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Sponsorship- How to
Approach Companies

Item Code FS190022 Feb/01 Edition no 1 0845 300 1818

The idea of gaining funds from the corporate What are the Benefits of Sponsoring a
sector for charitable causes is not new. But the Scout Group?
approach has changed and competition for funds
has increased significantly. The Movement has Sponsors will want to know 'what’s in it for us?'
successfully attracted funds from the corporate You must be prepared with the relevant answers.
sector for various projects over the years, such All Scout Groups provide a target audience,
as Job Week, Badge resource materials, which the sponsors may expose its products or
Jamborees and many other activities and events. services to - remember it’s not just the Members
of the Group but their parents, relatives and
Many Scout Groups have also achieved success supporters that companies may gain access to.
in attracting support from local companies to The Group can offer a willing taskforce of
finance camping expeditions, football strips, fun workers for jobs such as packing shopping bags
days and lots more! or distributing leaflets. Groups may wish to allow
the sponsor to brand one of their forthcoming
When investigating the idea of corporate fetes, erect a sign outside the H.Q., advertise in
sponsorship, keep in mind that any venture will the Group magazine or at District level, sponsor
be a partnership for mutual benefit. There is a a District badge. In the latter case, up to one
certain element of ‘give’ and ‘take’ from both third of the badge can be used for the sponsor’s
sides - ensure the advantages of becoming logo. Think of other suitable and innovative ways
associated with your Scout Group are not to create awareness for your sponsor.
How do you start?
There is also the possibility of receiving direct
donations or funding from companies. Many Examine what item your Group intends to
companies are open to the idea of giving in kind, fundraise for and look at the potential for
perhaps building material, stationery, computers sponsorship. Draw up a proposal; make sure it’s
etc. The steps towards investigating both both professional and presentable. The proposal
avenues are very similar. should include a summary of The Scout
Association and its aims, details of the audience
But remember to ensure that the profile of the they are likely to reach (e.g. census details of
third party suits that of your Scout Group, there your particular Group) and estimated number of
are many issues to consider from their ethical to supporters in the area. Highlight the advantages
their environmental standing. The Committee of of being associated with your Scout Group;
Council has agreed a policy document, which remember these will vary in relation to the needs
provides guidance on sponsorship from of the sponsor and the nature of the project.
organisations associated with alcohol, tobacco Include a budget and time scale guidelines and
and other industries. finally, details of your public relations campaign

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including the publicity that you hope to receive idea to remind your contact that your Scout
from your local press. Group still exists, perhaps send them your Group
newsletter or a Christmas card!
Who do we approach?
The project is sponsored!
Only companies within your Scout District. If you
have a company's head office in your locality, Congratulations, your hard work has paid off as a
please consult with the Fundraising and third party is on-board. There are numerous
Marketing Department before you make your factors to consider now, from a legal contract
approach as we may be in a position to assist (which can be done through an exchange of
your application. letters), to insurance, especially if your Scout
Group will undertake an activity on the sponsors’
Use your own Group network, many parents and premises.
supporters may have direct contacts which you
can follow-up. Remember that ASDA employees Follow-up your responsibilities advise your local
can generate up to £300 for your group and BT press of the news or invite them to the
employees up to £500 as part of their presentation of your cheque. Keep your sponsor
organisation’s arrangements to support the up-to-date on the development of the joint
community and their staff involvement in project. You may consider sending your sponsor
community projects. photographs that they may use in internal
publications a thank you gift or letters from the
Produce a list of target companies, in the case of Group, an invite to your Scout fete or Fun Day. If
building a roof, this should include all major local you have received a large donation, perhaps for
builders, builders suppliers, local DIY stores etc. building work on your Headquarters, a ‘Thank
Before you approach each company with the You’ plaque on the wall or an invite to the
proposal, try to find out a little about your opening of the building may be an idea - the
potential sponsor, this will enable you to most important thing is to keep in touch. Keep
individualise your proposal to suit their needs - in communicating!
the case of larger companies, a copy of their
annual report/accounts will prove informative. Hopefully this fact-sheet has given an overview
of sponsorship, a concept that many Groups
To ensure you send your proposal to the right have benefited from. Scouting adds a great deal
person, telephone their reception and ask for the to the community, why not allow the community
name and job title of the relevant person. The to give something back?
personal approach works best, try to organise a
short meeting with your ‘target’, five minutes will NOTE: If your Group is asked by a national
be enough to outline your proposal and leave a company to appear in their poster, TV campaign
copy for their perusal. Otherwise, you can always or any scheme that will involve national publicity,
despatch your proposal directly, with a view to please contact the Marketing Department who
organising a meeting at a later date. will both negotiate and obtain legal advice on
your behalf.
Whatever the approach, follow it up after a
couple of days. Be prepared to discuss your Contacts
proposal in detail and negotiate.
Further information can be obtained from the
Always ‘leave the door open’ when dealing with Fundraising and Marketing Department:
third parties, they may not be able to assist now,
Tel: 0845 300 1818
but will perhaps in the future. It is always a good

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