World Guidelines For Groin Hernia Management

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World Guidelines for

Groin Hernia
The HerniaSurge Group

Key Questions, Statements and Recommendations

(Key Statements for the Consensus vote in yellow)

Endorsed by:

Members of the HerniaSurge Group
Steering Committee:
M.P. Simons (coordinator)
M. Smietanski (European Hernia Society) Treasurer.
H.J. Bonjer (European Association for Endoscopic Surgery)
R. Bittner (International Endo Hernia Society)
M. Miserez (Editor Hernia)
Th.J. Aufenacker (Statistical expert)
R.J. Fitzgibbons (Americas Hernia Society)
P.K. Chowbey (Asia Pacific Hernia Society)
H.M. Tran (Australasian Hernia Society)
R. Sani (Afro Middle East Hernia Society)

Working Group
Th.J. Aufenacker Arnhem the Netherlands
F. Berrevoet Ghent Belgium
J. Bingener Rochester USA
T. Bisgaard Copenhagen Denmark
R. Bittner Stuttgart Germany
H.J. Bonjer Amsterdam the Netherlands
K. Bury Gdansk Poland
G. Campanelli Milan Italy
D.C. Chen Los Angeles USA
P.K. Chowbey New Delhi India
J. Conze Műnchen Germany
D. Cuccurullo Naples Italy
A.C. de Beaux Edinburgh United Kingdom
H.H. Eker Amsterdam the Netherlands
R.J. Fitzgibbons Creighton USA
R.H. Fortelny Vienna Austria
J.F. Gillion Antony France
B.J. van den Heuvel Amsterdam the Netherlands
W.W. Hope Wilmington USA
L.N. Jorgensen Copenhagen Denmark
U. Klinge Aachen Germany
F. Köckerling Berlin Germany
J.F. Kukleta Zurich Switserland
I. Konate Saint Louis Senegal
A.L. Liem Utrecht the Netherlands
D. Lomanto Singapore Singapore
M.J.A. Loos Veldhoven the Netherlands

M. Lopez-Cano Barcelona Spain
M. Miserez Leuven Belgium
M.C. Misra New Delhi India
A. Montgomery Malmö Sweden
S. Morales-Conde Sevilla Spain
F.E. Muysoms Ghent Belgium
H. Niebuhr Hamburg Germany
P. Nordin Östersund Sweden
M. Pawlak Gdansk Poland
G.H. van Ramshorst Amsterdam the Netherlands
W.M.J. Reinpold Hamburg Germany
D.L. Sanders Barnstaple United Kingdom
R. Sani Niamey Niger
N. Schouten Utrecht the Netherlands
S. Smedberg Helsingborg Sweden
M. Smietanski Gdansk Poland
M.P. Simons Amsterdam the Netherlands
R.K.J. Simmermacher Utrecht the Netherlands
H.M. Tran Sydney Australia
S. Tumtavitikul Bangkok Thailand
N. van Veenendaal Amsterdam the Netherlands
D. Weyhe Oldenburg Germany
A.R. Wijsmuller Rotterdam the Netherlands

Corresponding address
M.P. Simons
[email protected]
OLVG Hospital, Oosterparkstraat 9, 1091 AC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
The Guidelines development was sponsored by an educational and research grant from Johnson
& Johnson and BARD companies.
The HerniaSurge Group is very grateful for the financial support provided by The European
Hernia Society Board.

Worldwide, more than 20 million patients undergo groin hernia repair annually. The many
different approaches, treatment indications and a significant array of techniques for groin hernia
repair warrant guidelines to standardize care, minimize complications, and improve results.
The main goal of these guidelines is to improve patient outcomes, specifically to decrease
recurrence rates and reduce chronic pain, the most frequent problems following groin hernia

An expert group of international surgeons (the HerniaSurge Group) and one anesthesiologist pain
expert was formed. The group consisted of members from all continents with specific experience
in hernia-related research. Care was taken to include surgeons who perform all different types of
repair and had preferably performed research on groin hernia surgery. During the Group’s first
meeting, Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) training occurred and 166 key questions (KQ) were
formulated. EBM rules were followed in complete literature searches (including a complete
search by The Dutch Cochrane database) to January 1, 2015 and to July 1, 2015 for level 1

The articles were scored by teams of two or three according to Oxford, Sign and Grade
methodologies. During five two-day meetings, results were discussed with the working group
members leading to 125 statements and 86 recommendations. Statements graded as “strong” lead
to recommendations. Those graded as “weak” lead to suggestions. In the Results and Summary
section below, the term “should” refers to a recommendation.

Finally, consensus was sought by putting 50 "KEY" statements and recommendations to a vote
by all HerniaSurge members. The AGREE II instrument was used to validate the guidelines. An
external review was performed by three international experts.

Results and Summary

Inguinal hernia (IH) risk factors include: family history, previous contra-lateral hernia, gender,
age, abnormal collagen metabolism, prostatectomy, and low body mass index. Perioperative risk
factors for recurrence like: poor surgical technique, low surgical volume, and surgical
inexperience should be considered when treating IH patients.
IH diagnosis can be confirmed by physical examination alone in the vast majority of patients with
appropriate signs and symptoms. Rarely, ultrasound is necessary. Less commonly still, an MRI,
CT scan or herniography may be needed.

The EHS classification system is suggested to stratify IH patients for tailored treatment, research
and audit. Symptomatic groin hernias should be treated surgically. Asymptomatic or minimally
symptomatic male IH patients may be managed with “watchful waiting” since their risk of
hernia-related emergencies is low. The majority of these individuals will eventually require
surgery; therefore, surgical risks and the watchful waiting strategy should be discussed with
patients. Surgical treatment should be tailored to the surgeon’s expertise, patient- and hernia-
related characteristics and local/national resources.

Mesh repair is recommended as first choice, either by an open procedure or a laparo-endoscopic

repair technique. One standard repair technique for all groin hernias does not exist. It is
recommended that surgeons/surgical services provide both anterior and posterior approach
options. HerniaSurge suggests Lichtenstein or laparo-endoscopic repair as optimal techniques.
Provided that resources and expertise are available, laparoscopic techniques have faster recovery
times, lower chronic pain risk and are cost effective. There is discussion concerning laparo-
endoscopic management of potential bilateral hernias (occult hernia issue). After patient consent,
during TAPP, the contra-lateral side can be inspected. This is not suggested during unilateral TEP
Day surgery is recommended for simple groin hernia repair provided aftercare is organized and
suggested for selected other cases (e.g. after local anesthetic in ASA IIIa patients).

Surgeons should be aware of the intrinsic characteristics of the meshes they use. Use of so-called
low-weight mesh may have short-term benefits like reduced postoperative pain and shorter
convalescence, but are not associated with better longer-term outcomes like recurrence and
chronic pain. Mesh selection on weight alone is not recommended. Migration and/or erosion
incidence seems higher with plug versus flat mesh. It is suggested not to use plug repair
techniques. In almost all cases, mesh fixation in TEP is unnecessary. In both TEP and TAPP it is
recommended to fix mesh in M3 hernias (large medial) to reduce recurrence risk.
Antibiotic prophylaxis in average-risk patients in low-risk environments is not recommended. In
laparo-endoscopic repair it is never recommended.
Local anesthesia in open repair has many advantages and its use is suggested (especially in
patients with severe systemic disease) provided the surgeon is experienced in this technique.
General anesthesia is suggested over regional as it allows for faster discharge with fewer
complications like urinary retention, myocardial infarction, pneumonia and thromboembolism.
Perioperative field blocks are recommended in all cases of open repair.
An early return to normal activities can be safely recommended.
Provided expertise is available, it is suggested that women with groin hernias undergo laparo-
endoscopic repair in order to decrease chronic pain risk and avoid missing a femoral hernia.
Watchful waiting is suggested in pregnant women as groin swelling most often consists of self-
limited round ligament varicosities. Timely mesh repair by a laparo-endoscopic approach is
suggested for femoral hernias provided expertise is available.

