Oxygen By: Uptake Complex

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Trevor G.

University of Queensland Oxygen Uptake by a Cobalt(ll) Complex
Brisbane 4067
Australia An undergraduate experiment

Natural oxygen-carrier and storage proteins contain a CoL„ + O2 n L„Co(02) (1)

transition metal to which the oxygen reversibly coordinates—
2CoL„ + 02 pj L„Co-02-CoL„ (2)
e.g., iron (myoglobin, hemoglobin), copper (hemocyanin),
vanadium (hemovanadin). Various simpler coordination That is, the Co:02 ratio may be 1:1 or 2:1, depending on the
compounds will also reversibly coordinate oxygen, and have nature of the ligands, temperature, solvent, etc. (2-7).
been extensively studied as “model compounds” (1,2). Co- One of the best known cobalt(II) “oxygen carriers” is Co-
balt(ll) complexes are among the most studied. Two types of (salen) (I), where salenH2 represents N,N'-bis(salicylal-
bonding of dioxygen to cobalt(II) have been distinguished dehyde)ethy!enediimine
Co(salen) exists in two different solid forms, depending on
method of preparation: a brown form active toward absorp-
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tion of oxygen, and a dark red inactive form. The inactive

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form consists of dimeric units (II) in which the Co atom of one

Co(salen) molecule interacts with an O-atom of the second (8).
The active form also has dimeric units, but with one Co atom
directly above the other (III) (9). Channels in the structure
allow oxygen to enter easily. The active form absorbs oxygen
at room temperature, and releases it at higher temperatures.
This cycle may be repeated many times, although the activity
of the compound toward oxygen uptake slowly decreases on
continued cycling, owing to decomposition (10).

When Co(salen) is dissolved in donor solvents (e.g., dimethylsul-

foxide DMSO, dimethylformamide DMF, pyridine) in the presence
of oxygen, adducts rapidly form (6, 7). In DMSO, a dark brown solid,
[(DMSO)Co(salen)]202 precipitates, which probably has a structure
Figure 1. Structure of the oxygen adduct. similar to that of the DMF analog (Fig. 1, L DMF) (11). The dia-

Volume 54, Number 7, July 1977 / 443

is about 6 hr, easily broken if necessary into two 3-hr sessions.

