Proof: Composites Part B
Proof: Composites Part B
Proof: Composites Part B
Composites Part B
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Experimental behaviour of innovative thermal spray coating materials for
FREEDAM joints
G. Ferrante Cavallaro, A. Francavilla, M. Latour ∗, V. Piluso, G. Rizzano
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, Italy
Article history: This paper presents the results of an experimental activity performed within the FREEDAM project, which is a project
Received 8 August 2016 granted by the European Community devoted to the development of a new design strategy, for structures in seismic zone,
Received in revised form 23 September based on the application of friction dampers in connections. In this work the attention is focused on the selection of ma-
terials to be employed as friction pads in FREEDAM joints, providing alternative solutions based on the application by
Accepted 26 September 2016
Available online xxx
means of thermal spray techniques of carbides and of metallic or intermetallic materials on steel plates. To date, twelve
tests on eight different coating materials combined with stainless steel plates have been realized. The tests performed un-
til now, which are mainly devoted to evaluate the behaviour of the friction interfaces in terms of static and kinetic friction
Keywords: coefficient and in terms of degradation, are inspired to the sliding test proposed by EN1090-2 adopting the loading pro-
tocol suggested by the EN12159 for the qualification of seismic devices. The initial value of the friction coefficient and
Internal friction/damping
Mechanical testing its evolution during the tests, have been determined for the different materials by monitoring the values of the forces of
Heat treatment the bolts used to apply the pre-load to the friction interface and the value of the sliding force. The obtained results are
Joints presented both in terms of force-displacement curves and in terms of friction coefficient, providing a comparison between
the performances of the analysed interfaces in terms of energy dissipation supply.
© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Modern seismic codes are based on the definition of performance both due to the high dissipative capacity provided by the plastic zones
levels, providing to design structures to remain elastic in case of ordi- and to the possibility to avoid the development of soft-storey mech-
nary seismic events (Serviceability Limit State) and to damage under anisms [5–8]. Conversely, the latter design approach has been intro-
the occurrence of destructive seismic events (Ultimate Limit State). In duced in EC8 only recently and, even though it has also already been
order to govern the failure mode of the structure promoting the de- subject of a number of theoretical and experimental studies [9–17],
velopment of a dissipative mechanism of global type, such a dam- it deserves further investigations able to fill the knowledge gap that
age has to be controlled by selecting specific zones which have to be still remains on various topics, such as the monotonic and cyclic duc-
engaged in plastic range in order to absorb the inelastic demand re- tility of connections, the codification of design criteria for dissipa-
quired by the seismic action. According to EC8 [1], in case of steel tive joints and the development of dissipative connections employ-
Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs), the dissipative zones can be lo- ing elements easy to replace after the occurrence of destructive seis-
cated either in beam ends or in connections, designing full-strength or mic events [18–22]. Independently from the adoption in practical de-
partial strength joints. In the first case, connections and columns are sign of one or another design philosophy, both these approaches have
designed to be over-resistant with respect to the maximum action that the main drawback to accept the occurrence of high levels of dam-
can be transferred from the plastic hinges located in the beam ends, age in the plastic zones leading to the need for reparations in the
accounting also for the overstrength deriving from random material earthquake aftermath in structural members or in connections. Such
variability [2,3] and strain-hardening of material [4,5]. Conversely, in a damage, obviously, represents a significant burden from the eco-
the second case, in order to foster plasticization in the connecting el- nomical point of view, and, this is the reason why, in past years, as
ements, joints are designed to be partial strength and, therefore, only an alternative, several researches have been focused on the develop-
a part of the bending moment is transferred to the column which, ment of systems able to reduce the structural damage. In particular,
also in this case, has to be designed following members' hierarchy among the various possibilities, supplemental energy dissipation sys-
criterion [1]. The former approach is more classical and it has been tems have been proposed and extensively studied since the 90s, pro-
already validated in many past experimental and theoretical studies, viding a wide set of dissipative devices to be inserted in particular
zones of the structure, where high relative displacements or velocity
Corresponding author. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, are expected under the action of severe ground motions. In this way,
84084, Fisciano, SA, Italy. a part of the energy dissipation supply is entrusted to dissipative fuses
Email addresses: [email protected] (G.Ferrante Cavallaro); afrancavilla@ specifically designed for the energy dissipation, while the damage to (A. Francavilla); [email protected] (M. Latour); [email protected] (V. the main structure is limited, reducing the seismic inelastic demand.
