Cooperative Extension Service University of Hawaii Circular 345
Cooperative Extension Service University of Hawaii Circular 345
Cooperative Extension Service University of Hawaii Circular 345
University of Hawaii
Circular 345
MAY 22 1974
.r>6S8l0fl Fr{dit @{dft{dre:
This circular was compiled by:
Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station
ERNEST K. AKAMINE, Plant Physiologist
MI NORU ARAGAKI, Plant Pathologist
JOHN H. BEAUMONT, Horticulturist
F. A. I. BOWERS, Junior Horticulturist
RICHARD A. HAMI LTON, Horticulturist
KOBE SHOJI, Associate Plant Physiologist (now at C. Brewer
& Co., Ltd.)
W. B. STOREY, Horticulturist (now at University of Cali
Agricultural Extension Service
ALBERT P. MARTINEZ, Associate Plant Pathologist
WAR REN Y. J. YEE, Specialist in Horticulture
EPCA Project
THOMAS ONSDORFF, Food Technologist
THOMAS N. SHAW, Junior Food Technologist
A growing passion fruit industry has been made possible through de
velopment of adequate processing procedures and increased passion fruit
production through improved cultural methods. This industry's full develop
ment depends upon production of products of highest quality at prices com
parable to other competitive products. In order to attain such a com
petitive position in the market, the most efficient methods of processing
and production must be developed. The improved cultural practice, which
led to lower production costs, and the improvement of varieties toward
higher juice yields with the best juice qualities will greatly aid the growth
of this new industry.
Market prospects for passion fruit juice products appear to be good.
Tests on public acceptance of the flavor have shown that approximately 90
percent of the people surveyed liked the taste of passion fruit juice. The
market acceptance studies indicate a good sale of the frozen juice at prices
competitive to other juices. The development of a market for the frozen
juice has been slow, because it is necessary to demonstrate that this is a
high quality product with public acceptance, and that a continued supply
of the juice can be guaranteed to support the sales promotion in the highly
competitive frozen juice market.
Passion fruit juice has excellent prospects in the blended juice trade. Here,
a small quantity gives either the characteristic flavor of passion fruit or enhances
the other fruit flavors of the blended product. The flavoring trade is another
good outlet for passion fruit juice. Passion fruit sherbet has proved to be an
extremely popular product. The juice should have an equally good acceptance
as a flavoring in soft drinks and bakery goods.
It is recommended that anyone who intends to grow passion fruit should
first develop good relations with the processors of his area. County agents
on each island have the very latest information on growing and marketing
passion fruit. Keep in touch with them for developments.
J!'~SSi0fl Fr{dit @{dft{drs;
ffl ~~ID~ii
Because the purple passion fruit (P. edulis) is known locally by a Hawai
ian name, lilikoi, many persons believe it to be native to the Islands; actual
ly, it is native to Brazil. The first seeds were brought to Hawaii from Aus-
tralia by Eugene Delemar about 1880. These were planted in the district of
Lilikoi on East Maui. Within a few years after the plants began to fruit,
new plants appeared in the wild and soon became widespread in the district,
and the name of the district became attached to this particular species.
The yellow passion fruit (P. edulis f. flavicarpa) presumably originated in
Australia as a sport from the purple passion fruit; however, it may have
been introduced into Australia from tropical America. The first seed of
the type was left with the Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station in 1923
by Mr. E. N. Reasoner of Oneco, Florida, who was returning from a visit
to Australia where he had collected it. In the years which followed, numer
ous plants were grown by the Station and distributed to interested growers
in the Islands. Subsequently, vines have appeared in many places in the
wild on all the larger islands.
Some yellow passion fruit was grown as a commercial crop in a vineyard
at Pupukea, Oahu, during the middle and late 1930·s. Production was dis
continued soon after the outbreak of World W"ar II in the Pacific in 1941.
Only the purple passion fruit (P. edulis) and the yellow passion fruit
(P. edulis f. flavicarpa) are considered of value for commercial growing.
The purple passion fruit is used almost exclusively in commercial pro
duction in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and other countries;
in Hawaii, the yellow is preferred.
Locally, the purple passion fruit appears to grow better at the higher
elevations and, therefore, has not attracted attention. The fruit tends to
be smaller and the vines less productive than those of the yellow passion
fruit. However, it is generally considered to have better flavor and aroma,
both as fresh fruit and after canning or freezing, than the yellow passion
The yellow passion fruit in Hawaii is best adapted to the lower eleva
tions, sea level to 2,500 feet. The fruit is generally larger and the vines are
much more vigorous and productive than those of the purple. The pulp
and juice are more acid, and there is a higher percentage of juice to pulp
than in the purple species.
In most countries where passion fruit is grown commercially, a limited
amount of variety or strain selection work has been undertaken. However,
commercial plantings generally are based upon seedlings progenies of in
dividual vine selections which apparently give satisfactory results.
