Conductivity Meter Kit Complete: Water Treatment Testing

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Conductivity Meter Kit Complete

The Conductivity Meter Kit Complete is sturdy, affordable
and ideal for field use. The Conductivity Meter Kit Complete
(PCN 0173062) includes the Conductivity Meter with 4 alkaline
AAA batteries, Conductivity Electrode-ATC with protective
guard, stand, rubber armor, 4 spare alkaline AAA batteries,
100 ml beaker, Gallic Acid, brass scoop, case and manual.

The meter has a large custom LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

for clear and easy reading. It measures conductivity in micro-
Siemens per cm (µS/cm) and temperature in °C. Automatic
calibration of the meter is quick and easy using the recom-
mended calibration solutions.

The Conductivity Electrode-ATC is also available separately

(PCN 0173070) and is temperature compensated.
Conductivity Meter Kit Complete (PCN 0173062)
Application and Use
Automatic Calibration
It is recommended that neutralized conductivity be measured
on boiler water samples on a daily basis. Conductivity may The meter will need to be calibrated before initial use and
also be performed on other types of water. The Conductivity when a new electrode is being used for the first time.
Meter Kit Complete is well suited for confirming the calibra-
tion of on-line monitoring units. 1. Rinse the Conductivity Electrode-ATC with distilled wa-
ter to remove any impurities adhering to the body of the
Procedure and Use electrode and then rinse with a small amount of calibration
Please refer to the manual for more detailed instructions. standard. If the electrode is dry, soak it for at least 5 to
10 minutes in distilled water before calibration. Select a
Setup standard value close to the sample value you are measur-
ing. Automatic calibration is performed using the 84 µS/
1. Connect the Conductivity Electrode-ATC to the meter by
cm or 1413 µS/cm calibration standards. Note: Do not
aligning the connector slots with the posts of the meter’s
place the electrode into the bottle of calibration standard.
socket and rotate the connector clockwise until it locks.
Always pour an aliquot of standard solution from the bottle
Insert the mini phono jack of the temperature sensor into
into a beaker and discard after calibration is complete. To
the socket on the meter. Unplug the phono jack when
keep the bottle of calibration standard from becoming
not in use.
contaminated, do not pour the aliquot of solution back
into the bottle of calibration standard.
2. Press the power button. The meter will go through a
2. Immerse the electrode tip into the calibration standard
series of displays, showing the various setup parameters.
beyond the upper steel band. Stir the electrode gently
All LCD segments will light up for 2 seconds, and change
to create a homogeneous sample and allow time for the
into measurement mode. The conductivity measurement
reading to stabilize.
mode will display “µS” on the LCD. If the LCD displays
3. Press the conductivity calibration button. The calibration
“°C”, press the mode button until it displays “µS”. The
indicator will appear for 1.5 seconds and a value will appear
meter is now ready for conductivity measurement.
flashing. Wait for the value to stabilize and press the hold/
enter button. The calibration standard value will appear
for 3 seconds. If the calibration is successfully performed,
a (donE) will be displayed for about 3 seconds, and the
meter will return to the measurement mode.

Continued on page 2

Conductivity Meter Kit PDS 0612 R0

Sample Measurement Conductivity Meter Complete Kit Contents
1. Rinse the electrode with distilled water before use to remove 1 Conductivity Meter with 4 x AAA alkaline batteries
any impurities adhering to the body of the electrode. 1 Stand
1 Rubber Armor
2. If measuring the conductivity of a boiler water sample, 1 Conductivity Electrode-ATC with protective guard
add 2 drops of phenolphthalein to a cooled boiler water 4 x Alkaline AAA batteries – spare
sample and stir. If measuring the conductivity of another 1 x 100 gram Gallic Acid
type of water proceed to step 4. 1 x 0.2 gram Brass Scoop
1 x 100 ml Plastic Beaker
3. If the sample turns pink, add Gallic Acid while stirring Manual
until the pink color disppears. Case

4. Place the electrode into the sample and take care to ensure Items Available Separately
that the liquid level is above its upper steel band. Stir the 1 x 30 gram Gallic Acid PCN 0309170
electrode gently in the sample to create a homogenous 1 x 0.2 gram Brass Scoop PCN 0224014
sample. Allow time for the reading to stabilize. Note the 1 x 250 ml Phenolphthalein PCN 0311191
reading on the display. 1 x 100 ml Plastic Beaker PCN 0247016
1 x 500 ml Conductivity Standard (84 µS) PCN 6968038
5. To hold a measurement, press the hold/enter button while 1 x 500 ml Conductivity Standard (1413 µS) PCN 6968020
in the measurement mode. (HO) will appear on the display. 1 x Conductivity Electrode – ATC PCN 0173070
To release the held value, press the hold/enter button again. Conductivity Meter Kit PCN 0173054
Continue to take measurements. Includes all of the items in the Conductivity Meter
Complete Kit except the Gallic Acid, Brass Scoop and
Electrode Information
Plastic Beaker
NOTE: DO NOT remove the protective guard during
measurement and calibration as it may affect the
DO NOT submerge the electrode above the protec-
tive guard.
ALWAYS immerse the electrode beyond the upper
steel band.
RINSE the electrode with distilled water before

Registered trademark, TMTrademark, Drew Marine
2012 Drew Marine • All Rights Reserved • Conductivity Meter Kit PDS 0612 R0

All statements, information and data presented herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are not to be taken as a guarantee, express warranty or implied warranty of merchantability
or fitness for a particular purpose, or representation, express or implied, for which seller assumes legal responsibility, and they are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and
verification. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of this product are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not
recommendations to infringe on any patent.

DREW MARINE • 100 South Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 USA • Tel: (1-973) 526-5700

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