Piluso); [email protected] (G. Rizzano) Currently, a number of dissipative devices based on this design con
1359-8368/© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 Composites Part B xxx (2016) xxx-xxx
cept has been proposed, providing systems based on the activation of from the beam to the column is easily governed by calibrating the slip-
simple dissipative mechanisms such as yielding of metals, dry friction page force of the friction damper located at the beam lower flange or
and viscosity of fluids [23,24]. on the additional haunch, which is the result of the product of the fric-
Starting from this brief background, in order to overcome the draw- tion coefficient (arising between the friction pads and the steel com-
backs related to the adoption of the classical design strategies, re- posing the beam or the haunch), multiplied for number of friction in-
cently, researches devoted to the proposal of a new design strategy terfaces (two in case of a symmetrical damper) and for the sum of
whose goal is the development of an approach able to provide con- the pre-tightening forces applied with the bolts used to fasten the web
nections with friction dampers designed to avoid structural damage plates of the angles employed to connect the beam to the column.
both in case of frequent and rare seismic events have been carried out Therefore, in order to govern the resistance of the FREEDAM connec-
[25–32]. Such an approach is based on the application of dampers un- tions, it is necessary to control the pre-loading force applied with the
der a new perspective. In fact, while energy dampers have been typ- bolts and to characterize accurately the value of the friction coefficient
ically applied in passive control strategies with the aim of protecting of the material employed to realize the friction interface. In particu-
the primary structure by integrating the energy dissipation capacity lar, as already well known, the bolt pre-loading force can be controlled
with the inclusion of new elements in zones where high displacements by applying one of the methods already suggested by EN1090-2 (i.e.
or velocities occur, conversely, in the new design strategy, the adop- combined, torque, DTI washers) which are conceived to guarantee the
tion of friction dampers is conceived in such a way to substitute the minimum 95% reliability on the tightening required by EN1990 [34].
traditional dissipative zones of MRFs, with the aim to protect from Conversely, the value of the friction coefficient that a determined in-
damage both the structural and the connecting elements. To this scope, terface is able to develop is something that needs to be characterized
beam-to-column joints are equipped with friction dampers constituted experimentally and depends on a plurality of factors. In particular, as
by steel plates and friction pads pre-loaded with high-strength bolts, already demonstrated in past experimental works, the friction coeffi-
that can be located either at the level of both flanges, or at the bot- cient of an interface strongly depends on the materials employed to
tom flange level only, or on additional haunches which can be used to realize the friction interface and on the main tribological properties,
increase the lever arm of the damper [33]. This is the subject of the such as the superficial finishing, micro and macro hardness, shear re-
FREEDAM project, which is an RFCS project, granted by the Euro- sistance of the materials and roughness.