All complications of groin hernia management are discussed in an extensive chapter on the topic
(chapter 18). Chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP) is a serious complication affecting 10-
12% of IH repair patients. It is defined as bothersome moderate pain impacting daily activities
lasting at least 3 months postoperatively. CPIP risk factors include: young age, female gender,
high preoperative pain, early high postoperative pain, recurrent hernia and open repair. Chapter
19 covers CPIP prevention and treatment. In short, the focus should be on nerve recognition in
open surgery and, in selected cases, prophylactic pragmatic nerve resection (Planned resection is
not suggested.). It is suggested that CPIP management be performed by multi-disciplinary teams.
It is also suggested that CPIP be managed by a combination of pharmacological and
interventional measures and, if this is unsuccessful, followed by, in selected cases, (triple)
neurectomy and (in selected cases) mesh removal.
For recurrent hernia after anterior repair, posterior repair is recommended. If recurrence occurs
after a posterior repair, an anterior repair is recommended. After a failed anterior and posterior
approach, management by a hernia specialist surgeon is recommended.
Risk factors for hernia incarceration/strangulation include: female gender, femoral hernia
presence and a history of hospitalization related to groin hernia. It is suggested that treatment of
emergencies be tailored according to patient- and hernia-related factors, local expertise and
Learning curves vary between different techniques. Probably about 100 supervised laparo-
endoscopic repairs are needed to achieve the same results as open mesh surgery like Lichtenstein.
It is suggested that case load per surgeon is more important than center volume. It is
recommended that minimum requirements be developed to certify individuals as expert hernia
surgeon. The same is true for the designation “Hernia Center.”
From a cost-effectiveness perspective, day-case laparoscopic IH repair with minimal use of
disposables is recommended.
The development and implementation of national groin hernia registries in every country (or
region, in the case of small country populations) is suggested. They should include patient
follow-up data and account for local healthcare structures.
A dissemination and implementation plan of the guidelines will be developed by global
(HerniaSurge), regional (international societies) and local (national chapters) initiatives through
internet websites, social media and smartphone Apps. An overarching plan to improve access to
safe IH surgery in low resource settings (LRSs) is needed. It is suggested that this plan contains
simple guidelines and a sustainability strategy allowing implementation and maintainability,
independent of international aid. It is suggested that in LRSs the focus be on performing high-
volume Lichtenstein repair under local anesthesia using low-cost mesh.
Three chapters (29, 30, and 31) discuss future research, guidelines for general practitioners and
guidelines for patients.

The HerniaSurge Group has developed these extensive and inclusive guidelines for the
management of adult groin hernia patients. It is hoped that they will lead to better outcomes for
groin hernia patients wherever they live! More knowledge, better training, national audit and
specialization in groin hernia management will standardize care for these patients, lead to more
effective and efficient healthcare and provide direction for future research.

Management of Inguinal Hernias in Adults
1. General introduction
2. Risk factors for the development of inguinal hernias in adults
3. Diagnostic testing modalities
4. Groin hernia classification
5. Indications – treatment options for symptomatic and asymptomatic patients
6. Surgical treatment of inguinal hernias
7. Individualization of treatment options
8. Occult hernias and bilateral repair
9. Day surgery
10. Meshes
11. Mesh fixation
12. Antibiotic prophylaxis
13. Anesthesia
14. Postoperative pain – prevention and management
15. Convalescence
Specific Aspects of Groin Hernia Management
16. Groin hernias in women
17. Femoral hernia management
18. Complications – prevention and treatment
19. Pain – prevention and treatment
20. Recurrent inguinal hernias
21. Emergency groin hernia treatment
Quality, Research and Global Management
Quality Aspects
22. Expertise and training
23. Specialized centers and hernia specialists
24. Costs
25. Registries
26. Outcomes and quality assessment
27. Dissemination and implementation
Global Groin Hernia Management

28. Inguinal hernia surgery in low resource settings
Research, General Practitioner and Patient Perspectives
29. Questions for research
30. Summary for general practitioners
31. Management of groin hernias from patients’ perspectives

Management of Inguinal Hernias in Adults

Chapter 1 HerniaSurge: The World Guidelines for Groin Hernia

no statements

Chapter 2 Risk Factors for the Development of Inguinal Hernias in Adults

KQ02.a What are the risk factors for the development of primary inguinal hernias in adults?

KQ02.b What are the acquired, demographic and perioperative risk factors for recurrence after
treatment of IH in adults?

Important intrinsic risk factors for the development of primary

Statement inguinal hernias include: inheritance, a previous contralateral ☐☐
hernia, gender, age and abnormal collagen metabolism.

Important acquired risk factors for the development of primary

Statement ☐☐
inguinal hernias are prostatectomy and low body mass index.

Future studies on primary inguinal hernia formation should

Statement ☐☐
consider these inborn and acquired risk factors.

Several important intrinsic/demographic (anatomy, female gender,

abnormal collagen metabolism), acquired (obesity), and
Statement perioperative risk factors (poor surgical technique, low surgical ☐☐
volume, surgical inexperience, and local anesthesia) for IH
development exist.

Intrinsic, acquired, surgical and perioperative risk factors are

Recommendation recommended to be strongly considered since they are potentially ☐☐
modifiable and can influence the type of repair performed.

Chapter 3 Diagnostic Testing Modalities

KQ03.a Which diagnostic modality is the most suitable for diagnosing groin hernias?

KQ03.b Which diagnostic modality is the most suitable for diagnosing patients with obscure pain
or doubtful swelling?

KQ03.c Which diagnostic modality is the most suitable for diagnosing recurrent groin hernias?

KQ03.d Which diagnostic modality is the most suitable for diagnosing chronic pain after groin
hernia surgery?

Clinical examination (CE) alone is recommended for confirming Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
the diagnosis of an evident groin hernia. *upgraded

CE and US combined is recommended as most suitable for Strong

diagnosing patients with vague groin swelling or possible occult
Recommendation ☐
groin hernias. Dynamic MRI or CT can be considered for further *Upgraded
evaluation if US is negative or non-diagnostic.

CE and US combined is suggested as most suitable for

confirming the diagnosis of recurrent groin hernia. Dynamic MRI
Recommendation ☐☐ Weak
or CT can be considered for further evaluation if US is negative
or non-diagnostic.

The use of US-guided nerve blocks is suggested as most suitable

for diagnosing the cause of chronic pain after inguinal hernia
Recommendation surgery. US, CT or MRI scans are helpful in identifying non- ☐☐ Weak
neuropathic causes of chronic groin pain (i.e. mesh-related
pathologies, recurrent hernias, neuromas – occasionally).

Chapter 4 Groin hernia classification

KQ04.a Is a groin hernia classification system necessary, and if so, which classification system is
most appropriate?

Use of the EHS classification system for inguinal hernias is

Recommendation suggested for the purposes of performing research, tailoring ☐☐ Weak
treatments and performing quality audits.

Chapter 5 Indications - Treatment Options for Symptomatic and

Asymptomatic Patients
KQ05.a Is a management strategy of watchful waiting safe for men with symptomatic inguinal

KQ05.b What is the risk of a hernia complication (strangulation or bowel obstruction) in this

KQ05.c Is a management strategy of watchful waiting safe for men with asymptomatic inguinal

KQ05.d What is the risk of a hernia complication (strangulation or bowel obstruction) in this
KQ05.e Are emergent inguinal herniorrhaphies associated with higher morbidity and mortality?
KQ05.f What is the crossover rate from watchful waiting to surgery?
There is a low complication risk (incarceration or strangulation) in
Statement asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic men with inguinal ☐

Emergent repair of incarcerated or strangulated inguinal hernias

in men is associated with higher morbidity and mortality
Statement compared with elective repair in men with symptomatic ☐
inguinal hernias.

