Course Outlines (Semester - II)

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Course Outlines (Semester - II)


Course Code: BUSA3119
Credit Hours: 3(3+0)

The main objectives of this course are to:

• Know the nature and features of Organizational Behavior
• Have an understanding of micro and macro aspects of Organizational Behavior
• Discuss the relationship between organizational effectiveness at the individual and
group levels and organizational performance
• Have an awareness of history of Organizational Behavior
• Be aware of various dynamic aspects of Organizational Behavior
Course outline:
The Foundation for Organizational Behavior: Definition of Organizational Behavior,
Theoretical frameworks of Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior Model, The role
of information technology in today’s organizations. The concepts of re-engineering,
benchmarking and empowerment, Diversity, Reasons for the emergence of diversity, Specific
characteristics of diversity, Various approaches and steps to manage diversity

The Micro Perspective Of Organizational Behavior: The nature and importance of

perception, Difference between sensation and perception, Perceptual selectivity and what are
the principles of perceptual selectivity, Social perceptions and the HALO effect, Impression
management, Study of the process of impression management, The meaning of personality,

The self-concept of personality, Development of personality and socialization, Social process

and its characteristics, Job satisfaction, The meaning of organizational commitment, The
concept of motivation, Various classifications of motives, Work motivation approaches
Content theories of work motivation, Process theories of work motivation, Contemporary
theories of work motivation, Background and meaning of job design, Job enrichment, Job
characteristics approach to job design, QWL & social technical approaches to job design, Goal
setting and its background, Theoretical processes of learning and reward systems

The study of the various steps of management system.

Micro and Macro Dynamics of Organizational Behavior: Study of the basic nature of groups,
The dynamics of group formation, Types of groups, The study of intra-individual
conflict due to frustration, goals and roles, Analysis of interpersonal conflict, What is
organizational conflict, The meaning of negotiation and the negotiation skills, Various
approaches of negotiation, Stress, Causes of stress, Various coping strategies of stress

The power and its relationship to authority and influence, Identification of various
classifications of power, Strategies of power acquisition, Definition of leadership

The historically important studies of leadership, Modern theoretical frameworks for leadership,
Leadership styles, activities and skills

Macro Perspective of Organizational Behavior: Importance of the role of communication

Meaning of communication in organizations, Definition of communication, Nonverbal and

interpersonal communications, Downward and upward communication, Phases in the decision
making process, What is Behavioral decision making, Study of classical organization theory
and design, The characteristics, dysfunctions and current status of Bureaucratic Model, Study
of modern organization theory, Definition and characteristics of organizational culture.

Recommended Books:
1. Robbins, P. S. Organizational Behavior: (Latest edition)
2. Robbins, P. S. and Timothy, Judge A. Organizational Behavior: (Latest edition)
3. Luthans, Fred. Organizational Behavior: (Latest edition)
4. Mullins. Organizational Behavior: (Latest edition)
5. CiscoOrganizational Behaviors: (Latest edition)
Course Code: COMP3114
Credit Hours: 3(2+1)

The main objectives of this course are to:

• Covers the techniques of Java network Programming

• Build advanced graphical user interfaces.
• Perform event handling techniques
• Use latest security techniques.

Course outline:

Java API: Abstract classes, Interfaces, Packages, Exception handling, Advance issues of
GUI and event handling, Applets and swing,

Network Programming Concepts: JDBC, Multithreading, Building Client/ Server,

implementation of protocols in Client and Server Programs, RMI.

Applets and Network Programming: Java secure socket extension, Secure sockets layer (SSL);
SSL socket and SSL server socket classes;

Client and Server Authentication: HTTPS, Developing TCP/IP client and server and
testing with standard window telnet client and telnet server.

Recommended Books:

1. Derek Hamner, Conrad Hughes (2002), Java 2 The Complete Reference,

5thed.Herbert Schildt,ISBN: 0072224207.
2. Merlin Hughes, Michael Shoffner, Derek Hamner, Conrad Hughes (1999) Java
Network Programming: A Complete Guide to Networking, Streams, and Distributed
Computing, ISBN: L-884777-49-X.
3. Floyd Marinescu (2002), EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and
Idioms, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 0471208310.
Course Code: ITEC3114
Credit Hours: 3(2+1)

The main objectives of this course are to:

• Guide students step-by-step in creating custom build windows Server based network
from scratch.