pean Community, devoted to the development of strategies for the ap- Within this framework, even though some works on the character-
plication of such a kind of connections to steel structures. ization of the frictional behaviour of interfaces for seismic dampers
In particular, the typical layout of the connection under investiga- are already available, it is clear that in order to develop the partic-
tion in the FREEDAM project, is realized starting from a modifica- ular application under study in the FREEDAM project, it is neces-
tion of the classical detail of a Double Split Tee Joint (DST) where, sary to perform experimental tests aimed at selecting among all the
in substitution of the bottom Tee element, is introduced a symmet- possible materials, those able to develop a behaviour appropriate for
rical friction damper realized pre-loading friction pads and the webs the application in connections. The materials to be employed in the
of a couple of angles used to fasten the beam to the column, on FREEDAM joint, clearly, have to be able to develop high values of
the beam flange or on an additional haunch, which is slotted in or- the friction coefficient in order to reduce, as much as possible, the size
der to allow the sliding of the damper (Fig. 1). With this connect- of the employed friction dampers (in fact, the higher is the value of
ing system, under bending actions, the joint is forced to rotate around the friction coefficient and the lower is the number of bolts needed to
the rotation center located at the base of the upper T-stub web and carry a fixed value of the force) and to provide a stable response un-
the energy dissipation supply is provided by the alternate slippage of der cyclic loading conditions in order to guarantee a high energy dis-
the lower beam flange on friction pads. In this way, provided that sipation capacity. In this paper, the main results of preliminary analy-
the steel components of the connection are properly over-strength- ses devoted to select the best materials to be employed as friction
ened with respect to the maximum action transferred from the friction pads in the FREEDAM connections are presented. To date, twelve
damper, even under the occurrence of destructive seismic events the tests on eight different materials combined with stainless steel plates
only damage is due to the consumption of the friction pads, while all have been realized. The performed tests are mainly devoted to eval-
the steel elements are preserved obtaining a connection able to with- uate the behaviour of the friction interfaces in terms of static and ki-
stand destructive seismic events without any damage to the steel parts, netic friction coefficient and in terms of degradation. They are real-
namely a FREE from DAMage connection. From the design point of ized with a layout inspired to the sliding test proposed by EN1090-2
view, in such a kind of connections, the bending moment transferred [35], while the loading protocol employed is that suggested by the
value of the friction coefficient and its evolution during the test have tion coefficient (about 0.2) which, as in case of mild steel leads to a
been determined for the different materials by monitoring the values big size of the friction devices. In other past experimental works, the
of the forces of the bolts used to apply the pre-load the friction inter- possibility to combine steel with brass, sprayed aluminium and differ-
face and the value of the sliding force. The obtained results are pre- ent types of rubbers [32] has also been examined. From this analy-
sented both in terms of force-displacement curves and in terms of fric- sis it has emerged that rubbers typically used for application in brak-
tion coefficient, providing a comparison of the performance of all the ing systems (which are mainly constituted by phenolic resins) provide
analysed interfaces with a focus also on the energy dissipation capac- a stable response but a low value of the friction coefficient (ranging
ity. from 0.15 to 0.25). In addition, they are characterized by a low value
of the tensile resistance which makes their applicability very limited.
2. Former tests on friction pads and selection of tested materials In fact, even though they are able to develop sliding forces appropri-
ate for application in joints, they can easily undergo brittle failures in
To date, several studies have already been devoted to the analy- holed sections due to the tearing actions normally arising on the fric-
sis of friction materials for seismic devices and friction connections. tion pad. Also brass has been the topic of several studies devoted to
Mainly, past studies have been focused on the analysis of friction ma- characterize its friction behaviour [32,37,38] or to test its application
terials especially for application to supplemental energy dissipation in friction devices. In particular, in the work performed by Ref. [38], it
devices [37–42]] but, more recently, similar studies have also been de- has been pointed out, by means of tests on simple splice connections,
veloped for application of friction dampers in connections or for the that the friction coefficient of brass is approximately equal to 0.3. In
development of particular types of friction joints with finger plates for Ref. [32] brass has also been studied by means of tests on splice con-
tubular steel towers. In particular, significant works dealing with the nections with eight bolts and, also in this case, it has been pointed out
characterization of the behaviour of friction interfaces have recently that the initial value of the friction coefficient of brass is very limited
been performed within the activities of the HISTWIN project in Refs. (about 0.1) even though it tends to increase with the increase of the
[42–44] (where static friction connections for application in steel wind ploughing arising on the interface under cyclic loading conditions.
