Leasing in Central Asia and Azerbaijan
Leasing in Central Asia and Azerbaijan
Leasing in Central Asia and Azerbaijan
in Central Asia
and Azerbaijan
A p r i l 2007
Introduction .........................................................................................3
Leasing in Azerbaijan and Central Asia:
Synchronization of Leasing Policy
throughout the Region .........................................................6
Leasing in Azerbaijan.............................................................................8
Partner....................................................................................................... 37
he leasing market in Central Asia is poised for rapid development
in 2006. Over the past five years, there have been several significant
positive changes in the leasing market in Azerbaijan, the Kyrgyz
Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan due to legislative and tax
Leasing, a medium-term financial instrument for the procurement of
machinery, equipment, vehicles and/or properties, provides financing of
fixed assets (equipment, vehicles, etc.) rather than direct capital. Leasing
institutions - banks, leasing companies, insurance companies, equipment
producers or suppliers, and non-bank financial institutions - purchase the
equipment and then provide the equipment for a set period of time to
businesses. During that period of time, the lessee makes periodic payments
to the lessor at a set interest rate. At the end of the period, the equipment
is transferred to the ownership of the business, depreciated and discarded
or sold to a third party.
The leasing reform effort over the past five years has helped Azerbaijan and
Uzbekistan significantly strengthen their leasing markets, in particular due
to the favorable tax climates that have created unique conditions for growth.
The Parliaments in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have significantly amended
their leasing legislations to make them more attractive for both foreign and
domestic investment. Additionally, amendments were made to the Codes
of Economic Litigation Procedures to create non-judicial repossession
procedures. Also, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have both amended their
respective tax codes to remove barriers to leasing and create a level playing
field with traditional bank credit. The other two Central Asia countries - the
Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan - have both adopted new laws on financial
leasing that are equally progressive. These recent changes have made the
This survey covers only financial leasing as defined by the countries legislations. For the purpose of this
document hereinafter leasing means financial leasing.
Central Asia region one of the most progressive for leasing in terms of
leasing legislation and tax policy.
In Azerbaijan, the leasing market grew significantly: $56.5 million worth of
leases were financed in 2006 compared to $2.5 million in 2003. The leasing
portfolio as of end-2006 totaled $71 million. Seven new lessors started
activity in the market, and currently 12 lessors conduct leasing operations
in the country.
In Uzbekistan, the value of new leases tripled from $37.6 million in 2003
to $107.6 million in 2006. There are now 33 lessors (banks and leasing
companies) making financial leases in Uzbekistan. All of the major banks in
Uzbekistan have entered the market, and 10 new leasing companies have
been established since 2002.
The leasing market has also started to evolve in the Kyrgyz Republic and
Tajikistan, where further development of this market now depends on the
creation of a more favorable tax environment for leasing.
In the Kyrgyz Republic, three banks are financing leases, and two microleas-
ing companies are reaching the country’s poorest regions. Additionally, the
Financial Company to Support Credit unions has financed more than 220
leases over last three years.
In Tajikistan, the first two leasing companies were established, and the value
of leases increases gradually.
Additionally, some countries have recorded multimillion-dollar cross-border
leases from foreign manufacturers, banks and leasing companies.
The positive changes in legislation were due to constructive partnerships
among the Parliaments, Governments, local commercial banks and leasing
companies, with support from international financial institutions, including
the International Finance Corporation, which has set up advisory services
projects throughout Central Asia and Azerbaijan to assist in the creation
and development of leasing. These partnerships formed the foundation for
dynamic leasing growth in Azerbaijan and Central Asia.
120 2003
100 2005
0 0,2
Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan
# of Leases Financed
6,000 2003
Azerbaijan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan Uzbekistan
Leasing in Azerbaijan and Central Asia:
Synchronization of Leasing Policy throughout
the Region
With the support of IFC’s SECO-funded advisory services programs in
Central Asia and Azerbaijan (launched in 2001 and 2003, respectively),
the countries in the region have steadily improved their legal and tax
frameworks. One result has been the unification of national legislations
– including standardization of definitions, regulations and obligations
between parties – to support the development of regional investment
in leasing. Amendments have been adopted to the Law on Leasing, Civil
Code and Tax Code in Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, and new laws on leasing
and amendments to the Tax Code were adopted in the Kyrgyz Republic
and Tajikistan. This work significantly unified the legislations and expanded
access to lease finance for entrepreneurs and businesses across the region.