The crossover rate to surgery in men with minimal

Statement symptomatic inguinal hernias is high due to the development to ☐
symptoms, mostly pain.

There is no evidence to support watchful waiting as a

management strategy in men with symptomatic inguinal
Statement hernias. No data exist on the risk of incarceration or ☐☐☐
strangulation in this population.

Most men with minimally symptomatic or asymptomatic

Statement inguinal hernias will develop symptoms and require surgery. 

Although most patients will develop symptoms and need

surgery, watchful waiting for minimal or asymptomatic
Recommendation inguinal hernias is safe since the risk of hernia complications is  Strong
low and can be recommended.

Discussions with patients about timing of hernia repair are

recommended to involve attention to social environment,
occupation and overall health. The lower morbidity of elective Strong
Recommendation ☐☐☐
surgery has to be weighed against the higher morbidity of *upgraded
emergency surgery.

Chapter 6 Surgical Treatment of Inguinal Hernia
KQ06.a Which non mesh technique is the preferred repair method for inguinal hernias?

The Shouldice technique has lower recurrence rates Strong

Recommendation than other suture repairs and is recommended in non- ☐
mesh inguinal hernia repair. *upgraded

KQ06.b Which is the preferred repair method for inguinal hernias: Mesh or non-mesh?

A mesh-based repair technique is recommended Strong

Recommendation ☐
for patients with symptomatic inguinal hernias. *upgraded

Whether a non-mesh technique is an alternative for

Statement mesh-based techniques in individual cases (e.g.
young males with lateral hernia L1) is unknown ☐☐
and requires further study.

The use open non-mesh repair in specific patients or

types (e.g. young males with lateral hernia L1) of Strong
Recommendation ☐☐
inguinal hernia to replace the Lichtenstein technique *upgraded
should only be performed in research settings.

KQ06.c Which is the preferred open mesh technique for inguinal hernias: Lichtenstein or other
open flat mesh and gadgets via an anterior approach?
The recurrence rate and postoperative chronic pain are
Statement comparable between plug-and-patch/ PHS and the ☐☐
Lichtenstein technique.

Self-gripping meshes do not provide any benefit in the

Statement short- and medium-term versus the Lichtenstein ☐☐
technique except a somewhat decreased operative

Despite comparable results, the plug-and-patch and Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
PHS are not recommended because of the excessive
use of foreign material, the need to enter both the

posterior and anterior plane and the additional cost.

The use of other meshes or gadgets to replace the Strong

Recommendation standard flat mesh in the Lichtenstein technique is ☐☐
currently not recommended. *upgraded

KQ06.d Which is the preferred open mesh technique for inguinal hernias: Lichtenstein or any
open pre-peritoneal technique?
Open pre-peritoneal mesh repairs may, in the short term
(one year), result in less postoperative and chronic pain
Statement and faster recovery. It must however be considered that ☐☐☐
some of these approaches use both anterior and posterior
anatomical planes.

Statement Use of mesh devices results in increased costs and there ☐☐☐
are possible issues with the memory ring in some.

In open surgery there is insufficient evidence to

Statement recommend a pre-peritoneal mesh repair over ☐☐☐
Lichtenstein repair.

The use of open pre-peritoneal mesh techniques to

Recommendation replace the standard flat mesh in the Lichtenstein ☐☐☐ Weak
technique is suggested to only be performed in research

KQ06.e Is TEP or TAPP the preferred laparo-endoscopic technique?

TAPP and TEP have similar operative times, overall
Statement complication risks, postoperative acute and chronic pain ☐
incidence and recurrence rates.

Statement Although very rare, there is a trend in TAPP for more ☐
visceral injuries.

Statement Although very rare, there is a trend in TEP for more ☐
vascular injuries

Statement Although very low, in TAPP the frequency of port-site ☐

hernias is higher.

Statement Although very low, in TEP the conversion rate is higher. ☐

Statement Similar costs may be incurred in TAPP and TEP. ☐

Statement TEP has a longer learning curve than TAPP. ☐☐☐

In laparo-endoscopic inguinal hernia repair, TAPP and

Recommendation TEP have comparable outcomes; hence it is ☐ Strong
recommended that the choice of the technique should be
based on the surgeon’s skills, education and experience.

KQ06.f When considering recurrence, pain, learning curve, postoperative recovery and costs
which is preferred technique for inguinal hernias: Best open mesh (Lichtenstein) or a
laparo-endoscopic (TEP and TAPP) technique?
When the surgeon has sufficient experience in the laparo-
Statement endoscopic techniques, comparable recurrence rates to ☐
Lichtenstein repair can be achieved.

When the surgeon has sufficient experience in the

Statement technique, laparo-endoscopic techniques do not take longer ☐
than Lichtenstein operations.

With sufficient experience, no significant differences are

Statement observed in the perioperative complications needing ☐
reoperation between the laparo-endoscopic and
Lichtenstein techniques.

The direct operative costs for laparo-endoscopic inguinal

Statement hernia repair are higher. That difference decreases when ☐
the total community costs are taken into account and the
surgeon has sufficient experience.

The learning curve for laparo-endoscopic techniques

(especially TEP) is longer than for Lichtenstein. There are
Statement rare but severe complications mainly described early in the ☐☐☐
learning curve. Therefore, it is imperative that laparo-
endoscopic techniques be learned in a properly supervised

For male patients with primary unilateral inguinal hernia,
a laparo-endoscopic technique is recommended because
of a lower postoperative pain incidence and a reduction
in chronic pain incidence, provided that a surgeon with Strong
Recommendation ☐
specific and sufficient resources is available. However, *upgraded
there are patient and hernia characteristics that warrant a
Lichtenstein as first choice. (see chapter 7 on

KQ06.g In males with unilateral primary inguinal hernias which is the preferred repair
technique, laparo-endoscopic (TEP/TAPP) or open pre-peritoneal?
The outcome measures of morbidity, mortality, and recurrence rates
Statement do not seem not significantly different between laparoscopic and  ☐☐
open pre-peritoneal repair.

With regards to visualization, laparoscopic pre-peritoneal repair is a

Statement safe and standardized operation with possible technical advantages  ☐☐
over open.

Especially in lower resource settings, techniques utilizing open pre-

peritoneal mesh placement may be become an acceptable alternative
Statement  ☐☐
to laparoscopic pre-peritoneal mesh repair.

No recommendation to advocate laparoscopic pre-peritoneal mesh

Statement placement over open pre-peritoneal repairs can be made due to  ☐☐
insufficient and heterogeneous data.

KQ06.h Which is the preferred technique in Bilateral hernia.

From a socio-economic perspective, a laparo-endoscopic
repair is recommended in bilateral hernia repair, provided Strong
Recommendation  ☐☐
expertise is available *upgraded

Chapter 7 Individualization of Treatment Options

KQ07.a In inguinal hernia repair, when should treatment be individualized?

Recommendation ☐☐
In patients with primary bilateral hernias a laparo-endoscopic
approach is recommended provided expertise is available.

In patients with pelvic pathology or scarring due to radiation Strong

Recommendation or pelvic surgery, or for those on peritoneal dialysis, consider ☐☐
an anterior approach. *Upgraded

It is recommended that surgeons tailor treatments based on Strong

Recommendation expertise, local/national resources, and patient- and hernia- ☐☐☐
related factors. *Upgraded

Since a generally accepted technique, suitable for all inguinal

hernias, does not exist, it is recommended that Strong
Recommendation ☐☐☐
surgeons/surgical services provide both an anterior and a *Upgraded
posterior approach option.

