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Docker Lab: What Is Virtualization?

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Docker Lab

In this lab, we are going to drill into Docker.

What is Virtualization?
Virtualization refers to importing a guest operating system on our host operating system,
allowing developers to run multiple OS on different VMs while all of them run on the
same host, thereby eliminating the need to provide extra hardware resources.

Advantages of Virtualization:
VMs are being used in the industry in the following ways:

● Enable multiple OS on the same machine

● Cheaper due to less/compact infrastructure setup
● Easy to recover in case of failure
● Easy for maintenance
● Faster provisioning of applications and resources required for tasks
● Increase in IT productivity

The following is the architecture for virtualization:

What is a virtualization host?
In above, the three guest operating systems acting as virtual machines are running on a
host operating system. The process of manually reconfiguring hardware and firmware
and installing a new OS can be entirely automated; all these steps get stored as data in
any files of a disk.

Virtualization lets us run our applications on fewer physical servers. In virtualization,

each application and operating system live in a separate software container called VM.
Where VMs are completely isolated, all the computing resources like CPUs, storage,
and networking are pooled together, and they are delivered dynamically to each VM by
a software called a hypervisor.

However, running multiple VMs over the same host leads to degradation in
performance. As guest operating systems have their own kernel, libraries, and many
dependencies running on a single host OS, it takes up a large occupation of resources
such as the processor, hard disk and, especially, its RAM. Also, when we use VMs in
virtualization, the bootup process takes a long time that would affect efficiency in the
case of real-time applications.

Disadvantages of Virtualization:
● Running multiple VMs leads to unstable performance
● Hypervisors are not as efficient as the host operating system
● Boot up process is long and takes time

These drawbacks led to the emergence of a new technique called Containerization.

What is Containerization?
Containerization is a technique where the virtualization is brought to an operating
system level. ​In containerization, we virtualize the operating system resources. It is
more efficient as there is ​no guest operating system consuming the host resources​;
instead, ​containers utilize only the host operating system and share relevant libraries
and resources only when they are required. The required binaries and libraries of
containers run on the host kernel leading to faster processing and execution.

In a nutshell, containerization (containers) is a lightweight virtualization technology

acting as an alternative to hypervisor virtualization. Any application can be bundled in a
container and run without caring about dependencies, libraries, and binaries.

In the case of containerization, ​all containers share the same host operating system​.
Multiple containers get created for every type of application making them faster but
without wasting the resources, unlike virtualization where a kernel is required for every
OS and lots of resources from the host OS are utilized.

The diagram below makes it clear:

Advantages of Containers:
● Containers are small and lightweight as they share the same OS kernel.
● They do not take much time to boot-up (only seconds).
● They exhibit high performance with lower resource utilization.
Containerization vs Virtualization
Containerization Virtualization

Virtualizes OS Virtualizes hardware

Installs container only on host OS Requires complete OS install per VM

Uses only kernel of host OS Installs a separate kernel per VM

Lightweight Heavyweight

Native performance Limited performance

Process level isolation Fully isolated

Docker is a containerization platform that packages your application and all its
dependencies together in the form of Containers to ensure that your application works
seamlessly in any environment.
Each application will run on a separate container and will have its own set of libraries
and dependencies. This also ensures that there is process level isolation, meaning each
application is independent of other applications, giving developers surety that they can
build applications that will not interfere with one another.

As a developer, one can build a container which has different applications installed on it
and give it to my QA team who will only need to run the container to replicate the
developer environment.

Benefits of Docker:
With docker, the QA team need not install all the dependent software and applications
to test the code and this helps them save lots of time and energy. This also ensures that
the working environment is consistent across all the individuals involved in the process,
starting from development to deployment. The number of systems can be scaled up
easily and the code can be deployed on them effortlessly.

Docker Architecture
Docker uses a client–server architecture. The Docker client consists of Docker build,
Docker pull, and Docker run. The client approaches the Docker daemon that further
helps in building, running, and distributing Docker containers. Docker client and Docker
daemon can be operated on the same system; otherwise, we can connect the Docker
client to the remote Docker daemon. Both communicate with each other using the
REST API, over UNIX sockets or a network.

