Code Composer Studio IDE V4.0: DSP Design Support
Code Composer Studio IDE V4.0: DSP Design Support
Code Composer Studio IDE V4.0: DSP Design Support
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Code Composer Studio(TM) Debugger | Profiling | Scripting | Image Analysis and Visualization | Compiler | CCStudio(TM) IDE
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(COFF) (spraao8.HTM, 8 KB)
15 Apr 2009 Abstract CCStudio Subscriptio
CCStudio’s interactive profiler makes it easy to quickly measure code performance and
ensure the efficient use of the DSP target’s resources during debug and development
sessions. The profiler allows developers to easily profile all C/C++ functions in their
application for instruction cycles or other events such as cache misses/hits, pipeline
stalls and branches. Profile ranges can be used to concentrate efforts on high-usage
areas of code during optimization, helping developers produce finely-tuned code.
Profiling is available for ranges of assembly, C++ or C code in any combination. To
increase productivity, all profiling facilities are available throughout the development
Some tasks such as testing need to run for hours or days without user interaction. To
accomplish such a task, the IDE should be able to automate common tasks. CCStudio
has a complete scripting environment allowing for the automation of repetitive tasks
such as testing and performance benchmarking. A separate scripting console allows
you to type commands or to execute scripts within the IDE.
CCStudio has many image analysis and graphic visualization. CCStudio includes the
ability to graphically view variables and data on displays which can be automatically
refreshed. CCStudio can also look at video data in the native format.
TI has developed C/C++ compilers specifically tuned to maximize DSP usage and performance. TI compilers
use a wide range of classical, DSP-oriented, and sophisticated device-specific optimizations that are tuned to
DSP architectures. Some of these optimizations include:
TI compilers also perform program level optimizations that evaluate code performance
at the application level. With the program level view, the compiler is able to generate
code similar to an assembly program developer who has the full system view. This
application level view is leveraged by the compiler to make trade-offs that significantly
increase DSP performance.
The TI ARM and Microcontroller C/C++ compilers are specifically tuned for code size
and control code efficiency. They offer industry leading performance and compatibility.
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Simulators provide a way for users to begin development prior to having access to a
development board. Simulators also have the benefit of providing enhanced visibility
into application performance and behavior. Several simulator variants are available
allowing users to trade off cycle accuracy, speed and peripheral simulation, with some
simulators being ideally suited to algorithm benchmarking and others for more detailed
system simulation.
Advanced Event Triggering (AET) which is available on selected devices, allows a user
to halt the CPU or trigger other events based on complex events or sequences such as
invalid data or program memory accesses. It can non-intrusively measure performance
and count system events (for example, cache events).
TI offers a variety of JTAG emulators. Emulators enable live debug sessions with the
target hardware. Learn more
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Getting Started
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