Part 3: Index of Syllabus Codes For The November 2017 Series
Part 3: Index of Syllabus Codes For The November 2017 Series
Part 3: Index of Syllabus Codes For The November 2017 Series
3.1 Introduction
This section contains syllabus information for all Cambridge examinations available in the November 2017
examination series. It includes details of syllabus numbers, entry option codes, component weightings and exam
durations. Disallowed syllabus combinations are also listed for most subjects; however, please note that
candidates are also not permitted to sit more than one syllabus with the same title at the same qualification level.
In some cases, the course syllabus will refer to a one-digit paper number, while the component codes listed on
the following pages will contain two digits. Where this is the case, the first digit of the component code refers to
the paper number in the syllabus, and the second digit is for our administrative purposes.
You can only submit entries for qualifications that your Centre has been approved to offer. If you intend to
submit entries for a subject your Centre has not entered in the past, please submit an Additional Qualification
Types form (Preparation – Form 5) to Customer Services.
In the subject given below, there are four different entry options, ranging from A to D. Select the option code
which shows the combination of exam components your candidates will take. For example:
• If a candidate is entering for the Multiple Choice paper (1), the Extended Theory exam (3) and will be
submitting coursework (4), they should enter for option code A. This option includes all three of the
components the candidate intends to sit.
Example Subject 1 0998
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 3, 4 (Extended) 1 Multiple Choice
B 1, 3, 5 (Extended) 2 Core Theory
C 1, 2, 4 (Core) 3 Extended Theory
D 1, 2, 5 (Core) 4 Coursework
5 Alternative to Coursework
• If another candidate is entering for the Core Theory exam (2) instead of Extended Theory, and will be
sitting the Alternative to Coursework paper (5) instead of submitting coursework, they should be entered
for option D.
Example Subject 1 0998
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 3, 4 (Extended) 1 Multiple Choice
B 1, 3, 5 (Extended) 2 Core Theory
C 1, 2, 4 (Core) 3 Extended Theory
D 1, 2, 5 (Core) 4 Coursework
5 Alternative to Coursework
A small number of syllabuses do not require an option code, as there is only one valid combination of question
papers that candidates can be entered for. If this is the case, the syllabus table will state ‘Leave Blank’ in the
option code column. For all other subjects, the option code is a required part of the entry.
It is not possible to make entries for an individual component, or to enter for only part of an option code. All
candidates must be entered for one of the entry options listed. Candidates sitting any other combination of
question papers would not be eligible to receive a result.
3.3 Entry option codes for carry forward components
Some syllabuses allow candidates to carry forward marks from a previous series within a 13-month period. For
Cambridge IGCSE, O Level or Pre-U subjects, marks can only be carried forward once, while Cambridge
International AS Level marks can be carried forward twice. If candidates wish to use marks from a previous
series, you should enter them for the relevant ‘Mark Carried Forward’ component when making their entries.
In the subject given below, there are two entry options. One is for candidates submitting coursework, while the
other is for candidates carrying a coursework mark forward. For example:
• If a candidate will be submitting their coursework in the current examination series, they should be
entered for option A, as this includes an entry for the coursework component.
Example Subject 2 0999
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2 1 Written Examination
B 1, 82 2 Coursework
82 Coursework Mark Carried Forward
• If a candidate has already submitted coursework in the last 13 months, and wishes this mark to be carried
forward instead of submitting coursework again in the current series, they should be entered for option B.
Example Subject 2 0999
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2 1 Written Examination
B 1, 82 2 Coursework
82 Coursework Mark Carried Forward
Centres must make sure their candidates have a valid mark to carry forward before entering them for a
carry forward option, and provide previous entry details with the candidate’s carry forward entry.
Where permitted by the syllabus, candidates can use a previous Cambridge International AS Level result taken
within the last 13 months towards the award of a Cambridge International A Level in the same subject. This option
is not available in language subjects, except for English. Syllabuses where a staged assessment option is
available are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the syllabus index.
In the subject given below, there are five different entry options:
• If a candidate will be sitting the full Cambridge International A Level in the current series, they should be
entered for option A; this option contains all AS and ‘A2’ components.
Example Subject 3 9990
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2, 3 1 AS Written Examination
B 3, 66 2 AS Essay Question
C 3, 67 3 A2 Written Examination
D 1, 2, 3, 66, 67 66 June AS Mark Carried Forward
S 1, 2 67 November AS Mark Carried Forward
• If the candidate is only to be entered for the Cambridge International AS Level in the current series, they
should be entered for option S, which contains only the two AS Level components.
Example Subject 3 9990
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2, 3 1 AS Written Examination
B 3, 66 2 AS Essay Question
C 3, 67 3 A2 Written Examination
D 1, 2, 3, 66, 67 66 June AS Mark Carried Forward
S 1, 2 67 November AS Mark Carried Forward
• Candidates who have taken the Cambridge International AS Level in the previous 13 months and only
want to sit the ‘A2’ components in the current series should be entered for either option B or C,
depending on when their previous AS Level result was awarded.
− If a candidate wishes to use a Cambridge International AS Level result awarded in the
previous June series, they should be entered for option B.
Example Subject 3 9990
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2, 3 1 AS Written Examination
B 3, 66 2 AS Essay Question
C 3, 67 3 A2 Written Examination
D 1, 2, 3, 66, 67 66 June AS Mark Carried Forward
S 1, 2 67 November AS Mark Carried Forward
− Candidates using a result from the previous November series should enter for option C.
