Name: Cade Speroni Module 7 Notes: Discussion Prompt For Notes: How Were The
Name: Cade Speroni Module 7 Notes: Discussion Prompt For Notes: How Were The
Name: Cade Speroni Module 7 Notes: Discussion Prompt For Notes: How Were The
Module 7 Notes
Conclusion from the textbook High-Performing Virtual Teams; getting the job done
effectively and efficiently.
Discussion Prompt for Notes: How were the Leading Virtual Teams; over coming virtual
main points of this chapter demonstrated in this obstacules/time zone issues. Collaboration.
course? Accountability. Communication. Respect
The Problem with Bert Case Study
Talk to him and figure out what area he is struggling
Brainstorm about different strategies for coping with. (time management, content comprehension,
with the “Bert” problem. List as many possibilities organization, etc.)
as you can think of but you do NOT need to list
more than 3 or 4 (not the 20 suggested in the Suggest and provide tutoring information
case study instructions!).
Express concern for their level of participation and
talk about willing to help but expect more from them
“Margaret Heffernan TedTalks: Why It's Super chicken group lead to aggression and waste.
Time to Forget the Pecking Order at Work” The super chickens could only maintain the success
Video by surpressing the productivity of others.
How to kill your body language Frankenstein . To improve my body language in a video/virtual
. . & before the final meeting watch 15-20 setting I found one big factor for me. My video
minutes of your last meeting recording (that camera positioning gives a different impression that
was in gallery view!) a intended. I felt it makes me look throw together,
unprepared or unconerened. That is not my
impression but just a nature of my environment.
Discussion Prompt for Notes: With the Having to do video calls on my lunch at work does
sound turned off, watch about 1/2 hour of not leave me any much flexibility as I would have at
your most recent team meeting home.
The second thing I could improve on is my
video (preferably one that is in gallery manneraisms. I found my self figiting and moving
view) and make notes about what your body around a lot. That is just how I am as a person I have
language says to others about yourself and never been able to sit still for long but I can see how
your engagement in the meeting discussion the impression gives off as antys or impatient.
with your teammates and to others watching
your interactions?
Is this the message you want to send? What
changes could you make in future team
meetings outside of this class to ensure that
the image you portray with your body
language is the one you want to send?