Chemical Tinting of Foods
Chemical Tinting of Foods
Chemical Tinting of Foods
Donald S. Mottram*
Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Reading, PO Box 226, Whiteknights, Reading
Summary Taints and off-flavours in food are a major cause of consumer rejection of the food prod-
uct, and consequently the occurrence of such flavour defects is of great concern also to
the manufacturer. Unacceptable flavours in foods may develop within the food through
chemical or microbial action on food components, or they may be inadvertently intro-
duced into the food during processing or storage, by absorption of chemicals from air-
borne, waterborne or packaging-related sources. The chemicals responsible for taints and
off-flavours are usually volatile organic compounds, which are frequently found at con-
centrations of less than 1 mg kg21, and cause flavour problems because of their low odour-
threshold values. This paper discusses the possible origins of off-flavours and taints in
foods, and describes some incidents in which food taints have been caused by chemical
contamination from the environment.
Keywords Catty odours, chlorophenols, food storage, off-flavour, oxidation, packaging, taint.
nature and source of taint problems. In many cases will be that much more difficult to achieve.
cases, however, the nature of the problem or the This paper discusses the possible origins of off-
offending chemical compounds have not been flavours and taints in foods, and describes some
reported in the scientific literature or trade press, incidents in which food taints have been the result
usually because the companies involved have, of chemical contamination from the environment.
understandably, no wish to draw attention to the The paper does not deal with taints involving the
occurrence of taints in its products. Prevention of action of microorganisms on food components or
tainting relies largely on awareness of potential their role in the generation of taint chemicals in
problems and thus wide dissemination of infor- the environment; this is the subject of another
mation would be of major benefit to the industry paper in the present issue (Whitfield, 1998).
overall. Although many laboratories around the
world are involved in the analysis of taints and
Taints and off-flavours and their
off-flavours, relatively few publish the results of
their work. Fortunately, this was not the case in
the early 1970s, when Derek Land at the Food Essentially a taint or off-flavour in a food is any
Research Institute in Norwich identified flavour which is not normally associated with that
chlorophenols as the cause of disinfectant taints food. It is usually caused by trace amounts of
in biscuits (Griffiths & Land, 1973) and volatile organic compounds not normally present
chloroanisoles as the cause of musty taints in in the food. Although the terms ‘taint’ and ‘off-
chicken and eggs (Curtis et al., 1972; Curtis et al., flavour’ are often used synonymously, it is now
1974). These two classes of compounds have sub- common to use ‘off-flavour’ to describe an unac-
sequently turned into the most prolific causes of ceptable flavour which develops within the food
taints and have been encountered in many foods through chemical or microbial action on food
of different types. The flavour research group at components, whereas ‘taint’ is used for unaccept-
the Netherlands Organization for Applied able flavours arising from external contamination
Scientific Research (TNO) had previously associ- of the food.
ated musty taints with chloroanisoles (Engel Some of the unacceptable flavours most fre-
et al., 1966; Maarse et al., 1988), while Patterson quently encountered are described by the con-
identified a chlorophenol as the cause of disinfec- sumer as disinfectant, mouldy, musty, earthy,
tant taints in poultry meat (Patterson, 1972). faecal, metallic, fishy, painty and plastic-like.
These research groups were among the first to There have been several reviews on taints and off-
isolate and identify successfully trace quantities of flavours in recent years (Saxby, 1982; Whitfield,
compounds from the environment which caused 1986; Nijssen, 1991; Reineccius, 1991), including
taints in foods. Other taint compounds in foods an excellent book (Saxby, 1993a).
have subsequently been identified and reported by The compounds responsible for taints and
different researchers, but the largest contribution off-flavours are frequently found at concentra-
to scientific knowledge has been provided by tions of less than 1 mg kg21 (ppb) and cause
Whitfield and co-workers at CSIRO in Australia flavour problems because of their low odour-
through an extensive series of publications over threshold values (the minimum concentration at
the past 25 years. Without the early publications which a compound can be detected by the sense
by Land and others and the extensive coverage of of smell). At these concentrations, 1 mg of the
the area by Whitfield et al. it would be much compound would be sufficient to contaminate
more difficult to deal with problems which con- over 1000 kg of food. Some taint compounds are
tinue to arise in the industry today. In recent even more potent and have odour-threshold
years, there have been fewer publications, possi- values reported to be as low as 3 3 1025 mg kg21
bly reflecting the greater reluctance by food com- (Table 1).