Example Subject 3 9990
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2, 3 1 AS Written Examination
B 3, 66 2 AS Essay Question
C 3, 67 3 A2 Written Examination
D 1, 2, 3, 66, 67 66 June AS Mark Carried Forward
S 1, 2 67 November AS Mark Carried Forward
• If a candidate has taken the Cambridge International AS Level within the last 13 months and wishes to
re-sit this in the current session while taking the ‘A2’ components, they should enter for option D. This will
enter the candidate for all AS and ‘A2’ components, and also carry forward their previous AS results.
Example Subject 3 9990
Option code Candidates take components Component Component title
A 1, 2, 3 1 AS Written Examination
B 3, 66 2 AS Essay Question
C 3, 67 3 A2 Written Examination
D 1, 2, 3, 66, 67 66 June AS Mark Carried Forward
S 1, 2 67 November AS Mark Carried Forward
Centres must make sure their candidates have a valid mark to carry forward before entering them for a
staged assessment option, and provide previous entry details with the candidate’s carry forward entry.
Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses (in alphabetical order):
Accounting 0452
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 1h45m 50%
22 Paper 22 1h45m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7110.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 4037.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0512, 8679, 8779 or 9679.
Agriculture 0600
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 2 - 11 Written Paper 11 1h45m 70%
BX 11, 82 - 2 Coursework - 30%
82 Coursework Mark Carried Forward - 30%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 5038.
Biology 0610
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
BY 22, 42, 52 (Extended) Yes 12 Multiple Choice (Core) 12 45m 30%
CY 22, 42, 62 (Extended) Yes 22 Multiple Choice (Extended) 22 45m 30%
FY 12, 32, 52 (Core) Yes 32 Theory (Core) 32 1h15m 50%
GY 12, 32, 62 (Core) Yes 42 Theory (Extended) 42 1h15m 50%
52 Practical Test 52 1h15m 20%
62 Alternative to Practical 62 1h 20%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0653, 0654, 5090 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7115.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0580 or 4024.
Chemistry 0620
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
BY 22, 42, 52 (Extended) Yes 12 Multiple Choice (Core) 12 45m 30%
CY 22, 42, 62 (Extended) Yes 22 Multiple Choice (Extended) 22 45m 30%
FY 12, 32, 52 (Core) Yes 32 Theory (Core) 32 1h15m 50%
GY 12, 32, 62 (Core) Yes 42 Theory (Extended) 42 1h15m 50%
52 Practical Test 52 1h15m 20%
62 Alternative to Practical 62 1h 20%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0652, 0653, 0654, 5070 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0610, 0620, 0625, 0652, 0654, 5054, 5070, 5090 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2210.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0610, 0620, 0625, 0652, 0653, 5054, 5070, 5090 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 6043.
Drama 0411
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
UY 2, 82 - 2 Coursework - 60%
82 Paper 12 Mark Carried Forward - 40%
Notes Option UY can only be entered by candidates who have taken option TY in the June 2017 series.
Economics 0455
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 45m 30%
22 Structured Questions 22 2h15m 70%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2281.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0500, 0510 or 1123.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0500, 0511 or 1123.
Enterprise 0454
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 5014.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0548, 8679, 8779 or 9679.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0510, 0511 or 1123.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0530 or 3035.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 6065.
The Practical component is preceded by a planning period of 1h30m.
French 0520
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22, 3, 42 Yes 12 Listening 12 45m 25%
YC 12, 22, 42, 83 Yes 22 Reading 22 1h 25%
3 Speaking 15m 25%
42 Writing 42 1h 25%
83 Speaking Mark Carried Forward - 25%
Geography 0460
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 22, 3 - 12 Geographical Themes 12 1h45m 45%
BY 12, 22, 42 Yes 22 Geographical Skills 22 1h30m 27.5%
CY 12, 22, 83 Yes 3 Coursework - 27.5%
42 Alternative to Coursework 42 1h30m 27.5%
83 Coursework Mark Carried Forward - 27.5%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2217.
History 0470
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 21, 3 - 11 Paper 11 2h 40%
BX 11, 21, 41 Yes 21 Paper 21 2h 33%
CX 11, 21, 83 Yes 3 Coursework - 27%
41 Alternative to Coursework 41 1h 27%
83 Coursework Mark Carried Forward - 27%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2134.
Notes The practical tests are available for a period of one day. The window for each test can be found in the Timetable.
If entries are made for a new Practical Test after the Final Entry Closing Date, please contact Customer Services so that the source files can be made available.
Islamiyat 0493
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 21 Yes 11 Paper 11 1h30m 50%
21 Paper 21 1h30m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2058, 2068, 8053 or 9013.
Japanese 0519
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 2, 3, 4 Yes 2 Reading 1h15m 33%
3 Speaking 15m 33%
4 Writing 1h15m 33%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0408 or 2010.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0408.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0607 or 4024.
Music 0410
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 2, 3 - 12 Listening 12 1h15m 40%
2 Performing - 30%
3 Composing - 30%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0620, 0625, 0653, 0654, 5054, 5070 or 5129.
Physics 0625
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
BX 21, 41, 51 (Extended) Yes 11 Multiple Choice (Core) 11 45m 30%
CX 21, 41, 61 (Extended) Yes 21 Multiple Choice (Extended) 21 45m 30%
FX 11, 31, 51 (Core) Yes 31 Theory (Core) 31 1h15m 50%
GX 11, 31, 61 (Core) Yes 41 Theory (Extended) 41 1h15m 50%
51 Practical Test 51 1h15m 20%
61 Alternative to Practical 61 1h 20%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0652, 0653, 0654, 5054 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2048 or 2068.
