Midterm Exam On Logic

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Exam on Diagramming Arguments


1. Each questions presents you with an argument to analyze.

2. For each question, begin writing up a numbered list of premises and
conclusion(s) in the order in which they appear in the italicized passage.
3. Identify which one of the items on the list is the conclusion.
4. Diagram the relevant text using the numbers of the items on the list that you
created in accordance with the instruction (2) of these instructions.

Question 1:

Exercise helps your cardiovascular system. It also lowers your cholesterol,

increases the blood flow to the brain, and enables you to think longer. Thus, there
is no reason for you not to start exercising regularly.


1. Exercise helps strengthen your cardiovascular system.

2. Exercise lowers your cholesterol.
3. Exercise increases the blood flow to the brain.
4. Exercise enables you to think longer.
5. There is no reason for you not to start exercising regularly – CONCLUSION.


1-2-3-4 = 5

Question 2:

If you start a strenuous exercise regimen before you know if your body is ready,
you can cause serious damage. Therefore, you should always have a physical check
up before you start a rigid exercise program.


1. If you start a strenuous exercise regimen before you know if your body is
ready, you can cause serious damage.
2. You should always have a physical check up before you start a rigid exercise
program. - CONCLUSION



Question 3:
Since television commercials help pay the cost of programming, and because I can
always turn off the sound of the commercials, go to the bathroom, or get
something to drink, it follows that commercials are not such a bad thing.


1. Television commercials help pay the cost of programming.

2. I can always turn of the sound of the commercials.
3. I can always go to the bathroom.
4. I can always get something to eat.
5. I can always get something to drink.
6. Commercials are not such a bad thing – CONCLUSION


1-2-3-4-5 = 6

Question 4:

Since television commercials disrupts the flow of diagrams, and given that any
disruption impedes the continuity of a show, consequently we can safely say that
commercials are a bad thing.


1. Television commercial disrupts the flow of programs.

2. Any disruption impedes the continuity of a show.
3. We can safely say that commercials are a bad thing – CONCLUSION.



Question 5:

We should never take our friends for granted. True friends are there when we need
them. They suffer with us when we fail, and they are happy when we succeed.


1. WE should never take our friends for granted – CONCLUSION

2. True friends are there when we need them.
3. True friends suffer with us when we fail.
4. True friends are happy when we succeed.

2-3-4 = 1

Question 6:

They say that “absence makes the heart grow fonder”, so my teachers should really
love me, since I have been absent for the last two weeks.


1. They say that “absence makes the heart grow fonder”.

2. My teachers should really love me – CONCLUSION.
3. I have been absent for the last two weeks.


1+3 = 2

Question 7:

I think, therefore I am.


1. I think.



Question 8:

I believe that humans will evolve into androids, because we will eventually be able
to replace all organic body parts with artificial parts. In addition, we will be able to
live virtually forever by simply replacing the parts when they wear out of become


1. Humans will evolve into androids. – CONCLUSION

2. We will eventually be able to replace all organic body parts with artificial
3. We will be able to live virtually forever by simply replacing the parts when
they wear out of become defective


2+3 = 1
Question 9:

At one time Gary Kasparov had the highest ranking of any chess grandmaster in
history. However, he was beaten in a chess tournament by a computer program
called Deep Blue, so the computer program should be given a ranking higher than


1. At one time Gary Kasparov had the highest ranking of any chess
grandmaster in history.
2. Gary Kasparov was beaten in a chess tournament by a computer program
called Deep Blue.
3. Deep Blue should be given a ranking higher than Kasparov – CONCLUSION.



Question 10:

It is true that 1 +4 = 5, it is also true that 2 + 3 = 5. Thus, we can conclude with

certainty that (1 + 4) = (2 + 3).


1. It is true that 1 +4 = 5.
2. It is true that 2 + 3 = 5.
3. We can conclude with certainty that (1 + 4) = (2 + 3). – CONCLUSION



Question 11:

The digital camera on sale today at Cameras Galore has 5.0 megapixels and costs
$200. The digital camera on sale at Camera Warehouse has 4.0 megapixels and it
costs $150. You said that you did not want to spend over $175 for a camera, so
you should buy the one at Camera Warehouse.


1. The digital camera on sale today at Cameras Galore has 5.0 megapixels and
costs $200.
2. The digital camera on sale at Camera Warehouse has 4.0 megapixels and it
costs $150.
3. You said that you did not want to spend over $175 for a camera.
4. You should buy the one at Camera Warehouse. – CONCLUSION



Question 12:

You should buy the digital camera at Cameras Galore. After all, you did say that
you wanted the most megapixels you can get for up to $200. The digital camera on
sale today at Cameras Galore has 5.0 megapixels and costs $200. But the digital
camera at Camera Warehouse has only 4.0 megapixels and it costs $150.


1. You should buy the digital camera at Cameras Galore. - CONCLUSION

2. You did say that you wanted the most megapixels you can get for up to
3. The digital camera on sale today at Cameras Galore has 5.0 megapixels and
costs $200.
4. The digital camera at Camera Warehouse has only 4.0 megapixels and it
costs $150.



Question 13:

The world will end on August 6, 2045. I know this because my guru said it would,
and so far everything he predicted has happened exactly as he said it would.


1. The world will end on August 6, 2045. CONCLUSION

2. My guru said the world will end on August 6, 2045.
3. So far everything he predicted has happened exactly as he said it would.



Question 14:

Fast-food products contain high level of cholesterol. They also contain high level of
sodium, fat, and trans fatty acids. These things are bad for your health. I am going
to stop eating in fast-food places.
1. Fast-food products contain high level of cholesterol.
2. Fast-food products contain high level of sodium.
3. Fast-food products contain high level of fat.
4. Fast-food products contain high level of trans fatty acids.
5. High levels of each these things are bad for your health.
6. I am going to stop eating in fast-food places. – CONCLUSION



Question 15:

You should eat more vegetables. They contain low levels of cholesterol. They also
contain low levels of sodium, fat and trans fatty acids. High levels of those things
are bad for your health.


1. You should eat more vegetables. CONCLUSION

2. Vegetables contain low level of cholesterol.
3. Vegetables contain low level of sodium.
4. Vegetables contain low level of fat.
5. Vegetables contain low level of trans fatty acids.
6. High levels of each these things are bad for your health.



Question 16.

Since half way through the was we have all been tired of the fact that the economy
is not doing well. So, it is time for a change. Given that it is a time for change, we
ought to vote for the presidential candidate that wants to change things the most.
So, we can’t vote for Jim Brown. So, we should vote for Mary Moore.

Question 17:

Lentils are healthy. There are many reasons for this. They reduce heart disease.
They are a great source of fiber and protein. They are low in fat and simple

Question 18:

We shouldn’t vote for Jackson. Jackson is too radical. Jackson is too inexperienced.
Jackson’s lack of experience would make him a dangerous president. One shouldn’t
vote for anybody who is too radical. One shouldn’t vote for anybody who would be a
dangerous president.

Question 19:

Some people that attend church don’t believe in God. But some people that don’t
attend church believe in God. So, whether, one believes in God or not cannot be
determined by whether they go to church.

Question 20:

All good athletes eat healthy food. Since, all good athletes train hard. And healthy
food is necessary for training hard.

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