In Hawaii, wh,::: olppears to be a natural hybrid between the two forms
has been discovered. In Queensland, Australia, the cross has been made
artificially in order to combine the most desirable qualities of both parents.
Seedlings of the hybrid types vary within rather wide limits; many possess
the more pleasant flavor of the purple passion fruit, but none as yet has
attained the fruit size and vine productivit;, of the usual yellow passion
Figure 1. Left group, round fruit. Center group, partly and wholly undeveloped fruit useless for juice production. Right group,
oval fruit. Either round or oval fruit may have thin skins, as in the top row, or thick skins as in the boltom row. Thin-skinned
oval fruit are recommended for they usually produce about one-third more juice than round fruit.
P. edulis. A woody, perennial vine which is a robust climber under
favorable conditions. The stems, tendrils, and leaves are clear green with
out traces of reddish or pinkish color. The leaves are three-lobed with
finely toothed edges and a cordate or heart-shaped base. The flowers, which
open at dawn and close before noon, occur one at each node on new growth,
have five whitish sepals, five whitish petals, and two rows of thread-like rays
(the corona) which are faintly purple near the base and white toward the
end. There are five stamens, each terminating in a heavy, pollen-bearing
anther. The ovary, which ultimately develops into the fruit, is in the center
of the flower at the top of a long slender stalk. At the top of the ovary is a
tripartite style, each branch of which terminates in the sticky, pollen-receiv
ing stigmatic surface. The fruit is round or oval, l~ to 2 inches in diameter,
and deep purple when ripe. Within the hard, leathery rind are numerous
small, blackish seeds, each enclosed in yellowish, aromatic, juicy pulp
which has a tart but pleasing flavor. On maturing, the fruit falls from the
P. edulis f. flavicarpa. The vine is much like that of the purple variety,
although a more vigorous grower under most conditions. It is distinguished
by the suffusion of reddish, pinkish, or purplish color in stems, leaves, and
tendrils. The leaves resemble those of the purple species but usually are
somewhat larger, and the bases of the corona filaments are a much deeper,
brighter purple. The average fruit is slightly larger than the purple type
and has a bright canary-yellow rind. The pulp is somewhat more acid, and
the seeds are dark brown rather than black. The flowers open about noon
and close about 9 or 10 P.M. The mature fruit falls from the vine. Probably
because there is little or no overlapping of the functional period of the
flowers, not much crossing takes place between the two species.
Horticultural Varieties
Seed of outstanding passion fruit plants selected by the University has
been distributed and is being grown in various locations. With this open
pollinated seed there is variation between plants, although the plants
generally produce fruit of a type and quality characteristic of the known
parent. From these seedling progenies, the best of the vines should again
be selected and propagated by seed or perhaps even by cuttings.
No horticultural or clonal varieties of either the yellow or purple pas
sion fruit have been selected either here or in other countries where the
fruits are grown commercially. In order to develop a superior horticultural
variety it is essential to have a very large number of plants from which
to select the highest quality and most fruitful types. If, as now seems ap
parent, most individual plants are self-sterile and cross pollination is re
quired for heavy fruit setting. and good filling of fruit, it will be necessary
to select and plant two or more varieties that are known to be cross com
Growers of passion fruit will do well to select and propagate from the
highest quality and most productive vines. Detailed selection work re
quires considerable time and effort, but, when well done, insures a profit
able crop and an improved juice product. The following are some sug
gestions which will help in selecting parent vines:
1. Disregard all vines bearing round fruit. Recovery of juice from
these fruits has been found to be about 10 percent less than from oval
2. Disregard all fruits having crange-colored rinds. These tend to
yield off-flavor fruits with a woody taste not commercially acceptable.
3. Select for flavor, together with other desirable characteristics, such
as prolific set, size, thinness of rind, well-filled cavity, and yield of
juice per vine. Become accustomed to the high acidity or "strong"
flavor of the fruit. All other things being equal, a relatively high-acid
fruit is more desirable for processing than one lower in acidity. In
the field, the farmer can learn to discriminate between off-flavored
fruit and the normal-flavored fruit. In a very good fruit the aroma
is usually strong and pleasant. Even in good vineyards, grown from
seed of selected plants, there will be a small percentage of plants which
have unusually desirable characteristics. These should be selected,
marked, and used for propagation stock.
4. Of those few vines selected according to the above suggestions,
choose those which show the best yield and growth characteristics.
Observe a vine for several seasons. Remember that pounds of high
quality juice per acre is the objective of selection work. A vine which
sets heavily but produces little or poor-quality juice should not be
5. Finally, having made selections of the best parent vines, make future
plantings from cuttings and seeds. Cuttings may be best after they
have been thoroughly tested for superiority in yield and quality over
selected seedlings sufficient to justify the higher cost of planting mate
rial. Seedlings are preferred at this time. If cuttings are used, prop
agate several strains, not just one selection.