Leasing in Azerbaijan
fter a decade of stagnation in the leasing sector of the country,
significant positive changes have been made in the leasing
legislation. The introduction of a more favorable tax regime, proper
civil regulation and an increased level of public awareness have
revived the market. New lessors were established to satisfy the increasing
demand for lease financing.
Common trends
The market has immediately reacted to the improvements in the leasing
environment. As a result of reforms in leasing legislation, the number of
leasing companies has increased from 3 in 2003 to 12 at the end of 2006.
The consolidated leasing portfolio grew from $2.1 million in 2003 to $71
million in 2006.
2003 2004 2005 2006
Source of funding for leasing
Leasing companies generally finance their operations with their own
equity/funding or bank loans.
Absheron 82%
Aran 5%
Sheki - Zagatala 4%
Gyandja - Gazah 3%
Lenkoran 2%
Guba - Hachmaz 2%
Gorniy Shervan 1%
Nahichevan 1%
The current provisions of the Azerbaijan Civil Code regulating leasing
compares favorably with internationally adopted legislation.
Customs regulation
Import and export of goods in Azerbaijan is regulated by the Customs
Code adopted in 1997. However, customs tariffs are regulated by the Law
on Customs Tariffs adopted in 1995. Customs tariffs range from 0.5% to 15%
of the customs value of the property, and are levied for imported goods.
The actual rate levied depends upon the type of property and country of
The present classification of customs tariffs is determined by the decree of
the Cabinet of Ministers on “The Amount and Rates of Customs Duties and
Fees for Export-Import Operations in the Azerbaijan Republic” dated April
12, 2001 (Decree #80).
On January 31, 2005, Decree #12 of the Cabinet of Ministers revised the
existing customs tariffs and introduced a list of customs-duties-free import
of leased assets.
Imported goods are also levied an 18% VAT, which is imposed on both
the customs value and the amount of duties paid. As stated in the section
“Leasing Taxation,” Decree #11 of the Cabinet of Ministers dated January 31,
2005 approved a list of leased assets exempt from import value-added tax.
According to the decree, the import VAT concession is mostly granted to
agricultural inputs, processing and construction equipment, technological
and engineering machinery.
The dynamics of the leasing market and an analysis of the key economic in-
dicators point to tremendous potential of the industry. By relying on official
import stats and investments into fixed assets, even the most conservative
projections determine a leasing market of Azerbaijan worth $500 million
in the near future. The conservative projections for the volumes of lease
financing from 2007 to 2008 is estimated at $150 - $200 million.
Leasing in the Kyrgyz Republic
he Kyrgyz Republic has taken several steps to develop leasing as a
financial instrument for small and medium-sized business. On July 23
2002, the President signed the Law on Financial Leasing.
In the Kyrgyz Republic, two major banks, (Kyrgyz Investment and
Credit Bank (KICB) and Tolubay Bank) currently finance leases, and two
microleasing companies reach the country’s poorest regions. Additionally,
the Financial Company to support credit unions has financed 10 leases in
Three banks (Demir Kyrgyz International Bank, JSCB Kyrgyzstan and
Energobank) and three financial institutions (Kyrgyz Agricultural Finance
Corporation, Lease-Mortgage Company and financial fund “Bai-Tushum”)
are planning to start providing leasing products in 2007.
Common trends
In 2006, the above mentioned institutions financed 29 leases for a total
value of $1.27 million. One of the most important factors hindering the
growth of leasing in 2006 was the tax system of leasing in the country,
especially the VAT issue. In addition, local banks have a lack of long-term
financial resources to provide leasing.
The Financial Company to Support Credit Unions has enough financial
resources to increase its leasing portfolio, but regulations of the National
Bank limiting the equity of credit unions restrict them to carry out costly
Two microleasing companies, which started their leasing operations through
grants received from the European Commission Program to support SMEs
in the Kyrgyz Republic, now provide leases from their own funds.
Finance Inexim Bank Kyrgyz Leasing
Company to Investment Maalymat
Support Credit and Credit
Unions Bank
Leased assets
Production equipment dominates among leased assets in 2006. However,
this is due to one large leasing deal closed by KICB in 2006 and can’t be an
indicator of overall leasing industry performance. As per a number of leases,
the most common leased assets were trade equipment (42%), agricultural
machinery (28%), and equipment for food processing (14%).