Chapter 8 Occult Hernias and Bilateral Repair

KQ08.a In those with unilateral overt primary IHs, what is the likelihood they will also have a
contralateral occult IH?
KQ08.b In those with unilateral overt primary IHs, what is the likelihood they will develop
contralateral overt hernias over time?
KQ08.c In patients who have undergone a unilateral TEP and negative contralateral exploration,
what is the risk of developing an overt hernia on the disease-free side?
KQ08.d In cases where an occult contralateral IH is seen during TAPP will it become
symptomatic if not repaired?
KQ08.e In those with overt unilateral primary IHs without contraindications to bilateral TEP or
TAPP repair, should bilateral repair be performed?
In patients with unilateral overt primary inguinal hernias, an
Statement occult contralateral inguinal hernia is seen at time of ☐☐☐
laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery in up to 58% of cases.

In patients who have undergone a unilateral inguinal hernia

Statement ☐☐☐
repair, the chance of developing a contralateral inguinal
hernia increases with time; however, the true incidence is


There is a low risk for the development of a contralateral

Statement overt inguinal hernia following a previously negative TEP ☐☐☐

The percentage of occult hernias noted at TAPP that become

Statement symptomatic will increase over time; however, the true ☐☐☐
incidence is unknown.

It is recommended that the contralateral groin be inspected at

time of TAPP repair. If a contralateral inguinal hernia is Strong
Recommendation ☐☐☐
found and prior informed consent was obtained, repair is *Upgraded

In those with overt unilateral primary inguinal hernias without

Recommendation contralateral hernias, routine bilateral TAPP repair is not ☐☐☐ Weak

Routine exploration by TEP of the contralateral groin in an

Recommendation ☐☐☐ Weak
asymptomatic patient with no clinical hernia is not suggested.

Chapter 9 Day Surgery

KQ09.a Which inguinal hernias can be safely repaired in day surgery?
KQ09.b Can endoscopic and open herniorrhaphies be performed safely in day surgery?
KQ09.c Can patients with severe comorbidities (ASA III or higher) be safely treated in day
KQ09.d Can patients with complex inguinal hernias (e.g. scrotal hernias) be safely treated in day

Day surgery is recommended for the majority of groin hernia

Recommendation ☐ Strong
patients provided adequate aftercare is organized.

Day surgery is suggested for all endoscopic repairs of simple

Recommendation ☐☐ Weak
inguinal hernias provided adequate aftercare is organized.

Day surgery is suggested for selected older and ASA IIIa
Recommendation patients (open repair under local anesthesia) provided adequate ☐☐ Weak
aftercare is organized.

Day surgery for patients with complex inguinal hernias is

Recommendation ☐☐☐ Weak
suggested only in selected cases.

Chapter 10 Meshes

KQ10.a Do mesh characteristics (i.e., flatness and pore size) have an impact on outcome?
Evidence supports the contention that mesh characteristics
Statement 
influence clinical outcomes.

The effect of pore size alone on clinical outcome has not been
Statement investigated in clinical trials; therefore, no recommendation ☐☐☐
can be made.

Hernia surgeons should be aware of the clinical characteristics Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
of the meshes they use. *upgraded

KQ10.b Do lightweight meshes have benefits in open or laparoscopic IH repair?

Use of so-called LWM in inguinal hernia surgery (open and
Statement laparo-endoscopic) may have some short-term benefits ☐☐
(reduced postoperative pain and shorter convalescence).

Before a clear definition of LWM and HWM exists, the Strong

Recommendation selection of mesh based solely on the terms “lightweight” or ☐☐
“heavyweight” is not recommended. *upgraded

KQ10.c Are clinical outcomes influenced by mesh weight (evidence from meta-analyses)?
Recently published meta-analyses and RCTs do not
Statement support the contention that LWMs in groin hernia surgery 
are associated with better postoperative outcomes.

Subset analyses did not find higher recurrence rates with

Statement 
the use of LWMs in laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.

There exists no clearly defined weight limit for LWMs and
Statement HWMs. Therefore, the effect of weight differences alone 
on surgical outcomes is unknown.

Mesh selection based on weight alone is not recommended

Recommendation  Strong
nor supported by the available literature.

KQ10.d Does chronic inflammation occur at mesh/tissue interfaces?

no statements

KQ10.e Is late-onset mesh migration unavoidable?

There is a lifetime risk for mesh migration which seems to be
Statement ☐☐
higher with plugs versus flat mesh.

There is a lifetime risk for mesh migration. Mesh-related

complications—including erosion and migration— should be
Recommendation ☐ Strong
considered in the differential diagnosis in patients with
relevant symptoms in the region of their mesh.

KQ10.f Do mesh polymers elicit rejection reactions?

There is no evidence of true immunologically-based rejection of
Statement ☐
current synthetic mesh materials.

KQ10.g Does mesh degradation occur?

no statements

KQ10.h Which mesh options—in structure and stability—should be considered?

No Statements

KQ10.i Is there a risk for carcinogenesis at meshes’ interfaces?

no Statements

KQ10.j Is there an age-associated risk for mesh-related complications?

no statements

KQ10.k Does mesh shrinkage occur, and if so, to what extent?

Specific contraindications for flat meshes made from polymers
are not known, even when adjusting for age. However, the risks
of mesh-related complications increase with increasing
implantation duration.
Statement ☐☐
Mesh shrinkage of at least 20% has to be accounted for
depending on mesh structure and host tissue response.
There is no evidence of mesh-related carcinogenesis.

Chapter 11 Mesh Fixation

KQ11.a Which fixation methods are appropriate in primary open anterior mesh inguinal and
femoral hernia repairs in those over 18 years of age?
In open anterior mesh groin hernia repairs there are no
differences in recurrence, surgical site infection rates or length
Statement of stay between different fixation methods. Fixation with glue ☐☐☐
(fibrin sealant or cyanoacrylate) may reduce early
postoperative and chronic pain.

Recommendation Atraumatic mesh fixation in open inguinal hernia repair ☐☐☐

techniques is suggested to reduce early postoperative pain.

KQ11.b Is mesh fixation necessary in endoscopic TEP inguinal/femoral hernia repair in adults?
KQ11.c Are there specific indications for mesh fixation in endoscopic TEP inguinal/femoral
hernia repair in adults?
KQ11.d Is mesh fixation ever recommended in laparoscopic TAPP inguinal/femoral hernia
repair in adults?

KQ11.e If using mesh fixation, what types should be used in TEP and TAPP inguinal/femoral
hernia repairs?

Statement In almost all cases, any type of mesh fixation in TEP repair is ☐☐

Statement Atraumatic mesh fixation techniques are favored to reduce early ☐☐
postoperative pain.

Traumatic mesh fixation (tackers) is recommended in Strong

Recommendation patients with large direct hernias (M3-EHS classification) ☐☐☐
undergoing TAPP or TEP to reduce recurrence risk. *Upgraded

Chapter 12 Antibiotic Prophylaxis

KQ12.a Are prophylactic antibiotics indicated in open mesh repair in an average-risk patient in a
low-risk environment?
KQ12.b Are prophylactic antibiotics indicated in open mesh repair in a high-risk patient in a
low-risk environment?
KQ12.c Are prophylactic antibiotics indicated in open mesh repair in any patient in a high-risk
KQ12.d Are prophylactic antibiotics indicated in laparoscopic repair in any patient in any risk
In open mesh repair, administration of antibiotic prophylaxis in
Recommendation average-risk patients in a low-risk environment is not  Strong

Administration of antibiotic prophylaxis in open mesh repair in

Recommendation ☐☐☐ Weak
high-risk patients in a low-risk environment is suggested.