panies to allow disclosure of such information. Identification and determination of such low
Prevention of taints depends on awareness of concentrations provides a major challenge to the
potential problem areas and, if incidents of new analytical chemist and requires sophisticated
taints remain unpublished, avoidance of further instrumental techniques. However, almost all the
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1998, 33, 19–29 © 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd
Chemical tainting of foods D. S. Mottram 21
compounds responsible for taints and off-flavours lipid hydroperoxides, which subsequently break
are volatile and the techniques used for their iso- down to give a complex mixture of volatile com-
lation are those which the flavour chemist pounds, many of which contain oxygen.
employs for the determination of the volatiles in Aldehydes, unsaturated ketones and unsaturated
foods which contribute to desirable aromas alcohols are the products of lipid autoxidation
(Maarse, 1993). Extraction from the food can be which are most widely reported as contributing to
achieved by distillation techniques (e.g. steam dis- off-flavours, primarily because they have low
tillation) or headspace concentration on porous odour-threshold values. Lipid oxidation can also
polymer adsorbents. Separation and identification be induced by enzymes, which give similar class-
requires combined gas chromatography (GC) and es of products, although, because very specific
mass spectrometry. The sensory evaluation of pathways are involved, off-flavours may be
components, as they elute from the GC column caused by specific compounds rather than the
by means of an odour-port, is essential in deter- mixture of compounds which is often responsible
mining which compound(s) in a volatile extract for autoxidation off-flavours. Milk and milk
are responsible for the taint. With the skilful use products are particularly susceptible to lipid-
of modern instrumental and sensory techniques, derived off-flavours. Examples are the production
the experienced analytical chemist can character- of 2-heptanone (Fig. 1a) and other alkanones in
ize most of the compounds responsible for off- UHT milk (Badings, 1991) and a metallic taint in
flavours and taints. However, even when the butter caused by 1,(Z)5-octadien-3-one (Fig. 1b)
chemical has been identified, tracking down the (Swoboda & Peers, 1977).
origins of the problem can be a lengthy and time- Lipolysis, especially that brought about by
consuming job, and the resulting case history enzymes, can also give rise to off-flavours due
often reads rather like a detective story. either to the release of short-chain fatty acids,
such as butanoic acid in milk, or to the enhanced
rate of autoxidation of free fatty acids compared
Sources of off-flavours
with those bound to lipids. The role of lipids in
One of the major sources of off-flavours, formed the formation of both desirable and undesirable
from food constituents, is the degradation of flavour has been well reviewed (Forss, 1972;
lipids. Although lipid breakdown is also an Grosch, 1982; Kochhar, 1993) and therefore will
important route to desirable flavours in foods,
lipid-derived off-flavours are often associated
with storage of foods rather than normal produc-
tion and cooking of fresh food. Lipid degradation
can occur through two routes: autoxidation and
enzymic action.
Autoxidation involves the unsaturated fatty
acid moieties of lipids. The mechanism involves Figure 1 The structures of (a) 2-heptanone and (b) 1,(Z)5-
free-radical reactions with the initial formation of octadien-3-one.
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24 Chemical tainting of foods D. S. Mottram
Many disinfectants are mixtures of phenols, (1993b) gives a number of examples of 6-chloro-
including chlorinated xylenols. They have distinc- o-cresol tainting, which have arisen from the mix-
tive odours, but not particularly low odour- ing of cresol with hypochlorite bleach, either as a
threshold values and, therefore, do not normally cleaning formulation or by inadvertent introduc-
have any strong, lingering odours. However, the tion of the two chemicals into water used in food
exception is 6-chloro-o-cresol with its unusually processing.
