Process Synchronization or Coordination Seeks To Make

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Process Synchronization

• So far the granularity of concurrency has been at the

machine-instruction level — preemption may occur at
any time between machine-level instructions

• But, mix in shared data or resources and we run into

potentially inconsistent state caused by inappropriate
interleaving of concurrent operations, since many
activities need > 1 machine instruction to complete

• Technical term = race condition = any situation whose

outcome depends on the specific order that
concurrent code accesses shared data

• Process synchronization or coordination seeks to make

sure that concurrent processes or threads don’t
interfere with each other when accessing or changing
shared resources

• Some terms to help frame the problem better:

Segments of code that touch shared resources are
called critical sections — thus, no two processes should
be in their critical sections at the same time
The critical-section problem is the problem of designing
a protocol for ensuring that cooperating processes’
critical sections don’t interleave

• The overall subject of synchronization leads to a

number of well-known “classic problems” and solutions
Critical Section Structure
Critical-section code has the same general structure:

• An entry section requests and waits for permission to

enter the critical section

• The critical section itself follows — the process should

be free to touch shared resources here without fear of

• The exit section handles anything that “closes” a

process’s presence in its critical section

• The remainder section is anything else after that

Critical Section Solution

Solutions to the critical-section problem must satisfy:

• Mutual exclusion — Only one process in its critical

section at a time; i.e., no critical-section overlap

• Progress (a.k.a. deadlock-free) — If some process wants

into its critical section, then some process gets in

• Bounded waiting (a.k.a. lockout-free) — Every process

that wants into its critical section eventually gets in
Note how no lockout implies no deadlock — and in
practice, we also want a reasonable maximum bound
Critical Sections in the
Operating System Kernel
• Note how an OS has a lot of possible race conditions,
due to shared data structures and resources

• A simple solution for this is to have a nonpreemptive

kernel — never preempt kernel-mode processes, thus
eliminating OS race conditions

• A preemptive kernel — in which kernel-mode code can

be preempted — is much harder to do, but is needed
for real-time operations and better responsiveness,
plus it eliminates the risk of excessively long kernel
code activities

Windows XP/2000 nonpreemptive

Traditional Unix nonpreemptive

Linux nonpreemptive < 2.6, preemptive thereafter

xnu (Mac OS X/ “preemptible” — off by default, until a real-time

Darwin) process is scheduled

Solaris preemptive

IRIX preemptive
“Classic” Solutions
• The critical-section problem dates back to…1965!

• First documented by Dijkstra, with early solutions

from Dekker, Peterson, and Lamport (that would be
Leslie Lamport, who invented LaTeX)

• Solutions initially expressed in high-level languages


• Eventually evolved into hardware primitives to ensure

true atomicity of key operations (i.e., operations are
completely self-contained, absolutely uninterruptible)

Peterson’s Solution
• G. L. Peterson’s algorithm provably possesses all three
critical-section solution requirements
/* Entry section for process i. */
flag[i] = true; // Process i wants in...
turn = j; // ...but lets process j go first.
while (flag[j] && (turn == j)); // Wait until process j isn’t interested.

/* Critical section. */
Alternatively, the turn variable may be called
/* Exit section. */
victim or loser, and is set to i instead of j, with the
flag[i] = false;
loop checking for victim == i …equivalent, right?
/* Remainder section */

• Nice, but some hardware architectures don’t satisfy

the algorithm’s load/store assumptions
Hardware Solutions
• In general, solutions to the critical-section problem use
the concept of a lock — locks are acquired before
entering a critical section, then released on exit
• Note how Peterson’s algorithm can be decomposed
into acquire(i) and release(i) functions for the entry and
exit sections, respectively
• Simple approach: disable interrupts, thus “locking” into
the critical section sequence
Sufficient for nonpreemptive kernels in single-processor architectures

But what if you want to support a preemptive kernel, or multiple CPUs?

Atomic Instructions
• Key idea is to accomplish certain operations atomically
— as a single, uninterruptible unit of work

• The following instructions, if supported in hardware,

can be used to build mutual exclusion algorithms:
TestAndSet(target): Return target then set to true
Swap(a, b): Exchange the values of a and b

• Implementable, but not trivial, in multiprocessor

environments (atomicity has to be across all CPUs)
• Introduced by E. W. Dijkstra, in his seminal Cooperating
Sequential Processes paper (see course Web site for a
URL that will lead you to full PDFs of his work)

• Main components:
wait(S) {
while (s <= 0);
A shared integer variable S — the semaphore
An atomic wait() operation (originally P() in Dutch) signal(S) {
An atomic signal() operation (originally V() in Dutch)

• If S can be any integer, then S is a counting semaphore; if

S can only be 0 or 1, then S is a binary semaphore, also
known as mutex lock (mutual exclusion lock)