The work of selecting desirable strains never ends. The farmer, ever
mindful of processors' requirements, should continually improve his stock
with new, tested selections. Then the processor, ever mindful of the con
sumers' good will, can then continue to improve his product by purchasing
fruit from the best growers.
been started from seed. Flowering occurs in two distinct periods, the first
during early spring and the other during early fall. Because of this flower
ing behavior, there is a period of fruit maturity in midsummer and in
Passion fruit flowers open and close at definite times of day. Those
of the purple variety open early in the morning, usually around dawn,
and close before noon. Flowers of the yellow variety, however, open about
1 P.M. and close at night. Natural hybridization between the two varieties
is thus not likely to occur.
Passion fruit flowers are borne singly in the axils of the leaves in the
. terminal regions of new growth. Several flowers may be produced along
a vine, but the last produced may not set fruit, even when pollination has
been done by hand. After a certain number of fruits have set along the
branch, there is a temporary cessation of further fruit setting. Later, when
the first-set fruits have begun to mature, flower setting may resume again
for the remainder of the flowering period. This alternation of setting and
cessation of fruit setting results in two or three sections of a vine bearing
fruits, with fruitless spaces in between. The reason for this fruiting behavior
is not known, but it is obviously related to the physiology of the plant.
Passion fruit is propagated by seeds, cuttings, or air layers. In countries
where this fruit is grown commercially, the usual method of propagation
is by seed. Whenever propagation of a particular strain or horticultural
variety is desired, cuttings or air layers must be employed.
Propagation by Seed
Passion fruit seeds should be planted in ordinary soil flats contammg
fertile soil with good drainage. Unlike many other seeds, these do not
. require cleaning, drying, and storage before planting. The seeds may be
planted immediately after removal from the ripe fruit, without separating
them from the pulp. Sprouting begins in approximately 2 weeks, and
maximum germination occurs in I to 3 months. Removing the pulp and
washing the seeds may slightly hasten the sprouting. There are some
varietal differences in germination behavior, but with the commercial
yellow and purple types the behavior is similar.
If it is necessary to delay planting, the ripe fruit may be kept under
room-temperature conditions for approximately a month. Seeds from
such fruit germinate satisfactorily when planted.
If a greater delay in planting is necessary, the fruit may be held at
about 55°F. In an experiment it was demonstrated that fruits may be held
at this temperature for at least 2 months without detrimental effect on the
germination of the seeds. It may be possible to hold the fruits for longer
periods, provided they do not decay, but temperatures below 55°F. tend
to delay the sprouting of the seeds. Freezing the fruit kills the seeds.
If it is necessary to have dry seeds, they should be separated from the pulp,
washed, and then dried at room temperature. Such seeds produced a germination
of better than 85 percent after a storage period of 3 months at room
0 0
temperature. Seeds dried at room temperature and then stored at 35 -55 F. for
2 weeks produced twice as many sprouts as those stored at room temperature.
After 10 weeks of storage, however, there was no difference between
germination percentages of seeds stored at the low temperature and others
stored at room temperature.
Artificial rapid drying (l/2 to 2 hours) at high temperatures (108°
l40°F.) with forced draft was found to be harmless to germination, provided
the seeds were planted within a few days after drying. Seeds artificially dried
and then stored at room temperature for 2 days produced high germination,
but 5 weeks later the germination was considerably lower than that of the
seeds dried at room temperature. A drying temperature of 158°F. was
found to be definitely detrimental to germination.
Drying the seeds by direct exposure to the sun is also harmless, provided
the seeds are planted within a few days after drying; but sun drying cannot
be recommended if the seeds are to be stored for an extended period sub
sequent to drying.
Propagation by Cuttings and Air Layers
Passion fruit cuttings, like those of most other plants, require warmth,
moisture, high humidity, and a porous medium for rooting. Porous soil,
beach sand, black sand, vermiculite, wood shavings, or sawdust, in a
propagation box with glass cover to maintain high humidity and warmth,
makes a good propagation medium for cuttings.
It has been observed in tests that, although cuttings root fairly well,
shoots very frequently do not develop on the rooted cuttings. Morphological
examination of the vine seems to indicate that once the bud that develops
into the vegetative shoot is injured, destroyed, or already extended into a
branch, no other shoot will develop from the same leaf axil. For this reason,
the older part of the vine makes inferior cutting material.
The most desirable cutting material is that portion of the stem from the
first fully expanded mature leaf, back to the area of the fully extended
branch. It is advisable not to take stem material that is immature or material
that is too old.
The best period to obtain cutting material is when the vines are actively
growing. In Hawaii this seems to be between the summer and winter
crops, and also after the winter crop.
