Islamic University of Riau
Islamic University of Riau
Islamic University of Riau
Islamic University of Riau
email: [email protected]
The main goal of the study was to investigate the effect of using
educational multimedia in dictation on students‟ listening comprehension at MA
Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. This was a quasi-experimental research which involved
control class and experimental class. The population of the study was 175 and the
sample was 52. The instrument of the study had been tested its validity and
reliability by conducting try-out test two times. The instrument was given in
control class and experimental class before and after giving treatments. The
treatments were only given to experimental class meanwhile in control class
remained using the conventional teaching technique. The data were analyzed by
using indipendent sample t-test and paired sample t-test then the effect size and
improvement were calculted. The result of the study shows that both control class
and experimental class had improvement of their listening comprehension. But,
the improvement of experimental class was much higher that control class was.
The improvement of listening comprehension in experimental class was 43,2%
but in control class was only 11,5%. In short, it can be concluded that the using of
educational multimedia in dictation provely could improve students‟ listening
Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi efek dari
penggunaan multimedia pendidikan dalam pendiktean terhadap pemahaman
menyimak siswa di MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian quasi-eksperimen yang melibatkan kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen.
Populasi pada penelitian ini terdiri dari 175 siswa dan sampelnya terdiri dari 52
siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini telah diuji validitas dan
reabilitasnya. Instrumen tersebut diberikan kepada kelas kontrol dan kelas
eksperimen baik sebelum maupun setelah diberikannya perlakuan (treatment).
Perlakuan tersebut hanya diberikan kepada kelas eksperimen sementara kelas
kontrol tetap diajarkan menggunakan teknik mengajar seperti biasanya (cara
konvensional). Data yang diperoleh dianalisa menggunakan teknik uji t sampel
bebas dan uji t sampel berpasangan kemudian efek size dan peningkatannya di
ukur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa baik pada kelas kontrol
6. It can help develop all four skills. time. People learn the material faster
7. It helps to develop short-term and have better attitudes toward
memory. learning the material when they learn
8. It can be a good indicator of overall in an interactive instructional
language. environment.
9. It involves the whole class. Kim and Gelman (2008: 124)
10. It is psychologically powerful and point out that multimedia can support
challenging. vocabulary acquisition and help to
While doing dictation, a teacher increase achievement scores of
can become a model of producing English lessons, it means that
pronounciation from the passages of multimedia is also useful for
authentic materials such as a narrative developing students‟ listening and
story by dictation. The teacher reads reading skills. He also mentions that
aloud the text or list of words piece an effective way to improve the
by piece and pauses while the learning of English vocabulary is to
students are writing what they have offer graphics to illustrate the
heard. Then the scripts will be definition through multimedia.
marked. The correct or incorrect on Students were likely motivated to
the scrips can be checked. As result, success and achievement in
students have learnt new vocabulary vocabulary learning when visual text
of both written and sound forms. and sound of its pronounciation
Subsequently, Najjar states that were presented with graphics because
people enjoy multimedia, prefer text alone did not usually translate in
multimedia learning materials and a manner that is meaningful to the
believe that multimedia help them learners, while graphics allowed them
learn. The use of text, graphics, to visualize the definition in a more
animation, pictures, video and sound meaningful way and recorded voice
to present information can gain allowed them to immitate the correct
comprehension in learning specific pronounciation. Kim and Gelman also
lessons effectively and efficiently. suggest that developers of vocabulary
Compared to traditional classroom, learning instruction and curriculum
the via computer-based multimedia should reconsider of using
classroom is much more interesting multimedia within their presentations
and interactive. (Kim & Gelman, 2008: 124). They
Computer-based multimedia also believe that using multimedia
instruction tends to be more properly in classromm is a good way
interactive than traditional classroom to help students to gain English
lectures. Interactivity can be thought achievement which provide enjoyable
of as mutual action between the learning for students and easy-handle
learner, the learning system and the teaching by the teachers. Although
learning material (Fowler (1980) in “all multimedia messages are not
Najjar (1996:130)). Interactivity equally effective” for EFL students
appears to have a strong positive (Mayer, 2001, p. 79), an appropriate
effect on learning and interactivity is and suitable multimedia can help
associated with learning achievement them to develop all English language
and retendtion of knowledge ove skills including listening skill.
