein petitioner
Romeo Lonzanida disqualified to run for Mayor in the municipality of San Antonio, Zambales in
the May 1998 elections and that all votes cast in his favor shall not be counted and if he has been
proclaimed winner the said proclamation is declared null and void. Office of the Solicitor-General
prayed for the dismissal of the petition.
Whether or not petitioner Lonzanida's assumption of office as mayor of San Antonio
Zambales from May 1995 to March 1998 may be considered as service of one full term for the
purpose of applying the three-term limit for elective local government officials.
The Supreme Court ruled that it cannot be considered a full term of office. Two conditions
for the application of the disqualification must concur: 1) That the official concerned has been
elected for three consecutive terms in the same local government post; and 2.) That he has fully
served three consecutive terms. The two requisites for the application of the three term rule are
absent. Petitioner cannot be considered as having been duly elected to the post in the May 1995
elections, and second, the petitioner did not fully serve the 1995-1998 mayoral term by reason of
involuntary relinquishment of office. Petitioner did not fully serve the 1995-1998 mayoral term by
reason of involuntary relinquishment of office.
In sum, the petitioner was not the duly elected mayor and that he did not hold office for
the full term; hence, his assumption of office from 1995 to March 1998 cannot be counted as a
term for purposes of computing the three term limit. The Resolution of the COMELEC finding
him disqualified on this ground to run in the May 1998 mayoral elections should therefore be set
Section 8, Art. X of the Constitution provides that, “the term of office of elective local
officials, except barangay officials, which shall be determined by law shall be three years and no
such officials shall serve for more than three consecutive terms. Voluntary renunciation of the
office for any length of time shall not be considered as an interruption in the continuity of his
service for the full term for which he was elected.”
Section 43 of the Local Government Code (R.A. No. 7160) restates the same rule, that:
“No local elective official shall serve for more than three consecutive terms in the same position.
Voluntary renunciation of the office for any length of time shall not be considered as an
interruption in the continuity of service for the full term for which the elective official concerned
was elected.”