Because of the length of the internodes, cuttings should not have more
than three nodes each. Three-node cuttings are the most desirable. The
basal part of the cutting should be cut right at the node, and the terminal
part should be cut slightly above the node. The branch should be cut
slightly above the first bud. A leaf or portion of a leaf left intact on the
terminal may help rooting. The lower two thirds of the cutting should be
buried in the rooting medium. Cuttings begin to root in about a month.
Passion fruit vines are readily air-layered by the usual horticultural
practice. In the process, care must be exercised not to break the brittle stem.
Very young stems should not be used, and the completed layer should be
supported somehow in order to prevent the vine from breaking at the
layered zone. Layers root in 4 to 8 weeks.
Handling Seedlings, Rooted Cuttings, and Air Layers
When seedlings are approximately 2 inches tall, they should be trans
planted into small individual cans or other containers. When about 6
inches tall, they are ready for field planting. Rooted cuttings and air layers
should be transferred from the propagation bench to individual containers.
In transplanting, care should be exercised not to injure the delicate roots.
When the young plants are well established, they should be set out in the
The yellow passion fruit is hardy and grows well from sea level tc 2,500
feet in a wide variety of soils, when they are reasonably deep and fntile.
Good vineyards have been observed on the rocky soils of Kona and Puna,
the heavy black soils of Maunawili and Punaluu, and the red soils of
Wahiawa. The vines will not stand water logging or flooding for any con
siderable period. Most of the losses observed in plantings to date may be
attributed directly or indirectly to this factor.
Except for a relatively shert period following the winter crop, the vine
grows throughout the year. A uniform and reasonably abundant rainfall
seems to be needed. If grown at Waimanalo and other dry areas where
summer rainfall is extremely limited, irrigation water should be provided.
Heavy soils and areas of rainfall in excess of 85 inches per year would
normally be expected to be more susceptible to root and fruit diseases.
. Drainage must be provided so as to eliminate puddling.
Sites buffeted by high winds should be avoided unless adequate wind·
breaks are planted and developed well before the vineyard is phnted.
Winds not only damage the vines but make it more difficult to train the
vines to the trellis. After having become established on the trellis, the vines
offer considerable wind resistance and the trellis may blow ever unless
securely constructed.
Planting Distances
The topography or slope and contour of the field may be an important
factor in determining the field layout and planting plans. On reasonably
level lands, straight rows and tight wire trellises may be used, while on un
even, sloping land other planting schemes may be required. The width
of rows is of course determined by the type of trellis used.
Assuming that the land is reasonably level and straight rows will be
used, the distance between rows or trellises is the most important decision
to be made in planting the new vineyard. This space will be used fer all
the mechanical operations such as cultivation, spraying for disease and in
sect control, fertilization, and especially harvesting. If the rows are short,
such that the harvested fruit may be carried easily to the ends of the rows
or the spraying is done from the end of the row, they perhaps may be spaced
rather close together; but if the rows are long and the fruit is to be carried
out in a trailer, and if mechanical cultivation and power spraying are used,
the rows must be wide enough to permit efficient use of such equipment.
In no event should the trellises be so close together that the tractor or
sprayer cannot be driven between the rows or such that the vines would
spread from one trellis to the next.
When a crossbar or T-type trellis is used, the distance between the ends
of the crossbar is the important measurement. Experience indicates that 7
feet between the ends of the crossbars is the minimum, while the distance
between the rows of posts should perhaps never be less than 10 feet. If
crossbars longer than 3 feet are used, this width should be increased to
maintain the 7-foot clearance between the ends of the bars. If a douhle row
or yokectype trellis is used, the operational distance across the row between
the outer posts of the trellis should be at least 10 feet.
Spacing of the vines in the row may vary within wide limits, even to
lO-foot intervals. Actually the more vines per acre, that is, the closer spacing
in the row, the heavier will be the first-year crop. The first annual pruning
after the crop is harvested might then consist merely of thinning out alter
nate vines and removing from the remaining vines those branches trailing
on the ground. This thinning procedure will give the grower an opportu
nity to select the more fruitful and vigorous vines and to remove the less
desirable ones. While planting and early training require considerable
labor, the increased first-year yield and the better vine quality after thin
ning would probably justify the initial cost.
Spacing in the row, therefore, may vary from 12-15 feet to 20 feet or more.
The latter is more frequently used. It is usually advisable to plant at or near
a trellis post. Thus, to a certain degree, the construction of the trellis will deter
mine the planting distance. With rows 10 feet apart, the following numbers of
plants per acre will be required when the planting is:
10 feet apart in the row - 435 plants per acre
12 feet apart in the row- 363 plants per acre
15 feet apart in the row - 290 plants per acre
20 feet apart in the row- 217 plants per acre
Unlike most other vine crops, passion fruit is harvested after it matures
and falls from the vine; this has a direct bearing on trellis construction.
There are a number of different types of trellises, each of which may
have numerous variations, such as height, distance between posts, length
and met!lOd of attachment of cross-arms, bracing of end posts, weight of
posts and wire, as well as many others.
