Bes 101 Midterm Test 1 & 2
Bes 101 Midterm Test 1 & 2
Bes 101 Midterm Test 1 & 2
4. An axonometric drawing which has two axes divided by equal angles is: Answer: A
A. dimetric
B. trimetric
C. orthographic
D. isometric
10. Type of coordinates that are always referenced to a previously defined location and are
sometimes referred to as delta coordinates, meaning changed coordinates. Answer: A
A. Absolute
B. Spherical
C. Relative
D. Cartesian
11. A curved line is the path generated by a point moving in a constantly changing direction, or
is the line of intersection between a 3-D curved surface and a plane. Answer: B
A. Non – parallel line
B. Tangent Condition
C. Curved line
D. Parallel line
13. It is a modeling technique that allows you to define surfaces by moving a directrix along a
generatrix. Using curved generatrixes allows for even more complex surface generation.
Answer: C
A. Trim
B. Loft
C. Sweeping
D. Patches
14. A quadrilateral which has two sides parallel, no sides equal in length, no angles equal.
Answer: B
A. Trapezium
B. Trapezoid
C. Irregular Trapezoid
D. Regular Trapezoid
15. 9. Which type of line has precedence over all other types of lines? Answer: A
A. a hidden line
B. a center line
C. a visible line
D. none of the above
17. The following is not included in title block of drawing sheet. Answer: D
A. Sheet No
B. Scale
C. Method of Projection
D. Size of sheet
19. One method of drawing an ellipse that represents an isometric pictorial circle is known as:
Answer: B
A. the box construction method
B. the coordinate construction method
C. the four-center approximation method
D. the offset construction method
20. A line condition, sometimes called a normal, occurs when two or more lines on a plane
intersect each other at right angles (90 degrees). Answer: C
A. Parallel
B. Adjacent
C. Perpendicular
D. Tangent