Sociology 0495
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AY 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 2h 60%
22 Paper 22 1h45m 40%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 2251.
Spanish 0530
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
X 11, 21, 3, 41 Yes 11 Listening 11 45m 25%
XC 11, 21, 41, 83 Yes 21 Reading 21 1h 25%
3 Speaking 15m 25%
41 Writing 41 1h 25%
83 Speaking Mark Carried Forward - 25%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0502 or 3035.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7096.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0486, 0488 or 2010.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0606.
Agriculture 5038
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 2 - 11 Theory 11 1h45m 70%
BX 11, 82 - 2 Coursework - 30%
82 Coursework Mark Carried Forward - 30%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0600.
Arabic 3180
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
A 1, 2 Yes 1 Composition 1h30m 45%
2 Translation & Reading Comprehension 1h30m 55%
Biology 5090
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 21, 31 Yes 11 Multiple Choice 11 1h 25%
BX 11, 21, 61 Yes 21 Theory 21 1h45m 50%
31 Practical Test 31 1h15m 25%
61 Alternative To Practical 61 1h 25%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0610, 0653, 0654 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0450.
Chemistry 5070
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0620, 0652, 0653, 0654 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0610, 0620, 0625, 0652, 0653, 0654, 5054, 5070 or 5090.
Commerce 7100
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
X 11, 21 Yes 11 Multiple Choice 11 1h 30%
21 Written 21 2h 70%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7101.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7100.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0478.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0445.
Economics 2281
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 45m 30%
22 Structured Questions 22 2h15m 70%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0455.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0500, 0510 or 0511.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0680.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0648.
The practical component is preceded by a planning period of 1h30m.
Geography 2217
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Geographical Themes 12 1h45m 50%
22 Investigation and Skills 22 2h15m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0460.
Hinduism 2055
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 1, 2 Yes 1 Hindu Gods and Festivals 1h30m 50%
2 Scriptures, Ethics and Hindu Life 1h30m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8058 or 9014.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0470.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0490, 0493 or 2058.
Islamiyat 2058
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 21 Yes 11 Paper 11 1h30m 50%
21 Paper 21 1h30m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0493, 2068, 8053 or 9013.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0408 or 0486.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0580 or 0607.
Physics 5054
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
AX 11, 21, 31 Yes 11 Multiple Choice 11 1h 27.6%
BX 11, 21, 41 Yes 21 Theory 21 1h45m 51.7%
31 Practical Test 31 2h 20.7%
41 Alternative To Practical 41 1h 20.7%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0625, 0652, 0653, 0654 or 5129.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0452 or 9706.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0490, 8041 or 9011.
Setswana 3158
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Leave Blank 1, 2 Yes 1 Language 2h30m 60%
2 Literature 1h30m 40%
Sociology 2251
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 2h 60%
22 Paper 22 1h45m 40%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0495.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0502 or 0530.
Statistics 4040
Candidates take Available to private Component
Option code Component title Duration Weighting
components candidates? code
Y 12, 22 Yes 12 Paper 12 2h15m 50%
22 Paper 22 2h15m 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 0471.
Accounting * 9706
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 11, 21, 31 Yes 11 AS Level Multiple Choice 11 1h 30% 15%
BQ 31, 88 Yes 21 AS Level Structured Questions 21 1h30m 70% 35%
CX 31, 97 Yes 31 A Level Structured Questions 31 3h - 50%
GQ 11, 21, 31, 88, 97 Yes 88 June AS Mark (12, 22) Carried Forward - - 50%
SX 11, 21 (AS Level) Yes 97 November AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 7110.
Afrikaans 9679
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
A 1, 2, 3, 4 Yes 1 Speaking (Optional) 20m - -
B 2, 3, 4 Yes 2 Reading & Writing 1h45m - 45%
3 Essay 1h30m - 20%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9626.
The Practical Tests begin before the Late Entry Closing Date - please make sure entries are submitted early enough to allow materials to arrive before the Practical Tests.
Arabic 9680
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 21, 31, 41, 51 Yes 21 Reading and Writing 21 1h45m - 35%
Biology * 9700
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Business * 9609
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 11, 21, 31 Yes 11 Short Answer and Essay 11 1h15m 40% 20%
BQ 31, 88 Yes 21 Data Response 21 1h30m 60% 30%
CX 31, 97 Yes 31 Case Study 31 3h - 50%
GQ 11, 21, 31, 88, 97 Yes 88 June AS Mark (12, 22) Carried Forward - - 50%
SX 11, 21 (AS Level) Yes 97 November AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
Chemistry * 9701
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 33, 42, 52 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h 31% 15.5%
BT 42, 52, 84, 87 Yes 22 AS Level Structured Questions 22 1h15m 46% 23%
CY 42, 52, 95, 98 Yes 33 Advanced Practical Skills 33 2h 23% 11.5%
GT 12, 22, 33, 42, 52, 84, 87, 95, 98 Yes 34 Advanced Practical Skills 34 2h 23% 11.5%
HY 12, 22, 34, 42, 52 Yes 42 A Level Structured Questions 42 2h - 38.5%
KT 12, 22, 34, 42, 52, 84, 87, 95, 98 Yes 52 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation 52 1h15m - 11.5%
S3 12, 22, 33 (AS Level) Yes 84 June AS Mark (11, 21, 31) Carried Forward - - 50%
S4 12, 22, 34 (AS Level) Yes 87 June AS Mark (11, 21, 32) Carried Forward - - 50%
95 November AS Mark (12, 22, 33) Carried Forward - - 50%
98 November AS Mark (12, 22, 34) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8780.
Chinese 9715
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 21, 31, 41 Yes 21 Reading & Writing 21 1h45m - 38%
31 Essay 31 1h30m - 22%
41 Texts 41 2h30m - 40%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an A Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8681.