• Using a semaphore is fairly simple: define a semaphore

to be shared by processes that need to be
synchronized, then call wait(S) in the entry section and
signal(S) in the exit section — remember that wait()
and signal() must be atomic by definition
• Implementation may be tricky: as previously defined,
wait() performs busy waiting — it uses CPU cycles until
S > 0; this implementation is known as a spinlock
• Alternatively, wait() can be implemented via a block()
operation, which places the waiting process on a queue
associated with S; signal() then calls a converse wakeup()
• Spinlocks do avoid context switches, so the ideal
choice of implementation may vary based on the
specific concurrent processes involved
“Classic” Synchronization
In newer software development terms, these can be
viewed as well-known “use cases” in concurrent
programming — they represent broad categories of more
specific synchronization situations

• Bounded buffer — Producer process delivers items to a

buffer of fixed size (n items maximum), and needs to
wait if the buffer is full; consumer process grabs items
from there, and hangs around if it is empty

• Readers-writers — Concurrent access to shared data,

and data consistency must be maintained

• Dining philosophers — 5 philosophers on a round table,

with 5 chopsticks in between them; philosophers are
either thinking or eating, and when one needs to eat,
chopsticks are picked up one at a time
Represents the general problem of concurrent
resource allocation
Rules for picking up chopsticks may vary (e.g., always-
left-then-right, always-both, right-then-left-if-even-
otherwise-left-then-right, etc.)
Adds the wrinkle of “starvation” — a philosopher can
only wait a limited time before “starving to death”

• And many more…there’s “cigarette smokers,” “sleeping

barber,” “Santa Claus,” “dining savages,” etc.
• Note that semaphores are tools for synchronization,
and not critical-section solutions in and of themselves

• To address this, higher-level constructs facilitate proper

use of these tools — monitors belong to this category

• A monitor is an abstraction that defines a set of

operations that require mutual exclusion, along with
the shared variables used by those operations

• Conditions in the monitor define synchronization

variables, for which you can wait() and signal()

• A monitor condition’s wait() and signal() are different

from a semaphore’s P() and V()
x.wait() suspends the calling process until another process invokes x.signal()
x.signal() resumes any process that is sitting on x.wait(); it does nothing if no processes are
doing so at that time

Upon x.signal(), the signaler may either suspend itself immediately (“signal-and-wait”), or
keep going until the monitor function ends (“signal-and-continue”) — current monitor
implementations favor signal-and-continue

• Typical monitor usage:

Initialize the monitor (primarily, set shared variables to initial states)
Launch the processes/threads that use the monitor

The monitor ensures that only one process at a time can be running its declared
operations (i.e., mutual exclusion)
Processes use x.wait() and x.signal() to synchronize activities — for example, in a monitor-
based dining philosophers solution, if no chopsticks are available for philosopher/process i
(meaning i’s seatmates are eating), then that process must wait() until those seatmates put
down their chopsticks and issue a signal()
Monitor Implementation
• Semaphores are frequently used to implement
monitors; monitor-capable programming languages try
to make the implementation transparent to the coder
For example, in Java, the synchronized keyword actually indicates a segment of code that
must belong to some object’s monitor

• Each monitor has a semaphore (say, mutex) that serves

to protect each of its operations, whose bodies now
serve as the critical sections of the compiled version;
another semaphore, next, is also needed for signal-and-
wait, so that the signaler knows when a resumed
process leaves its monitor operation

• Each condition variable has a corresponding

semaphore x_sem and an integer x_count, used by the
x.wait() and x.signal() implementations
monitor M { x.wait() {
condition x; x_count++;
if (next_count > 0)
procedure P(args) { signal(next);
<P body> else
x.signal() {
} signal(mutex);
if (x_count > 0) {
} wait(x_sem);
signal(x_sem); x_count--;
procedure P(args) {
wait(next); }
<P body> next_count--;
if (next_count > 0) }
signal(next); }

• Last implementation detail: when more than one

process is waiting on the monitor, which one gets
awakened? — Can be simple FIFO or conditional
Operating System
Synchronization Facilities
Or, back from the abstract to the concrete…
• Solaris: semaphores, condition variables, adaptive
mutexes (semaphores that spinlock or sleep, based on
certain conditions — useful for multiple CPUs), reader-
writer locks (for concurrent reads), turnstiles (queues for
waiting threads, one per kernel thread)
• Windows XP: interrupt disabling in kernel, spinlocks for
multiple processors; for user processes, dispatcher
objects wrap various synchronization mechanisms
(mutexes, semaphores, timers, events)

• Linux: preemptive kernel as of 2.6 uses spinlocks and

semaphores, with reader-writer versions of them;
spinlocks on SMP, then enabling/disabling of kernel
preemption on single-processor systems

• Mac OS X/Darwin: multilayer mechanisms, with

spinlocks, mutexes, and read-write locks in Mach/xnu
layer, then funnels (construct for serializing access to
non-reentrant code and synchronizing across multiple
CPUs, built on Mach mutexes) at the BSD layer

• Non-OS-specific: Pthreads has mutex locks, condition

variables, and read-write locks, with semaphores and
spinlocks available in extensions; Java has the
synchronized keyword for monitor-like functionality,
with semaphores, conditions, mutex locks, etc., in 1.5

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