towers have been studied), and by the research group of the Univer- In Ref. [39] and in Ref. [32] simple connections employing steel
sity of Auckland [27–30,45] that have already performed a number of plates coated with thermally sprayed aluminium sliding on steel have
cyclic tests both on elementary connections and joints equipped with been tested under cyclic loading conditions. These experimental
asymmetric friction dampers, have been carried out. In addition, other analyses have pointed out that the tribological response of thermally
works dealing with the characterization of the friction coefficient of sprayed aluminium is characterized by the development of high values
interfaces have also already been developed in Ref. [32]. Clearly, all of the friction coefficient (higher than 0.4 and up to 1 depending on
these works can be used as reference to provide a rational selection of the steel plate finishing) and by a stable response under cyclic load-
materials to be tested for the application in FREEDAM connections. ing conditions characterized by a high energy dissipation supply. In
In particular, from past studies, it is well known that in case of addition, beyond these features, these experimental works have also
interfaces combining friction pads with a steel plate, high values of pointed out that, thermally sprayed aluminium and, in general, thermal
the friction coefficient can be achieved, provided that materials with spray coatings are characterized by a high potential for industrial ap-
a strong difference of the superficial hardness are coupled [45]. There plication due to their low cost. Therefore, on the basis of the promising
are several possibilities to obtain this difference, but the materials results already obtained [39] and in Ref. [32] and considering the low
mainly employed in technical literature or suggested by industries for cost of the application of coatings on steel plates by means of thermal
realizing friction interfaces in combination with steel are normally spray, materials that can be applied by means of thermal spray tech-
metals, rubbers or carbide alloys. Some of these categories of materi- niques have been selected for the experimental tests described in this
als have already been investigated in combination with steel by several paper.
authors in past experimental activities such as high-strength tempered In particular, from the analysis of the available technical litera-
steels, brass or phenolic rubbers. Examples of experimental works al- ture, eight materials that can be applied by means of thermal spray
ready carried out are that performed in Ref. [45] on normal and abra- providing corrosion resistance (that is a fundamental requirement for
sion resistant steels and the work performed in Ref. [32] on mild steel, the durability of the damper) and a value of the superficial hardness
brass, sprayed aluminum and different types of rubbers. strongly different from that of steel (much higher or much lower)
In particular, past experiences have evidenced that interfaces con- have been selected. The difference between the superficial hardness of
plates in contact is a fundamental feature because as already hypothe-
been carried out by checking among the materials or alloys commer- In order to determine the value of the initial slippage force and
cially available those characterized by very low o very high values its degradation, all the specimens have been tested under cyclic load-
of the superficial hardness. In the class of soft materials, five materi- ing conditions following the loading protocol provided by EN15129
als composed by non-ferrous pure metals or metal alloys with Vickers (2009) [36], which is the only code currently available devoted to the
Hardness lower than 30 have been selected and labeled with the ID testing of displacement dependent dissipative devices. In particular,
tags M1-M5. Conversely, in the class of “hard” materials, some car- such a code requires to perform the tests under cyclic loading con-
bide alloys produced as powder blends and electroless nickel friction ditions aiming to reproduce the actual working conditions on the de-
shims produced by 3 M Deutschland GmbH have been selected and vices. To this scope, it suggests to apply to the damper increasing am-
labeled with labels from M6 to M8. These materials are characterized plitude cycles at 25%, 50% and 100% of the maximum design dis-
by superficial hardness higher than 550 HV. In particular, the friction placement of the device. For the intermediate amplitudes it provides
shims produced by 3 M are Electroless Nickel shims realized with a to perform at least 5 cycles and for the maximum amplitude it pro-
particular blend including diamond powder, which is used to obtain vides to perform at least 10 cycles. Therefore, in order to reach dis-
a high value of the superficial hardness (600/900 HV). It is useful to placement amplitudes similar to those occurring in real applications,
note that, following the proposed approach it is expected that, when following the suggestions of EN 15129 (2009), the loading protocol
stainless steel is combined with harder materials, the consumption of was constituted by 5 cycles at the amplitude of 6.25 mm, 5 cycles at
the amplitude of 12.5 mm and 40 cycle at the maximum amplitude of
the steel plate is promoted and, therefore, the friction coefficient ob-
tained is mainly governed by the ratio between the shear resistance 25 mm. The maximum amplitude was defined by estimating the dis-
and superficial hardness of the steel plate. Conversely, when steel is placement demand arising at the friction damper level in real applica-
combined with a softer material, the wearing of the interface is due es- tions. Therefore, considering a reference value of the lever arm, i.e.
