Without Tracking
Without Tracking
Without Tracking
7- card rummy is a great version of rummy for beginners that allows them to master basic rules of
rummy before advancing to other versions. This game is easy and can be played with a small group or
large group which makes it enjoyable to everyone. Have fun!
Set up
1. The person to the left of the dealer starts and picks up a card from the top
2. Discard one of your own cards if you chose to keep your new card. Put back your new card if you
do not wish to keep it.
a. REMEMBER you must always have 7 cards at a time
3. Discard a card face-up on a new pile. DO NOT place your discarded card on the face-down
pile of cards
4. Follow rules 1-3 until a player wins
a. Shout “Rummy” when you win!
b. Reshuffle the deck and continue the game if you run out of cards before someone
shouts Rummy
Winning Hands
The objective of the game is to be the first player to have a winning hand and declare “Rummy”. To
declare Rummy you must have one set of 3 cards and one set of 4 cards. Any 3/4 combination of the
following sets are winning hands:
● When you first see your hand try to get a sense of what type of set you want to pursue.
○ Shuffle your cards to create what your set will look like. Place cards that won't help
you on one end of your hand to distinguish them from your desired cards.
● If you pick up a card you desire and need to discard, discard your undesired cards first
● If you pick up a card from the pile that you do not desire its best to place it in the face up
pile and wait for the next turn
● If you think you know sets your opponent is trying to collect it may be wise to hold onto a card
you think they may need
○ Only hold onto such cards if it does not hinder your ability to create your sets
● If time has gone by and you notice that the cards you need to create your desired sets are
already gone or in someone else's hand think about creating a different set
○ When thinking about different sets try to work it with some of the cards you have
● 7 cards of the same suit in numerical order is difficult to obtain so play this hand if you have
4 or more cards of the same suit close in numerical order
● Aces are low numbers
○ So if you were to play a hand in numerical order ace would be considered #1 or come
before 2
It may seem overwhelming at first but practice makes perfect. Keep playing with your friends and in no
time you will shout “Rummy”!