Leasing portfolio reflects data of organizations that provided information during the survey.
Number of lessors includes both active and non-active organizations that used to have experience in
providing leasing.
Table 2. Leased assets
2005 2006
Types of leased assets
Number Value, $’000 Number Value, $’000
Agricultural machinery 7 111.5 8 152.9
Office equipment 32 29.1 3 2.0
Production equipment 4 20.3 1 1,099.8
Food processing equipment 2 4.5 4 5.2
Wood processing equipment 1 0.9 0 0
Trade equipment 4 4.7 12 8.8
Other 1 1.1 1 0.8
Interest rates
Annual interest rates for leases nominated in US dollars are 14-20% pa. As
for the deals in local currency, annual interest rates are 20-25% pa.
Solving the above-mentioned problem will provide significant stimulus
for leasing to develop in Kyrgyz Republic. SME activity is growing rapidly
and needs investment. The greatest demand is for equipment costing less
than $70,000 in the following sectors: production, transport, services, food
processing, trade, construction, and woodworking equipment.
and classifications determined by IAS17. Additionally, all finance leases must
be at least 12 months in duration. The tax framework for leasing dictates:
VAT is levied solely on the cost of the leased asset, and not on the
interest payment. Lessors have the right to offset VAT based on
the amount stated in the invoice at the transfer of the asset to the
Assets imported into Kyrgyz Republic for lease are levied VAT,
whereas fixed assets imported by commercial entities for their own
manufacturing purposes are exempt from import VAT;
Lessors’ interest income from leases is taxed at 10% rate at the source
of income (lessee).
Leasing Maalymat
301, Frunze Street, Talas city
Tel.: (+996 3422) 52-170
Contact person: Nurlan Atahanov
E-mail: [email protected]
Inexim Bank
57, Kalyka Akieva Street, Bishkek city
Tel.: (+996 312) 65-06-10
Fax: (+996 312) 65-06-54
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: www.ineximbank.com
Contact person: Ulan Shamkeev
urrently, there is a large demand in equipment leasing that is con-
firmed by the fact that manufacturers in Tajikistan are in dire need of
new equipment to replace existing production lines. Aging equip-
ment prevents companies from operating at full capacity and meet-
ing demand. However, local businesses – both large and small – are unable
to replace this equipment due to limited working and investment capital to
purchase new equipment, and limited access to finance.
Neither the manufacturing nor agricultural sectors can continue operating
under existing conditions and are looking for new mechanisms and business
processes. Leasing is one solution to this problem and could provide a
necessary stimulus for growth.
Common trends
Leasing operations in Tajikistan started in 2003 when the Law on Leasing
was enacted. Commercial banks were the only lessors until 2005. After con-
ducting several successful leasing operations, Tojiksodirotbank established
the leasing company in 2005.
In 2006, a second leasing company was registered with foreign capital
participation, but did not make leases in 2006. Banks weren’t too active in
developing this type of service.
On a positive note, the main banks began to train their staff on providing
leasing services and adapting internal lease policies and procedures to
increase leasing operation efficiency. It is necessary to mention that the
demand for leasing service is high, but due to a lack of long-term money in
credit institutions, the projects were not financed.
In 2006, there were three lessors operating in Tajikistan – Tajiksodirotbank,
Nahust Leasing and the Microcredit Deposit Organization.
Nine deals with total value of leased assets of $649,600 were conducted by
abovementioned lessors in 2006 as compared with three leases totaling
$1.9 million in 2005.
Liberalization of the Tajik tax system can serve as a stimulus for the increase
in long-term funding. It will allow companies to attract more funds to
modernize the existing production capacity and create new capacity.
Currently, the greatest demand is for agricultural and agricultural processing
equipment, followed by equipment for light manufacturing and food
manufacturing. For this purpose one of the biggest local banks is in the
process of establishing a leasing company with the main focus on leasing
of agriculture equipment. Microleasing of trade equipment also has great
potential in Tajikistan.
Tax Framework for Leasing in Tajikistan
The new Tajikistan Tax Code was enacted January 1, 2005. The tax framework
for leasing dictates:
VAT is levied solely on the cost of the leased asset, and not on the
interest payment;
Production equipment imported through cross-border leases is
exempt from VAT on import;
Interest paid as a part of lease payments to local lessors is not taxed
at the source of income (lessee). It is included in the gross income
of the lessor and taxed at 25% income tax after all deductions, in
accordance with the Tax Code;
Interest income tax on cross-border leases to foreign lessors is
withheld at the source of income at a 12% rate;
Lessees can apply up to two times accelerated depreciation on fixed
assets set in operation after January 1, 2005.
