Hyperdoc Lesson Plan Template

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Digital Learning Day Project Hyperdoc

Extending the Learning Environment using the Design Thinking Model
(Total Points = 200 See the details at the end of the page.)

Click me to listen!

Understand: For this portion of the hyperdoc, you will immerse

yourself in learning the benefits and concerns with
online/blended learning. You will also be able to empathize with
students who struggled as well as thrived in this learning Your Task:
environment. Understanding the human perspective will prepare
you for designing an effective digital learning plan that can be
Immerse yourself in
used for blended or online learning. understanding
Read through at least 2 of the articles and view the videos.
Be prepared to answer the reflection questions on the right,
where your task is listed. There is space for your response below.

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What did Distance Benefits and 7 Tips for Being a Great How do you prepare for online/blended
Learning Accomplish? Concerns - Choose 1 to Virtual Teacher learning activities?
Respond to these questions below:
1. What are some benefits and challenges you
may face and how will you overcome these
challenges? I think there are some benefits to
online and blended learning. It gives the
students more independence and allows
them to move at their own pace. It can also
be challenging for students to get engaged
when they are at home and there are other
things they would rather be doing. An easy
The Effect of Distance Students speak out… How online learning works way to overcome that challenge is to strive to
for some make lessons engaging and interactive!
2. Find one sentence, one phrase, and one
word that stood out to you as you read these
articles and state their importance to you.
The sentence “And while some families
have parents who can oversee their
children’s remote learning, many youths
are caring for younger siblings while their
parents work in essential jobs or living with
the chaos of unemployment or
homelessness.” in the article What did
Distance Learning Accomplish stuck out to
me because I don’t feel like that is
something some schools consider. Having
a parent that cannot always be there to
help with assignments and be involved in
the child’s learning, especially in these new
circumstances, makes it rather difficult for
the child. They will more or less have to be
figuring it all out themselves. This
sentence also comes with the fact that not
a lot of students have reliable access to
the internet or a computer. That is were the
issue of absenteeism comes into play. If
they cannot log into class that day, they
are missing out on that instructional time
and important information.
3. Discuss recommendations for preparing

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students for online/blended learning and
successful learning outcomes. Be sure to
mention how you will support communication
and collaboration between students,
teachers, and parents. An easy way to
remove some of the stress and help the
children feel more prepared is by making
structured lessons and perhaps preparing a
schedule. This lets the kid know what they
are doing each day and they know what to
expect. I would want to incorporate ways for
students to do work together or to see their
peers and listen to their opinions. For
example, creating a lesson with Flipgrid.
Students can respond to the topic and then
see what their friends had to say. Having
open communication with parents is also
important and I want them to be involved too.
Just like with my students, creating a layout
of the week with what activities we are doing
in class can help the parents visualize their
students' week and be prepared for it.

Next, view at least 2 of the videos to your left to

uncover what students are feeling about
online/blended learning.

Note the VERBS students are mentioning

regarding their experience. Also, make use of our
Teams’ chat to see what both parents and
students are saying about online/blended learning.

4. What did you learn about the various student

experiences? State one idea that stood out to you
and how it will help you plan your digital learning
plan. Some students in the “Kids Speak Out About
Distance Learning” video. A few students
mentioned that they do some online work and
interactive games along with workbook pages. I
think this is a good way to differentiate the
learning. The teacher in the video mentioned that
allowing students to upload worksheets to a

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website still gives her the option to comment on
the students work and give them feedback.

Understanding: Use the numbered prompts listed above on the right under “Your Task” (you will do this for the next
two topics as well):

