Proficiency Test For Turning Center Programming and Operation
Proficiency Test For Turning Center Programming and Operation
Proficiency Test For Turning Center Programming and Operation
Name: Date:
General CNC Questions (continued) 28) How often should you check the way lubrication levels on
your CNC machine?
18) The button that will actually turn off the power to the machine
tool is: q A) Once every hourq C) Once every shift
q B) Once every weekq D) Once every month
q A) Reset q D) Cycle Start
q B Emergency Stop q E) Feed Hold 29) While there is never a good excuse for a crash, if you do
q C) Coolant On have a mishap and your machine crashes, you should:
19) The display screen mode that lets the operator actually see q A) check visually to see that there is no damage and
the CNC program is the: continue running production
q B) immediately notify your supervisor
q A) Offset page q D) Program page q C) fix any damage and continue running production
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page q D) stop running production for the balance of your
q C) Alarm page shift
20) The display screen mode that lets the operator enter tooling 30) As you are verifying a new program that has never run be-
related data is the: fore, you find what you consider to be a serious mistake in the
q A) Offset page q D) Program page program’s motions. You should:
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page q A) do your best to fix the mistake and continue
q C) Alarm page q B) notify your supervisor so the programmer can be
21) The display screen mode that lets the operator most easily contacted
see axis data is the: q C) assume that the program has been well checked
by the programmer and run the program as it is
q A) Offset page q D) Program page
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page 31) When having a problem of almost any kind, it is often helpful
q C) Alarm page to be able to look at a list of all currently instated commands.
The display screen mode that allows this is:
22) The display screen page that will be automatically displayed
when the CNC control determines a problem is the: q A) Program q C) Offset
q B) Program Check q D) Position
q A) Offset page q D) Program page
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page 32) A program stop is encountered (M00) and the machine
q C) Alarm page stops. However, you are not sure why the program stop is in
the program. You should:
23) The display screen page that allows the operator to see a the
distance-to-go in the current CNC command is the: q A) press cycle start to resume the program’s execu-
q A) Offset page q D) Program page
q B) call up the PROGRAM display screen mode and
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page
see if there is a message telling you what to do near
q C) Alarm page
the M00
24) Say your machine does not allow manual control of the spin- q C) turn on single block to cautiously step through the
dle, yet you must start the spindle during setup. You must: next few commands
q A) contact the machine tool builder to have them fix 33) While running a new program, the machine goes into alarm
the machine state and shows alarm number 41 with the message
q B) write a CNC program that starts the spindle at your “Overcutting will occur during cutter radius compensation.”
desired speed You should:
q C) use the MDI mode to activate the spindle
q A) restart the program and try again
q D) give up. There is no way to start the spindle
q B) turn on single block and cautiously run the next few
25) As part of the machine start up procedure, you must send the commands
machine to its zero return (home) position. q C) consult the alarm list in the operation manual to
q True q False further diagnose the alarm
26) Proven CNC programs (those run before) require no program 34) After diagnosing an alarm it is possible that you must:
verification procedures. q A) change a tool offset value
q True q False q B) edit commands in the program
q C) press the reset button to cancel the alarm
27) There is always some way to adjust offsets to ensure that ev- q D) all of the above
ery tool in every program will machine with a little excess
stock, meaning (if the program is correct) there is never an ex-
cuse to scrap the first workpiece in a production run.
q True q False
Section Two: Turning Center Questions 42) You are running the first workpiece with a proven program
(one that has run before). Tool number two is a finish turning
35) A turning center’s diameter controlling axis is its X axis. tool that machines a 3.0000 in +- 0.0005 diameter. After run-
q True q False ning tool number two and find this diameter to be 3.0020 in.
You must
36) Spindle speed for a turning center can be specified in:
q A) increase tool number two’s wear offset in X by
q A) only RPM
q B) only surface feet per minute (SFM)
q B) decrease tool number two’s wear offset in X by
q C) both RPM and SFM
q D) inches per revolution
q C) increase tool number two’s wear offset in Z by
37) Feedrate can be specified in: 0.0020
q A) only feed per revolution (IPR in inch mode) q D) decrease tool number two’s wear offset in Z by
q B) only feed per minute (IPM in inch mode) 0.0020
q C) both feed per minute and feed per revolution q E) change the program to make the tool cut 0.0020 in
q D) RPM smaller
38) For almost all turning centers, program zero must be as- 43) After the problem described in question number 42 is cor-
signed for every tool. These numbers almost always repre- rected, you must rerun tool number two. You must:
sent: q A) rerun the entire program to get to tool number two
q A) the distance between program zero and the chuck q B) you cannot rerun tools once they have cut
face q C) write a small program just for tool number two
q B) the distance between program zero and the ma- q D) turn on the optional stop switch, scan to the begin-
chine’s zero return (home) position ning block of tool number two, and run the program
q C) the largest diameter and length the machine can from there
turn 44) You are running the first workpiece in a new setup with a
q D) the distance from the floor to the spindle centerline proven program. You notice a very close tolerance on an out-
39) Once the program zero assigning values are determined for side diameter that is to be finish turned by tool number three.
each tool, they must be placed: You should:
q A) in the program at the beginning of each tool in a q A) simply run the finish turning tool. If the geometry
G50 command (G92 on some machines) offset and the programmed coordinates are correct,
q B) in the corresponding geometry offsets the workpiece will come out right to size.
q C) in tool wear offsets q B) increase tool number three’s wear offset by a small
q D) A or B, depending on the method of program zero amount to force it to leave some excess stock on the
assignment diameter. Let tool three cut an measure what it does.