sentially to the consumption of the friction shims and the friction co- the distance between the upper T-stub of the FREEDAM connection
efficient mainly depends on the ratio between shear resistance and su- and the mid-center of the friction damper (Fig. 1), equal to 600 mm
perficial hardness of the material employed to coat the friction shim. and a maximum rotation of 40 mrad (greater than the minimum value
required by EC8 equal to 35 mrad for DCH frames), the design dis-
placement demand at the level of the damper has been calculated as
3. Experimental layout equal to 0.04 × 600 = 24 mm, which has been rounded to 25 mm. The
cycles were executed at increasing values of the speed that where de-
The typical specimen realized to evaluate the value of the friction fined in order to remain in a quasi-static range and according to the ca-
coefficient of the analysed interfaces is composed by a system of steel pabilities of the available equipment. The cycles' velocity varied from
plates assembled in order to test the uni-axial behaviour of friction in- 1 mm/s for the first 10 cycles to 5 mm/s for the cycles at the maximum
terfaces resulting from the coupling of a stainless steel plate with fric-
amplitude. However, it is useful to note that, in order to evaluate the
tion shims coated with one of the eight materials previously described.
influence of the speed of application of the load on the materials' be-
The tested sub-assembly is inspired to the specimens' layout provided
haviour, in the FREEDAM project, additional tests considering veloc-
for slip tests by EN1090-2 [35]. In particular, it is constituted by a
ities varying up to values of 200 mm/s are planned. In each test, both
slotted steel plate realized in 1.4301 Stainless Steel [46] equivalent to
the upper and lower M20 high strength bolts have been tightened by
AISI 304 steel, a steel plate with normal holes used to connect the
means of a torque wrench, in order to reach the proof load equal to
specimen to the testing machine and external steel plates and friction
realize the friction damper (Fig. 1), while the external steel plates aim
to simulate the stems of the angles used to fasten the friction damper maximum stroke equal to ±125 mm and a self-balanced steel frame
to the face of the column. used to counteract the axial load. Different sensors have been used
before and during the test to control continuously the bolt force, the
slippage load, the tightening torque and the displacement. The axial
displacements of the device have been read directly from the trans- with the measuring devices employed, two different values of the fric-
ducer of the testing machine and, in the same way, the slippage force tion coefficient have been characterized: an “effective” value and an
has been controlled directly exploiting the load cell of the machine. “actual” value. In particular, the “effective” value (μeffective) of the fric-
Before the test, the tightening torque has been applied through an tion coefficient has been calculated as the ratio between the slippage
hand torque wrench and monitored by means of a torque sensor Futek force and the sum of the nominal values of the pre-loading forces ap-
TAT430 with maximum capacity equal to 680 Nm. At the same time,
plied by the bolts (i.e. 4 × 171.5 kN). Such an effective value repre-
the pre-tension applied to the bolts has been monitored before and dur- sents the value of the friction coefficient that can be used in seismic
ing the test by means of donut load cells Futek LTH500 with maxi- design and accounts as a whole both for the degradation of the friction
mum capacity of 222 kN. The donut load cell is a particular type of coefficient due to the damage of the surfaces in contact and for the
load cell that can be easily used to measure the clamping force applied degradation due to the bolts' loosening. Conversely, the “actual” value
to the bolts. Such a load cell has the typical structure of a shear beam of the friction coefficient (μactual) has been determined as the ratio be-
cell, where the load is applied on a cylinder located in the middle of tween the slippage force and the sum of the values of the bolts' forces
the load cell and it is transferred to an external cylinder through shear read from the load cells during the test. Such an actual value provides
panels. Therefore, considering the structure of the load cell, aiming to the real measure of the friction coefficient, whose degradation is due
preserve the distribution of pressure normally applied by the bolt to only to the damage of the surfaces in contact, while the effects coming
the friction interface, a thick and stiff washer with diameter equal to
from bolt loosening are directly measured by means of the donut load
the external diameter of the load cell and a normal washer have been cells. In the following a synthesis of the obtained results is reported,
interposed in between the load cell and the external plates of the tested describing the main experimental outcomes and providing a compari-
sub-assembly. son between the different materials.