Lessors in Tajikistan
21, S. Sherozi Street, Dushanbe
Tel.: (+992 37) 236-50-70
Fax: (+992 37) 236-95-89
Contact person: Djalil Tavakalov
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: www.agroinvestbank.tj
47a, Behzod Street, Dushanbe
Tel.: (+992 40) 600-40-00, (37) 221-32-19, 221-47-38
Fax: (+992 37) 221-47-38
Contact person: Zair Tairov
E-mail: [email protected]
Web-site: www.sodirotbonk.tj
Nahust Leasing
47a, Behzod Street, Dushanbe
Tel.: (+992 44) 600 40 59
Fax: (+992 37) 221 47 38
Contact person: Ravshan Sativaldiev
ntil 2002, almost all leasing companies in Uzbekistan were
established under separate Government Resolutions, which granted
individual tax preferences. Presidential Decree #3122 “On Measures
for the Future Development of Leasing,” enacted August 28, 2002,
created a strong basis for the sector’s growth. This Decree expanded all of
the tax benefits available to credit to leasing, thus removing the tax barriers
to its growth. The Decree was then followed with more than 40 legislative
amendments to the Civil Code, Tax Code, Civil Litigations Code, and the
Laws on Leasing and Customs Tariffs between 2002 and 2003. With this
substantial overhaul, the legislative framework for leasing in Uzbekistan is
now progressive and provides significant incentive for growth in the sector.
Further stimuli to leasing were provided by an April 2004 Government
Resolution, which gave lessees the ability to use accelerated depreciation
for tax purposes to amortize the leased asset. This additional tax advantage
for lessees will further assist small businesses to acquire new equipment
and technology for leasing. The Resolution also simplified procedures for
registering and accounting for leased vehicles, and reduced the fees levied
to use notary writ to repossess leased assets.
In April 2006, leasing was provided with an additional incentive – income
from leasing transactions is exempt from income tax until 2009.
Common trends
In 2006, the leasing sector continued growing, totaling $107.6 million new
leases compared with $81.5 million in 2005. While data on cross-border
leases in 2006 is not available for the last two years, domestic leasing
penetration (share of assets acquired through leasing in total capital
investment) increased from 3.72% in 2005 to 4.22% in 2006.
The market share of Uzselkhozmashleasing (a state-owned leasing com-
pany financed from a special Fund at the Ministry of Finance to stimulate
replacement and improvement in agricultural equipment) is gradually de-
clining, though it still remains at a relatively high level (38% in 2006 down
from 93% in 2001).
This decline is due to the increase in bank lease operations, emergence of
new leasing companies, and expansion of business by leasing companies
established before amendments in the legislation. In 2002, there were only
13 lessors; at end-2006 there were 33. Eighteen of these are banks, 14 are
leasing companies, and 3 are microfinance institutions.
120 Uzselkhozmashleasing
other lessors
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Leased assets
Agricultural equipment continues to dominate the leasing industry in
Uzbekistan. In 2005, 57% of leases were for agricultural machinery as in
2005 (70% in 2004). This is, of course, mainly due to Uzselkhozmashleasing;
however, even excluding Uzselkhozmashleasing, agricultural machinery
accounted for 32% of the market (21% in 2005). Analyzing the market
without Uzselkhozmashleasing’s portfolio, manufacturing equipment
composes 27% of the total lease portfolio (51% in 2005). In quantitative
terms, most leases are for agricultural machinery and vehicles.
IFC’s research demonstrates that leasing in Uzbekistan has great potential.
The greatest demand is for agricultural and agricultural processing equip-
ment, followed by equipment for light manufacturing and food manufac-
turing. Retail trade equipment, which also has potential in Uzbekistan, is a
largely untouched market.
The progressive climate for leasing combined with the liberalization of the
currency market in Uzbekistan has created the foundation for the further
development of leasing. Nevertheless, this growth cannot be fully realized
without new external funding sources, or without internal restructuring by
Uzbekistan lessors to update their marketing, credit analysis and monitoring
policies to meet the requirements of growing competition in the market.
