Marketability of Ampalaya Chips

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A Research Study
Presented To
The Faculty of Senior High School Division
Elizabeth Seton School - South
Anabu II-D, Imus City, Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment
of the requirements in

Submitted To
Doc. Roberto T. Borromeo

Submitted By
November 2018

Name of Institution: Elizabeth Seton School - South

Address: Anabu II-D, Imus City, Cavite

Title of Research: Marketability of Ampalaya Chips

Author : Charles Ceazar S. Hortal

Jan Engel D. Ranga
Kyle Gabrielle S. Samala
Vince Bryan R. Aguiling

Date of Completion: November 2018

This study aims to resolve the problem of health conscious consumers that desires an

alternative nourishment. The researchers will conduct a making of Ampalaya chips that serves as

a substitute way of consuming vegetables. For children, this will create a better way to eat

vegetables, and for guardians it produces a more efficient and better way for the children to be

encourage to eat vegetables. Another is to help older people who are experiencing more sickness

or more prone to sickness will benefit from the researchers project due to the fact of the benefits

and advantages ampalaya gives off. Many health conscious and vegetarian consumers will ease

convenience upon eating snacks.



Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Approval Sheet 3

Table of Contents 4


Background of the Study 5

Statement of the Problem 9

Conceptual Framework 9


Research Design 10

Population and Sampling 11

Participants of the Study 11

Research Instrument 12

Data Gathering Procedure 12



Appendix 1 15

Appendix 2 16

Background of the Study:

Ampalaya is a herbal plant or a vegetable that contain many health benefits and medicinal
properties even though it is bitter. This vegetable usually grows in the Philippines because of its
tropical weather. It is used commonly in cooking in few vegetable dishes. Aside from being used
as a cooking ingredient , this plant contains many sources of calcium, phosphorus, folic acid,
iron, vitamins A, B and C. The plant is popular for curing diabetes worldwide because it contains
compounds such as flavonoids and alkaloids. Ampalaya can also help to treat and prevent some
serious diseases because of its high medicinal value. It can also help the body of a person to
produce more insulin which controls the blood sugar levels of a diabetic person. Ampalaya can
also be used as an alternative treatment for certain diseases like skin disease, liver problems,
HIV, diabetes, and other sickness. It can help to cure headaches, great for rheumatism and gout,
can treat hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, and can cure several types of cancer. It can boost the
immune system, fight infections, reduce blood pressure and even good for the liver. It also
contains antioxidant, antipryretic, antibacterial, parasiticide and anti-inflammatory properties.
(Nelz , 2016)

Ampalaya is known in India and Chinese cuisines for it is good to everyone because it is
high in medicinal properties. Ampalaya is also called as bitter melon or momordica charantia.
According to (Mifflin, 2016) it is a tropical annual vine native to Asia. When the plant reaches
its maturity stage, it will have yellow flower and orange, warty fruits that blooms to show its red-
coated seeds. Other parts of the plant are used as traditional medicine or even used for food. The
green fruit of this plant, the immature stage, is eaten as a vegetable that is called the bitter gourd
and it is popular in the Philippines.

According to (Tremblay, 2017) Ampalaya does not contain big amount of fats because
every pod just have a quarter of a gram of total fat but this helps us gain fuel for our active
lifestyle for it contains proteins and carbohydrates. It has 1.3 grams of protein which can be a
good thing in having healthy bones and other tissues of our body. It also have 4.6 grams of
carbohydrates that some of the amount of carbohydrates provides energy to out cells and the
other remaining amount comes from dietary fiber that fights cardiovascular disease, as well as
constipation and hemorrhoids. The type of fiber found in every ampalaya has 9 to 14 percent
recommendation for fiber intakes for men and women.

In accordance to (Walia, 2018) There are many benefits to consider about bitter melon. It
can be good herbal medicine to maintain sugar level, because it contains insulin “a hormone
made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar (glucose) from carbohydrates in the
food that you eat for energy or to store glucose for future use. Insulin helps keeps your blood
sugar level from getting too high (hyperglycemia) or too low (hypoglycemia).” according to
(Hess-Fischl, 2017). Citizens who are diagnosed with diabetes is necessary to drink a glass of
bitter melon, because of insulin. It can also decrease cholesterol, because it absorbs the excess
sodium in the body. Having these stated, it can lessen the risk of having stroke and heart
diseases, and as it maintains the sugar level it also maintains the healthiness of the heart. It also
smoothens and glows up the skin, besides being an alternative medicine for diabetes it can also
be an alternative to have an appealing look. In addition, it clears pores, acnes, and protects skin
from UV rays. It also relieves hangover and cleanses the liver, a bitter melon juice can relieve
such by purifying the intestines, and cleansing the liver itself. By doing such, it resolves many
liver problems. It causes the enzymes in liver to work actively and enhances the function of the
bladder. It can also be a solution for obesity, for bitter melon has components that hampers the
growth of fat cells. It also enhances the immune system by helping the immune system in
fighting many types of bacterias and viruses. Lastly, it keep the eyes healthy, because bitter
melon contains vitamin a that reduces the risk of eye infection.

How does bitter melon affect blood sugar levels? According to (Barhum, 2017) having
health issues should alarm people to be conscious on how to be healthy, being able to avoid
temptations by lessening the consumption junk foods, fast foods, sweets or simply unhealthy
foods. It is essential to consider these factors in terms of sickness like diabetes. A lot of people
are diagnosed with diabetes, but also many of them manage to treat them well, however taking
medications through the prescriptions of doctors may result to some complications because of
the chemicals used in the making of the medicine. Natural or herbal medicine can be a substitute
of it, because some vegetables contains vitamins and nutrients that can cure some sickness. Like
bitter melon it contains substances that reduces blood glucose like how insulin behaves in the
body system. Though given these statements people still has to consider the intake of bitter
melon should be done properly and moderately.