Before every test, the force has been applied to the bolts by means
of a torque wrench, monitoring the tightening torque applied and the 4.1. Experimental behaviour of the “hard” materials (Carbide M6,
pre-loading force in the bolt. In particular, the adopted bolts had an
Carbide M7, 3 M friction shims (M8))
average value of the k-factor equal to 0.13. Therefore, the value of the
tightening torque applied to the bolts in each test was approximately
A synthesis of the results of the tests on the interfaces coupling
equal to 0.13 × 171.5 × 20 = 446Nm. An example of the tightening
stainless steel with friction pads coated with the “hard” coatings previ-
sequence is reported in Fig. 3a where the force versus time diagram is
ously described are delivered in Fig. 4, where the hysteretic curves of
given for the two bolts located in the lower part of the specimen. From
one of the two identical tests performed on each material are reported.
this figure, it is possible to note that for each bolt the pre-load was ap-
It is worth noting that even though, in order to simplify the represen-
plied in different steps before achieving the target value. At the end
tation of the results, only the hysteretic curve of one of the two tests
of each step, it is also possible to note that after releasing the torque
performed is reported, for all the three analysed materials, a very small
wrench there was always an “instantaneous” loosening of the pre-load
scatter of the response for the two tests was observed, evidencing a
of about 5–10%. This is a well-known phenomenon due to the local
very low random variability of the friction coefficient for these mate-
crushing of microscopic spots of the steel parts in contact (embedment rials.
relaxation) that, in order to be exactly quantified, deserves deeper and In case of M6 carbide coating, the cyclic response has been char-
more specific studies. Another effect that is possible to easily note acterized by the development of an initial value of the slip force equal
from Fig. 3b is the group effect. In fact, the tightening of the second
tical tests have been carried out. As aforesaid, in order to evaluate interatomic attraction between the surfaces in contact (adhesion com-
their performance under cyclic loading conditions, several parameters ponent of friction), the slippage occurred regularly leading to a very
have been monitored during the test. In particular, in order to com- stable response up to the end of the test. In case of M7 carbide coat-
pare the friction coefficient of the various materials, the values of the ing, globally, a similar response was observed. The behaviour, in this
slippage force and of the bolt forces read with the donut load cells case, was characterized by an initial slip force equal to about 250 kN,
have been exploited. Starting from the data acquired during the tests that after few cycles slightly increased, stabilizing at a value of about
300 kN. After reaching this value, all the cycles were characterized by ED
Fig. 4. Hysteretic behaviour of hard materials: a) Carbide M6; b) 3 M friction shims; c) Carbide M7.
brations. Therefore, to avoid any damage to the equipment, the testing uate the damage of the interfaces. In Fig. 5a and b the damage state
velocity was reduced progressively up to a value of 0,01 mm/s in or- of the interface is represented for specimens employing M6 and 3 M
der to check if, with a lower value of the velocity, the stick and slip friction shims. As it is possible to observe from this figure, for these
phenomenon disappears. materials, due to the higher hardness of the coating layer with re-
In particular, the stick-slip is a well-known phenomenon of insta- spect to stainless steel, the greatest part of the damage was concen-
bility of the friction behaviour that provides the alternate and continu- trated on the stainless steel plate which at the end of the test had many
ous sticking and slipping of the two surfaces in contact. According to scratches in the zone located under the bolt head. In Fig. 6, as an ex-
the technical literature, this phenomenon is usually related to an high ample, the diagram of the bolt forces (monitored by means of the load
difference between the static and kinetic value of the friction coeffi- cells) and of the actual friction coefficient represented versus the cu-
cient which in some cases leads, after the first slippage, to a sudden mulative travel done by the damper are reported for the specimen with
jump of the velocity resulting in a deceleration until stopping. After friction pads coated with M6 carbide. From such a figure it is pos-
stopping, to restart the movement, the interface needs again to reach sible to observe that both bolts, which are initially tightened in or-
a higher value of the force in order to overcome the static value of der to reach the proof load equal to 171.5 kN, after the first cycle of
the friction coefficient, but then restarts, decelerates and, due to the the loading history lose about the 7% of the initial pre-load and af-
same phenomenon, stops again. Usually, as observed in these tests, terwards they uniformly loosen during the test reaching at the end a
this behaviour results in a force-displacement response characterized total loss of about the 20%. Clearly, this initial loss, that seems to
by continuous jumps of the slippage force between the static and ki- occur just after the first sliding of the connection, should be prop-
netic values. Even though the physical interpretation of the stick and erly accounted for in the design of the damper. From the compari-
slip behaviour is not easy and it is definitely out from the objectives son between Figs. 4a and 6 it is possible to note also that the degra-
of this work, it is obvious, from the response reported in Fig. 4c, that dation of the sliding force observed during the test is essentially due
it is a phenomenon not acceptable for the application of such mate- to the degradation of the bolts' forces. In fact, they both degrade of
rials in seismic damping devices. 3 M friction shims were character- about the 20% while the “actual” friction coefficient remains constant.