Course Outline:

Introduction to Operating Systems: Operating systems and utility programs, Windows


Installation and User Management: Installation of windows, Using windows control panel,
File system & introduction to disk management, Setting up user accounts and groups, Users
and hardware profile, Sharing folders, Permissions, Local security policy, Backup and restore
Windows 2012 Server: Network protocols & installation of windows 2012 server,
Implementing an active directory infrastructure, Managing and maintaining an active directory
implementation, Managing users, groups and computers in active directory, Planning,
Implementing and troubleshooting group policy, Planning, Implementation.
DHCP and DNS Servers: Managing and troubleshooting DHCP and DNS servers. Security:
Securing network communication, Creating and managing digital certificates. Disaster
Recovery: Managing and implementing disaster recovery.

Recommended Books:

1. William R. Stanek, (2012). Windows Server.

2. Rand Morimoto, Michael Noel, Guy Yardeni, (2012). Windows Server.2012.
3. Dan DiNicolo (2012). Windows Server 2012 Managing, Maintaining, Planning &
Course Code: COMP2114
Credit Hours: 4(3+1)

The main objectives of this course are to:

• Equip the student with the knowledge related to a variety of design, implementation of
relational databases.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Databases: Introduction, Application & history of database systems, Traditional
file system, The database, Database environment, Database management System (DBMS), User
roles in database environment, Advantages & disadvantages of DBMS.
Database Environment: Three level ANSI-SPARC Architecture, Schemas, Mappings and
instances, Data independence, Database languages, Data models & Conceptual modeling,
Functions of DBMS, Multi-user DBMS architecture.
The Relational Model: History of Relational Model, Basic terminologies, Entity, Attribute,
Relationship, Relational data Structure, Mathematical relations, Database relations, Relations
properties, Relational keys, Integrity constraints, Nulls, Entity Integrity, Referential integrity,
General constraints, Views.
Relational Algebra: Unary operations, Set operations, Join operations, Division operations,
Aggregation & grouping operations.
Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling: Entity types, Relationship types, Attributes & type of
attributes, Strong & weak entities, Structural constraints, One to One (1:1) relationship, One to
many (1: N) Relationship, many to many (M: N) relationship, Cardinality & multiplicity
constraints, ER Notations, UML notation, Chen notation, Crow’s Feet notation.
Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) Model: Specialization, Generalization, Super class, Subclass,
Attribute inheritance, Aggregation, Composition.

Mapping of Entity Relationship to Relational Model: Relational database design Using ER- to-
Relational mapping, Mapping of regular entity types, Mapping of weak entity types, Mapping of
binary 1:1 relationship types, Mapping of binary 1: N relationship types, Mapping of binary M:N
relationship types, Mapping of multi valued attributes, Mapping of n-ary relationship types.
Normalization: Purpose of normalization, Data redundancy and update anomalies, Insertion
anomaly, Deletion anomaly, Modification anomaly, Functional dependency, Inference rules for
functional dependencies, Identifying the primary key for a relation using functional

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dependencies, Process of Normalization, First Normal Form (1NF), Second Normal Form
(2NF), Third Normal Form (3NF), Boyce Cod Normal Form (BCNF).
Introduction to SQL: Introduction to SQL, History &Objectives of SQL, Simple queries,
Sorting, Grouping, Aggregate functions, Sub-queries, Join, Inner Join, Left join, Right, Full
join, Set operations, Union, Intersection, Except, Database update queries, INSERT, DELETE,
SQL Data Definition: Table creation, Data types, Views.
Introduction to Commercial DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition/ MY SQL/
Microsoft Access 2012

Security Concepts: Security Threats, Authentication & authorization, Users & roles
Transaction Management: Basic concept of transaction, Transaction properties.
Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS): Introduction, Concepts of
DDBMS, Advantages & disadvantages of DDBMS.

