10. Such other matters as are not inconsistent with law and which the incorporators may deem
necessary and
If the corporation desires to grant such options, restrictions and/or preferences, the same must be
indicated in the AOI AND in
all of the stock certificates. Failure to provide the same in the AOI would not bind the purchasers in good
faith despite the fact
that the said restriction and/or preference is indicated in the by-laws of the corporation.
In a close corporation, however, such restrictions and preferences must not only appear in the articles of
incorporation and in
the stock certificates BUT ALSO be embodied in the by-laws of that close corporation otherwise it may
not bind purchasers in
good faith.
no transfer shall be made which shall reduce the ownership of Filipino citizens to less than the required
3. The Execution Clause: which will contain the names and signatures of the incorporators
4. Treasurer’s Affidavit which contains the certification of the Treasurer, under oath, that the required
25% of the authorized
capital stock has been subscribed, 25% of the subscription has been paid, in an amount not less than
5. Notarial Acknowledgment
AMENDMENT: The following were specifically included as those who would be needing a favorable
recommendation from the
• Pawnshops.
On the other hand, the following were removed from the enumeration of entities requiring favorable