Administration of antibiotic prophylaxis in open mesh repair in

Recommendation  Strong
any patient in a high-risk environment is recommended.

In laparo-endoscopic repair in any patient in any risk Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
environment, antibiotic prophylaxis is not recommended. *upgraded

Chapter 13 Anesthesia
KQ13.a Does local anesthesia influence outcomes after open repair of reducible inguinal hernia
when compared with general or regional anesthesia?
When compared with general anesthesia, local anesthesia is associated
with faster mobilization, earlier hospital discharge, lower hospital and 
Statement total healthcare costs, and fewer complications such as urinary
retention and early postoperative pain. However, when surgeons
inexperienced in its use administer local anesthesia, more hernia
recurrences might result.

When compared with regional anesthesia, local anesthesia is associated 

Statement with earlier hospital discharge, lower hospital and total healthcare
costs, and a lower incidence of urinary retention. However, when
surgeons inexperienced in its use administer local anesthesia, more
hernia recurrences might result.

Local anesthesia is recommended for open repair of reducible inguinal

Recommendation hernias provided surgeons experienced in local anesthesia use 
administer the local anesthetic. strong

Correctly performed local anesthesia is suggested to be a good

Recommendation alternative to general or regional anesthesia in patients with severe weak
systemic disease. ☐☐

KQ13.b Are outcomes different when open inguinal hernia repairs are performed with regional
versus general anesthesia?
When compared with regional anesthesia, general anesthesia
offers no clear advantages regarding the incidence of 
Statement postoperative pain, postoperative nausea, cost, or patient
satisfaction. Its use allows for faster patient discharge, which is
of uncertain clinical significance. Some studies report a higher
incidence of urinary retention with regional anesthesia.

When compared with general anesthesia, regional anesthesia in

Statement patients aged 65 and older might be associated with a higher ☐
incidence of medical complications like myocardial infarction,
pneumonia and venous thromboembolism.

Recommendation General or local anesthesia is suggested over regional in patients
aged 65 and older. ☐☐ weak

KQ13.c Can surgical residents/registrars safely perform open inguinal hernia repair using local

Statement Open inguinal hernia repair under local anesthesia can be safely ☐☐☐
performed by trainees under supervision of surgeons
experienced in the administration of local anesthesia.

Chapter 14 Early Postoperative Pain Prevention and Management

KQ14.a Do preoperative or perioperative local anesthetic methods affect patients’ pain

experiences after open groin hernia repair?
KQ14.b Which is the most effective oral analgesic pain management regimen after open or
endoscopic groin hernia repair?

When general or regional anesthesia is used, the addition of local

Statement anesthetic field blocks of the ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric 
nerves and/or subfascial and subcutaneous infiltration reduces
early postoperative pain scores and the need for other analgesics.

Long-acting local anesthetics are preferable to short-acting local

Statement anesthetics but the timing of field blocks and/or infiltration— ☐☐
either preoperatively or at wound closure—has no proven effect
on the occurrence of postoperative pain.

Statement NSAID or selective COX-2 inhibitors reduce postoperative pain 

and when given with paracetamol reduce postoperative pain

Preoperative or perioperative local anesthetic measures like field

Recommendation blocks of the inguinal nerves and/or subfascial/subcutaneous
infiltration are recommended in all open groin hernia repairs.  strong

Use of a conventional NSAID or a selective COX-2 inhibitor plus

Recommendation paracetamol is recommended in open groin hernia repairs 
provided that there are no contraindications. strong

Chapter 15 Convalescence

KQ15.a What is the recommended duration of convalescence following uncomplicated inguinal
hernia repair
Physical activity restrictions are unnecessary after
uncomplicated inguinal hernia repair and do not effect Strong
Statement ☐☐
recurrence rates. Patients should be encouraged to resume *Upgraded
normal activities as soon as possible.

An early return to normal activities can safely be Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
recommended. *Upgraded

Chapter 16 Groin Hernias in Women

KQ16.a In women with a groin lump, what is the best diagnostic modality and is a preoperative
diagnosis necessary?
KQ16.b What is the optimal treatment for women with groin hernias?
KQ16.c What is the risk of incarceration/strangulation in women with groin hernias? What is the
incidence of emergent inguinal/femoral hernia repair in women? What are the outcomes?
No clinical or diagnostic tests can reliably distinguish inguinal
Statement ☐☐
from femoral hernias.

Statement Femoral hernias occur more often in women. ☐

Femoral hernias are more likely than inguinal hernias to

Statement ☐
incarcerate and strangulate.

Provided that expertise is available, women with groin hernias Strong

Recommendation are recommended to undergo laparoscopic repair with ☐
preperitoneal mesh implantation. *Upgraded

Timely hernia repair is recommended in women with groin Strong

Recommendation ☐
hernias. *Upgraded

Physicians should consider femoral hernia in the differential

Recommendation ☐ Strong
diagnosis of groin swelling in women.

KQ16.d How is a groin lump in a pregnant female diagnosed and treated?
Statement Groin hernia formation is uncommon during pregnancy. ☐☐☐

The most likely diagnosis in a woman with the onset of a groin

Statement lump during pregnancy is round ligament varicosity.

Watchful waiting is suggested in pregnant females with groin

Recommendation ☐☐ Weak

KQ16.e Should the round ligament be preserved in women who undergo groin hernia repair?
Division of the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve
Statement carries a small risk of deafferentation, hypersensitivity, and ☐☐☐
ipsilateral labial numbness.

It is suggested to avoid division of the round ligament in open

repair. If division of the round ligament is done in laparoscopic
Recommendation ☐☐☐ Weak
repair, it should preferentially be performed proximal to the
genital branch meeting at the fusion with the peritoneum.

Chapter 17 Femoral Hernias

KQ17.a Is there a recurrence rate difference between suture and mesh open femoral hernia
KQ17.b Following femoral hernia repair are there differences in recurrence rates, complications
or the incidence of chronic pain between open anterior mesh repair and open posterior mesh
KQ17.c Following open and endoscopic femoral hernia repairs are there differences in
recurrence rates, postoperative pain and complications?
KQ17.d Should asymptomatic femoral hernias always be treated surgically?
Preperitoneal mesh repair results in significantly fewer
Statement recurrences and less postoperative pain and foreign body ☐☐

Laparo-endoscopic repair of femoral hernias results in

Statement ☐☐
significantly fewer recurrences and less postoperative pain.

Laparo-endoscopic repair offers the opportunity to establish
Statement correct diagnoses in cases where preoperative diagnoses were ☐☐

Recommendation Mesh should be used in elective femoral hernia repairs. ☐☐

Providing expertise is available, a laparo-endoscopic procedure Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
is recommended for elective femoral hernia repair. *Upgraded

Timely elective repair is recommended for all patients with Strong

Recommendation ☐☐
femoral hernias. *Upgraded

Chapter 18 Complications – Prevention and Treatment

KQ18.a Is early postoperative pain associated with increased urinary retention risk?

KQ18.b Is there an age-associated postoperative urinary retention risk?

KQ18.c Does intraoperative parenteral fluid restriction reduce urinary retention risk?

KQ18.d Is there an increased risk of postoperative urinary retention with open anterior repair?

KQ18.e When is prophylactic urinary bladder catheterization indicated before hernia operation?

KQ18.f Is there effective prophylactic medication to decrease urinary retention?

There is only indirect evidence that pain results in increased urinary
Statement retention rates based upon the experience with painful tack fixation ☐☐
vs non-fixation techniques. LOE = weak

Statement Urinary retention after inguinal hernia repair increases with age. 

Minimizing the amount of parenteral fluids given to patients

Statement undergoing inguinal herniorrhaphy may result in a lower incidence of ☐☐
urinary retention.

