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Exercise 1
1. as

Page 30 Exercise 2

Exercise 1 1. as
2. as
Students’ own answers 3. as
4. like
Exercise 2
5. as
Students’ own answers 6. as/as
7. as
Reading and Use of English Part 2 8. like
Exercise 1 9. as/as
10. as
Students’ own answers
Page 32
Page 31
Reading and Use of English Part 5
Exercise 2
Exercise 1
1. Shops, personal service, social
relationships, more satisfying Students’ own answers
experience ; shopping online, Page 33
discount prices, 24/7, shopping
and deliveries Exercise 3

Exercise 3 1. B
2. D
1. which 3. D
2. up 4. C
3. but 5. C
4. according 6. A
5. much
6. like Exercise 4
7. as
1. b
8. a
2. b
Exercise 4 3. a
4. a
Students’ own answers 5. b
6. a
7. a
8. a

9. b 4. A
5. A
Exercise 5 6. B
Students’ own answers 7. C

Page 34 Page 36

Vocabulary Exercise 5

Exercise 1 Students’ own answers

1. get Vocabulary
2. arrived Exercise 1
3. reached
1. d
Exercise 2 2. a
1. reached 3. g
2. get 4. h
3. gets/arrives 5. l
4. get 6. k
5. arrived 7. d
6. reach 8. f
9. c
Exercise 3 10. e
11. i
1. safe and sound
12. b
2. in time
3. on time Exercise 2
4. shortly
5. unannounced 1. come up with
6. finally 2. cut down on
3. pop into
Listening 4. caters for
5. hanging around
Exercises 1 and 2
6. wore us out
1. Reasons the interviewers mention: 7. pulling in
access, good shops, good quality, 8. taken over
people who don’t want to shop. 9. come up against
Family fun, safe and crime free, 10. pick up
luxurious surroundings, reduce 11. been up to
family conflicts. 12. chill out

Exercise 4

1. B
2. C
3. B

Page 37 3. P
4. I
Exercise 3
Exercise 1
Students’ own answers
1. D and F
2. C and G Exercise 3
3. A and E
4. B and H 1. We don’t pronounce final “t”s or
“d” s when the word which follows
Exercise 2 begins with a consonant
2. We link the word to the following
1. were able to word when the word ends with a
2. couldn’t sleep consonant and the following word
3. could begins with a vowel
4. Can you
5. could have bought Exercise 5
6. were able to
A. not
Exercise 3 B. sports
C. and
1. able to cut down D. just
2. you could have had E. equipment
3. you able to pick up F. don’t
4. cannot/can’t cater for such G. and
Exercise 4 H. that
I. could
1. couldn’t J. afford
2. was able to/be able to
3. could
4. can 1. because I’m
5. could 2. there is
6. were able to/advertised 3. really enjoy
7. stay 4. one of a
8. can 5. what I
Page 38 6. like about it is
7. round and
Speaking 8. clothes and equipment
9. but I
Exercise 1
10. that one
Students’ own answers 11. can afford
12. clothes and
Exercise 2 13. equipment I

1. P
2. B

Exercise 6 Vocabulary

Students’ own answers Exercise 1

Page 41 1. reached
2. arrive
Exercise 5 3. get
1. Peter uses strategy 1 and Irene 4. reached
uses strategy 2 5. arrived
2. Students’ own answers 6. reach

Exercise 6 Page 44

Students’ own answers Exercise 2

Exercise 7 1. chain
2. competitors
Students’ own answers 3. bargain
4. sale
Page 43
5. stock
Grammar 6. brands
7. catalogue
Exercise 1 8. counter
9. guarantee
1. might be able to
10. refund
2. wasn’t able to/couldn’t
3. can Exercise 3
4. haven’t been able to
5. was able to/ could 1. in
6. will you be able to 2. but
7. was able to 3. away
8. can usually/ is usually able to 4. up
5. down
Exercise 2 6. out of
7. up
8. back
9. without
3. like
10. off
11. up
6. CORRECT Page 45
7. as
8. like/such as Reading and Use of English Part 6
1. B
10. as
2. G
3. D
4. A

5. E Writing
6. F
Students’ own answer.
Page 46

Listening Part 1

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C

Reading and Use of English Part 3

1. choice
2. unknown
3. reasonable
4. similarities
5. surprising
6. actually
7. sensible
8. effective

Page 50

Writing Part 2

Exercise 1

1. website for visitors

2. visitors to our town
3. enjoy
4. a place in or near our town
5. people your age
6. meeting up
7. having a good time
8. review
9. type of place
10. what people can do there
11. how to find
12. why you particularly recommend it

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