Running dictation
One chance
dictationof long
Guided dictation
Variations of Dictation for a mixed
dictation class
Peer dictation
Perfect dictation
Sentence dictation
According to Nation and
Newton (2009: 64), the steps of
completion dictation are:
1. The learners are given several the passage is read to the testee.
printed copies of the text. One However, it is different from dictation
copy has a few words missing, the in that the testee is provided with an
next copy has more words missing, incomplete form of the passage.
and so on. Furthermore, it is similar to cloze in
2. The learners listen to the text being that the testee should fill in the
read by the teacher phrase by blanks. But, in cloze text the students
phrase and fill in the words just fill in the blanks without writing
missing on their first copy. exactly what is heard.
3. Then the teacher reads the text Based on an observationvat MA
again and the learners fill in the DARUL HIKMAH Pekanbaru
missing words on the next copy conducted on Thursday, 22 January
which has more words missing 2015, it was found that most students
than the first copy. were not able to comprehend English
4. This continues until the learners are conversation ( when they were
writing the whole dictation. listening to conversation of an
Here is an example of English movie shown by the teacher)
completion dictation: because they could not figure out
what the speakers said (only about 5
When ______ person dies ________ Bali, students or 20% students who could
family and friends ___________ not
understand). They might hear English
conversations of the movie but they
usually sad. For them, death ___________ could not comprehend them, they
___________ beginning of life. prefered to read the script of
___________ dead person will come translation at the bottom side of TV
screen. It means that what they have
back ________ ________ world
learned at schools for very long time
__________ another shape. Before cannot be very useful in their real life.
this happens, ________ old body Besides, it shows that English
language education is not very
must go. effective there.
Unfortunately, the term of Considering the theories which
completion dictation is not always suggest that educational multimedia
used by experts. Marzban and in dictation has good effect toward
Abdollahi (2013) mention another students‟ listening comprehesion,
name of completion dictation, that is however, to prove the existence of the
partial dictation. They explain that in effect, a study must be carried out
partial dictation, a passage with some which intends to find out the
deletions is given to the testees, but effectiveness of educational
read in complete form. The testees are multimedia in dictation toward
required to fill in the deleted parts as listening comprehension with a title
they hear the passage. Marzban and “The Effect Of Using Educational
Abdollahi (2013: 239) also mention Multimedia In Dictation On The
that partial dictation is, in fact, an Students’ Listening Comprehension
activity between cloze and dictation At Ma Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru”.
tasks. It is similar to dictation in that
are from one measurement to another. reptile house; (4) Good neighbours;
To measure reability of the test, it will (5) The princess and the pea; and (6)
use SPSS as well. The lucky octopus.
In finding reliability of
instruments, the writer used Split-half 3. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
formula by using SPSS 20. To The research was conducted at
determine the instrument whether it MA Darul Hikmah Pekanbaru, Riau.
was reliable or not, the value of rcounted Its purpose was to investigate whether
have to be compared with rtable. there is any significant effect of
educational multimedia in dictation
If the value of rcounted > rtable = on students‟ listening and reading
reliable; comprehension at Ma Darul Hikmah
If the value of rcounted < rtable = not Pekanbaru. The design of this
reliable. research was quasi-experiment. The
participants were selected by using
In this study, there are five cluster sampling. The students of
indicators of listening comprehension class XI IIS 1 were as the control
and each indicator is provided by group and the students of class XI IIS
some questions. The listening 2 were as the experimental group.
indicators are: (a) The students are For the experimental group, the
able to identify the topic/thema of the students were given some treatments
English spoken audio; (b) The by using educational multimedia in
students are able to get general dictation as technique of teaching
understanding the English spoken English. There were six meeting used
audio; (c) The students are able to get in conducting this research. However,
specific/detail information of the for the control group, they were not
English spoken audio; (d) The given any treatments. They were
students are able to identify where taught by using usual
suitable location according to the methods/techniques.
converstation/talk; and (e) The Before giving treatments to the
students are able to guess or predict experimental group, both control
what will happen or next response group and experimental group were
based on the English spoken audio given pre-test. The aim of giving pre-
which they have just heard. test was to make sure that the class of
The module used in this XI IIS 1 and XI IIS 2 were
research was downloaded from the homogeneous. After giving pre-test
internet related to narrative text and for both groups, and after giving
narrative audio. The writer adapted treatments only for experimental
the reading texts to combined them group, the post-test was given again
the technique of educational for those groups. The purpose of
multimedia in dictation. Then the giving post-test was to receive the
question were created based on data and then to be measured or
indicators of listening comprehension investigated wheter the educational
and reading comprehension. The titles multimedia in dictation give effect or
were: (1)The chickens take a holiday; not toward students‟ listening and
(2) Lazy Jack; (3) Harry Potter at the reading comprehension.