The basic architecture in Docker consists of three parts:

● Docker Client
● Docker Host
● Docker Registry

Docker Client
● It is the primary way for many Docker users to interact with Docker.
● It uses command-line utility or other tools that use Docker API to communicate
with the Docker daemon.
● A Docker client can communicate with more than one Docker daemon.

Docker Host
In Docker host, we have Docker daemon and Docker objects such as containers and
images. First, let’s understand the objects on the Docker host, then we will proceed
toward the functioning of the Docker daemon.
● Docker Image: A Docker image is a Docker object. It is a type of recipe/template
that can be used for creating Docker containers. It includes steps for creating the
necessary software.
● Docker Container: A Docker container is also a Docker object. A type of virtual
machine created from the instructions found within the Docker image. It is a
running instance of a Docker image that consists of the entire package required
to run an application.
● Docker Daemon:
○ Docker daemon helps in listening requests for the Docker API and in
managing Docker objects such as images, containers, volumes, etc.
Daemon issues to build an image based on a user’s input and then saves
it in the registry.
○ In case we don’t want to create an image, then we can simply pull an
image from the Docker hub (which might be built by some other user). In
case we want to create a running instance of our Docker image, then we
need to issue a run command that would create a Docker container.
○ A Docker daemon can communicate with other daemons to manage
Docker services.

Docker Registry and Docker Hub:

● Docker registry is a repository for Docker images which is used for creating
Docker containers.
● We can use a local/private registry or the Docker hub, which is the most popular
social example of a Docker repository.

Docker Hub is like GitHub for Docker Images. It is basically a cloud registry where you
can find Docker Images uploaded by different communities, also you can develop your
own image and upload on Docker Hub, but first, you need to create an account on

● You specify what to include in your Docker container via a special file which by
convention is called ​Dockerfile.​
● The Dockerfile contains a set of Docker instructions which are executed by the
Docker command line tool. The result is a Docker image

1. Docker Image is created by the sequence of commands written in the Dockerfile.
2. When this Dockerfile is executed using a docker command it results into a
Docker Image with a name.
3. When this Image is executed by “docker run” command it will by itself start
whatever application or service it must start on its execution.

The following diagram clears this concept:

The following is a more detailed workflow:

● It basically involves building an image from a Dockerfile that consists of

instructions about container configuration or image pulling from a Docker registry,
like Docker hub.
● When this image is built in our Docker environment, we should be able to run the
image which further creates a container.
● In our container, we can do any operations such as:
○ Stopping the container
○ Starting the container
○ Restarting the container
● These runnable containers can be started, stopped, or restarted just like how we
operate a virtual machine or a computer.
● Whatever manual changes are made such as configurations or software
installations, these changes in a container can be committed to making a new
image, which can further be used for creating a container from it later.
● At last, when we want to share our image with our team or to the world, we can
easily push our image into a Docker registry.
● One can easily pull this image from the Docker registry using the pull command.

Docker Compose
● The Docker Compose feature enables you to "link" multiple Docker containers
into a single "composition", which can be installed / deployed and started up all at
● Docker Compose is basically used to run multiple Docker Containers as a single
server. Suppose if I have an application which requires WordPress, Maria DB
and PHP MyAdmin. I can create one file which would start both the containers as
a service without the need to start each one separately. It is really useful
especially if you have a microservice architecture.
● For instance, an application in one Docker container, and a database in another
Docker container - in case both Docker containers are necessary for the
application to run.

