EC500 User Manual V2
EC500 User Manual V2
EC500 User Manual V2
Shenzhen Digital Dream Numerical Technology Co., Ltd.
2. Safety Notes:
Moving objets like machine tool axes and automatical equipments can be very dangerous.Always make
sure to keep all machines safety standards.Always install E-stop switches and the required safety equipments to
your control system and make sure that the equipment controlled by our device meets all the safety standards.
Always keep the controller dry and away from falling chips and dust,protect the device from taint
damage.Avoid conneciton mistakes,avoid high voltage damage,avoid operation errors.
Protect the device from direct intensive sunshine beams and from extreme temperature levels and from
extra high humidity weather.
We cannot take the responsibility for any persernal injury and financial loss caused by any device failure
or caused by following an error in this documentation.
32 m
21 mm
Picture 3-1 EC500 Front Appearance and size
119 mm
116 mm
4 mm
7 mm
Figure 3-2 EC500 Installation Dimensions
4: Genernal Output
1: Ethernet Interface
5: MPG
The general output interface has a built-in relay drive circuit, which can be directly connected to less than the
100mA relay. Reference Figure 5-10. for wiring with relay, using output 6(Pin No.2).
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5.5 Function Switch for MPG and Connection for MPG
As the Figure 5-1 showed, the marked No.5 is the DB15 interface for MPG output signals.
Please Note that the EC500 only support Standard MPG.
PIN No. Mark Definition
1 T1OUT TXD of Serial port
2 VMPG Power supply + for MPG(5V)
3 WHA+ A phase positive of the encoder
4 WHB+ B phase positive of the encoder
5 XIN X axis select input
6 ZIN Z axis select input
7 X100IN 100 rate select input
8 EP Estop port
9 R1IN RXD of Serial port
10 GND Ground and common end
11 WHA- A phase negative of the encoder
12 WHB- B phase negative of the encoder
13 YIN Y axis select input
14 AIN A axis select input
15 X10IN 10 rate select input6
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5.6 Input Ports
As the Figure 5-1 showed, Marked No. 7 position is for Input ports.They are the optical isolated
Input interface. The Mark information from left to right
Internal structure see as Figure 5-12.
2 lines Proximity Switch/ordinary fretting switch / drawing see as Figure 5-13.
3 lines Proximity Switch connection Figure 5-14 and Figure 5-15, brown cable for Proximity switch
connect with 12V,Black cable connect channel, blue cable connect with GND1. Pls note Only support
NPN typel 3 lines proximity switch.
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Figure 5-12 Internal structure of Input interface
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Figure 5-14 NPN 3 lines Proximity Switch connection drawing
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5.7 Power Supply for Controller System and Power Supply for IO Port
As the Figure 5-1 show, The marked No. 8 port is the power supply port for IO port,and Controller
System. The access voltage range is 24VDC, and the power demand is not less than 20W. As shown in the
Figure, the left terminal is power - and the right terminal is power + ,they shared one common GND.See the
Figure 5-16 as below:
Figure 5-16 Power supply for Controler System and for IO Port
5.8 LEDs Indicator for Power and communication with Mach 3 software
As the Figure 5-1 show, There are 3 Indicator LEDs for the controller power,IO Power and communicai-
ton with Mach3 respectively.
If the controller and IO power supply are configurated in right way,the Main Power LED and IO Power
LED turn to Red.
The LED marked “CONN” represents the status of the communicaton with Mach3 software.If a link has
not been established,the LED will not light.
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6. Mach 3 Configuration
6.1 PlugIn
When you purchase our product, we will supply a software package in the U-disk, which contains “Digit-
alDream” PlugIn,and the EC500 Manual.
In your computer which you will run the EC500 controller,you must already installed the Mach 3 Software,and
now pls copy the PlugIn in to C:\Mach3\PlugIn.(If the user install the Mach 3 software in C-disk.)
6.2 Open Mach3 Software and connect with right PlugIn file
Double-click the icon mach3mill .Enter into Mach3 software. Pop-up the plug-in box as
below left Figure.Then Click “Create Profile” and name it to “EC500”,click “Default profile values” and
confirm it by “OK”
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After Click “OK”,it will popup a window for the options of DLL file as below,pls choose “Digital Dream” as
below.Then press OK. If you do not want to the dialog box to show again any more, select ‘Don’t ask me this
again’.If connect successfully,Status bar will show “EC500 device is connected to your computer”.
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6.4 Motor Tuning and Setup
Click Main Menu ‘Config’,select the ‘Motor Tuning’ from its pop-down menu:
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6.5 Port and Pins Setup
First, make sure you have your Motor Outputs assigned correctly (Menu -> Config -> Ports & Pins as below:
This page is to select the stepper motor control pins. Because Stepper motor control pins address are fixed by
the controller board, So here only need to define the Pin address(No.s),we can define other parameters meter.
To make sure the Z axis to the right direction(Up is ‘+’,down is ‘-’), Z axis’s “Dir low” should be set to”√”.Oth-
er axes’s should be set as the user’s request.
Second, make sure that you have your home switches assigned correctly (Menu -> Config -> Ports & Pins ->
Input Signals). While you could use a single input for your X, Y, Z, and A homes, it is much better to have them
as separate inputs! Our EC500 controller has plenty of inputs available and it allows Mach to home all of your
axes at the same time if you wish (although you typically have your Z axis home after the rest of your axes so
you don't crash your head).
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Here you can configure according to your actual needs the corresponding function. Optional Function include
XYZABC 6axis’s Upper and lower limit、XYZABC 6axis’s HOME point. We set upper limit and home of
XYZA to 3456 corresponding IN3/IN4/IN5/IN6 of the Controller board.
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Click “Spindle Setup” switch to the spindle settings page.
Here we can configure the spindle rotates CW、Reverse CCW、Mist、Flood pin,.They have been
configured as 1、2、3、4. Corresponding to output#1~output#4 in Figure4-11.output#1~output#6 in Output
Signal Setup dialog can be Configured into these 4 signals. Here we only configure CW/MIST/FLOOD. CW
is controlled by OUT1. MIST is controlled by OUT2. Flood is controlled by OUT3. Here we note correspon-
dence between 2 page. Please select “use spindle motor output” if required PWM speed spindle. And select “
PWM Control”. Our PWM pin fixedly arranged on a special pin on Stepper motor setting dialog.
Here by our controller we already define all the Output Ports to Port No. 2.
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6.6 MPG Settings
EC500 only support Standard MPG,Go to Mach 3 and Menu -> Config -> Ports & Pins ->
Encoder/MPG’s as following.
Then to active the MPG function, you can use the hand pulse, under the main page, click TAB to active
MPG panel, refer to the following Figure:
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