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9626.
Divinity 8041
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Y 22 only Yes 22 The Four Gospels 22 3h 100% -
Divinity 9011
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22 Yes 12 Prophets of the Old Testament 12 3h - 50%
BY 12, 32 Yes 22 The Four Gospels 22 3h - 50%
CY 22, 32 Yes 32 The Apostolic Age 32 3h - 50%
Economics * 9708
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 11, 21, 31, 41 Yes 11 AS Level Multiple Choice 11 1h 40% 20%
BX 31, 41, 87 Yes 21 AS Level Data Response and Essay 21 1h30m 60% 30%
CX 31, 41, 97 Yes 31 A Level Multiple Choice 31 1h15m - 15%
DX 11, 21, 31, 41, 87, 97 Yes 41 A Level Data Response and Essays 41 2h15m - 35%
SX 11, 21 (AS Level) Yes 87 June AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
97 November AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8695.
French 9716
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 1, 22, 32, 42 Yes 1 Speaking 20m - 20%
22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - 15%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - 30%
Geography * 9696
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 32 Yes 12 Core Geography 12 3h 100% 50%
BT 22, 32, 87 Yes 22 Advanced Physical Options 22 1h30m - 25%
CY 22, 32, 98 Yes 32 Advanced Human Options 32 1h30m - 25%
GT 12, 22, 32, 87, 98 Yes 87 June AS Mark (11) Carried Forward - - 50%
SY 12 only (AS Level) Yes 98 November AS Mark (12) Carried Forward - - 50%
German 9717
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 1, 22, 32, 42 Yes 1 Speaking 20m - 20%
22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - 15%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9766.
Hindi 9687
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 2, 3, 4, 5 Yes 2 Reading & Writing 1h45m - 35%
3 Essay 1h30m - 20%
Hinduism 8058
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 1 only Yes 1 Paper 1 3h 100% -
Hinduism 9014
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 1, 2 Yes 1 Paper 1 3h - 50%
2 Paper 2 3h - 50%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an A Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8058.
History * 9389
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 11, 21, 31, 41 Yes 11 Document Question 11 1h 40% 20%
BQ 31, 41, 88 Yes 21 Outline Study 21 1h30m 60% 30%
CX 31, 41, 97 Yes 31 Interpretations Question 31 1h - 20%
GQ 11, 21, 31, 41, 88, 97 Yes 41 Depth Study 41 1h30m - 30%
SX 11, 21 (AS Level) Yes 88 June AS Mark (12, 22) Carried Forward - - 50%
97 November AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9608 or 9713.
Law * 9084
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 11, 21, 31, 41 Yes 11 Paper 11 1h30m 60% 30%
BQ 31, 41, 88 Yes 21 Paper 21 1h30m 40% 20%
CX 31, 41, 97 Yes 31 Paper 31 1h30m - 25%
GQ 11, 21, 31, 41, 88, 97 Yes 41 Paper 41 1h30m - 25%
SX 11, 21 (AS Level) Yes 88 June AS Mark (12, 22) Carried Forward - - 50%
97 November AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8695.
Component 8 is only available to Centres which have submitted a full coursework proposal to Cambridge in writing by December in the first year of the course.
Mathematics * 9709
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 32, 42, 62 Yes 12 Pure Mathematics 12 1h45m 60% 30%
BY 12, 32, 42, 52 Yes 22 Pure Mathematics 22 1h15m 40% -
CY 12, 32, 62, 72 Yes 32 Pure Mathematics 32 1h45m - 30%
DY 32, 62, 85 Yes 42 Mechanics 42 1h15m 40% 20%
EY 32, 42, 88 Yes 52 Mechanics 52 1h15m - 20%
FY 32, 52, 85 Yes 62 Probability & Statistics 62 1h15m 40% 20%
GY 32, 72, 88 Yes 72 Probability & Statistics 72 1h15m - 20%
HY 32, 62, 95 Yes 85 June Mechanics AS Mark (12, 42) Carried Forward - - 50%
IY 32, 42, 98 Yes 88 June Statistics AS Mark (12, 62) Carried Forward - - 50%
JY 32, 52, 95 Yes 95 November Mechanics AS Mark (12, 42) Carried Forward - - 50%
KY 32, 72, 98 Yes 98 November Statistics AS Mark (12, 62) Carried Forward - - 50%
LY 12, 32, 42, 62, 85, 88, 95, 98 Yes
MY 12, 32, 42, 52, 85, 95 Yes
NY 12, 32, 62, 72, 88, 98 Yes
S4 12, 22 (AS Level) Yes
S5 12, 42 (AS Level) Yes
Music * 8663
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
S 1, 6 - 1 Listening 01 2h 50% -
6 Investigation and Report - 50% -
Notes This syllabus is only available as an AS Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9703.