Basically these types may be grouped as: "Fence" or "grape" type with
one, two, or even three wires strung along upright posts; T-type with a cross
arm, normally with two wires at or near the top of each post and a third
wire on the top of the post when the cross-arm is 3 feet long or more; yoke
type with a crossbar 6 to 8 feet long on which four to six wires may be run
and which is supported at or near the ends by upright posts.
All the above types require heavy and well-braced end posts to withstand
the strain of the tight wire and the weight of the vines. Somewhat lighter
posts can be used at regular intervals of 15 or 20 feet to support the weight
of the vines. Some consideration and trial is being given to a wider spacing,
50 to 60 feet, of the permanent posts with lighter and cheaper .supporting
posts which may not need to be placed in the ground. Such construction
might have merit where heavy winds are not an important factor.
Figure 3. Top left, T-type trellis with internal braces at end-posts; top right, trellis using live trees for posts; bottom left,
~rape or fence-type trellis, matting of vine on both sides of trellis; bottom Tight, extended T-trellis using Australian winches
~nti P\/'tPrn~1 t!p::lIn.nlPtl to ::tnchor p-l)_d~ost a reCOIDlnendecl tyoe
Experimental evidence has shown that a low trellis (4-5 feet) of any type
results in a vine that trails on the ground at an early date. Lifting the vine to
the top of the trellis merely aggravates the piling effect of the foliage and results
in depressed yields; 8 to lO-foot trellises overcome this condition in part, and
yields of fruit are significantly higher. The height is dictated by a number
of factors:
Training the passion fruit vine is a very simple operation. The prin
cipal objective is to get the vine to the wires of the trellis in the simplest,
quickest, and least expensive manner, after which the vine takes care of
itself. Observation and experience indicate little or no merit in the detailed
training procedures as practiced with grapes and sometimes recommended
for passion fruit.
If the young vine is supported in an upright position and is given a
string, wire, or light pole to grasp, it will usually grow quickly to the trellis
wire with a minimum of lateral branching. It has been observed that the
terminal branched portion of bamboo when inverted and hung over the
trellis wire provides an excellent support for the vine and removes the neces
sity of frequent tying.
Vigorous vines will branch freely, and those branches that trail on the
ground should be removed. Four to six or more of the laterals may be
trained to the overhead wire and others removed in order to minimize wind
resistance which often causes difficulties in establishing the vines on the
wire. After the vines reach the wire they spread laterally in both directions
and soon begin to flower. Thus the quicker the vines come to a horizontal
position on the trellis the more quickly they will flower and fruit. Sy~tem
atic and prompt attention to training the young plant until it reaches the
trellis will be time and effort well spent.
Whether or not commercial passion fruit plants in Hawaii will require
regular periodic pruning has not been determined. In Australia and New
Zealand; purple passion fruit vines in commercial plantings are usually
pruned in order to facilitate spraying or to force new growth.
On the other hand, experimental evidence from South Africa, where
both the purple and yellow passion fruit are grown, has shown that un
pruned vines consistently outyielded those which had been pruned. Yields
of unpruned vines during the third and fourth years of growth exceeded
those from pruned vines by about 35 percent. Another warning against in
discriminate pruning of the yellow passion fruit is given by Parsons of the
Ceylon Department of Agriculture in the following statement: "This
variety [yellow fruited form of P. edulis} too is propagated by both seed
and cuttings and its culture is similar to that of the purple variety, but it
does not stand such severe pruning as the purple variety and must be
allowed to roam to a certain extent."
It has been indicated in earlier paragraphs that when "filler" vines are
used, the initial pruning after the first year's growth and fruiting might
consist merely of removing alternate vines if the trellises are well-covered
and the vines are somewhat overlapping. Other pruning would consist only
of removing at or near the wire the dangling growth which if left would
trail and fruit on the ground during the following season. New growths
starting from the height of the wire will produce the main crop of fruit
in the following harvest.
As has been stated above, pruning will reduce yield and if done im
properly may seriously retard the vine. The principal reasons for pruning
are largely mechanical and may be listed as follows:
1. To facilitate spraying for disease and insect control;
2. To reduce the total weight of vine on the trellis;
3. To remove those portions of the vine that by trailing on the ground
interfere with harvesting;
4. To eliminate, so far as possible, the matting or piling up of vine on
the trellis that causes the ripe fruit to lodge and prevents its being
gathered at the normal time.
Normally, pruning would be done after the winter harvest. If pruning
is limited to alternate vines and to cutting the dangling growths of the re
maining vines at the height of the wire, no particular problem is presented.
However, if more severe pruning, such as dehorning or cutting back to the
main stem is done, it is best to wait until the vine begins an active spring
growth. Severe pruning of dormant or relatively inactive vine may result
in a severe setback or even death of the vine.