Tax Framework for Leasing in Uzbekistan
In Uzbekistan, leasing is on the same taxation “playing field” as bank credit;
from a tax point of view, leasing is a more effective instrument.
Taxation for leasing is based on the same criteria and classifications as
stipulated in the Law on Leasing. Finance lease is based on classifications
determined by IAS 17. Additionally, all finance leases must be at least 12
months in duration. The tax advantages of leasing are as follows:
Lease payments (rentals) are exempt from VAT (in Uzbekistan, there is
no offset of VAT being a part of fixed assets price at acquisition);
Manufacturing equipment imported into Uzbekistan for lease is
exempt from VAT on import and customs duty (based on the list
approved by the Government);
Lessor’s income is exempt from income tax until 2009;
When computing the taxable income, the lessee is allowed to
- the interest paid on a lease from his gross income;
- the whole amount of accrued depreciation including accelerated
depreciation on the leased assets;
Lessees are not levied property tax on leased assets for the full term
of the lease.
UzCaseagroleasing Ipak Yuli Bank
2, Ahangaran Highway, Tashkent 12A, Farkhadskiy Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 120 70 02 Tel.: (+998 71) 116 19 91, 120 38 78, 120 38 80
Fax: (+998 71) 120 74 84 Fax: (+998 71) 116 58 44
Contact person: Nuritdin Muhitdinov Contact person: Anvar Islamov
E-mail: [email protected]
16, Furkat Street, Tashkent Gallabank
Tel.: (+ 998 71) 120 89 56, 120 60 97 36, Shahrisabzskaya Street, Tashkent
Fax: (+998 71) 120 98 77 Tel.: (+998 71) 136 15 01, 133 42 25, 136 11 05
Contact person: Sharif Allyarov Fax: (+998 71) 136 11 05, 136 16 17
Contact person: Kamol Turdiev
Uzselhozmashleasing E-mail: [email protected]
4A, Abaya Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 144 62 73, 144 61 98 Capital Bank
Fax: (+998 71) 144 51 03 32, Matbuotchilar Street, Tashkent
Contact person: Pahriddin Hodjiev Tel.: (+998 71) 132 07 01, 132 07 03
Fax: (+998 71) 132 07 04
Express-leasing Contact person: Nadirbek Halbekov
E-mail: [email protected]
63, Usmon Nosir Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 363 55 06, 363 55 07
Fax: (+998 71) 363 55 06 Credit-Standart Bank
Contact person: Oybek Ibragimov 24, Kunaev Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 140 12 07, 140 12 00
Verdat RSR Fax: (+998 71) 140 12 17
Contact person: Yuliya Chernoivanova
112, Hurshid Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 114 60 02, 114 60 03, 138 57 45
Fax: (+998 71) 114 60 02, 114 60 03 Pakhtabank
Contact person: Salohiddin Safarov 43, Mukimiy Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 173 06 30, 120 88 15
Alokabank Fax: (+998 71) 173 25 26
Contact person: Ikromjon Urazkulov
30, Oybek Street, Tashkent E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: (+998 71) 152 78 85, 152 78 74
Fax: (+998 71) 152 78 04
Contact person: Farruh Hodjaev Microcreditbank
52, S.Azimov Street, Tashkent
Alp Jamol Bank Tel.: (+998 71) 173 05 78, 173 05 82
Fax: (+998 71) 133 81 00
21, Ataturk Street, Tashkent Contact person: Bahtiyor Babadjanov
Tel.: (+998 71) 139 88 51
Fax: (+998 71) 136 29 41
Contact person: Bahtiyor Zulfikarov Turon Bank
4A, Abay Street, Tashkent
Asaka Bank Tel.: (+998 71) 144 33 94, 144 32 52
Fax: (+998 71) 144 88 65
67, Nukus Street, Tashkent Contact person: Zarif Sattorov
Tel.: (+998 71) 120 39 94, 120 39 83, 120 81 11
Fax: (+998 71) 120 86 91
Contact person: Shuhrat Mahmudov
3, Shahrisabzskaya Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 120 35 95, 120 45 01
Fax: (+998 71) 133 32 40
Contact person: Behzod Ganiev
E-mail: [email protected]
U-Т Bank
15B, Halqlar Dustligi Avenue, Tashkent
Tel: (+998 71) 173 83 24, 173 83 27
Fax: (+998 71) 120 63 62
Contact person: Adolat Rahimjanova
UzKDB Bank
1, Pushkin Str., Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 120 80 00, 120 61 49
Fax: (+998 71) 132 08 00, 120 69 70
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact person: Olmos Holboboev
Khalk Bank
46, Katartal Street, Tashkent
Tel.: (+998 71) 173 60 21, 173 86 80, 173 66 08
Fax: (+998 71) 173 60 21
Contact person: Suhrob Hoshimov
Hamkor Bank
85, Bobur Avenue, Andijan
Tel.: (+998 74) 235 50 63, 224 76 88, 224 70 39, 22 24 02
Fax: (+998 74) 224 75 31
Contact person: Lyudmila Shishkina
Web-site: www.hamkorbank.uz
IFC Azerbaijan - Central Asia Leasing
Facility Advisory Services Project
easing has been an important source of medium and long-term
financing for companies, both in developed economies, and in
countries with economies in transition. Leasing plays an important
role in these countries as an effective means to increase the lessee’s
asset base, particularly in private and/or new companies and in SMEs, all
of which play a key role in introducing innovation and competition in the
economy, and result in job creation.