Explore: Gather information, strategies, and resources for setting up an Your Task:
online learning/blended environment for your students. Explain how this IDEATE - brainstorm ideas for
information will aid in your planning process and how technology will help?
Choose two of the following options to learn more (Read, LIsten, or Watch). online/blended learning
Answer prompts below:
1. How should online/blended learning differ
from face-to-face learning according to what
you read? There needs to be clear
expectations for the students as well as the
Article parents. You may have to include instructions
Read Video to make certain activities and programs easier
Podcast/Blog Post to access. Allowing kids to take breaks and
Listen (or Read) get outside and exercise is also very
important. I feel like online learning needs
more breaks. When students are in the
classroom face to face, they have time to walk
around the classroom and walk to specials
and the cafeteria. With online learning it is
easy for kids to feel chained to the computer.
2. How will you build a community that makes
students feel supported in the learning
environment? Giving feedback is always good
with students. Creating a fun and playful
environment will also encourage students to
be engaged. I also want students to
communicate when they do not understand
information. I think a good way to do this,
even for students that are a bit more shy, is to
allow time after a video call for students to
stay and ask the questions and express the
concerns that they have.

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3. How does communication with parents and
instruction change in the online/blended
learning environment? Online communication
with parents and students can seem very
distant and impersonal. There is definitely a
hug difference in face to face conversations
rather than an email. Intentions and feelings
can also be lost in translation. Its important to
communicate with parents frequently through
video call or even just phone call. It makes it
more personal and it's good for them to hear
your voice and hear your feelings so things
don’t get miscommunicated.
Guidance/Directions, Routines, Instructional
Strategies, Authentic and Engaging learning

Design a problem statement that defines the issues students are having with online learning according to what you’ve learned
thus far. This should highlight what you need to focus on to make this learning plan work for students (and parents).
I want to design a lesson that is interactive, engaging as well as easy to follow. Having a clear expectation of what needs to be
done each day. I think this will also allow students to work at their own pace. Developing a schedule will also help students, and
their parents, get a visual of the assignments for the week.

Then, explain how you will prepare for your online/blended learning using the 3 prompts listed under “Your Task”:

Choose the resources/tools you may want to

use for your lesson. Remember you will want
to engage students in interactive learning
KSU iTeach department Crowdsourcing: This activities that spark inquiry and excitement for
list of resources gathered collection contains links your topic.
in response to Covid-19 to all of the tools we
nationwide shut down of Resources as reviewed have used or can be Choose your resources/tools based on your
schools. by parents and teachers used for online/blended standards/topic for learning. You can change
learning. Please these once you design your hyperdoc, just
contribute if you have a choose tools that you believe aid students in
new tool and add to meeting the standards. Try to use a new tool if
your collection, this is you can.
“crowdsourcing” your

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Write about some ideas for planning this unit. Tools you are considering using for this lesson:
I like the idea of students having a choice in what they do. Obviously include some tasks that need to be done
but make in fun by including games and other interactive programs. I enjoy using Flipgrid because it gives kids
a channel to express themselves. A flippity could also be fun to include to make it more interactive.

Apply: Begin Brainstorming and planning what you Your Task:

will do in your online/blended learning unit Build a “prototype” of your
1. Identify your objectives for learning. Select a grade level and subject
area standards that would support a multi-day learning experience. Identify what you
want students to know and be able to do by the end of the learning activity. Y
Click image for standards

List your choice of grade level & standards - What do you want students to know and be able to do by
the end of this learning unit :
Kindergarten - SKE2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe the physical
attributes of earth materials (soil, rocks, water, and air).

I want students to be able to categorize different rocks and materials by texture, color, size, etc…
Describe these attributes and record them as well
Describe the different types of soil (Sand, silt, humus and clay)
Describe the properties of water (solid, gas and liquid)

What is your personal goal for developing this unit of study?

I want to get students comfortable with using tools like rulers and magnifying glasses to obtain data
and also practice recording this information and explaining why they categorized objects the way they