Docker Installation
● Access docs.docker.com
● Click on Get Docker
● Select Docker for Linux
● Select Ubuntu from menu
To install Docker Engine, you need the 64-bit version of one of these Ubuntu versions:
● Ubuntu Eoan 19.10
● Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 (LTS)
● Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 (LTS)

cat /etc/*release*
to cross check dependencies

uninstall older versions: Older versions of Docker were called docker, docker.io, or
docker-engine. Uninstall them. New version is docker-ce
sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine docker.io containerd runc
To uninstall previously installed docker-ce, use:
sudo apt-get purge docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

Images, containers, volumes, or customized configuration files on your host are not
automatically removed. To delete all images, containers, and volumes:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker

Execute the following commands to setup the repository

Now, Install using the convenience script:

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
The following information is displayed:

If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider adding
your user to the “docker” group with something like:
sudo usermod -aG docker your-user
After which you should log out and login for it to take effect

Docker Commands

sudo docker run hello-world

The above will pull the image and execute it and print “Hello from Docker”

Register yourself at docker hub:

● go to hub.docker.com (create dockerID)
● Search “whalesay”
● copy the docker run command

sudo docker run docker/whalesay cowsay boo

this will download the image for the first time and then instantiate it through a container

Let’s create two more containers for the same image:

Try running the nginx docker container:

docker run nginx

(I ran this several times; the first time it downloaded the image and ran it and exited)

docker ps
List all running containers (IDs etc.)

As you can see, none of the containers are running at the moment. All stopped after
running. I forced my nginx containers to stop through CTRL+C

Every container has an ID (given by docker), its image name, the command used to run
it, time it was created, its current status (running or exited), assigned ports (if any by the
user) and a name (given by docker)
docker ps -a
Show all prev and current containers

Now, I ran docker run nginx in a separate terminal and checked the running containers:

docker stop ID/NAME

I can stop a running docker with either its name or ID. A message will confirm.

docker rm name/id
get rid container permanently:
After stopping, the docker will still remain in the history list….
Remove it completely through the name:

docker images
List all the docker images downloaded from registry

docker rmi

docker rmi nginx

Removes an image but we have to ensure that all of its containers are deleted before:
Let us delete all nginx containers
Now, I can delete the nginx image

docker pull nginx

The above will only pull image but not run it

Verify in image list

Check to see no running or previous containers of nginx

I can use the -it command to work from inside a container

Create a whalesay container and echo some commands:

docker run -it docker/whalesay sh

You can remove the sensitive system files within the container and exit. It will make a
difference only to this container. You can simply delete this container and start a new
Lets deploy a web application with docker:

docker run --rm prakhar1989/static-site

The --rm flag will automatically remove the container when it exits. Right now, the
container is up and running but we need to specify some more commands to see the
content on website (e.g., ports)

Stop the container (you can see it also deleted itself):

Now, type as follows:

docker run -d -P --name static-site prakhar1989/static-site

Here, -d will make the website run in background (so I can continue to type commands
at the terminal), -P will assign random ports, and --name will assign a name as we want.
The output confirms the execution

Now, check the ports:

docker port static-site

Now, check on browser (http://localhost:32769/):

Lets say I want to specify my own port. First stop the previous container and then
specify your own:

docker run -d -p 8888:80 prakkar1989/static-site

In this case, I want to map the network service port 80 of the container to port 8888 on
my host machine, i.e., whatever should be visible on port 80 inside the container will be
visible on port 8888 on my machine

Now, stop the containers

Dockerfile example
Create the following Dockerfile with nano (nano Dockerfile) and add the following:
Add the following:
#This is a sample Image
FROM ubuntu
MAINTAINER bdaclass2020
RUN apt-get update
CMD [“echo”,”Image created”]

Now, save and exit and type

docker build -t demoimage:0.1 .

-t is for tag (0.1) and the . after the space specifies the current directory in which the
Dockerfile is present

Verify in list of images:

You will now need to setup a docker hub repo to upload this image for usage.

Create a repo called ubupdate in public domain

Now, open terminal and login to docker:

Tag and image with repository

Now, tag the image ID to your repository

docker tag 3b5be62b5959 compadrejaysee/ubupdate:1.0

In above, the tag is the same as the tag of our image

Now, push the image to the repository using the command:

docker push compadrejaysee/ubupdate:1.0

Verify on the website

The pull command is as follows:

docker pull compadrejaysee/ubupdate

Docker Exercises:
For more help, see the following URLs:

● http://tutorials.jenkov.com/docker/dockerfile.html
● https://intellipaat.com/blog/tutorial/devops-tutorial/docker-tutorial/
● https://stackify.com/docker-tutorial/

Exercise 1:

Start 3 containers from image that does not automatically exit, such as nginx, detached.
Stop 2 of the containers leaving 1 up.
Submitting the output for docker ps -a is enough to prove this exercise has been done.