The International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group,
has a long history financing leasing throughout the world. IFC has invested
in over 100 leasing companies in 50 different countries (35 in Europe, Middle
East and Central Asia). In 25 countries, IFC has initiated the establishment of
the first leasing company in that country. IFC’s total investment in leasing
for the last 30 years has been over $1 billion.
Due to the market development, the International Finance Corporation has
established an internal facility of $30 million to finance lessors in Azerbaijan
and Central Asia (ACALF).
In a major effort to strengthen the leasing industry in Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan and Uzbekistan; IFC in partnership with the Swiss State Secretariat
for Economic Affairs (SECO) launched the ACALF Advisory Services activity.
It is a three-year program that will improve private sector economic
growth, increase access to finance and create employment through the
development of leasing.
ACALF Advisory Services Project currently provides assistance to 12
participating financial institutions (PFIs) engaged in financial leasing in the
region. At the industry level, the project is working to improve the business
climate by removing burdensome legal and regulatory obstacles that
hinder the viability of leasing. At the institutional level, the project strives
to build capacity and strengthen systems within the individual financial
ACALF Advisory Services Project is available to consult with foreign and
domestic investors, lessors, lessees, and suppliers on all leasing issues in
Central Asia and Azerbaijan. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any
question. For more information, visit the web site at www. ifc.org/acalf.
Cholpon Kokumova
Country Officer in Kyrgyzstan
214/4 Moscovskaya Str., Bishkek city, Kyrgyzstan
Tel.: (+996 312) 64 63 50
Fax: (+996 312) 61 11 48
e-mail: [email protected]
Zarina Odinaeva
Country Officer in Tajikistan
7, Abdullo Komandir Str.
Dushanbe city, Tajikistan
Tel: (+992 48) 701 14 43, 701 14 40, 701 14 54
Fax: (+992 48) 701 14 48
e-mail: [email protected]
Umedjan Umarov
Project Manager
107B, A.Temur Str., Tashkent city, Uzbekistan
International Business Center, 14 floor
Tel: (+998 71) 138 59 25, 138 59 28
Fax: (+998 71) 138 59 27
e-mail: [email protected]
IFC, the private sector arm of the World Bank Group, promotes open and
competitive markets in developing countries. IFC supports sustainable
private sector companies and other partners in generating productive jobs
and delivering basic services, so that people have opportunities to escape
poverty and improve their lives. Through FY06, IFC Financial Products has
committed more than $56 billion in funding for private sector investments
and mobilized an additional $25 billion in syndications for 3,531 companies
in 140 developing countries. IFC Advisory Services and donor partners have
provided more than $1 billion in program support to build small enterprises,
to accelerate private participation in infrastructure, to improve the business
enabling environment, to increase access to finance, and to strengthen
environmental and social sustainability. For more information, please visit
he State Secretariat for Economic Affairs is the Swiss Confederation’s
competence center for all the core issues related to the economic
policy. It aims to create the basic regulatory and economic policy
conditions to enable business to flourish for the benefit of all. It also
represents Switzerland in the large multilateral trade organizations and
international negotiations and is involved in efforts to reduce poverty and
help developing countries with transition economies build sustainable
democratic societies and viable market economies. Each year Switzerland
spends about 1.9 billion Swiss francs on development cooperation and
transition assistance to countries.
38 Leasing in Azerbaijan and Central Asia 2007