2. Design learning activities - Use the terms listed in the task Engage - Get students excited about
column (right side) to assist you with the sequence of the learning, activate prior knowledge, grab
lesson. Refer to the questions as you begin planning how you students’ attention
will set-up this lesson. Be sure to mention any tools/resources
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you would use in your description (these can change). Explore - How will students explore the
topic, skills, concepts processes
Consider the following as you plan your learning activities. This
is a checklist of the things you will want to address in your Explain - How will you explain the
learning plan so check them off as you make your plan topic, use tools to teach the topic, or
(copy/paste this checkmark): ✔ have students work together to explain
How will you engage students’ prior knowledge and a process, concept, or skill?
connect it to new learning?
Apply - How will students apply their
How will you make sure your directions are crystal clear learning on the topic? Think of an
and students can submit their work effectively? activity they can do using a web tool to
practice application.
How will you support parent communication especially
with students under grades 2 and under? Provide a Share - How will students share their
letter and/or audio/video directly to parents within your learning so you can assess their
plan. understanding? Can students share
UDL: How will you provide multiple means of learning with others?
engagement, representation, and expression of learning.
Where do you need to add audio and/or video to ensure Reflect - How will students reflect on
clear directions and communication from you? What and evaluate their learning?
visual/auditory aids will you provide for students? Extend - How will you reflect on the
learning processes, extend it into the
Where will you offer voice and choice to personalize next lesson and plan for new learning
learning? goals?

How will you assess learning on the topic before,

throughout, and at the end of the learning process?
Will you provide students with sample products of
learning? (This will help give them a vision of what you
are expecting)
How will students communicate and collaborate? (Use
technology if needed)

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How will you provide a variety of activities that will have
students learn, practice, and demonstrate their
How will you scaffold student learning and reach those
higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy? (Scaffold: Start
simple and move slowly toward higher levels of
What project or activity will students complete to make
their learning visible? (This is typically toward the end of
the unit but it can be earlier if needed.)

Brainstorm your initial plan for learning. Write a sentence for each criteria below using the definitions
above on the right.:

Engage: Include a fun video at the beginning of the lesson. Encourage the kids to get outside and find
samples of different rocks and dirt to share via Flipgrid.

Explore: Scavenger Hunt - allow the kids to be active to find and explore the different rocks they can find in
their backyard or at the park

Explain: Include videos to explain the differences between the earth materials

Apply: Create an activity allowing kids to match up certain attributes to objects. Could do this using Flippity. I
could also create a worksheet/”project” for them to do at home and submit a picture or a video if they choose.

Share: Allow kids ways to share their findings via Flipgrid

Reflect: Include a Time to Climb activity where they can put their knowledge to the test

Extend: Allow opportunities on the playground or in other lessons to categorize objects by their physical
attributes. Finding different rocks on the playground and asking the kids to describe the rock.

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3. Choose a Presentation Tool: You may choose your template Google Docs, Slides or Sites
for developing your hyperdoc. Choice include:
● Any hyperdoc template you choose (Google docs, slides,
or even a Google Site
● Wakelet
● Choice Board - May work better for younger students
● Nearpod - You could also put a NP in a hyperdoc, or vice

Think about what you’ve learned this semester, choose tools

you know (or add a new tool), and plan an effective lesson that
students can do independently or with little guidance. There are
many templates to choose from in the module on page 3 where
you learned about hyperdocs.

Test your product Your Task:

Once you have created your online/blended learning unit plan Now test your product for
for student use (still called a prototype), complete your
self-assessment. Then, post it to the discussion board for peer
feedback. You will be able to collect feedback from your peers
who will test your plan and offer feedback so you can make Self-Assess and Post a link
changes prior to posting. You will reflect on the feedback in
your post.
(anyone with the link can view)
to your completed unit in the
discussion board for peer

Note: You must reflect on and indicate

the changes you made to your online
unit after you received feedback. You
will reflect on the feedback and what

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you changed in your portfolio post.
Be sure to submit this page for evaluation to the assignment box. Share this as a view only link in the assignment box.

Next Steps:
Set up your Digital Learning page within your Weebly. Be creative and make sure the following items are on your page,
this is the same information included in your guidance page for this project:

Two paragraph overview: Your two-paragraph discussion will cover what you learned about online/blended learning and
reflect on your personal experience with the Design Thinking Model. Use the prompts below to develop your reflection of
learning by discussing the following:

A. Introduction
○ Introduce online/blended learning and the continued need to be prepared to teach using these platforms,
including being prepared for digital learning days as you begin your career as an educator.
○ What are the benefits of providing digital online learning activities in preparation for an online/blended learning
environment? What are the challenges of online/blended learning activities and how can you overcome them?
○ Based on your research, how would you plan differently for online/blended learning activities than face-to-face
○ How will you ensure directions and expectations are clear? Are there ways to help make things clear without
meeting online with students? What is your plan for supporting communication with parents and students?
Think of and discuss some tools you have learned this semester that may help with this.
○ Working through this activity to create a Digital Learning project, have you acquired a different view toward the
value of online/blended learning? Why has online and blended learning become a vital component in the
educational world and how you prepare your students for their future educational experience?