low odour-threshold value, and its use in disin- Traces of other chlorophenols, especially tri-,
fectants should be avoided for this reason. tetra- and pentachlorophenols (Fig. 6), have been
However, on occasion this compound has been regularly reported as contaminants in foods.
used as an ingredient of certain disinfectants Whitfield (1986) has provided an excellent
(mainly cheap, ‘black’ disinfectants); the use of overview of how chlorophenols may enter the
such products in close proximity to food process- food chain. They can arise from the reaction of
ing facilities has caused a number of tainting natural or synthetic phenols with chlorine, or
problems over the years (Mottram & Patterson, from direct contamination of the food with
1986), especially in meat, where some incidents chlorophenols.
have resulted in the loss of meat worth several The active ingredients in many fungicides and
hundred thousands of pounds. algicides are chlorophenols. Wood preservatives
In one notable episode, a quantity of inedible are often based on chlorophenols and any wood-
offal had been left at an abattoir over a hot week- based material in contact with food or water sup-
end and by Monday morning maggots had gained plies could introduce chlorophenols into the food
access to several meat-handling areas. To rectify (Parr et al., 1974). There have been several exam-
the problem, the affected areas were liberally ples of fibreboard, jute sacks or wood pallets
washed down and disinfected with a solution being the source of chlorophenols (Whitfield,
which contained a cheap, farm-grade disinfectant, 1983; Whitfield et al., 1984; Whitfield & Last,
unsuitable for use in premises handling food. 1986). Fibreboard and paper regenerated from
Work resumed, but later in the week complaints waste paper and board often contain relatively
were received from a large number of consumers high levels of chlorophenols, and the use of such
(400–500 in total) about disinfectant-like odour products for the direct packaging of raw materi-
and taste in minced meat and beefburgers pre- als or processed food should be avoided. In
pared at the abattoir. Analysis of the meat showed another example, contamination of canned veg-
that 6-chloro-o-cresol was responsible for the taint etables with chlorophenols occurred when con-
and its origin was traced to the cheap disinfectant denser water, from a refrigeration unit which
used to clean the abattoir. After cleaning of the contained an algicide, sucked back into the food
processing areas, sufficient of the offending com- processing water supply (Whitfield, 1983). Where
pound had remained to volatilize into the air and the contamination results from fungicides and
then to be adsorbed by the fat of the meat. In algicides, the chlorophenols found are usually a
another case, a drain cleaner and degreaser, used mixture of tri-, tetra- and penta-substituted deriv-
in a meat plant, contained 6-chloro-o-cresol and atives.
resulted in the contamination of meat and meat Another source of chlorophenols is from the
products throughout the processing plant. chlorination of phenol which readily gives 2,4,6-
Phenols can be easily chlorinated and Saxby trichlorophenol. In food processing plants, possi-
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26 Chemical tainting of foods D. S. Mottram
form an odoriferous derivative. for catty taints. Manufacturers now take great
An example of this is the compound 4-mercap- care to ensure that solvents containing mesityl
to-4-methylpentan-2-one (Fig. 8b), which has oxide are not used in lacquer formulations, and
been the source of several severe instances of this type of taint now rarely occurs.
catty odour in a variety of foods (Aylward et al.,
1967; Patterson & Rhodes, 1967; Patterson, Some other taints caused by chemical
1968b). The mercapto compound has a most contamination
objectionable odour resembling the urine of a Food packaging materials are one of the most
mature tomcat, as well as a very low odour frequent contributors to food taints (Goldenberg
threshold of 1022 mg kg21. It is readily produced & Matheson, 1975; Whitfield, 1986; Reineccius,
by the reaction of hydrogen sulfide with mesityl 1991). Some cases simply involve transfer of
oxide, 4-methylpent-3-en-2-one (Fig. 8). residual solvents used in the preparation of the
Hydrogen sulfide is present naturally in many packaging, from machinery or from printing ink
foods, especially meat, milk, cheese and vegeta- solvents. Others have been caused by traces of
bles, and thus a catty taint will occur in any such plastic monomer, such as styrene. As discussed
food which comes into contact with mesityl oxide. above, catty odours from mercapto-ketones have
A classic example of this occurred in meat car- been a particularly potent taint problem associat-
casses which had been stored in a recently paint- ed with the reaction of hydrogen sulfide in the
ed chillroom. The paint used was based on food with residues of ketonic solvents in the
polyurethane and had been left for sufficient time packaging. However, the most prolific taint com-
to eliminate residual paint odours. The chillroom pounds associated with packaging are the
was duly restocked with meat carcasses. On open- chloroanisoles, which arise from the fungal
ing the room after two days an obnoxious catty methylation of trace amounts of chlorophenols,
odour was evident on the carcasses and in the found as contaminants in wood, cardboard, fibre-
room. The paint was suspected and careful exam- board and paper (see above).
