COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus: Defense Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore, Pakistan

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Defense Road, Off Raiwind Road, Lahore, Pakistan

Sessional-1, Fall 2020 (Online learning)

Course Title: Introduction to Power Engineering Course Code: EEE281 Credit Hours: 3(3,0)
Course Instructor/s: Dr.Aamer Bilal, Ms.Nisma Saleem, Mr.Aamir Ali Shah Programme Name: BSEE
Semester: FA20 Batch: FA18 Section: P, E, T Date:
Time Allowed: 90 minutes Maximum Marks: 20
Student’s Name: Reg. No.
Important Instructions / Guidelines:
 It is an open book and open notes paper.
 All questions are compulsory.
 You have 1 hours to complete this paper and 30 minutes extra to upload the answer sheet file to
 Uploaded file size should not be more than 15MB.
 Mention student’s Name and Registration Number in the answer sheet.
 Solve the following questions by hand on paper in legible handwriting.
 To capture image, you may use camscanner or Microsoft Office lens or similar applications.
 Properly trim and edit your images like crop unnecessary spaces, resize to fit the space and
increase image clarity.
 Save the file as the pdf format and rename it as S-1_FA20_BXX_000.pdf
 Save the pdf file as minimum size option.

Question 1: (PLO1, CLO1, C2) (5+5+5=15 Marks)

Considering the availability of resources, which type of plant will be more suitable for each of the region
given below. Explain the reasons to choose the type of power plant, summarize the steps to follow for the
installation of that power plant along with the machinery required and schematic diagram.

a) The coastal areas of Sind and Balochistan (away from local population), considering the availability of
water resources which type of plant will be more suitable resulting minimum running cost, minimum
space required for installation and maximum power generation capacity.
b) The Thal desert of Punjab, Pakistan.
c) The Gilgit Baltistan region which is famous for its highest mountains, beautiful land scape and wild

Question 2: (PLO1, CLO2, C3) (1+2+2=5 Marks)

Consider a thermal power plant that has a maximum capacity of 880MW. The power plant uses 0.329 liters of
fuel to produce one electricity unit, i.e., 1kWh of energy. Suppose in a certain billing month (30 days), the power
plant has produced 411GWh of energy.
a) Compute the electricity units produced by the power plant in one month.
b) Assume a fuel price of 65 Rs/liter. Compute the total fuel cost (in Rs) of generating these units.
Note: Convert your final answer into Millions (M); 1M=106

c) Capacity factor of a power plant is defined as: “the net energy generated, for the time period considered,
to the energy that could have been generated at continuous full-power operation during the same period".
Based on the given information, Compute the capacity factor of the power plant.

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