Music * 9703
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
A 1, 2, 3, 4 - 1 Listening 01 2h 50% 25%
B 1, 2, 3, 5 - 2 Practical Musicianship - 50% 25%
C 1, 2, 4, 5 - 3 Performing - - 25%
DY 3, 4, 88 - 4 Composing - - 25%
EY 3, 5, 88 - 5 Investigation and Report - - 25%
FY 4, 5, 88 - 67 November AS Mark (01, 02) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8663.
Physics * 9702
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 12, 22, 33, 42, 52 Yes 12 Multiple Choice 12 1h15m 31% 15.5%
BT 42, 52, 84, 87 Yes 22 AS Level Structured Questions 22 1h15m 46% 23%
CY 42, 52, 95, 98 Yes 33 Advanced Practical Skills 33 2h 23% 11.5%
GT 12, 22, 33, 42, 52, 84, 87, 95, 98 Yes 34 Advanced Practical Skills 34 2h 23% 11.5%
HY 12, 22, 34, 42, 52 Yes 42 A Level Structured Questions 42 2h - 38.5%
KT 12, 22, 34, 42, 52, 84, 87, 95, 98 Yes 52 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation 52 1h15m - 11.5%
S3 12, 22, 33 (AS Level) Yes 84 June AS Mark (11, 21, 31) Carried Forward - - 50%
S4 12, 22, 34 (AS Level) Yes 87 June AS Mark (11, 21, 32) Carried Forward - - 50%
95 November AS Mark (12, 22, 33) Carried Forward - - 50%
98 November AS Mark (12, 22, 34) Carried Forward - - 50%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8780.
Psychology * 9698
Sociology * 9699
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 11, 21, 31 Yes 11 The Family 11 1h30m 50% 25%
BQ 31, 88 Yes 21 Theory and Methods 21 1h30m 50% 25%
CX 31, 97 Yes 31 Social Inequality and Opportunity 31 3h - 50%
GQ 11, 21, 31, 88, 97 Yes 88 June AS Mark (12, 22) Carried Forward - - 50%
SX 11, 21 (AS Level) Yes 97 November AS Mark (11, 21) Carried Forward - - 50%
Spanish 9719
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AY 1, 22, 32, 42 Yes 1 Speaking 20m - 20%
22 Reading & Writing 22 1h45m - 35%
32 Essay 32 1h30m - 15%
42 Texts 42 2h30m - 30%
Tamil 9689
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
AX 21, 31, 41, 51 Yes 21 Reading & Writing 21 1h45m - 35%
31 Essay 31 1h30m - 20%
41 Texts 41 2h30m - 35%
51 Prose 51 45m - 10%
Notes This syllabus is only available as an A Level.
Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 8689.
Urdu 9676
Candidates take Available to private Component Weighting
Option code Component title Duration
components candidates? code AS Level A Level
Leave Blank 2, 3, 4, 5 Yes 2 Reading & Writing 1h45m - 35%
3 Essay 1h30m - 20%
4 Texts 2h30m - 35%
5 Prose 45m - 10%
Notes Candidates may not sit this syllabus in the same series as 9239.
Zone 3 Cambridge International Pre-U Certificate in Global Perspectives & Independent Research
Part 4: Instructions for entering candidates for Cambridge group awards
4.1 Entering for the Cambridge International Certificate of Education (Cambridge ICE)
4.1.1 Introduction
Cambridge ICE is the group award of the Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
(Cambridge IGCSE) and requires the study of subjects drawn from the following five subject groups:
• Languages (Group 1)
• Humanities (Group 2)
• Sciences (Group 3)
• Mathematics (Group 4)
• Professional and Creative (Group 5).
Centres benefit from offering their candidates a broad and balanced curriculum. To obtain the Cambridge ICE
certificate, candidates must:
You must check that your candidates are eligible to receive the group award before submitting the group award
entry. You will be charged the entry fee for the group award even if your candidate is not eligible for the group
award. We will only refund the entry fee if you withdraw the entry before the final entries deadline.
Candidates must be entered for the award by including the entry code ‘ICE’ in addition to the syllabus and option
codes for the subjects they will be entering in that examination series. This entry code should be added in the
same way as an additional syllabus code. If you are unsure how to add the ‘ICE’ entry code to your examination
entries, please contact Customer Services.
IMPORTANT: You must include the ‘ICE’ entry code for a Cambridge ICE certificate to be issued. If the ‘ICE’
entry code is not used, a Cambridge ICE certificate will not be issued, but Cambridge IGCSE and/or O Level
certificates will be issued as normal.
We encourage all candidates to enter for the qualifying subjects in a single examination series. However,
candidates can accumulate the results to be used over two examination series, provided both series are held
within a 13-month period. It is not possible to use results from more than two examination series (i.e. a candidate
entering for Cambridge ICE in November 2017 may use results gained in the June 2017 or November 2016
series, but not both).
• The ‘ICE’ entry code should only be entered in the examination series where the candidate is
completing the award (i.e. when they are taking the last of their qualifying subjects).
• When making entries for the second examination series towards the Cambridge ICE award, you
must provide the Centre and candidate numbers used in the first series.
• Any syllabus exclusions in force within a single examination series will also apply to the second
series (for example, a candidate may not enter for both 0620 Chemistry and 0653 Combined
Science in the same series; therefore, these syllabuses cannot both be counted towards
Cambridge ICE certification).