Open anterior repair performed under local anesthesia has a

Statement decreased incidence of urinary retention compared to endoscopic 

There is no difference in the incidence of urinary retention between
Statement open repair and endoscopic repair when performed under general ☐

There is no evidence that routine use of a urinary catheter is

necessary for either conventional or laparoscopic inguinal
herniorrhaphy. Therefore, its use should be discouraged in favor of
Statement ☐
immediate voiding prior to operation. A history of a prostatectomy or
previous urinary emptying problems is a relative indication for
urinary catheterization.

Prazosin, phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride or tamsulosin may be

Statement ☐☐
effective in preventing urinary retention.

KQ18.g What defines “sexual dysfunction” after IH surgery?

KQ18.h What is the incidence of sexual dysfunction after IH surgery?
KQ18.i Are ischemic orchiditis causes known; and can this complication be prevented?
KQ18.j Does hernia repair with heavyweight mesh cause more testicular pain than hernia repair
with lightweight mesh?
KQ18.k Are methods of repair or bilateral operation related to risks of impaired spermatogenesis
and hormone production?
KQ18.l Can sexual dysfunction following hernia repair be treated surgically?

The incidence of sexual dysfunction causing moderate-to-severe

Statement symptoms is around 5-7%. Impairment of testicular function and ☐
fertility occurs in less than 1%.

There is a risk of damage to the spermatic artery and/or vein causing

Statement testicular ischemia and orchitis when dissecting the spermatic cord in ☐
both open and laparoscopic techniques.

There is no significantly increased long-term risk of impaired

Statement spermatogenesis and hormone production related to methods of repair ☐
or bilateral surgical procedures.

Painful conditions interfering with sexual function can be improved

Statement by operative techniques used for treatment of neuropathic pain, ☐☐
release of the spermatic cord and mesh removal.

KQ18.m Is hematoma formation related to hernia repair method or mesh use?
KQ18.n Are intraoperative bleeding and postoperative hematoma formation related to a
surgeon’s level of experience?

Hematoma incidence is reduced after endoscopic IH repair

Statement ☐ Strong
compared with open repair.

There is inadequate medical evidence to link hematoma formation

Statement ☐☐☐
risk to a surgeon’s level of experience.

KQ18.o Which patients undergoing anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy are at risk of significant
hematoma formation following hernia repair?

Perioperative management of patients on anticoagulant or

Statement antiplatelet therapy should be governed by local or ☐☐☐
institutional protocol.

Endoscopically a highly cautious approach should be taken

when operating on patients undergoing anticoagulant or
Recommendation antiplatelet therapy even after bridging with LMWH. The ☐☐☐ Weak
development of local protocols is suggested to guide
management of these patients.

KQ18.p What are the risk factors for postoperative seroma formation?
KQ18.q Is there an association between open anterior repair method and postoperative seroma
KQ18.r Do certain endoscopic or open preperitoneal techniques increase the risk of
postoperative seroma formation?
KQ18.s Can the risk of postoperative seroma formation be reduced surgically?
KQ18.t Does drain usage reduce the risk of postoperative seroma formation?
KQ18.u Is there an association between hernia sac treatment modality and seroma/hematoma
KQ18.v Does the use of abdominal binders or comparable wound compression devices prevent
seroma/hematoma formation?
The risk factors for postoperative seroma formation include:
Statement scrotal hernia, coagulopathy and congestive liver failure. ☐

Statement Inverting and fixing the lax fascia transversalis during ☐☐

laparoscopic repair of large direct hernia sacs may reduce the risk
of seroma and hematoma formation.

KQ18.w How common are serious complications during hernia surgery?

KQ18.x Are serious complications more common during endoscopic hernia surgery in patients
with a history of previous abdominal surgery?

KQ18.y Is mesh migration—with the attendant risk of pain and severe complications—related to:
mesh type, mesh shape, repair method, wound infection, or hernia type?
Serious complications—bowel, bladder and vascular
injuries—rarely occur during hernia surgery although they
Statement ☐
are more common during laparo-endoscopic versus open
hernia repair.

Patients with a history of lower abdominal surgery have an

Statement increased risk of visceral damage during laparo-endoscopic ☐☐☐
hernia repair.

KQ18.z What is the 30-day mortality rate following groin hernia repair? What are the causes of
this mortality?

Death in the 30 days following inguinal hernia repair is very rare

Statement ☐
and mainly associated with emergent repair.

Femoral hernias are associated with an increased likelihood of

Statement ☐
emergent repair.

Mortality in the 30 days following elective hernia repair is mainly

Statement ☐
related to medical comorbidities.

Chapter 19 Pain – Prevention (P) and Treatment (T)

Pain prevention

KQ19P.a How is chronic pain defined? What is its prevalence after IH repair?

Ten to 12% of inguinal hernia repair patients experience at

Statement 
least a level of moderate pain that impacts daily activities.

Chronic pain should be defined as ≥ bothersome moderate

Recommendation pain impacting daily activities lasting ≥ three months ☐☐ Weak

KQ19P.b What are the risk factors for CPIP?

CPIP risk factors include: young age, female gender, high
Statement preoperative pain, early high postoperative pain, recurrent ☐ Strong
hernia and open hernia repair.

KQ19P.d What are the most common variations in anterior inguinal nerve distribution patterns?
No Statement
KQ19P.e Does a “nerve-recognition” approach reduce the incidence of acute and chronic pain
following open inguinal hernia repair?
Nerve anatomy awareness and recognition during Strong
surgery is recommended to reduce the incidence of ☐☐
chronic post-herniorrhaphy pain. *upgrade

KQ19P.f Does prophylactic IIN resection reduce pain incidence?

KQ19P.g Does prophylactic IHN resection reduce pain incidence?
KQ19P.h Does prophylactic resection of the GB of the GFN reduce pain incidence?
During open surgery, planned prophylactic IIN
Recommendation resection is not suggested since it does not reduce
chronic pain incidence and it increases the iincidence ☐☐ weak
of postoperative sensory loss.

Recommendation A planned prophylactic IHN resection is not ☐☐ weak


Recommendation There is no evidence on the subject of planned ☐☐☐☐ weak

neurectomy of the GB of the GFN.

KQ19P.i Does pragmatic resection of inguinal nerves reduce pain incidence?

Pragmatic resection of the IIN and/or the IHN is

Recommendation suggested if iatrogenic nerve injury occurs or if the
nerve(s) interfere(s) with mesh position. ☐☐ weak

KQ19P.j Does hernia sac resection and ligation increase the incidence of acute and/or chronic

Statement In indirect hernia management, sac invagination, without ☐

ligation, is associated with a reduction in the incidence of acute
postoperative pain but an increased incidence of recurrence.

A possible increase in pain incidence should be weighed against

Statement a possible increase in recurrence incidence when considering ☐
indirect hernia sac ligation.

KQ19P.k Does mesh fixation to the pubic bone increase the incidence of acute and/or chronic

Recommendation Mesh fixation to the pubic bone is not recommended  Strong

since this leads to an increased incidence of chronic pain.

KQ19P.l What percentage of CPIP patients have orchialgia?

Recommendation Minimizing surgical trauma to the spermatic cord is ☐ Strong

recommended to reduce orchialgia incidence.

KQ19P.m Can preoperative and perioperative topical and systemic medications reduce the
incidence of chronic pain?

Topical and/or oral medical therapy given preoperatively or

Statement intraoperatively has not been shown to reduce the incidence of weak
chronic pain following hernia surgery. ☐

KQ19P.n Can chronic postoperative pain be prevented or reduced by preoperative information

and psychological preparation?

Pain treatment
Chronic postoperative pain treatment after inguinal hernia repair

KQ19T.a How should inguinal hernia repair patients with immediate, severe, postoperative pain
be treated?

