Fundamentals and History of Implant Dentistry: Tamal Kanti Pal
Fundamentals and History of Implant Dentistry: Tamal Kanti Pal
Fundamentals and History of Implant Dentistry: Tamal Kanti Pal
The practice of implant dentistry was not there a few decades ago It has its long historical retrospectives.
The quest for rehabilitation of edentulous ridge has intrigued mankind since ancient times. The period from
the time of Egyptian and Mayan civilizations to 1930s was unique when clinicians attempted to replace a Access this article online
missing tooth utilizing various materials. The spark of inquiry began from mid-1930s with the advent of an Website:
alloy named “vitallium;” attempts have been made to utilize this new material as an implant. Thereafter, in DOI: ***
early 1950s, a good deal of fundamental and clinical research started taking place. These research data Quick Response Code:
had given a boost to the tremendous growth of the practice of using dental implants made of vitallium that
practically exploded to reach every general practitioner’s clinic across the globe. Critical understanding of
bone physiology, drilling protocol, implant design and surface texture, initial implant stability, single-stage
implant surgery, and immediate loading of implants are the few factors based on which modern implant
practice has become a predictable treatment modality for the replacement of missing teeth.
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Dr. T.K. Pal, Principal, Professor and Head, Department of Periodontics,
Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Sciences and Research, 157/F, Nilgunj
Road, Panihati, Sodpur, Kolkata - 700 114, West Bengal, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
S6 © 2015 Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
Pal: History and fundamentals of implantology
(ADA) took a cautious attitude toward dental implants and accepted the endosseous dental implants based on some
entitled Natellia et al.[7] to look into the matter in regard to selected criteria and cautions. In 1986, only one endosseous
the feasibility of dental implants for clinical use. The report implant, the Biotes (Nobelpharama, Gothenburg, Sweden),
stated that “there is an obvious limited acceptance of dental was accepted by the ADA.[8] Even up to this period, the ADA
implants by the profession and this is a point of international believed that there was a need for continued scientific review
concern.” They further wrote “dental implantology has and recommended restricted use of them for routine clinical
progressed in the past 20 years and has, in many respects, use. In 1988-1989, three more implant systems received
reached a plateau. The scope of dental implantology will be provisional approval by the Council on Dental Materials and
clear only when systematic experimentations and further Devices; these are IMZ-Interpore Osseintegrated implant
system (Interpore International, Skypark Circle, Irvine,
reporting define some current conceptions.”
CA92714). Oratronics Blade Implant system (Oratronics Inc
In 1974, the ADA recommended[3,4] that “dental endosseous Corporation, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10174).
implants be considered as being in the new technique phase Core Vent Implant System (Core Vent Corporation, 14821
and in need of continuing scientific inquiry…endosseous Ventura Boulevard, Encio, CA 91436).
dental implants not be recommended at this time for routine
At this point of time, second National Institute of Health
clinical use.” However, in early part of 1980s, the Council
(NIH) Implant Consensus Conference was held in Bethesda
on Dental Materials and Device of the ADA provisionally (1988). [9] From then, Food and Drug Administration
exercised its control by employing extensive, rigorous, and
Table 1: History of implantology at the time of Mayan
sophisticated animal and human tests of dental implant
devices prior to marketing.
Investigators Place Period Implant like substances
Popenoe, an Playa-de-los Muertos 600 Artificial tooth carved The transatlantic wave of interest in implant dentistry reached
archaeologist in the Ulna river A.D. from a dark stone—
(1931) valley of Honduras in mandibular left lateral many rich countries throughout the world. Among Asian
middle America incisors countries, Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea were the early
800 Three tooth-shaped
A.D. pieces of shell—missing
initiators in this regard. Among the developing countries, India
lower incisors— was no way less than Indonesia in the practice of using tooth
alloplastic biomaterials implant. Lot of activities took place in India and Japan on the
platforms of dental societies as well as societies concerning
biomedical engineering, biomaterials, and artificial organs
Table 2: History of Implantology - based on eras [Table 3a and b].
Periods Time
1000-1800 The medieval period
1801-1910 The foundational period For a successful implant therapy, the implant substrate
1911-1935 The premodern era material needs to be biologically acceptable by the body.
1936-1978 The dawn of modern era (Pre-Branemark era)
1978-1998 The scientific basis of implantology (The Neither should it cause any deleterious effects on the
Branemark era) body nor should the body elicit any kind of immunological
1998-present era Post-Branemark era — immediate loading
resistance against it. The search for the ideal material was
Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | Supplement 1 | Vol 7 | 2015 S7
Pal: History and fundamentals of implantology
on ever since we came to know that leaching of element, ground sections. Branemark[11] et al. in 1985 coined a new term
be it in a single metal or in an alloy, takes place in our body. “osseointegration” for this unique interface and defined as “a
It was first noticed with stainless steel and subsequently direct structural and functional connection between ordered,
with vitallium (cobalt-chromium-molybdenum) so rapidly living bone and the surface of a load carrying implant” [Figure 1].
