GTTH Cư Khí5567777
GTTH Cư Khí5567777
GTTH Cư Khí5567777
I. What is the milling and tramming ?
Milling is process in which a rotating multi-tooth cutter remove material
while traveling along various axes with respect to the workpiece.
Tram is the squareness of the mill head to the table, and tramming is a
subject for a slightly more advanced tutorial, so here we'll just concentrate on
simple checking of alignment, the process of squaring the head of the
milling machine to the table or adjusting the mill head to be square.
Tramming a milling machine head can ensure the cutting tool is
perpendicular to table surface in both X and Y directions, ensure the
milled surfaces are mutually perpendicular and avoid forming saw tooth
pattern on the surface of CNC milled parts . The ultimate goal is to
machine the milling parts correctly. Check the tram of a mill head often,
especially when the machine features a swivel head for cutting at angles.
Tramming ensures that the mill head is perpendicular to the mill table’s X and
Y axis. This process ensures that cutting tools and the milling surfaces are
perpendicular to the table. Proper tramming also prevents irregular patterns from
forming when milling.
A dial indicator attached to the spindle for precise mill head alignment.
A vertical mill’s head is able to tilt from front to back and side to side.
Occasionally these adjustments can drift. The mill head should be checked and
adjusted periodically, ensuring that the spindle is perpendicular to the table.
To tram around the x-axis (the left-to-right direction of the mill bench when
facing the front of the mill).
1. Loosen the six clamping bolts on two sides of the mill using the mill
2. Tighten the loosened bolts by hand plus a quarter turn with the wrench
3. The adjustment bolts are used to move the mill head vertically around
the X-axis
4. Use two protractors to indicate general alignment. The larger one on
mill head should align with the zero marker on the curved protractor on the
mill body (two protractors are used to indicate general alignment. The larger
protractor on the mill head has a red indicating arrow that should align with the
zero marker on the curved protractor on the body of the mill. This only provides a
general guide, the dial indicator reading is required for precise alignment).
5. Put the dial indicator to the back of the mill table and measure on
pristine surface of the table: preload at 0.005” to 0.010” and zero the dial
6. Ensure the spindle in neutral, rotate it to make the dial indicator on the
front of the table, keep the fixtures attached. (with the dial zeroed and the
spindle in neutral, rotate the spindle so that the dial indicator is now on the front of
the table, ideally a 180 degree turn. Be sure to grab the clamp that is attached to
the spindle (to avoid altering the dial’s vertical configuration)).
7. Determine the direction the mill head to go according to dial rotation:
dial moves in clockwise requires mill head will need to be adjusted up, while
a counter-clockwise reading requires downward adjustment. (Note the
direction that the dial rotates to determine the direction that the mill head needs to
travel. A clockwise movement requires that the mill head will need to be adjusted
up, while a counter-clockwise reading requires that the mill head will need to be
adjusted downward).
8. Adjust the mill head so that 1/2 the difference between the back and
front measurements.
9. Zero the dial indicator again in the same position as before. ( Position the
dial indicator to the rear of the table. Zero the dial indicator (preloaded at 0.005″
to 0.010″). Be sure to measure on a pristine surface of the mill table. It may be
necessary to shift the table to avoid the gaps that are in the table).
10. Continue to adjust mill head until the difference of the readings is not
more than 0.002 inches.
11. Tighten the bolts evenly, prevent the mill head from moving.
Dial indicating around the mill head X-axis.
When you approach the milling machine, you might notice that the person who
used it before you had changed some important adjustments. Vertical milling
machines generally have adjustments for tilting the head both side-to-side and
front-to-back. Here, the milling head has been left tilted backward at a serious
Clearly, there'd be no chance of drilling a vertical hole with the head in that
position. While it may seem careless to leave the head tilted that way, at least
the next person using the machine will KNOW that it needs to be realigned.
Most of the time when the head is out of adjustment, you can't see it at all.
It may seem simple enough to rely on the graduated degree markings, but you
can't see them closely enough, and you can't trust their accuracy. These
markings are here only for rough estimations of angle:
While they may seem rather crude, they are very effective and easy to
use. If the vise is way out of whack, try to set it as closely parallel to the table as
you can with the bolts loose. Then, as you check the alignment with the
indicator, you'll tighten one bolt lightly, then the other, tapping the vise to get it
into alignment. It takes a few tries to get the knack of it. Now, you're ready to
go, once you have made these simple checks and tightened the vise securely.