The operator should not attempt to remove the severed stems and
branches from the trellis for several weeks after the actual pruning or until
the prunings have become dry and brittle. Generally it is much easier to
break and remove the dried wood and leaves and to clean out the trellises
than to attempt to disentangle the green branches from the trellis at the
time of pruning.
The fertilizer recommendations given here for passion fruit will be tenta
tive. They are based on observations of scattered fertilizer trails and our know
ledge of the growth of similar crops. An application of a complete fertilizer is
recommended at planting time and at the beginning of the spring growth. The
recommended complete fertilizer is a 10- 5-20 analysis, or fertilizers having
similar ratios. In newly transplanted orchards, the application should be 2-4
ounces of fertilizer per plant. This application should be repeated 6 weeks after
planting. The application of fertilizer in a matured, bearing orchard should
be made at the time when the plants begin their spring and summer growth
From nitrogen analyses of fruits, it is estimated that in order to produce
40,000 pounds of fruit per acre it will take 1,320 pounds of 10-5-20 fertilizer
if all of the fertilizer taken up by the plant goes into the fruit. But we can
not expect that the plants will get more than about 50 percent of the nitro
gen applied as fertilizer. On this basis, at least 2,640 pounds of 10-5-20
fertilizer would be necessary to produce 40,000 pounds of fruits. If there
are 217 plants per acre, 12.2 pounds of 10-5-20 fertilizer per plant must be
applied. The time of application must be determined by the rate of growth
of vines and general appearance of plants. It may be desirable to make
three applications of 3 pounds per plant before the summer crop beginning
in early February, and then one application between the summer and
winter crops. However, this will depend upon the environmental conditions
in which the plants are growing.
Although the desired pH requirements for passion fruit have not been
established, and although it is believed that the plant will grow in a fairly
wide range of acidity, the application of lime is recommended for strongly
acid soils. Soil samples are taken for chemical analysis from the planting
site at least two months before planting. These samples are sent to the
University soil testing laboratory through your local county agents. The
lime requirement of the soil will be determined and recommendations will
be made as to amount of lime to apply per acre and how it should be ap
There are a number of insects associated with the passion fruit plant;
some are beneficial while others are harmful. There are also insects which
appear to be neither beneficial nor harmful. The role of the beneficial in
sects as pollinators has been discussed under the section on flowering, fruit
setting, and pollination. .
The control of pests which attack the passion fruit concerns two basic
problems: first, the destruction of insects which attack the plant; and
second, the preservation of the insects whose function in pollination is of
vital importance to fruit set. The problem is complicated because both
benefici~d and destructive insects are so closely associated with the plant;
the injurious insects must be eliminated without destroying the beneficial
One approach to this problem is through the proper timing of spray
applications. The flower of the commercially grown yellow variety opens
during the noon hours and closes at night. Observations showed that in
sect pollinators were most active during the period when the flowers were
in bloom. Hence, less damage to the pollinators might result if spray ap
plications are made during the early morning hours when pollinators are not
active. Moreover, since exposed pollen grains burst upon contact with water and
thus become nonfunctional, it is imperative that any spray application for insect
or disease control be done only when the flowers are closed or when the plants
are not flowering.
The most troublesome pests are fruit flies: the Oriental fruit fly (Dacus
dorsalis), the melon fly (Dacus Cllcurbitae), and possibly the Mediterranean
fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata). Several mites are also serious pests: the spider
mites (Brevipalpus phoenicis and Tetranychus telarius), and the broad mite
(Hemitarsonemus latus). * In addition, there are a few other pests of minor
Fruit Flies
The Oriental, melon, and possibly the l\Jediterranean fruit flies are the
most injurious pests of the fruit. These pests usually puncture the im
mature fruit while the rind is still tender. As the fruit enlarges, a woody
area develops around the puncture (fig. 4). If the fruit is still quite small
and undeveloped, the damage may be sufficient to cause it to shrivel and
fall from the vine. If the fruit is well along in development, it may grow
to maturity. At the time of ripening, the area around the puncture has the
appearance of a little woody crater which disfigures the outer appearance of
the fruit but apparently does not impair the quality of the juice. Although
oviposition scars are present on ripening fruits, they generally do not contain
living larvae. Larvae appear to be able to develop better in immature than
in mature fruit.
·Information on mites supplied by Dr. 1. M. Newell, Dr. W. Wayne Boyle, and Mr.
Frank Haramoto is gratefully acknowledged.
Fig"re 4. Young passion fruit of the ye:,ow variety damaged by fruit fly.
The relative importance of each of the three species of fruit fly appears
to vary with the location of the vineyard. Generally, the Mediterranean
fruit fly is found at high elevations, while the Oriental and the melon flies
seem to prefer lowlands.