B. Design Thinking Model - Steps are bolded below

○ As you worked through the Design Thinking Model, you were able to empathize and better understand the
experience of students involved in the online/blended learning process. Define the problem: What did you
learn regarding the problem with online/blended learning that you can apply to your own plan for learning? State
the problem and discuss your personal goal for making this learning plan one that will be successful for

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students as well as guide parents in how they can assist students properly. Be specific and discuss whether you
met this goal and how.
○ The next steps in the process allowed you to ideate or brainstorm ideas for making a quality online/blended
learning plan. What were the qualities you focused on in your learning plan? Think about what you have learned
this semester about engaging students, personalized learning, UDL with multiple means of engagement,
representation, and expression of learning, communication and collaboration, voice, and choice, and working
toward higher levels of Bloom’s and LoTi levels. You do not have to mention all these things but mention the
ones you truly focused on in your plan.
○ In the final stages, you created a prototype of your plan and tested the plan with a peer who offered
feedback on your plan. These are the final steps in the Design Thinking process. What did you learn? How will
you change your plan based on the feedback you received and how did it different from your self-assessment?
What did you learn about the effectiveness of using this process to design your digital learning project? Could
this process help you in the future?

Remember: Prior to posting your multi-day online/blended learning project for your peers, complete your
self-assessment to ensure it meets the standards indicated in the assessment. Then, you will post a link to your
plan (Hyperdoc, Nearpod, Wakelet or other content management tool) in the discussion box for peer feedback.
Your instructor will grade the final project based on the requirements listed below.

C. Post an image of the lesson product you designed for students.

Discuss how you can use this learning activity in the online/blended learning environment. Also, describe your
lesson by revealing what grade level subject area and standards it supports. Finally, summarize your plan and
invite your reader to view it by clicking on the image of the product where the document will open for viewing.

○ Post a screenshot of your project and link it to your actual product so your instructor can grade it.

Point Values

Project Points: 200 points totals (Projects should be attractive and easy to navigate.)
50 points - Weebly page
● Reflective overview of the project responding to the prompt questions
● Image to showcase the product used to implement the Digital Learning Day project ( HyperDocs, Wakelet, Choice Boards, Other).
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● Discussion about the Design Thinking Model and how if and how it helped you with the process of developing a quality learning
product for students. Reflect on what you learned and how you grew through this process. Don’t forget to mention your problem
statement and personal learning goal for this project.
● Brief overview of the product selected and a brief discussion as to why you selected that product.
● Linked screenshot to provide access to the Digital Learning Day project. See module for how to make this a shareable copy for your

150 points - overall project

● Grade level, Standard(s) addressed (you may even have several standards for this project. Think of the various content areas you will
● Directions are clear throughout and a letter to parents is included with details on how to support student learning (Audio or Video is
provided for students so directions are clear)
● A variety of resources are used to present the information (audio, video, websites, games, tutorials, quizzes, etc.). You may use
“NEW” tools you may not have learned this semester as well.
● Universal Design for Learning is demonstrated by offering multiple means of engagement, representation, and assessment
● Students are given voice and choice within the project.
● Enough resources are provided to allow a multi-day study of the content standard(s).
● Assessments are provided throughout the project - formative and a final summative assessment are required but practice activities
that allow students to check their work are effective as well.
● If the summative assessment is a project, students are given the opportunity to select the tool/method for their final class presentation.
● A checklist of what is expected in the final project. This will ensure students have the guidance they need to meet the standards for
this project.
● The overall design/layout of the Digital Learning Day project is attractive and easy to follow. You should add creativity, attractive
visuals, and fun activities, and make it kid-friendly since children will be completing this activity.

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