Joinder-Big Picture: R J I R Diver Ty

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Joinder- Big Picture


Joinder by II Joinder by 6. §1331- Federal §1332- Diversity §1 367-

. istnc t courts sh aII have $75,000.01 minimum Whue DC t>..a.s otig;:1-a.1
Claims 18 (a) P arries 20 ( a) Chums 13 /a, b, ,,\ original Jx arising under
P:m:ie.s 14. 19
the Constitution etc. & Jx, the:y sru.D h.3.VE supp.

• itL(l W;;;.PC:e:,.dµ:t l!.:f B;:i;i i;; Note: tbh i; not uclufrr.e .jX COMPLETE Jx ova- ill othet claims
A party as se::t:ng a ch:.m 20fa) Permissi't"'e JO!nde.r. (a) Compulsory tr>..a.t u e , elated to the
lfltd ?;ar At .i::.~ tn:r..e me:: Diversity
to i:elief u an origim1 All p-uson.s may joht i:1 one Cou.nte.rclaizns - A _pleading o ~ = i . t e•{ tbe 1ccio:=i. : original claim whe.:1
claim, count-etcla.im_,. ac.ton as plaintiffs if they shall state ~ a counte.rcfaim
-- ~ ! ?1--.Y: U 1 :Btd-puty they part of thE
c.z:os.s-claim_,. ot third-p-uty ass:~t any right to telid .. . any chi:n it has against-any pl:i:=i.cii!, e-..1y c:.~e : ~=o:=i.~ md "'Arising Under" I n orde r sz.-ne claim or
o=pW::.: r,~ be ~r:«1. ~ :. pt::sO!:l .:\moum chi:med in good
clti.-n, may joi:1, as-ma.-ty U::sing out of the swu opposing t'dtr, if it -uise s out to invoke federal court faith is ret:nnt, not controve.rsy.
l:¢: l p1r-y to tbt :ctioti ~-b~ i1 o: n<..ty
clairm as the party has tn:1sacti.on, occw:re-.c.e, ot of the tt~s:a.ctio:n ot j urisdiction the federal
be lao!e to :..ic u:i%c-puty phi:ci.ff fa a.-noum ih: ooun award~ a.-1 opposi:ig patty. series of tt:ansactions or 2nd if any
occ:u,re:nce L¾at is the subject
nutt:.1" of thE opposing
. .
:ll ot N.."'? oi :m ':>!mi::if:'~ cl4i::n
:g=s: W, tbird· p:.r:y p!m::tiff.
issue must be a sufficient
or central part of the
UNLESS [O a legal
c.eruintr n cm.not reco,;-a
oom:no:1 cr~shon of bw p:l.rty' s daim and does not S..,.3k, Ct2im ::nu-n axceed E.X CEPT- whE:l the,
ot fact com.-non to :ill these requite for -its a dj~cation - 5,000 not acrual award. original clsi:n 2£
U ;Q' l,'D:.;;; Fhn:.;# ~~ ~;i;,j; i;. Well Pl~«! Compb.irn R ul
SOLELY u:1de , §1332
pe:rsom '\\-ill arise ;:l the thE p,e senc-e of thi.rd fY....."i!.es '.D;ird f;m; \\:1-.e:: :. co-.:murcl.:im )s f0: : ~ttoil:.=k.e £,:,iuU
the DC 'wll.L NOT
actio:1. of whom the cocrl c a."'l.rlot
acqu;_re ju.risdic-tion. But ...
ma~d ~ t 1 phm::iff, t1:.t:. pbi:::.ti.ff
m.ty o::~ 1 i . ~ pmy :o be br=gtl:
s~~JSo,::. jut. I: ~~ ::.e=myb
tl:.:: tl-..e c: :..e "cri~e =de::"' the
Di't" must exist 2t have Jx ove.r claims
iri =ckr M=1w:.:es ,:rnicl: =de: =~dn.-lix: or so= otbe-r .upc
•'ill pe.rsoris m ay~ jo!:ted (see exceptio:1). the time made by Il' s against
U"ls N►. ~ ce::itle 1 C"..kW.:::.: t,~ of :Cd..eul 1=e md ~ t ~ f.m
i:1 one action u ®so. :.rr,u = fr..c face of 1 ..wll the complaint is filed pe.rso-ns unde:t RULE
defendants if there is p,kviedc=p!.:m:. I::. u-;tb the cle.rk It ne-e d 14, 19, 20, Ot 24.
i~~ :.:::~ ia~c U :,:,: :r..i~«t :.i ;ee §1367(b)
asserled against them -any t9h 'I Penoe~ t0 be foi::i«hf fcu~bk. l ~ . m pert of :he pllltr0f6 not e sist at the futte of
right to .rel:.e f . . . arising o~t -~ ~~o= who ls $cb)ect :o se:ti(:c of = cWm ffl rdef tl:.-e:tc r-. :-o trial ot when the c.ause
of the s2:ne tnmaction, procca ~ .,,;ho~ joi:::d.e: ,;,;ill :::ot ieck.":l ~:ioi:i p::i:~dici= .,..