Exercise 2:

Clean the docker daemon from all images and containers.

Submit the output for docker ps -a and docker images

Exercise 3:

Start image devopsdockeruh/pull_exercise with flags -it like so: docker run -it
devopsdockeruh/pull_exercise. It will wait for your input. Navigate through docker hub to
find the docs and Dockerfile that was used to create the image.
Read the Dockerfile and/or docs to learn what input will get the application to answer a
“secret message”.
Submit the secret message and command(s) given to get it as your answer.
Exercise 4:

Start image devopsdockeruh/exec_bash_exercise, it will start a container with clock-like

features and create a log. Go inside the container and use tail -f ./logs.txt to follow the
logs. Every 15 seconds the clock will send you a “secret message”.
Submit the secret message and command(s) given as your answer.

Exercise 5:

Start  a  ubuntu  image  with  the  process  ​sh  -c  'echo  "Input  website:";  read  website;  echo 
"Searching.."; sleep 1; curl http://$website;' 

You  will  notice  that  a  few  things  required  for  proper  execution  are  missing.  Be  sure  to 
remind yourself which flags to use so that the read actually waits for input. 

Note also that curl is NOT installed in the container yet. You will have to install it from
inside of the container.

Test inputting h
​ elsinki.fi​ into the application. It should respond with something like 

<title>301 Moved Permanently</title>
<h1>Moved Permanently</h1>
<p>The document has moved <a href="http://www.helsinki.fi/">here</a>.</p>

This  time  return  the  command  you  used  to  start  the  process  and  the  command(s)  you 
used to fix the ensuing problems. 

This  exercise  has  multiple  solutions,  if  the  curl  for  helsinki.fi  works  then  it’s 
done. Can you figure out other (smart) solutions? 
Exercise 6:

Create  a  Dockerfile  that  starts  with  ​FROM  devopsdockeruh/overwrite_cmd_exercise  and 

works only as a clock. 

The  developer  has  poorly  documented  how  the  application  works.  Passing  flags  will 
open different functionalities, but we’d like to create a simplified version of it. 

Add  a  CMD  line  to  the  Dockerfile  and  tag  it  as  “docker-clock”  so  that  ​docker  run 
docker-clock​ starts the application and the clock output. 

Return both Dockerfile(s) and the command you used to run the container(s) 

Exercise 7: 

Make  a  script  file  for  ​echo  "Input  website:";  read  website;  echo  "Searching..";  sleep  1;  curl 
http://$website;  and  run  it  inside  the  container  using  CMD.  Build  the  image  with  tag 

Run  command  ​docker  run  [options]  curler  (with  correct  flags  again,  as  in  1.5)  and  input 
helsinki.fi into it. Output should match the 1.5 one. 

Return both Dockerfile(s) and the command you used to run the container(s) 

Exercise 8: 

In  this  exercise  we  won’t  create a new Dockerfile. Image ​devopsdockeruh/ports_exercise 

will start a web service in port 8 ​ 0​. Use -p flag to access the contents with your browser. 

Submit your used commands for this exercise. 

Exercise 9: 

Create  Dockerfile  for  an  application  in  any  of  your  own  repositories  and  publish  it  to 
Docker  Hub.  This  can  be  any  project  except  clones  /  forks  of  backend-example  or 
For  this  exercise  to  be  complete  you  have  to  provide  the  link  to  the  project  in  docker 
hub,  make  sure  you  at  least have a basic description and instructions for how to run the 
application in a ​README​ that’s available through your submission. 

Exercise 10: 

Create an image that contains your favorite programming environment in it’s entirety. 

This  means  that  a  computer that only has docker can use the image to start a container 

which  contains  all  the  tools  and  libraries.  Excluding  IDE  /  Editor.  The  environment  can 
be partially used by running commands manually inside the container. 

Explain what you created and publish it to Docker Hub. 

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