ination of the paint solvent showed the presence The compounds (E)-1,10-dimethyl-(E)-9-
of 0.4% mesityl oxide. None of the solvent com- decalol (geosmin) (Fig. 9a) and 2-methylisoborne-
ponents had low odour-threshold values and ol (Fig. 9b), which have earthy, musty flavours,
traces could not be detected by odour in the chill- are a common cause of taints in foods. They are
room. However, when the mesityl oxide impurity produced by microorganisms, in particular actin-
reacted with natural hydrogen sulfide in the meat, omycetes, and are found in soil (Buttery &
trace amounts of 4-mercapto-4-methylpentan-2- Garibaldi, 1976), from whence they can be trans-
one were formed (Patterson, 1969). The very low ferred to root vegetables. In some foods, such as
odour-threshold value of this compound resulted beetroot, such aromas are part of the characteris-
in the ready perception of the catty taint. tic flavour of the food, but in many other prod-
Similar catty taints have been found in a num- ucts such flavours are not acceptable. These
ber of different canned foods (Goldenberg & chemicals have low threshold values and are also
Matheson, 1975). In these cases the problem was known to be the cause of musty odours in water
caused by the solvents used for the lacquers supplies, which have been contaminated with
applied to the insides of the cans: these solvents actinomycetes or blue-green algae (Gerber, 1979).
contained trace amounts of mesityl oxide or sim- Large amounts of water are used in the food pro-
ilar ketones. In other incidents, traces of mesityl cessing industry, and consequently if the water
oxide in the solvent used in printing inks applied contains traces of these compounds there is a risk
to the packaging were believed to be responsible of tainting of food products. Buttery et al. (1976)
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1998, 33, 19–29 © 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd
Chemical tainting of foods D. S. Mottram 27
identified geosmin as a taint in navy beans and room (Goldenberg & Matheson, 1975).
suggested that actinomycetes could have been The materials used in the packaging of food,
responsible, either by the contamination of the both raw materials and finished product, are now
beans themselves or of the water supply used dur- the major source of off-flavours. Great care is
ing cultivation or processing. Later, Whitfield needed to minimize the risk of chlorophenol or
et al. (1983) reported that a musty odour in chloroanisole contamination through materials
canned champignons was primarily due to 2- used in packaging and distribution. Foods should
methylisoborneol and again implicated actino- not come into direct contact with fibre, wood or
mycetes and the water supply used in processing. recycled paper products. Wherever possible, poly-
These compounds are also responsible for earthy, mer-based films should be used as a barrier in
muddy flavours in fish (Whitfield, 1988). Two packaging materials, but even these will not nec-
dehydration products of 2-methylisoborneol, 2- essarily prevent adsorption of taints.
methylenebornane (Fig. 9c) and 2-methyl-2- The amount of an off-flavour compound
borene (Fig. 9d), have also been reported to required to cause tainting is extremely small, but
contribute to musty taints in fish (Martin et al., its financial consequences and loss of customer
1988). Other examples of taints associated with goodwill can be enormous. However, most taint
geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol, as well as other problems can be avoided by taking relatively sim-
taints originating in microbial activity, are dis- ple steps to ensure the control of chemicals in and
cussed in more detail in the review by Whitfield around food premises and the control of all mate-
(1998), published in this issue. rials coming into contact with the food.
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© 1998 Blackwell Science Ltd International Journal of Food Science and Technology 1998, 33, 19–29