• Any candidates entering for 0411 Drama over two examination series by taking the written
component in June 2017 and the coursework in November 2017 must take all other Cambridge
ICE qualifying subjects in these two examination series; it will not be possible to add further
subjects in a third series.
• If any subjects from the first examination series are taken again in the second series, any grade
awarded for the re-sit will not be counted for Cambridge ICE qualification purposes. Additionally,
candidates wishing to enter for Cambridge ICE again, must meet the eligibility criteria without using
the subject entries previously used towards the calculation of their first Cambridge ICE. We
therefore suggest that any candidates not eligible for the Cambridge ICE certificate in the current
series, withdraw their Cambridge ICE entry.
Qualifying subjects are shown below. Please note that the list contains all syllabuses available for the June and
November exam series – please check the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus list to confirm the availability of each
subject for the November 2017 series.
* 0680 Environmental Management can be taken as a qualifying subject in either Group 2 or Group 3. The subject cannot be used to satisfy
the criteria for both subject groups.
** 0654 Co-ordinated Sciences is a Double-Award subject, and counts as two subjects for Cambridge ICE qualification purposes.
*** 0457 Global Perspectives can be taken as a qualifying subject in either Group 2 or Group 5. The subject cannot be used to satisfy the
criteria for both subject groups.
**** Centres can offer these subjects over two series instead of a single June series by entering the written components in the June series and
submitting coursework in the November series of the same year. Candidates splitting a Cambridge IGCSE entry over two sessions in this way
should make sure that all other Cambridge ICE qualifying subjects are taken in the same two sessions; it will not be possible to take further
subjects in a third session.
4.1.5 Using Cambridge O Level subjects as part of Cambridge ICE
Although Cambridge ICE is the group award for Cambridge IGCSE, candidates can also substitute certain
Cambridge O Level results towards the ICE award, in subjects where there is no equivalent Cambridge IGCSE
syllabus. Only Cambridge qualifications can be counted towards the Cambridge ICE certificate; it is not possible
to count any other IGCSE-equivalent subject.
Each Cambridge O Level subject will be assigned to a subject group and will effectively become an adopted
Cambridge IGCSE subject for the purposes of Cambridge ICE certification. Candidates must take at least six
Cambridge IGCSE subjects to be awarded a Cambridge ICE certificate.
Please find below a list of adopted Cambridge O Level syllabuses available for Cambridge ICE qualification
purposes in 2017.
When you receive Statements of Entry for your Cambridge ICE candidates, please check for the following
messages, which will be printed at the bottom of the list of syllabus entries for each candidate. The table below
indicates the reasons why these messages may appear and the actions that can be taken to resolve them:
If you believe that any of the messages above have appeared on your Statements of Entry incorrectly, please
contact Customer Services, providing details of which candidate(s) are affected, and which message has
4.1.7 Calculating award for Cambridge ICE
To qualify for Cambridge ICE, candidates must obtain at least grade G(g) (or E(e) for Cambridge O Level
subjects) in each of the seven subjects from the subject groups listed in Section 4.1.4. In addition, only
candidates who have taken at least six Cambridge IGCSE subjects will be awarded a Cambridge ICE certificate.
Candidates who meet the requirements of the Cambridge ICE award will be awarded a Pass, Merit or Distinction,
which will be determined as follows:
Results Award
Grade A(a) or above in five subjects and Grade C(c) or above in two subjects. Distinction
Grade C(c) or above in five subjects and Grade F(f) or above in two subjects. Merit
Grade G(g) or above in seven subjects. Pass
Where candidates have taken more than the required seven subjects, the Cambridge ICE award will be decided
based on their seven best results irrespective of subject groups, providing that the overall Cambridge ICE criteria
have been met (e.g. The candidates have gained a passing grade in each of the seven qualifying subjects, and
have sat at least six Cambridge IGCSE subjects).
Candidates who fail to gain Cambridge ICE will be awarded Cambridge IGCSE (and, if applicable, Cambridge O
Level) certificates showing the results in the individual subjects taken.
Candidates who achieve Cambridge ICE in one examination series will receive a Cambridge ICE statement of
results, a Cambridge ICE certificate and a Cambridge IGCSE certificate showing the grades achieved in
individual subjects.
Candidates who achieve Cambridge ICE over two examination series will receive a statement of results and
certificate at the end of the first series for the individual subjects taken at that point. At the end of the second
series, candidates will receive a Cambridge IGCSE certificate for the individual subjects taken in the second
series, in addition to a Cambridge ICE statement of results and a Cambridge ICE certificate.
Where applicable, a Cambridge O Level certificate will also be issued showing the grades achieved for individual
Cambridge O Level subjects.
The Cambridge ICE certificate will only show the level of award obtained, and will not list the individual subjects
contributing to the award.
4.2 Entering for the Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education Diploma
(Cambridge AICE)
4.2.1 Introduction
Please read these instructions carefully as we have made changes to the Cambridge AICE Diploma.
The Cambridge AICE Diploma is a group certificate which requires learners to study a compulsory core subject,
Cambridge AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, with Cambridge AS and A Level subjects drawn from three
curriculum areas: Mathematics and Science (Group 1), Languages (Group 2), and Arts and Humanities (Group
3). There is the option to study Interdisciplinary subjects (Group 4).
You must check that a candidate is eligible to receive the Cambridge AICE Diploma before submitting their entry.