Recommendation Immediate severe/excruciating postoperative pain raises ☐☐☐ weak

the possibility of vascular or nerve injury. Early re-
operation is suggested to either exclude or manage these


KQ19T.b What should the initial approach be to IH repair patients with chronic postoperative
pain (pain still present > three months after surgery)? (see treatment algorithm)

A multidisciplinary team is suggested to manage

chronic pain patients.

Pharmacologic and interventional measures—including ☐☐ Weak

Recommendation diagnostic and therapeutic nerve blocks—should
continue for a minimum of three months (minimum of
six months after hernia surgery).

KQ19T.c Does non-pharmacological treatment work in CPIP?

Statement No benefit has been shown for lidocaine and capsaicin patch ☐☐ .
treatment of CPIP.

KQ19T.d What is the effect of non-surgical interventional treatment on chronic pain after IH
There is insufficient evidence of the diagnostic and
therapeutic value of nerve blocks in chronic pain after
Statement inguinal hernia repair. In clinical practice however, nerve ☐☐
blocks can be useful in the diagnostic and therapeutic
management of chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair.

Statement Pulsed radio frequency ablation may be an effective ☐☐☐

treatment for chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair.

Early findings suggest that neuromodulation of the Dorsal

Statement Root Ganglia (DRG) may be an effective treatment for ☐☐☐
chronic neuropathic pain conditions in the groin region.

KQ19T.e Is mesh removal without intentional neurectomy an effective treatment for chronic pain
after IH repair?

Statement There is insufficient evidence to support mesh removal alone ☐☐☐

without neurectomy in patients with CPIP.

KQ19T.f What type of neurectomy should be performed in patients with chronic neuropathic
pain (> 3 months) after IH repair?

Statement For chronic neuropathic pain after open hernia repair, both open ☐☐☐ Weak
neurectomy and endoscopic retroperitoneal neurectomy provide

acceptable outcomes.

A tailored approach to neurectomy with or without mesh

removal is suggested depending on the original repair method
Recommendation ☐☐ Weak
and presentation. The decision about neurectomy type -
selective or triple- is best left to the surgeon’s discretion.

Chapter 20 Recurrent Inguinal Hernias

KQ20.a Are recurrence rates still too high despite innovations like endoscopic repair, anterior
preperitoneal repair and new mesh prosthetics?

Recurrence rates worldwide are still too high despite

Statement ☐
numerous innovations in inguinal hernia surgery.

KQ20.b Is surgery necessary for all recurrence patients?

There is no evidence to support a watchful waiting

Statement management strategy for those with recurrent inguinal ☐☐☐

KQ20.c Which management strategy is best for recurrence after anterior repair?

Open pre-peritoneal repair avoiding an approach through scar

Statement tissue can be an alternative surgical technique after failed ☐☐☐ Weak
anterior tissue repair or Lichtenstein repair.

Laparo-endoscopic recurrent inguinal hernia repair is

Recommendation ☐ Strong
recommended after failed anterior tissue or Lichtenstein repair.

KQ20.d What is the best operation for a recurrence after TEP/TAPP?

Anterior repair is recommended after a failed posterior repair. ☐ Strong


KQ20.e What is the optimal management strategy in the case of recurrent hernia after failed
anterior and posterior (laparoscopic or anterior pre-peritoneal) repair?

An expert hernia surgeon should repair a recurrent IH after a

Recommendation failed anterior and posterior repair. The choice of technique ☐☐
depends on patient- and surgeon-specific factors.

Increased morbidity and mortality are found amongst

incarcerated/strangulated groin hernia patients with: age >
65 years, increased ASA classification, increased
Statement symptom duration, increased weight, necessity for bowel ☐☐
resection, presence of a recurrent hernia, femoral hernia
presence, female gender, oral anticoagulant use, and
presence of bowel obstruction.

KQ20.f What are the options for a recurrence with post-herniorrhaphy chronic groin pain?

There are no studies to guide decision making for recurrent

hernia patients with post-herniorrhaphy chronic groin pain. It is
Recommendation ☐☐☐ Weak
suggested that patients with this condition be management by
an expert hernia surgeon.

Chapter 21 Emergency Groin Hernia Treatment

KQ21.a Which groin hernias in adults are at increased risk for incarceration/strangulation?
Risk factors for hernia incarceration/strangulation include:
Statement female gender, femoral hernia presence, and a history of ☐☐
hospitalizations related to groin hernias.

KQ21.b Which risk factors increase morbidity and mortality in adults with
incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias?
KQ 21.c Which diagnostic method is most suitable for the detection of incarcerated/strangulated
groin hernias in adults?

Clinical examination alone is sufficient for the diagnosis

of incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias in almost all
Statement patients. Groin ultrasound and/or abdominopelvic CT can ☐☐
provide additional diagnostic information and aid decision
making in selected cases.

Clinical examination of the groin is recommended in all
Recommendation patients presenting with signs and symptoms of bowel ☐☐
obstruction. *upgraded

KQ21.d Should adults with acutely incarcerated/strangulated IHs undergo repair emergently?
Acutely incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias represent
Statement surgical emergencies mandating timely surgery, taking ☐☐
into account preoperative optimization and the capabilities
of local surgical facilities.

KQ 21.e What is the optimal surgical approach (open anterior vs laparoscopic) for an acutely
incarcerated/strangulated groin hernia?
KQ 21.f What is the optimal surgical approach (open posterior vs laparoscopic) for an acutely
incarcerated/strangulated groin hernia?
KQ 21.g What is the optimal open surgical approach (anterior vs posterior) for an acutely
incarcerated/strangulated groin hernia?
KQ 21.h What is the optimal laparoscopic surgical approach (TAPP vs TEP) for an acutely
incarcerated/strangulated groin hernia?

A tailored approach is suggested for adult patients with acutely

Recommendation incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias since there is no  Weak
evidence supporting an optimal surgical approach.

KQ21.i In patients with intestinal incarceration without signs of intestinal strangulation or concurrent
bowel resection (i.e. a clean surgical field) is mesh-based repair recommended?
KQ21.j In patients with intestinal incarceration without signs of intestinal strangulation or
concurrent bowel resection (i.e. a clean surgical field), which mesh is recommended?

Similar to clean elective hernia surgery, mesh repair is suggested

Recommendation  Weak
in clean emergent hernia surgery.

KQ21.k In patients with intestinal strangulation and/or concurrent bowel resection (clean-
contaminated surgical field) is mesh-based repair recommended?
KQ21.l In patients with intestinal strangulation and/or concurrent bowel resection (clean-
contaminated surgical field), which mesh is recommended?

Mesh-based repair is suggested in
emergent groin hernia surgery with a
Recommendation clean or clean-contaminated surgical  Weak

KQ21.m In stable patients with strangulated obstruction and peritonitis caused by a bowel
perforation or an abscess due to necrosis of the omentum (contaminated-dirty surgical field) is
mesh repair recommended?
KQ21.n In stable patients with strangulated obstruction and peritonitis caused by a bowel
perforation or an abscess due to necrosis of the omentum (contaminated-dirty surgical field),
which mesh is recommended?

It is suggested not to use mesh during emergent groin hernia

Recommendation  Weak
repair in a contaminated-dirty surgical field.

Little evidence exists comparing the implantation of mesh of

various types in non-clean surgical fields. Large-pore
Statement 
monofilament polypropylene, biological and biodegradable
meshes have unknown effects on mesh-infection risks.

As surgical field contamination status worsens it is recommended

Recommendation that mesh use be ever more conscientiously considered. If mesh is  Weak
used, the risk/benefit ratio must be carefully contemplated.

KQ21.o Should adult patients with acutely incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias receive
antibiotic prophylaxis or treatment?
Prophylactic intravenous antibiotics are suggested during
and following emergent hernia surgery. They should be Strong
Recommendation 
continued as required depending on the contamination level *upgraded
of the surgical field.