in medical orthopedic fields that material scientists in
collaboration with biologists started searching for some Since then, titanium and its various alloys have been in use in
suitable materials that can satisfy the need of an implant the dental implant industry. It has got a strong affinity to react
clinician. A lot of laboratory research and animal tests were with oxygen and form an oxide layer (TiO, TiO2, TiO3) over the
done in search a novel implant substrate. surface within milliseconds. This oxide layer, a kind of ceramic
in nature, covers the metal and restrict its interactions
In 1951, Leventhal[10] did a unique experiment with titanium with peripheral surroundings; it nevertheless protects the
screws on rat femoral model. After inserting the titanium screws subjacent metal body in many ways from corrosion due to
he went on sacrificing the rats at 6, 12, 16 weeks and found that external reasons. This has given an extraordinarily unique
with the passage of time the screws became increasingly tight. characteristic of titanium in terms of its extensive clinical
At one specimen of 16 weeks, the screws were so tight that use. Many other materials that are known to be biologically
the femur was fractured while making an attempt to remove inert were also tested. Among them, ceramics and carbon are
the screw. This study showed that the titanium can be used in worth mentioning. Many workers have used these materials
bone surgery for the need of joining the fractured ends. He as implant substrates but because of physical, mechanical,
had not performed any experiment on jaw bone of any animal chemical, electrical differences these materials could not
showcasing the future prospective of his research work could be be permanently considered as an implant material. Above
applicable as dental implant. A decade later, Swedish anatomist all inertness, thermal conductivity, modulus of elasticity,
Prof. P. I. Branemark found that titanium is an ideal metal for brittleness, and surface reactions to bond with bone are few
making dental implant as it adheres to bones. notable differences. High-density polymers were also tried
but their relative low strength and high ductility did not allow
OSSEOINTEGRATION them to be considered as an implant material.
1952 onwards, Prof P. I. Branemark[12] and his coworkers, at IMPLANT SURFACE
Goteborg, Sweden, were doing research on vital microcirculation
of blood in mammalian hard tissues especially on fibular model Branemark worked with smooth polished surface and
of rabbit. They also started experiments with commercially showed how beautifully implant-bone interface can be
pure titanium (cp Titanium) fixtures in root form in early
1960s. They made titanium screws and implanted them in
dog’s jaw bone and allowed to heal for a prolonged period
of time under gingiva. Interestingly, it was observed that all
the titanium screws older than 16 weeks were fastened to
the dog jaw bones to the extent that the dogs weighing 20-
25 kg were demonstrated to be suspended through tying a
single implant with a metallic wire. It was so fascinating and
convincing that the world of implantology took its right turn
leaving aside the case reports on personal experiences or
clinical observations only. The work of Branemark et al.[12,13]
was published in 1969. They scientifically proved that it was
possible to establish a direct bone-to-titanium contact at optical
microscopic level. Schroeder et al.[14] in 1976 (English version in
1981) confirmed also this nature of interface on undecalcified Figure 1: scanning electron microscopic view of the implant-bone interface
S8 Journal of the International Clinical Dental Research Organization | Supplement 1 | Vol 7 | 2015
Pal: History and fundamentals of implantology
made if proper surgical protocol is followed. The interface seams, firmer implant bone attachment, reduced healing
that he termed “osseointegration” has been challenged by time, and increased tolerance of surgical inaccuracies and
some other workers in the Netherlands. Researchers have inhibition of metal ion release.[17,18] Later, Pal and Pal (1993,
raised questions about the status of osseointegration as 1995)[25,26] had given clinical trial of HA-coated cp titanium
an ideal titanium–bone interface. The union referred to as dental implants to many edentulous patients spanning from
osseointegration between the bone and the implant is a kind 1992 to 1996, and the clinical report of 25 years of HA-
of a tight junction that is not a chemically bonded one. The
coated titanium implant survival is awaiting. However, there
best interface, perhaps, would be when two bone ends join
each other. Experimentally, the same can be seen in case the
bone is subjected to physical trauma (osteotomy induced)
and the healing takes place uneventful [Figure 2]. Employing
various modern techniques, it was revealed that there exist
up to 100 Å noncellular and noncollagenous proteins like
fibronectin, laminin, and osteonectin at osseointegrated
interface.[14,15] The presence of these substances should not
be regarded as ideal union with implant to its neighboring
Figure 2: scanning electron photomicrographs of (a) 12 weeks subperiosteal
bone. Meanwhile the unique biocompatibility and bonding
osteotomy wound surface of a rabbit femur showing joining of a new bone with
characteristics of calcium hydroxyapatite (HA) to bone were the wound margin (arrow). (b) note the formation of new trabeculae (double
revealed by many researchers[16,17] and there have been many arrows) 2 mm below the cortical surface
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Pal: History and fundamentals of implantology
Figure 5: optical microphotograph of interface of HA-coated titanium implant (Ti) Figure 6: finite element modeling of alveolar housing for implant shows overall
and bone (B). note HA-coating (HA) is intimately bonded to bone (red arrow). the area is free from stress concentration except at the entry point of implant in the
haematoxylin (violet) stain occupies the space between implant and HA-coating cortical bone
created through tissue processing
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