However, before the tests given, (three) times. After listening, the
each question of the test should be students are asked to read and
valid and reliable. In order to make comprehend the text. Then, the
valid and reliable questions, the try students answer the following
out was conducted. The writer questions related to the text.
conducted try out in class XI MIA 3. At the first meeting, the module
Then, some rejected items were used was The chikckens take a
replaced or modified. If the questions holiday. At this time, there were
were too easy, they should be many students complained because
replaced or modified with more they said they did not understand the
difficult ones and vice versa. words said by the speakers. They said
The test consists of 15 items to that the audio is not clear and too fast.
measure students‟ listening They looked confused because the
comprehension. The test scores teacher never gave treatment like this
obtained from the students‟ responses before.
were analyzed by using quantitative At the second meeting, the
data analysis. Frequency counts, module used was Lazy Jack. Similar
percentages, mean scores and to the first meeting, the students still
standard deviation of the data were looked confused. But, at this time the
presented in the descriptive statistical students had known what to do and
analyses. The hypotheses developed the guide by the teacher helped them
by this study were tested using an very much. The treatment ran well
independent sample t-test and a although the students still found
paired-sample t-test. difficulties in answering the blanks
and reading comprehension questions.
3.1 The Description of Using At the third meeting, the
Educational Multimedia In module used was Harry Potter ant
Dictation the reptile house. The treatment used
The treatment of educational at this meeting was not only using
multimedia was given in experimental speakers but aslo projector, because
class. There were 6 (six) meetings the a short video need to be presented.
using this treatment. There are 6 (six) In the beginning, the students were
modules used in the treatment, amazed with the video and the did not
namely The chickens take a holiday, focus to fill in the blanks. Then the
Lazy Jack, Harry Potteer at the teacher asked the students not to
reptile house, Good neighbours, the focus on video but they need to focus
princess and the pea and the lucky on listening. Then the students
octopus. Each meeting used only one listened to the conversation from the
module. All the genres of the modules video and in the end, they could
are narrative. Each student was given manage to do listening and
a piece of paper with an incomplete comprehending the story easily.
text of the story, then the teacher At the fourth meeting, the
played the recorded voice. The module used was Good neigbours. At
students listened to the audio and this meeting the students could
filled in the blanks based on what consentrate easily in listening to the
they heard. The audio was played 3
story and could fill in the blanks and listened to the audio concentrately
answer the questions confidently. and the activity of the treatment ran
At the fifth meeting, the module well.
used was The princess and the pea.
At this meeting, the studets started to 3.2 Data Presentation of Students’
participate enthusiastically because Pre-test Listening
they had undestood what to do in the Comprehension Between
activities of educational multimedia Control Class and
in dictation. No students complained Experimental Class
at this meeting. They seemingly enjoy In the pre-test, questions related
the treatment. The activity of the to listening comprehension are item
treatment ran well. number 1 to item number 15. The
At the sixth meeting, the scores of listening comprehension
module used was The lucky octopus. pre-test between control and
This was the last meeting of using the experimental class can be seen as
treatment. The students enjoyed the follows:
listening process and they are active
in comprehending the text. They
ῆ2 = Second Hypotheses
The analysis of listening
ῆ2 = comprehension pre-test and post-test
ῆ2 = 0,01 scores of control group were
Based on the calculation of analyzed by using paired sample t-test
listening pre-test between control through SPSS 2.0. Its result is
class and experimental class result, it presented as follow:
found that the magnitude of the
From table 5 above, the output experimental group, the formula eta-
of paired sample test shows that t-test squared is used as follows:
result is -7,418, its degree of freedom ῆ2 =
(df) is 25, mean score of listening pre-
test is 47,44 and listening post-test is ῆ2 =
67,95. By comparing the significance,
if probability > 0.05, so null ῆ2=
hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and if ῆ2 = 0,69
probability < 0.05, alternative The result of data analysis is
hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. based on inferential statistics shows
Moreover, to find out the that the category of effect size was
percentage of significant effect moderate effect (0,69 is between
between pre-test and post-test 0,51 – 1,00).
listening comprehension of
Based on table 7, it shows that but their progress was not as high as
control students‟ listening the progress belonged to experimental
improvement is 11,5% and students, because the experimental
experimental students‟ listening students had improved their listening
improvement is 43,2% if compared comprehension up to 43,2%.
with previous test. Although control Therefore, it can be concluded
students could also improve their that the use of educational multimedia
listening comprehension up to 11,5% in dictation was proven could