ized by a response that, as already observed in the past by the same Even though, for the sake of simplicity, detailed graphs representing
authors with other materials such as brass or some types of pheno- the behaviour of the bolts and the degradation of the friction coeffi-
lic rubbers [32], was characterized by two different phases of the re- cient for the other materials are not reported, analogous results have
sponse. A first phase where the interface provided a strain hardening been obtained for all the other “hard” interfaces. Therefore, also for
behaviour characterized by an increase of the slippage resistance of
Composites Part B xxx (2016) xxx-xxx 7
Fig. 5. Damage of the interfaces: a) M6; b) 3 M friction shims.
Fig. 6. a)Typical diagrams of the bolt forces; b) “actual“ friction coefficient vs cumulative travel: M6.
the other interfaces a correspondence between the bolts' loosening and Fig. 8 with green and blue lines are represented the results expressed
degradation of the sliding force has been observed. in terms of friction coefficient and bolt forces versus the cumulated
travel, for the two tests executed on the specimens with M4 friction
4.2. Experimental behaviour of the “soft” materials (M1-M5) pads. From this graphs it is clear that, even though the actual value of
the friction coefficient does not varies in the two tests, the bolts pro-
Similarly to what occurred in case of M7 carbide, also some of vide a significantly different behaviour leading, consequently, to a dif-
the soft materials exhibited a behaviour characterized by the stick-slip ferent response of the whole hysteretic response. In particular, in one
phenomenon. This is the case of three of the selected non-ferrous of the two tests after the first sliding a sudden loss of pre-tension in
metal, namely M2, M3 and M5, whose response was characterized the bolts of about the 15% was observed leading, as a consequence,
by alternate stops and starts of the motion with strong and sudden re- to a proportional loss of the sliding force. Such a different response of
leases of energy (Fig. 7a–b). Therefore, also in all these cases the tests the specimens can be probably due to the imperfections of the coating
have been stopped prematurely in order to prevent damage to the test- applied on the friction shims, which in case of soft coatings is com-
ing equipment. For these materials, as reported in Fig. 7a and b, the pletely manual and leads to a non-uniform spread of the coating metal.
initial slippage force was equal to about 200 kN and was followed by In case of material M1, the degradation of the initial slippage force at
an increase of the slippage resistance up to about 400 kN which cor- the end of the tests was the 45%, while in case of material M4 it was of
responds to a value of the friction coefficient equal to about 0.58. Af- about the 50%. Nevertheless, both materials provided very high values
ter the first sliding, the hysteretic behaviour has been characterized by of the friction coefficient and, in particular, the initial friction coeffi-
alternate and continuous jumps of the force from the static to the dy- cient of materials M1 and M4 were equal to about 0.55/0.65 and 0.7/
namic values. It is worth noting that, even though the cyclic behav- 0.9 respectively.
iour of these interfaces is evidently not appropriate for seismic ap- As in previous cases, also the specimens realized with soft materi-
plications, from the results obtained in this experimental analysis it als were opened after the test, in order to evaluate the damage of the
seems that these materials, due to the high value of the friction coef- interfaces. As it is possible to note from Fig. 9, as expected, in these
ficient, could be still promising for application in friction connections cases the damage was mainly concentrated on the friction shims, while
designed for static loads. the stainless steel plates after the test were practically undamaged.