occu.ue:1.ce, or series of
(b) PennisW.-e Counte:rclaims.
d.epm-1: ~ court of jurbdid.o:=i. o-;.-cr the 1Ut"~~. Iw~ tl:.l: tl-..e D . of ':l.ction -aros~
The DC may also
A pleading m ay sfate -as a ==
U".t: s':lbjcc: o! :be 1ctia: sh>Ul m tbc == or th: t::.e plWlci! decline supp. Jx if:
ttar:isactlons or occur.rences oounte.rcki:n arw claim ~ jCC:.«i u : pmy i:: the 1c-:ic:=i. if :.::iticip1tc~ UC i:r.J.e..-mt fo:
!) -~ no;;el or comp!=>.
and ~f wy commo:1
question of faw or fac.t
:a.gainst 2::1 opposing paz:ty :1ot {1) i: th pen=· s ib=ee co::i::plm
re~! e=,:,: be o=:ccoM.ed ~ :lo.o~
juzbdiccio:=l.!.l ~ e s . A plaintiff can often
cure the lack of u-.2.te UW1wu~
u-islllg out of the ttans:J.ccion :!rcidy p:l""'...1:1, or 2) Clai.-n domin.ltiH th:
common to all these diversity problem by
Definitions or oooU!'tence that is the (2) tl-.c per= cl..!im~ m i::.=est rel:~ clalm utkb origin.a! J:.: wu
pe:tsons W'.Il arise in the sub~ect matt~ of the :o tl-..e ~'ilbicct oi :m :ett= c:d U $0 dismissing non- ba:ad.
action. • I l .
Of>POSlflg party S C 2!."l."I.
$buucd tb:t th,: dhpo~~ of W, Mc-uell Do,x-.., coc:.1:'h:t diverse parties. 5) De r'.2: d.iunh:ed dtinn
Real Part)' in interest· o=::ticrt: i: th pet=' $ *= =y :
(i) u 1 pu·:ticU ?1:1.1.™'1 imp:.iro:
~ 1 ri:.h~ o! : fede::l undu DC:. original Jx.
st: m : H:tc oi= of :eti=, 4) O!h=t cotnpeilmg
one who will benefit itl::~c!J: u:.e r-1:ncm's ioiJi.~ :o pto-..c-:t ~ = e,:.,:.~e~$ 1:.u
from action, one who tl-..!t il:wc~: O? ?.e2:on..
:i'.m :ht:.."I: ~l:o:ild be ~o ~~
~iij J.u;-c .i::.y of :be penoi:i~ :lrudy
has a substantial (eden!, c t~e of 1ccio~ fer:~
2.0(b) Sepu-ate TCds. T'ae (g) C.ross-claim ~<:r3l:lst Co- ~ es subject :-o i $'1:-C'-u::::W :i~k o: tioh<:t= doc~ =t ~:>:te 1 cl4i::n
interest. !:cutm:g doubk, mul.~k, or o±c~~ .
Origiraj cl£ms: chlms by court may make such Pam. -~ plucfulg m ay sb.te " ~g =&et" ::be Cc::.~:i,
i:::.e-o=-sim::::.t o~: !So?:.s O: re1=:. of O? Liv;s of tl:.'! U=i~d Sutc-~
orders as u-ill pre:vent a as a ctoss-d ai.-n anv
. clai.-n bv.
Il's ,against A's. U"..e i::.tCt'C$t- eeii,=mr---
party from b eing o:1e puty ag~:1st a co-pa.tty
Cmwtitdairo:r mW.e by ll,s Count=r em.m.- - -- ►
e:nb urass.e<l, de.hyed, or s.ns;ng out of the. trans:J.ctio:1 C?O! ?"Ehf:!:-o---·'"'"4
ag-..i:1-st Il's,. it is. a:1 or occ-,. unnce that is the
put to ex?Erue by the l= part; C!.n.-n"" • - • •
indep e:1de.nt cause of
i.ncluSlon of a .,,.....tty-against subject m3tter eithe:t" of the:
2.ctior:,_ ~,u
12~ C:.ri::i:=i"~:i~::i '": tgi;;:1 :\l:l:--,..i:~' ,..;c ~:i.:: f .. U : peno::l u
whom the party asserts no original actOP. ot of a
Cross.-chi.--ns: claims cksc:i'oed i::l $~dirisi= \i):t) • ~ he:.e¢'! c=ot be 1 put:, tl:.e «n:1t
claim and who asserts no cou:1te:chi.m the,ei:1 or
lh.t.11 c k = •; ~ :ccio::l sbocld proce«t :=i:ig: th p:.nSe~ Wotc n,
b ettveen oo-p:uties.
clai-n against the party, a."'ld ,eb.ti.-ig to any p,ope.tty that II <- -- -- -- -- -- .....
3 cip&ftie:s: a put; brought
i:1to the actio:1 by a cuuertt
may ordet s.eparate or
:n~e other to
is th e subject matte.r of the
otigl:lal action.
o r ~ be di:;n-j$~ ilic 1~mt pen.ox bt:i:'..g: ':be.~ u.g-ardt:d u :::.d;$pe~ioa1:.
The Gacton to be coruidcred by the eourt indude: :;;at, -:o~:t e:t".e:.: :
~~.c:: ~ c d i::t th per-.-=.\ .:b~= ::cig1:.t « prej~ to the ~so:: ct
-- D.
ti.. dlo$t .ilrudy pu--._es; seOO"'..d.. t::.e cr..e::t :o ~..icl-., by pro:.eccitt pror:i~~ i:::: tbe
3---d. Putv claims: cbim by d
acting as :)d: Patty n. to
p.revent dehy or prejudice. jc:~czi, by :he lh:pi::g of rclid, orot:"~ c:.emae~ tl::,: pi'ej~ c cm be
le~.~mcd or :.~ -;:,-bctl:.u : ~~..e:.: -::mck:rcd b:. ~ pen=· ~ ie--.C?:cc
Al ;
':::S,l-.- ·-·-•
wi1J be 1d..es1m1:; four.h. ,:,.:bctbcr U'J: pl:i::iti.~ ,:.-\Jl M.t"'I: ~ :d.equ.i.te r=icdy if
join a 3:dparty. tl::c :-:ti=. is dh~l~~ !0::otjomdel.

flow cha,:t

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