You will be charged the entry fee for the group award even if your candidate is not eligible for the award. We will
only refund the entry fee if you withdraw the entry before the final entries deadline.
Candidates must be entered for the award by including the entry code ‘ADIP’ when syllabus and option codes are
submitted for the subjects they will be entering in that series. This entry code should be added in the same way
as an additional syllabus code. If you are unsure how to add the ‘ADIP’ entry code to your examination entries,
please contact Customer Services.
IMPORTANT: You must include the ‘ADIP’ entry code for a Cambridge AICE Diploma certificate to be issued. If
the ‘ADIP’ entry code is not used, a Cambridge AICE Diploma will not be issued, but Cambridge International AS
and A Level certificates will be issued as normal.
4.2.3 Taking the Cambridge AICE Diploma over more than one series
Candidates can accumulate the results to be used towards the Cambridge AICE Diploma over more than one
series, provided these additional examination series are held within a 25-month period. This means that a
candidate entering for the Cambridge AICE Diploma in the November 2017 series can only use previous results
gained in the November 2015 series or later.
If candidates are taking the Cambridge AICE Diploma over more than one series, the following rules apply:
• The ‘ADIP’ entry code should only be entered in the examination series where the candidate is
completing the award (i.e. when they are taking the last of their qualifying subjects).
• You must provide entry details from previous examination series so that a candidate can be
tracked. For example, in the second series you must provide the candidate’s details from the first
exam series; in any third series you must provide the candidate’s details from the second series.
• Candidates cannot count two or more subjects with identical titles or common question papers
towards the Cambridge AICE Diploma. This means that a candidate cannot count a Cambridge
International AS Level and a Cambridge International A Level in the same subject.
o An exception to this rule applies for candidates entering for Cambridge International AS &
A Level History (9389). Candidates can use up to two History credits towards their
Diploma. This can be achieved by taking the A Level or by taking two separate AS Levels
(in two different series) and answering questions on different historical topics in each
series. For example candidates could answer questions from the European section of the
papers in 2016, and then answer questions from the American section of the papers in
• For candidates using two AS Levels in 9389 History, each historical topic can only contribute one
credit towards the Diploma. If a candidate achieves a ‘mixed’ AS Level in 9389 History by
answering questions on one topic in the first paper and questions on a different topic in the second
paper, the resulting AS Level only counts as one. It cannot be combined with another AS Level in
History where the candidate has answered questions on either of the historical topics answered in
their ‘mixed’ AS Level.
4.2.4 List of qualifying subjects for the Cambridge AICE Diploma
All Cambridge International AS and A Level qualifications can count towards the Cambridge AICE Diploma.
The following list contains all syllabuses available for the Cambridge AICE Diploma in 2017. Please check the
Cambridge International AS and A Level syllabus list to confirm the availability of each syllabus for the November
2017 series.
Core Group 0 – Cambridge Global Perspectives (Compulsory)
9239 Global Perspectives & Research*
Group 1 – Mathematics and Sciences Group 2 – Languages Group 3 – Arts and Humanities
8291 Environmental Management** 8281 Japanese Language 8024 Nepal Studies
8780 Physical Science 8665 First Language Spanish 8041 Divinity
9231 Further Mathematics 8679 Afrikaans Language 8053 Islamic Studies
9396 Physical Education** 8680 Arabic Language 8058 Hinduism
9608 Computer Science 8681 Chinese Language 8291 Environmental Management**
9626 Information Technology 8682 French Language 8663 Music
9693 Marine Science 8683 German Language 8670 French Literature
9698 Psychology** 8684 Portuguese Language 8672 Portuguese Literature
9700 Biology 8685 Spanish Language 8673 Spanish Literature
9701 Chemistry 8686 Urdu Language 8675 Hindi Literature
9702 Physics 8687 Hindi Language 8695 Language and Literature in English***
9705 Design & Technology 8688 Marathi Language 9011 Divinity
9709 Mathematics 8689 Tamil Language 9013 Islamic Studies
9713 Applied Information & Communication 8690 Telugu Language 9014 Hinduism
Technology 8695 Language and Literature in English*** 9084 Law
8779 First Language Afrikaans 9274 Classical Studies
9093 English Language 9336 Food Studies
9676 Urdu 9389 History
9679 Afrikaans 9395 Travel & Tourism
9680 Arabic 9396 Physical Education**
9687 Hindi 9607 Media Studies
9688 Marathi 9609 Business
9689 Tamil 9631 Design & Textiles
9690 Telugu 9695 Literature in English
9715 Chinese 9696 Geography
9716 French 9698 Psychology**
9717 German 9699 Sociology
9718 Portuguese 9703 Music
9719 Spanish 9704 Art & Design
9706 Accounting
9708 Economics
Group 4 – Interdisciplinary Subjects (Optional)
8001 General Paper 8004 General Paper
9694 Thinking Skills
* Candidates who pass the Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research at A Level meet the compulsory
requirement of the Core group (AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) and have one credit left which counts in Group 4 to contribute to
the overall requirement of seven credits.
** 8291 Environmental Management, 9396 Physical Education and 9698 Psychology can be taken as a qualifying subject in either Group 1 or
Group 3. Each subject can only be used to fulfil the criteria for a single subject group.
*** 8695 Language and Literature in English can be taken as a qualifying subject in either Group 2 or Group 3. This subject can only be used
to fulfil the criteria for a single subject group.