In fruit fly control, the main objective is to destroy the gravid females
which usually breed elsewhere but come into the orchard to lay eggs. One
of the most important steps, therefore, would be the elimination of nearby
overripe papaya, tomato, and other fruits in which the flies might breed
and on which the adults feed. If such breeding places are not eliminated,
frequent insecticide applications would be necessary, and probably less
effective control would be obtained.
Fruit fly adults may be destroyed with various insecticides. However, sprays
of malathion at 3 pounds of a 25 percent wettable powder per 100 gallons of
water are suggested. Applications should be made with power equipment and
with precaution. The adults may also be destroyed by use of bait sprays made
with 3 pounds of malathion and 1 pound of yeast hydrolysate per 100 gallons of
Because the adult fruit ~Iies roost on certain plants which are not neces
sarily host or crop plants, applications should be made on not only the pas
sion fruit vines, but also on all nearby vep;etation which might harbor the
flies. Frequency of application varies with the abundance of flies. When
adults are numerous, applications twice a week might be necessary during
the period when young fruit is present.
The spider mites and the broad mite may cause serious damage to the
vines. Unless damage from these mites is checked, the vines may die or
the growth may be so adversely affected that there is a marked reduction in
yield. Mites are generally most damaging in areas of low rainfall and
during prolonged dry seasons.
Presence of the spider mite can be detected by close examination of the
leaves and fruits. To the naked eye, this mite appears as scattered reddish
patches on the lower surface of the leaf along the midrib and veins, as well
as on the fruit surface. The spider mite causes shriveling, yellowing, and
premature falling of the leaves. Complete defoliation has been observed on
passion fruit growing on the University campus. A heavy infestation might
also cause dying back of the vine, and shriveling and dropping of immature
The presence of the broad mite is difficult to detect without the aid of
a lens. Under the lens, very minute white mites can be seen; the females
are often seen carrying the smaller males on their posterior ends. Eggs
with white markings may also be seen sticking to the leaf surface. An attack
by this mite can be most readily detected by the symptoms of injury during
the period of vine growth. Thi~ mite attacks the young terminal leaves,
causing them to be stunted, deformed, slender, and rugose (fig. 5) .
Mites on passion fruit can be effectively controlled with a sulfur spray con
taining 5-6 pounds of wettable material per 100 gallons of water. As a precau
tionary measure, applications should be made at intervals of about a month,
rather than waiting until the symptoms of attack have become evident. With
heavy infestations, treatment at intervals of 10 days may be necessary.
Other Pests
Aphids are known to attack the passion fruit plant. On fully grown
vines, severe damage seldom results from their attack; however, on seedlings,
aphids may cause severe qamage. Two aphids, Myzus peTsicae and MacTQ
siphwn soLanifolii, should be regarded as potentially important insects.
These aphids, which are of common occurrence in Hawaii, are efficient
vectors of the passion fruit woodiness virus, a serious disease of the passion
fruit in Australia. Should the virus be introduced accidentally in Hawaii,
it might be spread rapidly by these aphids.
The barnacle scale (Ceroplastes cistudlformis) has been found in large
numbers attacking the passion fruit vine. Heavy infestation results in severe
defol iation.
The thrips (SeLenotltl'ip ntbrocinctus) has been observed to attack the
leaves of the passion fruit; however, severe attacks appear to be exceedingly
Passion fruit in Hawaii is I-elatively free of serious diseases, especially where
vigorous plantings can be established in good soil. At present, brown spot is
the most important local disease, followed by root rot.
Brown Spot
Symptoms of brown spot on the leaves or fruit may be easily recognized.
On the leaf, the first symptom is minute reddish brown spots which range
in size from 1jl6- to l/8-inch in diameter. Under humid condi tions these
spots have a water-soaked margin. As the infection progresses. the spots en
large, forming a series of concentric rings (fig. 7, left), and the infected
leaves drop prematurely. Symptoms on the fruit are characterized by cir
cular, sunken necrotic areas which are also reddish brown (fig. 7, right) .
Root Rot
Root rot, the second most important disease of passion fruit, is caused by
Pythium splendens. Symptoms are a general decline in vigor of the feeder roots
being destroyed by the fungus. Pythium aphanidermatum also has been isolated
from the roots but is not considered as important. R h izocton ia solan i is frequen tl y
isolated from diseased passion vine roots but its role in causing the death of the
vine is not fully understood.
Maintenance of vigorous, healthy plants by good fertilization and cultural
programs will reduce or minimize effects of root rot.
Harvesting can be the most difficult and expensive operation in passion
fruit culture. Normally, the grower will pass through his entire planting at
least once a week, possibly twice in rainy weather, to gather the fallen fruit
during the 7-8-month harvest period. Therefore, the layout of the vineyard,
including access roads, length of line, width of rows, height of trellis, and
all other factors having a bearing upon this operation, should be given care
ful consideration before planting.
