BSN2A Esther Abundo LT1
BSN2A Esther Abundo LT1
BSN2A Esther Abundo LT1
Technology is about taking action to meet a human need rather than merely
understanding the workings of the natural world, which is the goal of science. The invention of
the microscope was driven by a need to explore the world of the small, beyond our unaided
vision. This technological solution to a long standing problem has in turn enabled us to
understand more of the workings of the world which in turn has led to the development of
more technologies. It uses much more than scientific knowledge and includes values as much as
facts, practical craft knowledge as much as theoretical knowledge. The iPod is an example of
where the physics of making a small device carry so much music is married with creative design
to make an iconic must have accessory. It involves organized ways of doing things. It covers the
intended and unintended interactions between products (machines, devices, artifacts) and the
people and systems who make them, use them or are affected by them through various
processes. Many people like to drink coffee, often in a coffee shop. That coffee may have come
from trees which have been bred specifically for increased yields that support a small farmer
and his family but that requires pesticides that were developed and manufactured in another
country. The harvested coffee beans will themselves be transported around the world, to be
processed and placed in packages which are distributed to shops that then make the cup of
coffee in a polystyrene cup that was manufactured for the purpose but which then needs to be
disposed of and so on. Every choice we make relies on, and feeds, a highly interdependent and
far reaching way of life where some have much and some have little.
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Society is a collection of interacting and interdependent humans with important
common goals but possessing much variety of personally important and many objectively
unimportant goals. Moral behavior generally keeps a society functioning relatively peacefully
and common goals are eating, drinking, living in shelter, working, having sex, reproducing,
having friends, transportation, and being entertained. The only area threatened with great
change is the area of work. Robots, computer software, and technology is creating an almost
jobless society for the average human.
Science and technology have both positive and negative impacts on society especially in
community life, health, communication, and work. The shift from nomadic life to farming led to
the development of the city. Notable technological improvements include networks of
transportation, communication, and trade systems. Science has been in constant progress since
the industrial revolution in the 18th century. Energy, physical sciences, information and
technology have been boosted by science and technology.
Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century science has been in progress. Some
sectors that have been boosted by science and technology are energy, physical sciences,
information and communication. Society has greatly gained with the invention of technology.
Transportation has been quicker, communication has been easier, quicker and more efficient,
saving and gathering data in the workplace has been more efficient, and human life has indeed
been easier. We can have food delivered within our doorstep with just a few clicks, we can send
money to our loved ones real-time, we can reach a certain destination in just a few minutes
through aircrafts.
Science affects technology and technology affects science. Science and technology
affects society and society affects the progress of science and technology. Technology makes
use of science in order to solve problems and science makes use of technology to make new
discoveries. Technology used different concepts of science in space exploration, including but
not limited to physics, calculus, chemistry. They are studied and experimented upon to
determine a lot of things such as how they can prevent space crafts from being pulled back to
the earth, how they can make the exploration sustainable, etc. Science and technology affects
society through the products and processes they introduce to us. It can dictate how we live our
daily lives. It introduced us to a lot of things. On the other hand, society influences science and
technology because they fund it. Inventions, explorations and discoveries cost a lot of money.
Society chooses the philosophy that determines the worldview of a world culture; those values
will be core to the models of science. They will determine beforehand what is deemed possible
or impossible and evidence of those values being wrong will be ignored. The acceptance of a
worldview or philosophy determines the core values that will be mirrored and manifest into
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your daily lives. We can choose which scientific discoveries and inventions we want to accept.
WE have learned to use only what is beneficial to us and reject those that are not. This is the
reason why not all inventions are successful. According to Plato, “Necessity is the mother of
invention.”. We can apply this maxim to the development of science and technology. Society
needs a device. Science and technology are applied to invent it. Science and technology are
used to improve it. Science and technology are applied in finding a substitute. Why? To satisfy
an insatiable society . Therefore society has influenced the development of science and
technology by its demands. This is not saying that the development of science and technology is
entirely due to the demands of society. Other factors, such as discovery, have also influenced
the development of science and technology but it is society that has influenced its application.
A perfect and real-time example of how the three concepts are interconnected and
affect each other is the pandemic that we are currently experiencing. We have been on
lockdown lockdown and quarantine since March in order to contain and control the spread of
the virus. Scientists have been on a quest for discovering the vaccine for this disease that has
killed millions of people worldwide. Through science, they have made technological
advancements which made the experimentation and testing easier for us to be able to come up
with a vaccine that will let society return to its original life before the pandemic.
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