4.2.5 Cambridge AICE Diploma credit system
The Cambridge AICE Diploma will be awarded on the basis of the following points system:
To qualify for the Cambridge AICE Diploma, candidates must pass the subject in Core Group 0 and at least one
subject in each of groups 1, 2 and 3. Candidates must obtain at least grade E(e) at Cambridge International A
Level or grade e(e) at Cambridge International AS Level. In addition, candidates must pass enough qualifying
subjects to gain at least seven Cambridge AICE credits overall, one of which has to be 9239 Global Perspectives
& Research.
Candidates who meet the requirements of the Cambridge AICE Diploma will be awarded a Pass, Merit or
Distinction. Candidates will be allocated points according to the grades they achieve in each subject as follows:
Cambridge International A Points for Cambridge Cambridge International AS Points for Cambridge
Level grade achieved International A Level study Level grade achieved International AS Level study
A* 140 a 60
A 120 b 50
B 100 c 40
C 80 d 30
D 60 e 20
E 40
Candidates may take more than the required number of credits. The rules in such cases are that the grade
achieved for Cambridge International AS & A Level Global Perspectives & Research (Grade E(e)/e(e) or better)
will always count, and that once at least one subject has been taken and passed at Grade E(e)/e(e) or better from
each curriculum/subject group (1, 2 and 3), the best total of credits will then be counted for the AICE Diploma
irrespective of the curriculum/subject group to the maximum of six further credits required. [Note: a maximum of
two credits can be used from Group 4 in this calculation.]
If a candidate is using an A Level outcome for their counting Global Perspectives they may also use one but not
both of any outcome for General Paper (available at AS Level only) or Thinking Skills (available at AS or A Level).
As a consequence, this would mean allowing the use of an outcome in A Level Thinking Skills for a candidate
using their A Level Global Perspectives even though this will exceed the two credit limit for Group 4. This will only
be allowed where this combination gives them their best overall outcome.
If a candidate’s best overall outcome is achieved through a combination of an A Level Global Perspectives and
three A Levels this will be allowed even though it equates to 8 credits. The maximum number of points a
candidate can be awarded for the Cambridge AICE Diploma is 420. The award received by the candidates is then
determined as follows:
Total score Award (if Cambridge AICE criteria are met)
360 to 420 Cambridge AICE Diploma with Distinction
250 to 359 Cambridge AICE Diploma with Merit
140 to 249 Cambridge AICE Diploma at Pass Level
Below 140 No Cambridge AICE Diploma
Candidates who fail to gain the Cambridge AICE Diploma will be awarded Cambridge International AS and A
Level certificates showing the results in the individual subjects taken.
4.2.7 Cambridge AICE Diploma results and certificates
Candidates who complete the Cambridge AICE Diploma in one series will receive a statement of results and
certificate showing the grades achieved in individual subjects, a Cambridge AICE Diploma statement of results
and a separate Cambridge AICE Diploma certificate.
Candidates taking the Cambridge AICE Diploma over more than one series will receive a statement of results and
certificate at the end of each series as applicable. They will also receive a Cambridge AICE Diploma statement of
results and a separate Cambridge AICE Diploma certificate at the end of the final examination series.
The Cambridge AICE Diploma statement of results will show the type of award, the aggregate total point score,
the individual subject points and an asterisk against the subjects which contributed to the total point score. An
aggregate point score will not be reported on the Cambridge AICE Diploma statement of results for candidates
who fail.
Candidates can re-sit the Cambridge AICE Diploma if all results counting towards the re-sit fall within a 25-month
period. They can also re-sit individual subjects. In this case the result for 9239 Global Perspectives & Research
will be used and then the best six credits which fulfil the requirements described in 4.2.6.
Candidates re-sitting the Cambridge AICE Diploma using results over multiple series will not receive a new
Diploma if they:
Issuing a new Diploma for these candidates would mean certifying the same result twice. The November 2017
Cambridge AICE Diploma entry for these candidates will be set to ‘X’ as ‘No Result’. We will notify the Centre on
the date results are issued.
Cambridge IGCSE syllabuses in syllabus code order
3025 German (Syllabus B) 38
3035 Spanish (Syllabus B) 42
3158 Setswana 41
3180 Arabic 34
3248 Second Language Urdu 41
4024 Mathematics Syllabus D 40
4037 Additional Mathematics 34
4040 Statistics 42
5014 Environmental Management 37
5038 Agriculture 34
5054 Physics 40
5070 Chemistry 35
5090 Biology 34
5129 Combined Science 35
5180 Marine Science 40
6043 Design and Technology 36
6065 Food and Nutrition 38
6130 Fashion and Textiles 37
7048 CDT: Design and Communication 35
7096 Travel and Tourism 42
7100 Commerce 36
7101 Commercial Studies 36
7110 Principles of Accounts 41
7115 Business Studies 35
9687 Hindi 54
9689 Tamil 64
9694 Thinking Skills 64
9695 Literature in English 58
9696 Geography 53
9698 Psychology 62
9699 Sociology 62
9700 Biology 45
9701 Chemistry 46
9702 Physics 62
9703 Music 60
9704 Art and Design 45
9705 Design and Technology 48
9706 Accounting 43
9708 Economics 49
9709 Mathematics 59
9713 Applied Information & Communication Technology 44
9715 Chinese 46
9716 French 51
9717 German 53
9719 Spanish 63
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