Adjust the wear offset accordingly and rerun tool
40) You need to index the turret to station number five. How- three.
ever, the machine has no manual buttons and switches to al- q C) there is no way to ensure that this diameter will be
low turret indexing. You must: machined perfectly for the first workpiece.
q A) contact the machine tool builder to fix the machine q D) adjust the Z offset so the tool stays away from the
q B) write a short program to make the turret index surface being machined.
q C) use the MDI mode to command the turret to index 45) As the finish turning tool described in question 44 continues
using program-like commands to machine workpieces, it will eventually begin to wear. What
q D) you cannot manually activate the turret index on will you have to do several times during the tool’s life in order
this machine to keep the tool machining the workpiece to the proper diame-
41) You are verifying a new program, cautiously allowing each ter?
tool to approach the workpiece using single block and dry run. q A) Reduce the tool’s wear offset value in X.
Tools one and two run just fine. However, you are worried q B) Reduce the tool’s wear offset value in Z.
that tool number three will not stop in its proper approach po- q C) Increase the tool’s wear offset value in X.
sition, so when the tool comes within about one inch of the q D) Increase the tool’s wear offset value in Z.
workpiece in Z, you press feed hold and check the DIS-
TANCE-TO-GO page on the display screen. Sure enough, 46) Eventually the insert in the finish turning tool described in
the distance to go page reads a distance of -3.5057 inches. It question 44 must be replaced (or indexed). When this is
is likely that: done, you must also:
q A) the Z axis geometry offset for tool three is incorrect q A) increase the X offset back to its original value
q B) the programmed approach coordinate is incorrect q B) decrease the X offset back to its original value
q C) the Z axis work shift value is incorrect q C) increase the Z offset back to its original value
q D) any of the above q D) decrease the Z offset back to its original value
Name: Date:
General CNC Questions (continued) 28) How often should you check the way lubrication levels on
your CNC machine?
18) The button that will actually turn off the power to the machine
tool is: q A) Once every hourn C) Once every shift
q B) Once every weekq D) Once every month
q A) Reset q D) Cycle Start
n B Emergency Stop q E) Feed Hold 29) While there is never a good excuse for a crash, if you do
q C) Coolant On have a mishap and your machine crashes, you should:
19) The display screen mode that lets the operator actually see q A) check visually to see that there is no damage and
the CNC program is the: continue running production
n B) immediately notify your supervisor
q A) Offset page n D) Program page q C) fix any damage and continue running production
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page q D) stop running production for the balance of your
q C) Alarm page shift
20) The display screen mode that lets the operator enter tooling 30) As you are verifying a new program that has never run be-
related data is the: fore, you find what you consider to be a serious mistake in the
n A) Offset page q D) Program page program’s motions. You should:
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page q A) do your best to fix the mistake and continue
q C) Alarm page n B) notify your supervisor so the programmer can be
21) The display screen mode that lets the operator most easily contacted
see axis data is the: q C) assume that the program has been well checked
by the programmer and run the program as it is
q A) Offset page q D) Program page
n B) Position page q E) Program Check page 31) When having a problem of almost any kind, it is often helpful
q C) Alarm page to be able to look at a list of all currently instated commands.
The display screen mode that allows this is:
22) The display screen page that will be automatically displayed
when the CNC control determines a problem is the: q A) Program q C) Offset
n B) Program Check q D) Position
q A) Offset page q D) Program page
q B) Position page q E) Program Check page 32) A program stop is encountered (M00) and the machine
n C) Alarm page stops. However, you are not sure why the program stop is in
the program. You should:
23) The display screen page that allows the operator to see a the
distance-to-go in the current CNC command is the: q A) press cycle start to resume the program’s execu-
q A) Offset page q D) Program page
n B) call up the PROGRAM display screen mode and
q B) Position page n E) Program Check page
see if there is a message telling you what to do near
q C) Alarm page
the M00
24) Say your machine does not allow manual control of the spin- q C) turn on single block to cautiously step through the
dle, yet you must start the spindle during setup. You must: next few commands
q A) contact the machine tool builder to have them fix 33) While running a new program, the machine goes into alarm
the machine state and shows alarm number 41 with the message
q B) write a CNC program that starts the spindle at your “Overcutting will occur during cutter radius compensation.”