Given these benefits that can affect the health of the citizens, there also a lot of factors to
consider when it comes to its side effects. According to (Tadimalla, 2018) there are side effects
of bitter melon, it can be a reason to cause pregnancy loss, because consuming without control
can result to the increase of menstrual flow and abortifacient effect. Though it is also stated that
eating bitter melon can also have a bad effect for lactating women, knowing that it affects
pregnancy, it has a chance of also affecting it. However, controlling the food intake of bitter
melon, can avoid the bad effectivity to people’s health. As a herbal medicine, it can be used as a
substitute for drugs that can lower blood sugar to be used for people who have diabetes.
Although, excessive intake can have a bad impact to citizens who have a diabetes for having a
very low blood sugar. Being stated, it is recommended for the people who have a disease that
includes problem with blood sugar should consult their doctor, before taking bitter melons. It can
also affect the heart’s rhythmic pattern, it was stated that it was proven by the “Annals of Saudi
Medicine” that a 22 year old male who has no problems with the rhythm of the heart, turns out to
be the opposite way after drinking a half empty glass of bitter melon juice. So by the result, the
researchers have concluded that it affects the rhythm of the heart. Having an irregular heart beat
makes impulses work improperly, causing that can result to additional or less heartbeat than
having a normal and healthy heart. It might also be dangerous to children, the cover part of the
seed or also called as red arils may be toxic, because it causes unusual reaction to human body
that causes, vomiting or diarrhea. It must be put away to people especially children who are at
high risk of toxic reaction. It can also affect the liver through its a long term use and worst it can
cause atherosclerosis. According to (Nordqvist, 2017) “Atherosclerosis is a condition where the
arteries become narrowed and hardened due to a buildup of plaque around the artery wall.”
Wrapping up everything in this article bitter melon can be used as alternative medicine for
supplements that are used in lowering blood sugar, but can also result to health problems through
being neglectful of intaking bitter melon.

With the article of “Floral Biology and Pollination of Ampalaya” written by Rodelina C.
Deyto and Cleofas R. Cervancia gave support with toward our research and benefits stated above
and specified that Ampalaya or also known as bitter gourd, in english, is not only a primarily
propagated food worldwide, but recently, has been recognized as a medicinal plant (being one of
the major vegetable crops in the Philippines). Due to this findings, the increase for demands for
ampalaya have risen in regards to medicine, area of productions and agriculture. It was stated in
the article that “it is important to optimize its yield through improved agronomic practices and
intensive pollination”. This was not the first or only article that had Ampalaya or bitter melon as
its subject. There were studies like; Prior studies on ampalaya were focused on agronomic
practices (Huyskens et. al. 1992; Palada and Chang 2003; Dahal 2002; Morgan and Midmore
2002) and medicinal properties (Raza et al. 2000; Rathi et al. 2002; and Shapiro and Gong,
2002). However, the article was more focused on Floral biology and using Ampalaya as a source
of pollination, which is known as a practice that uses insecticides on the flower to serve as a
protection to herbivores. Essentially the general objective of Rodelina C. Deyto and Cleofas R.
Cervancia’s research was to establish a plant pollinator using ampalaya and to imply. The study
was conducted at the Institute of Biological Sciences and the Agripark, University of the
Philippines Los Baños from June 2006 to December 2007. To conclude this statement, this
article proves and supports the idea of many benefits and advantageous substitutes of Ampalaya
towards to what we may call traditional.
Statement of the Problem:
Generally, this study seeks to determine the acceptability and marketability of the new
product ampalaya chips in Imus City, Cavite. Specifically, it attempts to find answers to the
following questions:

1. What is the characteristics of ampalaya chips samples in terms of:

1.1 Color
1.2 Aroma
1.3 Taste
1.4 Acidity
1.5 Health benefits
2. What is the marketability of the new product in terms of:
2.1 Potential demand
2.2 Price
3. What is the acceptability of ampalaya as the ingredient of chips?

Theoretical Framework/Conceptual Framework:


of ampalaya as DEMANDTY
the ingredient
of chips PRICE


The flowchart above will be the the process of this research. The study will focus on the
marketability of the new product ampalaya chips. In order to determine the marketability of
ampalaya chips, the researchers will be needing to gather data regarding the characteristics of the
chips in terms of its taste, acidity, aroma, color, and health benefits, the marketability of the
chips in terms of its potential demand and price, and lastly the acceptability of ampalaya as the
ingredient of chips. The data that will be gathered will be the basis of the study’s results and will
determine the marketability of ampalaya chips as a whole.

This chapter explains the study’s research design, the population, sample and the
sampling method used, the respondents of the study, research instrument, data gathering
procedure, ethical considerations in the study, and the analysis and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design
This research will be utilizing a quantitative and an experimental research design. A quantitative
research design is a structured way of collecting and analyzing data obtained from different
sources. It involves the use of computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results.
The study will be experimental because the researchers will be testing out gathered data on how
the ampalaya chips will be selling in the market.

Population and Sampling

Respondents/Participants/Subjects of the Study

Research Instrument
The researchers will be giving up surveys to the participants according and based on the research
topic answering questions regarding the marketability of ampalaya chips.

Data Gathering Procedure


Nelz, J. (2016). Ampalaya: Effective Herbal Medicine With Various Health Benefits. Retrieved
benef its/?

Mifflin, H. (2016). bitter melon. Retrieved from

Tremblay, S. (2017). Nutrients Found in Ampalaya. Retrieved from

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