KQ21.p In adults with acutely incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias, does hernia sac
laparoscopy (hernioscopy) reduce morbidity and mortality in cases with spontaneous reduction of
the hernia before viability assessment?
KQ21.q In adults with acutely incarcerated/strangulated groin hernias, is laparoscopy useful to
check bowel viability even when an anterior approach is done?

If a surgeon has any concern about bowel viability, bowel
visualization is recommended. Depending on surgical
Statement approach, expertise, and facilities, bowel visualization may be
undertaken by groin exploration, hernia sac laparoscopy, 
formal laparoscopy or laparotomy.

Chapter 22 Training and the Learning Curve

KQ22.a What is the learning curve for open inguinal hernia repair, anterior approach?
KQ22.b What is the learning curve for open inguinal hernia repair, posterior approach?
KQ22.c What is the learning curve for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, TEP?
KQ22.d What is the learning curve for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, TAPP?
KQ22.e What are the best methods to teach open hernia repair?
KQ22.f What are the best methods to teach laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair?

Adequate evidence does not exist to assess the learning

Statement ☐☐☐
curve for the open posterior approach.

Open anterior mesh repair by unsupervised trainees with less than 60

cases or about 3 years’ experience is on average associated with higher
Statement recurrence rate, longer operative times consistent with limited technical ☐☐☐

Complication rates do not differ between consultants and

supervised trainees regardless of training year. However,
Statement ☐
involvement of trainees may slightly prolong operative

Although learning curves may vary, on average the

Statement learning curve for TAPP repair may be similar to the ☐☐
learning curve for TEP repair.

A goal-directed curriculum including review of anatomy,
A goal-directed
procedure steps, curriculum including
intraoperative decisionreview of anatomy,
making and
Recommendation ☐ Strong
proficiency based, simulation enhanced technicaland
procedure steps, intraoperative decision making skills
Statement technicalshould
training skills be
training shortens
available the learning
to trainees curve
whenever for
possible. ☐
laparoscopic hernia repair and improves patient outcomes.

Supervision of trainees should be provided until they have

reached safe proficiency levels. This averages around 60
Recommendation procedures for open and around 100 procedures for laparo- ☐ Strong
endoscopic hernia repair for novices, depending on
individual aptitude and the training environment.

Chapter 23 Specialized Centers and Hernia Specialists

KQ23.a Does a center’s volume affect IH surgery outcomes?

In order for centers and surgeons to be certified as either a hernia

Statement center or a hernia specialist, minimal requirements on numbers of ☐☐☐
operations, follow-up and quality control should be met.

KQ23.b Do surgical volumes affect the outcomes of IH surgeries?

A surgeon’s caseload appears to more important for IH surgery

Statement ☐☐
outcomes than a center’s caseload.

A surgeon’s case volume is inversely related to that surgeon’s

Statement ☐
recurrence rate.

KQ23.c Does facility specialization affect IH surgery outcomes?

KQ23.d Does surgical specialization affect IH surgery outcomes?

Hernia specialists are surgeons with mastery/expert level hernia

Statement surgery skills who actively train, educate and perform research in ☐☐☐
their field.

Chapter 24 Costs

KQ24.a Is open or endoscopic inguinal hernia repair more cost effective?
Direct instituational costs are lower for open mesh repair than for
Statement 
laparoscopic mesh repair.

Indirect societal costs are lower for laparoscopic mesh versus open
Statement 
mesh repair.

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is overall more cost effective

Statement ☐
than open inguinal hernia repair.

KQ24.b What are the costs and cost differences between open and laparoscopic inguinal hernia

The higher institutional costs of laparoscopic inguinal hernia

Statement repair are mainly due to the use of expensive disposable ☐

From a cost-effectiveness perspective, day-case laparoscopic

Recommendation inguinal hernia repair with minimal use of disposables is ☐ Strong

KQ24.c Which surgeon-specific factors result in improved cost effectiveness?

Chapter 25 Groin Hernia Registries

KQ25.a When compared with RCTs, do well-validated IH quality registries, and the studies done
on their databases, offer additional valuable evidence-based information to hernia surgeons?
Hernia registries, with high coverage, allow monitoring of
clinical practice and provide high external validity whereas
Statement ☐☐
RCTs define effects of a specific intervention with minimal
bias and high internal validity.

Rare events can be detected early in hernia registries

Statement highlighting potential problems soon after new techniques and ☐☐
products are introduced into clinical practice.

Registry-based studies are important complements to RCTs, in
Statement ☐☐
guideline development.

Countries or regions should develop and implement registries

Recommendation ☐☐ weak
for groin hernia patients.

Chapter 26 Outcomes and Quality Assessment

KQ26.a What are the currently used methods for measuring surgeon-specific outcomes following
groin hernia repair?

KQ26.b What are the currently used methods for measuring patient-based outcomes following
groin hernia repair?

Statement There should be an internationally agreed upon set of ☐☐☐ Strong

parameters—with definitions—for groin hernia surgery.

The development of hernia registries that include patient Strong

Recommendation follow-up data and account for local healthcare structures is ☐☐☐
recommended for research and audit purposes. *upgrade

Chapter 27 Dissemination and Implementation

KQ27.a What are the target groups for the guidelines?

KQ27.b What are the most important messages of the guidelines, both general and specific, for
the targeted groups?

KQ27.c Which channels can be used for guidelines distribution?

KQ27.d How can the guidelines be supported by Internet tools, platforms, Apps and social

KQ27.e What is the evaluation strategy for the implementation process?

HerniaSurge recommends that all countries or regions develop

Recommendation a guidelines dissemination and implementation strategy. ☐☐☐ Strong
HerniaSurge offers support for this process.

Global Groin Hernia Management

Chapter 28 Inguinal Hernia Surgery in Low Resource Settings
KQ28.a What is the epidemiology of inguinal hernia in LRSs?

KQ28.b Which types of inguinal hernia repairs are currently performed in LRSs?

KQ28.cWhat is the recommended operation for inguinal hernias in low resource environments?

KQ28.d What are the logistical challenges for safe groin hernia repair in low resource

KQ28.e Should any special precautions be taken?

KQ28.f What is the most suitable mesh?

KQ28.g What is the best way to educate surgeons in a sustainable manner in LRSs?

KQ28.h How can the internet and other technologies be used to teach physicians in LRSs?

Statement Due to a substantial lack of access to surgery, inguinal ☐

hernia prevalence in LRSs is unacceptably high.

In LRSs there is a lack of basic surgical training, expertise

in inguinal hernia repair techniques, and resources to
Statement ☐☐☐
safely perform mesh repair. Mainly (modified) Bassini
techniques are used.

LRSs should focus teaching the performance of high

Recommendation volume inguinal hernia repair by a standardized technique ☐☐ Weak
(Lichtenstein) under local anesthesia preferably using a
low-cost mesh (e.g. mosquito mesh).

The use of low-cost mesh (with known chemical and

Recommendation physical characteristics, which are comparable to ☐☐ Weak
commercial prosthetics) is suggested.

Recommendation When using a non-licensed low-cost mesh, outcome audits ☐☐☐ Weak

at a local level are suggested.

It is suggested that at least one dose of an appropriate

prophylactic antibiotic be administered prior to inguinal
Recommendation ☐☐☐ Weak
hernia repair in LRSs. Whether to administer antibiotics for
24 hours or more is unknown.

An overarching plan to improve access to safe inguinal

hernia surgery in LRSs is needed. It is suggested that this
Recommendation plan contain simple guidelines and a sustainability strategy ☐☐☐ Weak
which should allow implementation and maintainability,
independent of international aid.


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