The fruit as it matures must be harvested at regular intervals to avoid
spoilage and other losses. Normally, the fruit is harvested from the ground.
If the latter is somewhat ridged and smooth beneath the trellis, the fruits
will roll to the side, thus making it easier to pick them up directly or to rake
them together in piles to be picked up later with a fork or other implement.
Obviously, the less area to be covered the more concentrated will be the
fruit, and the faster the operation. This fact emphasizes the importance of
height of trellis as well as one of the important differences between the grape
and the yoke or fiat-top trellis; the latter covers a greater ground area per
unit of vine surface or per number of fruit.
The actual manner of handling and transporting the fruit in the vine
yard will of course depend upon each operator. Basically, however, the
following factors are of importance in the harvesting operation:
1. Only ripe fruit should be harvested. Green-ripe fruit, even if al
lowed to ripen off the vine before processing, possesses a woody off
2. Ripe fruit loses weight rapidly after falling from the vine; and if it
is sold by weight, the grower may lose as much as 10 to 20 percent by
weight if it is not harvested and sold promptly.
3. In rainy weather, considerable spoilage due to disease may occur
unless the fruit is harvested and placed in a dry, cool place.
4. Fruit should be placed in open crates and stored in a cool, well
ventilated area. The quality of warm, moist fruit will deteriorate
rapidly from decay and overheating if stored in unventilated sacks or
5. In most cases it would seem advisable for the processor to wash
and cool the fruit as quickly as possible upon receipt to avoid spoilage
and loss of weight.
3. Fruit which is clean and free from disease is also ver~ important
and reflects in the quality of the juice. All passion fruit is thoroughly
washed in specially designed equipment as the first step in making
the juice. After washing, the fruit is carefully sorted, usually on con
veyor or roller belts. Even with expert help on the sorting belts, the
more dirt, foreign material, and damaged fruit there is in any lot the
more defects will be missed in the sorting, and they will damage the
finished juice in one way or another.
Brown spot is the most common disease of the fruit. The number of
fruit affected and the degrees of browning and softening are very im
portant inHuences on the quality of the finished juice. Pulp from soft
brown spots becomes separated from the rind and goes into the juice,
sometimes seriously affecting the flavor of the juice; and even more
damaging, the mold material which caused the brown spot, can be
found in the finished juice regardless of the juice-making procedure.
Technical methods for detecting mold or decomposed materials in
foods have been developed and are regularly used to examine other
juices. Results of these examinations are routinely used to measure
the soundness of the raw produce used in processed foods and also as
a measure ot the cleanliness of factory eqUIpment and operations.
and known as tote boxes, power handled, may come into use for handling
passion frui t as larger tonnages and mechanization develop.
Picking of mature, fallen fruit from the ground at periods of 2 to 7 days
is now the common harvesting method. Frequency of picking is perhaps
too often influenced by the amount of fruit which has fallen. Under cer
tain weather conditions, the time between pickings should be much less
to avoid damage and loss by evaporation and by rotting. Mechanical har
vesters, such as those used to harvest ripe prunes and walnuts, may in the
near future be used for harvesting passion fruit where planting layout
and soil conditions are right.
Frequent harvests may become much more important to both grower
and processor than they are now. Weight loss of passion fruit after harvest
is often quite rapid. Fruit should be delivered and processed promptly after
harvest, for this weight loss is sometimes considerable. Most of the loss is
from the rind, but significant loss of juice weight has been found. More
detailed tests are to be made.
If delivery or processing are unavoidably delayed and storage is neces
sary, then such storage should be well-ventilated, out of the sun, and as
cool as possible. In addition to shrinkage losses, passion fruit may rot
quickly and severely in storage. Any rot seriously complicates the sorting
and always reflects in the quality of the juice, even though sorting may
seem to have been done well.
These and all other harvesting and handling details are of mutual im
portance to everyone concerned. It is well that they be completely under
stood and then incorporated in the contracts and operations of growers and
FRUIT. HAES Tech. Bull. 39. Univ. of Hawaii. 44 pp.
1970. THE EDIBLE SPECIES OF PASSIFLORA. Economic Botany. Vol. 24,
No. 3:333-343
1955. PASSION FRUIT DISEASE CONTROL. Hawaii Farm Sci. 4 (2) :4
forma fla vica rpa) Tech. Progress Report No. 161.
Tech. Bull. 55. Univ. of Hawaii. 38 pp.
Univ. of Hawaii.
1951. Queensland Agricultural and Pastoral Handbook, Vol. 3:238-245.
Cire. 58. Univ. of Hawaii.
PASSION FRUIT PRODUCTION. Hawaii Ent. Soe. Proe. 15 (3):601-607.
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Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in
cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture. C. Peairs Wilson, Dean, College of Tropi
cal Agriculture, and Director, Cooperative Extension Service. Dale N. Goodell, Associate Direc
tor, Cooperative Extension Service. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.