Preparation of N,Nf-Bis(salicylaldehyde)ethylenediimine,
To a solution of 4.9 g (4.2 ml) salicylaldehyde in 50 ml boiling 95%
ethanol add 1.2 g (1.35 ml) ethylenediamine. Stir the reaction mixture
for 3^ min, and leave the solution to cool in an ice bath. Filter the
bright yellow flaky crystals under suction, wash with a small volume
of ethanol, and air-dry. Melting point 120°C. Yield 90-100%.
Preparation of the Inactive Form of (N.hf -bis(salicylaldehyde)-
ethylenediimino)cobalt{ If), Co(salen)
Weigh 2.34 gsalenlU into a 250-ml 3-necked flask. Add 120 ml 95%
ethanol. Set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 2. Stir using a
magnetic follower, and flush the apparatus with nitrogen. Adjust the
nitrogen flow to a steady rate (~ one bubble/5 s). Immerse the flask
in a water bath maintained at 70-80°C. Dissolve 2.17 g cobalt(II)
acetate, Co(CHnC02)2-4H20 in 15 ml hot water. When the salenFU
has all dissolved, add the cobalt acetate solution through the funnel.
A brown gelatinous precipitate forms immediately. Continue heating
and stirring for a further hour, during which time the precipitate turns
dark red. Cool the flask by immersing in cold water. Discontinue the
nitrogen flow and filter off the solid on a sintered glass funnel (in the
air). Wash three times with 5 ml water, then with 5 ml 95% ethanol.
Dry on the funnel, then in a vacuum desiccator. Decomp. ~300°C.
Yield 70-90%.
Oxygen Uptake by Co(salen)
Weigh out between 0.05 and 0.1 g ground Co(salen) intoa side-arm
test tube (2 X 18 cm). Place approximately 5 ml DMSO in a beaker,
and bubble oxygen through for a few seconds, to saturate it with
oxygen (caution—DMSO is absorbed through the skin). Transfer
the DMSO into a small test tube (1 X 7.5 cm) until it is filled to about
2 cm from the rim. Using forceps, carefully lower the small test tube
into the side-arm tube without spillage.
Connect a length of glass tubing (graduated 0-10 ml—a pipet would
suffice although the apparatus shown is easily made), to a second glass
tube (“movable arm”) using tubing. Arrange the tubes in a U-shape
(Fig. 3) and fill with water. Connect the graduated tube to the side-
arm tube with polyethylene tubing. Adjust the movable arm so that
Figure 3. Oxygen uptake by Co(salen). the water level is near the bottom of the graduated tube.
Flush the side-arm tube with a gentle stream of oxygen. Insert a
magnetic compounds may be formally regarded as containing two tight-fitting rubber stopper in the mouth of the tube. Adjust the
Co(III) atoms linked by a peroxo bridge. movable arm to make the water levels the same in both tubes (i.e.
In this experiment, the inactive form of Co(salen) is prepared by
pressure within the apparatus is atmospheric). Note the water level
an adaptation of the method of Bailes and Calvin (5). An aqueous in the graduated tube. Carefully invert the side-arm tube (holding
solution of cobalt(II) acetate is added to a hot ethanol solution of near the stopper to minimize heating by the hand) so that the DMSO
salenH2 under nitrogen (Fig. 2). A mixture of active and inactive is introduced onto the Co(salen), but not spilled into the polyethylene
forms is initially obtained, which is entirely converted to the inactive
tube. Gently shake the tube. As oxygen is absorbed the water level in
form when heated in ethanol. Once inactive Co(salen) has been the graduated tube begins to rise. Note the changes occurring in the
formed, it may be filtered off and handled in air. tube. Continue shaking until no further change in water level occurs
Oxygen uptake is measured using the simple apparatus depicted (10-20 min). Adjust the movable arm so that the water levels in the
in Figure 3. The side-arm test tube is flushed with oxygen to increase
two tubes are again equal, and read off the new level in the graduated
the rate of reaction, and to leave no doubt that the gas absorbed is, tube.
in fact, oxygen. It is not necessary to remove all traces of nitrogen. From the decrease in volume at room temperature and atmospheric
When the side-arm tube is inverted, allowing the DMSO to dissolve
pressure, calculate the number of moles of dioxygen absorbed per mole
the Co(salen), oxygen is rapidly absorbed and a dark brown precipi- of Co(salen).
tate forms. Reaction is complete in 10-20 min, if the tube is contin-
uously shaken. The small volume of the apparatus prevents small Reaction of the Oxygen Adduct in Chloroform
temperature changes from having a large effect on volume. In the two Remove the stopper from the side-arm tube, and remove as much
years that this experiment has been used in a third-year Bioinorganic as possible of the dark brown suspension into a centrifuge tube.
Chemistry course at the University of Queensland, most student re- Centrifuge until the precipitate has settled to the bottom of the tube
sults for the 02:Co ratio have been close to the theoretical value, 0.5,
(15-30 min). Carefully remove the supernatant DMSO. To the residue
and all have been within the limits 0.44-0.60. in the tube (drying is not necessary) add 5-10 ml chloroform without
The oxygen adduct formed is a very fine precipitate, which cannot
stirring. Observe the result, and attempt to explain your observa-
be easily filtered, but may be isolated by centrifuging. When chloro- tions.
form is added to the adduct, it slowly dissolves, releasing fine streams
of oxygen bubbles, to give a red solution of Co(salen). The student can Literature Cited
be asked to discuss the factors which affect the equilibrium (3) in (1) Kievan, J., Peone, J., and Madan, S. K., J. CHEM. EDUC., 50,670 (1973).
DMSO and chloroform solvents (2) Basolo, F., Hoffmann, B. M., and Ibers, J. A., Accounts Chem Res., 8, 384 (1975).
(3) Pfeiffer, P., Breith, E., Lubbe, E., and Tsumaki.T., Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 503,
84 (1933).
2Co(salen) + 2DMSO + O2 <=* |(DMS0)Co(salen)]202 (3)
(4) Tsumaki, T., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 13, 252 (1938).
Electron donation by a ligand, L, is required to stabilize the structure (5) Bailes, R. H., and Calvin, M.,<7. Amer. Chem. Soc., 69, 1886 (1947).
(6) Floriani, C.,and Calderazzo, F.,J. Chem. Soc. (A), 946 (1969).
in Figure 1. Chloroform is a poor donor unlikely to coordinate to co- (7) Ochiai, E. I„J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 35, 1727 (1973).
balt. In DMSO, the high concentration of DMSO provided by the (8) Bruckner, S., Calligaris, M., Nardin, G., and Randaccio, L., Acta Crystallogr.. B25,
solvent, and the low solubility of the adduct help to force the equi- 1671 (1969); Delasi, R., Holt, S. L., and Post, B., Inorg. Chem., 10, 1498 (1971).
(9) Schaefer, W. P., and Marsh, R. E., Acta Crystallogr., B25, 1675 (1969).
librium to the right. (10) Wilmarth, W. K., Aranoff, S., and Calvin, M., J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 68, 2263 (1946).
The total time required for experimental work, including charac- (11) Calligaris, M., Nardin, G., Randaccio, L., and Ripamonti. A., J. Chem. Soc. (A), 1069
terization of compounds by ir and melting/decomposition behavior, (1970).

444 / Journal of Chemical Education

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