M1 and M4 metals have exhibited a very similar behaviour (Fig. Finally, it should be underlined that in all the tests the temperature
7c–d). In particular, their hysteretic response has been characterized of all the elements of the connection significantly increased, suppos-
edly even over 100 °C. Provided that the influence of temperature on
by a value of the slippage force higher than the corresponding ob-
tained with the “hard” materials but, on the other hand, they have also the behaviour of the friction damper deserves further investigations,
including the measurement of temperature of the connection elements
provided a more significant degradation due both to the bolt loosen-
and the development of thermo-mechanical models, it could be said
ing and to the damage occurring in the friction pads. In addition, for
that, from what observed in this experimental activity, it seems that in
both materials the behaviour exhibited in the two identical tests was
the initial phases of the tests, due a problem of heat transfer, there is
significantly different showing a random variability of the behaviour
a difference between the temperature of the bolt an the temperature of
of these materials. Such a variability was mainly due to the different
behaviour provided by the bolts in the two tests. As an example, in
8 Composites Part B xxx (2016) xxx-xxx
Fig. 7. Hysteretic behaviour of soft materials: a) M2; b) M3; c) M1; d) M4.
the plates of the specimen. This behaviour seems evidenced, in some coefficient to be used in design. The higher reliability of these in-
cases, by an initial increase of the bolt forces (e.g. Fig. 8b). terfaces, probably is due to the production process of these coatings,
which as a difference with respect to soft materials is completely in-
5. Discussion and conclusions dustrialized and allows to obtain an high level of control of the distrib-
ution of the coating layer applied to the friction shims. In fact, usually,
As reported before, the tests performed at low velocity have evi- in these applications it has been observed that the coating layer, due
denced significantly different behaviours for the eight analysed inter- to the higher control of the application process, is normally uniformly
faces. In particular, as previously described, some of the coating ma- distributed over the plate and with a very low variability of the coating
terials investigated (M2, M3, M5 and M7) provided a force-displace- thickness.
ment response not appropriate for application to seismic devices, due Conversely, soft materials (M1 and M4), even though, on one
to the development of stick-slip phenomena. Conversely, among all hand, have provided a better response in terms of initial value of the
the materials investigated, some interfaces have emerged as promis- friction coefficient, on the other hand have also provided a higher vari-
ing alternatives for the application to FREEDAM beam-to-column ability of the response for the two tested specimens. In fact, in case of
connections. In particular, M1, M4, M6 coatings and the electroless material M4, the value of the effective friction coefficient was signifi-
nickel with diamond powder produced by 3 M have provided high val- cantly different for the two tests (0.90 and 0.70). In a similar way, also
ues of the initial friction coefficient and have shown an high energy in case of material M1, the actual value of the friction coefficient was
dissipation capacity under cyclic loading conditions. A first quanti- significantly different in the two tests. In fact in one test it was equal
tative comparison of their response has been carried out by plotting to 0.55, while in the other test it was equal to 0.65. Probably, the scat-
on the same diagram the effective and actual values of the friction ter obtained with the specimens employing soft coatings, can be linked
coefficients obtained in the different tests (Fig. 10). From such dia- to the production process that is typically performed by means of arc
grams, it is possible to note that hard materials (M6 and 3 M) have wire spray, which is a procedure completely manual that strongly re-
provided, in general, a lower value of the initial friction coefficient lies on the individual capacity of the workman and on his experience.
with respect to soft materials. The friction coefficient under cyclic In fact, with arc wire spray, the coating is manually applied in differ-
loads, in case of M6 has been very stable, while in case of 3 M fric- ent passes obtaining, at the end of the application process, a signifi-
tion shims it has been characterized by an initial increase of about cant variability of the thickness of the coating layer. Such an inhomo-
60% and, afterwards, by a continuous decrease up to the initial value geneous distribution of the coating thickness can be, normally, clearly
of the friction coefficient. In addition, as reported in previous Sec- observed also with the unaided eye.
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