Primary Surveillance 2D S Band Radar: Air Traffic Management

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2D s band RADAR
Supplying ATM systems around the world for more than 90 years

2D s band RADAR

PSR 2D S band & MSSR-S comounted antennas

Monitor all the aircraft in the airspace, clearly,

simultaneously and without interference

Indra technology for a very high and reliable radar detectability

Indra’s PSR 2D S band Radar solution latest generation of a concept that has channel has an independent set of Doppler
is a fully solid-state radar system that evolved over more than twenty years. filters that eliminate clutter from the
incorporates the latest technologies into an With each new generation, significant weather output. Special processing
airport en-route surveillance radar system. improvements in the detection of aircraft techniques are used to edit multi-trip,
The radar is in state-of-the-art in airspace flying tangentially to the radar (more anomalous propagation clutter echoes and
surveillance by combining features only accurate ground clutter map due to azimuth windfarm mitigation. The six level weather
available in the US FAA’s air traffic control synchronization). mapping is implemented in redundant
radar with the lastest technology: signal processors, thereby providing high
generation and demodulation, processors Weather conditions detected by the radar availability of this critical product.
and communications technology. are measured in six levels of intensity
conforming to the ICAO and U.S. Weather The particular Moving Target Detector
This system allows the air traffic controller Bureau standards and are processed using (MTD) implemented is optimized to allow
to monitor all the aircraft in the airspace, a weather channel in parallel with the controllers to see an aircraft in severe
clearly, simultaneously, and without target channel. The integrated weather ground and weather clutter conditions.
interference. The A-MTD is the

primary surveillance 2d s band radar


PSR 2D S band Equipment

Technology benefits

Features Benefits Discriminators

• All solid state with MTD performance • Best value and high performance at • The most technologically advanced
• ICAO and EUROCONTROL performance competitive price ATC system - solid state, programmable,
• Uncompromised Doppler visibility detects • High reliability and ease of maintenance A-MTD Doppler processing
aircraft in adverse weather conditions results in significant operating cost • High receiver dynamic range solves clutter
• Excellent range resolution with unique savings performance problems with solid-state radar
technology to detect small aircraft close • Easy maintenance through user-friendly • Ultra low Doppler Filter sidelobes provide
to large ones “expert systems” technology unsurpassed rejection of weather
• Calibrated ICAO compliant six-level • Low false alarm aircraft detection in bad • User-friendly radar to operate and
weather mapping weather improves controller productivity maintain
• No RF switching of signal received with • Accurate weather situation picture • Programmable processor (parameters and
two antenna beams and 4 receivers allows aircraft to be safely routed around site adaptation)
each channel storms • The highest top-quality-range resolution,
• COTS and Open system architecture, • Full capacity to be integrated with MSSR/ graceful multipath redundancy
readily interfaces to your ATC system Mode S as an advance surveillance
• Additional redundancy points station entity
• CE marking
• European interoperability requirements

primary surveillance 2d s band radar


Primary Surveillance 2D S band Radar Characteristics summary

Frequency 2.7 to 2.9 GHz
Main features Frequency Diversity & Agility 2 frequencies (Long/short pulse)
The radar is a highly reliable S-band 75 MHz frequency diversity. Possible exchange
surveillance radar designed as an of frequencies for subsequent CPI
unattended system intended to operate Peak power 22 Kw
twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year, RF TX & Sectorize (1.4º)
while simultaneously performing system Blanking Synchronous clutter map
self tests, reporting status and surveillance Pulse width Short pulse: 1.2 µs
data to the Air Traffic Control System. Long pulse: from 60 to 98 µs
PRF 700 to 1300 Hz (custom-built)
Apart from the antenna, transmitter and
Stability 63 dB
waveguide components, the equipment in
MTI improvement factor 57 dB
the system is configured in dual channels
Sub-Clutter visibility >50 dB
to provide a totally redundant system.
Instrumented range 60 nm or 80 nm or 100 nm
Cross connections between redundant
Detection range >60 nm or >80 nm or >100 nm
modules permit additional failures to
occur while the system continues in
Availability 99.999%
operation, in comparison to other systems.
MTBCF 45,000 hours
The transmitter is implemented using
MTTR 20 minutes
N+2 redundancy providing inherent high
reliability with a fail-soft operation. Due
Range 230 m rms (short pulse)
to power margin and considering graceful
170 m rms (long pulse)
degradation, the transmitter can be
Azimuth 2.5º rms
maintained without interruption of service.
The configuration of the radar consists of Range 50 m, rms
a Terminal Approach radar to 60 nm with Azimuth 0.15º, rms
a rotation rate of 15 rpm, a Mid-range Receiver
Terminal Approach version to 80 nm with Noise figure 2 dB
a rotation rate of 12 rpm, and 100 nm with Sensitivity -126 dBm
a rotation rate of 10 rpm, performance Dynamic range 84 dB at signal processor input (without
of the systems is identical except for the pulse compression)
extended coverage provided by the Mid- STC 3 stages (2 RF and digital)
range version. ADC 16 bits @ 93 MHz
• Internally redundant architecture Antenna
• Solid-state Transmitter with graceful Beams 1 transmit, 2 receive
degradation and hot repair Gain 34 dB (low beam)
32.5 dB (high beam)
• High dynamic range receivers (84 dB at
Azimuth beamwidth 1.35º
signal processor input)
Elevation beamwidth 4.5º cosecant squared +40º
• Sampling at IF, digital I&Q generation
Rotation speed 10/12/15 rpm
and demodulation
Polarization Linear (vertical)
• Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Power- Circular (right hand)
PC based Generic Processors for Signal and Receiving paths 4 simultaneous each channel
Data Processing-growth for the future, Processing
scalability, load balancing, portability Type A-MTD doppler filter bank
• Fully programmable processing parameters- Filters 14
site adaptation and optimization False alarm control Interference suppression/detect
• The A-MTD employs adaptive processing R-CFAR, CM-CFAR, MTAT, MTAC
techniques in Time and Doppler domain to Clutter and Digital STC map
uniquely identify aircraft and clutter returns Anomalous prop detection
• User friendly control and monitoring Windfarm mitigation, LTE immunity
interfaces - Graphical for ease of Weather channel US-NWS 6 level detection
understanding Ground clutter suppression filters
• Wide range of interfaces Capacity >1500 targets

primary surveillance 2d s band radar


Altitude (Kft)
50 40 30 25 20 15
60 10 9
6 Elevation (º)









0 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Range (NM)

No failure
Failure in 10% of transistors
Failure in 20% of transistors


The coverage of the system is as above, The previous graph shows the fail-soft
operating at 15 rpm with a 1 m2 target capabilities that allow detection range of at
(standard target Swerling Case I) is such least 60 nm with failure in 20% of transistors
that a target is detected within the or 2 Power Amplifiers switched off.
Operational Coverage Volume (OCV), with a For 80 nm configuration operating at 12 rpm,
Pd (Probability of detection) of at least 80% detection range is 90,3 nm (Data reporting is
at video extractor inputo guarantying an shown up to 80 nm).
overall Pd at plot level better than 90%.
The graph shows that detection
requirements are fully accomplished:
detection range is 87.9 nm.

primary surveillance 2d s band radar

Crta Loeches, 9 Indra reserves the right to make any Wb GGV
Torrejón de Ardoz change in this document including Rb AAA
28850 Madrid (Spain) change in description, terms, Ab JTM
T +34 91 627 19 57 figures, drawings and formats at V.6 -eng
F +34 91 627 10 10 any time without notice.
[email protected]

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