desired speed You should:
n C) use the MDI mode to activate the spindle
q A) restart the program and try again
q D) give up. There is no way to start the spindle
q B) turn on single block and cautiously run the next few
25) As part of the machine start up procedure, you must send the commands
machine to its zero return (home) position. n C) consult the alarm list in the operation manual to
n True q False further diagnose the alarm
26) Proven CNC programs (those run before) require no program 34) After diagnosing an alarm it is possible that you must:
verification procedures. q A) change a tool offset value
q True n False q B) edit commands in the program
q C) press the reset button to cancel the alarm
27) There is always some way to adjust offsets to ensure that ev- n D) all of the above
ery tool in every program will machine with a little excess
stock, meaning (if the program is correct) there is never an ex-
cuse to scrap the first workpiece in a production run.
n True q False
Section Two: Turning Center Questions 42) You are running the first workpiece with a proven program
(one that has run before). Tool number two is a finish turning
35) A turning center’s diameter controlling axis is its X axis. tool that machines a 3.0000 in +- 0.0005 diameter. After run-
n True q False ning tool number two and find this diameter to be 3.0020 in.
You must
36) Spindle speed for a turning center can be specified in:
q A) increase tool number two’s wear offset in X by
q A) only RPM
q B) only surface feet per minute (SFM)
n B) decrease tool number two’s wear offset in X by
n C) both RPM and SFM
q D) inches per revolution
q C) increase tool number two’s wear offset in Z by
37) Feedrate can be specified in: 0.0020
q A) only feed per revolution (IPR in inch mode) q D) decrease tool number two’s wear offset in Z by
q B) only feed per minute (IPM in inch mode) 0.0020
n C) both feed per minute and feed per revolution q E) change the program to make the tool cut 0.0020 in
q D) RPM smaller
38) For almost all turning centers, program zero must be as- 43) After the problem described in question number 42 is cor-
signed for every tool. These numbers almost always repre- rected, you must rerun tool number two. You must:
sent: q A) rerun the entire program to get to tool number two
q A) the distance between program zero and the chuck q B) you cannot rerun tools once they have cut
face q C) write a small program just for tool number two
n B) the distance between program zero and the ma- n D) turn on the optional stop switch, scan to the begin-
chine’s zero return (home) position ning block of tool number two, and run the program
q C) the largest diameter and length the machine can from there
turn 44) You are running the first workpiece in a new setup with a
q D) the distance from the floor to the spindle centerline proven program. You notice a very close tolerance on an out-
39) Once the program zero assigning values are determined for side diameter that is to be finish turned by tool number three.
each tool, they must be placed: You should:
q A) in the program at the beginning of each tool in a q A) simply run the finish turning tool. If the geometry
G50 command (G92 on some machines) offset and the programmed coordinates are correct,
q B) in the corresponding geometry offsets the workpiece will come out right to size.
q C) in tool wear offsets n B) increase tool number three’s wear offset by a small
n D) A or B, depending on the method of program zero amount to force it to leave some excess stock on the
assignment diameter. Let tool three cut an measure what it does.
Adjust the wear offset accordingly and rerun tool
40) You need to index the turret to station number five. How- three.
ever, the machine has no manual buttons and switches to al- q C) there is no way to ensure that this diameter will be
low turret indexing. You must: machined perfectly for the first workpiece.
q A) contact the machine tool builder to fix the machine q D) adjust the Z offset so the tool stays away from the
q B) write a short program to make the turret index surface being machined.
n C) use the MDI mode to command the turret to index 45) As the finish turning tool described in question 44 continues
using program-like commands to machine workpieces, it will eventually begin to wear. What
q D) you cannot manually activate the turret index on will you have to do several times during the tool’s life in order
this machine to keep the tool machining the workpiece to the proper diame-
41) You are verifying a new program, cautiously allowing each ter?
tool to approach the workpiece using single block and dry run. n A) Reduce the tool’s wear offset value in X.
Tools one and two run just fine. However, you are worried q B) Reduce the tool’s wear offset value in Z.
that tool number three will not stop in its proper approach po- q C) Increase the tool’s wear offset value in X.
sition, so when the tool comes within about one inch of the q D) Increase the tool’s wear offset value in Z.
workpiece in Z, you press feed hold and check the DIS-
TANCE-TO-GO page on the display screen. Sure enough, 46) Eventually the insert in the finish turning tool described in
the distance to go page reads a distance of -3.5057 inches. It question 44 must be replaced (or indexed). When this is
is likely that: done, you must also:
q A) the Z axis geometry offset for tool three is incorrect n A) increase the X offset back to its original value
q B) the programmed approach coordinate is incorrect q B) decrease the X offset back to its original value
q C) the Z axis work shift value is incorrect q C) increase the Z offset back to its original value
n D) any of the above q D) decrease the Z offset back to its original value