Object Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS): Introduction, concepts of

OODBMS, Advantages & disadvantages of DDBMS.

Recommended Books:

1. Connolly &Begg (2001), Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design,

Implementation, And Management, Pearson Education ISBN: 0-201-70857-4.
2. Elmasri&Navathe (2010), Fundamentals of Database Systems, sixth edition,
Pearson Education ISBN-13: 978-0-136-08620-8.
3. J Hughes (1991), Object-Oriented Databases, Prentice-Hall.
4. Ceri and Pelagatti, Distributed Databases, McGraw Hill.

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Course Code: COMP2112
Credit Hours: 3(3+0)

The main objectives of this course are to:

• Build understanding about various aspects of software engineering.
• Acquire knowledge required for building and delivering high-quality maintainable
• Deliver software projects on time and within budget.

Course Outline:

Overview of SE:

Nature of Software, Overview of Software Engineering, Professional software

development, Software engineering practice, Software process structure

The Software Processes:

Generic Process Models: Framework Activity, Task Set, CMM.
Prescriptive Process Models:
Waterfall Model, Incremental Process Model, Evolutionary Process Model.
Specialized Process Models:
Component Based Development; Agile Development (Scrum, Extreme Programming, pair
Phases; System Planning; Preliminary Investigation, Requirements Engineering. SWOT
Analysis; the Importance of Strategic Planning; Evaluation of Systems Requests; Difference
between Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis;
System Modeling:
Context models (Architecture Models), Interaction models (Use Case Diagram, Sequence
Diagram), Structural models (Class Diagram, Generalization, Aggregation), Behavioral models
(Data Driven Modeling [Data Flow, Context, Conventions, Detailed Level DFD’s; Sequence
Diagram], Event-driven modeling [state diagrams], Model-driven engineering (Model-driven
architecture, Executable UML) System Architecture, Architectural Styles, User Interface

Introduction to Project Management:

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Components of Project Management: 4P’s, Project Life cycle

Maintenance and Reengineering:

Tools, methods, reverse engineering
Software Quality Assurance:
Development testing (Unit testing, Component testing, System testing), Test-driven
development, Release testing (Requirements-based testing, Scenario testing, Performance
testing) User testing (Alpha testing, Beta testing, Acceptance testing and stages in the
acceptance testing process)

Recommended Books:

1. Ian Summerville (2000), “Software Engineering”, 6th /ed., Addison-Wesley, ISBN:

2. Roger S. Pressman, (2001) Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach, 5th /ed.,
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072496681.
3. Craig Larman (2001), “Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design and the Unified Process”, 2nd /ed., Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN:
4. Robert L. Glass (2002), “Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering”, Addison Wesley,
ISBN: 0321117425.

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Course Code: ITEC3117
Credit Hours:

3(3+0) Objectives:

The main objectives of this course are to:

• Provide students basic concepts of Internet architecture, Internet
technologies, ISP architecture, TCP/IP protocol suit, QoS techniques,
multimedia concepts, real time interactive application, bridging and
switching and wireless LAN.

Course Outline:

Internet: Introduction about Internet architecture, Basics, History, Internet service

providers, Internet backbones.
Internet Technologies: Frame relay, ATM, ISDN, DSL, Cable modem, SONET, Point to
point protocols

Internet Service Provider: ISP, Architecture and components.

Protocols: Detail discussion including headers of protocols, IPv4, IPv6, ARP, RARP,
Quality of Service: Techniques, Integrated Services, Differentiated Services,
Multimedia, Concepts, Real time interactive applications.
Bridging and Switching: VLANs and spanning Tree. Multiple access techniques,
CSMA, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, Framing, MAC layer protocols, Ethernet, Token ring,
Wireless LANs.

Recommended Books:

1. Behrouz A. Forouzan, (2002). TCP/IP Protocol Suite,2nd edition, McGraw-Hill.

2. Uyless D. Black , Uyless Black.Internet Architecture: An Introduction to
IP Protocols.
3. Byrav Ramamurthy, George N. Rouskas, Krishna MoorthySivalinga, Next-
generation Internet architectures and Protocols.

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