India Protein Score
India Protein Score
India Protein Score
Supported by
With global food production of calories However, unlike fats and carbohydrates, the
generally keeping pace with population body does not store proteins and has no
growth, the focus is clearly on improving the reserves to draw on. It is, therefore, essential to
quality of calories in food intake to address the include an adequate amount of protein as a part
challenge of unhealthy diet and its correlation of our regular diet. An average adult requires
to diseases. On the one hand, Covid19 has about 0.8 – 1.0 gm per kg of body weight of
drawn attention to the importance of health protein per day, as per recommendations by the
and hygiene in sustaining human lives. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). This
Consumers are increasingly being sensitized to can vary with age and physiological
this realization. On the other hand, modern requirements, such as for growing children,
lifestyles necessitate change in well-established athletes and pregnant & lactating women.1,3
food habits, ushering consumers to a wide However, the subject of protein adequacy in
variety of food options that address India needs to be comprehensively addressed.
convenience, accessibility, palatability and
newer experiences. With this increasing India Protein Score – A LabelBlind® Report on
dependency on pre-packaged foods, the Protein content in pre-packaged foods, is a
debate on quality of diets has attained very first-of-its kind study of Protein content in
high importance on the nation’s agenda. prepackaged food categories, done in
India Protein Score Report - A LabelBlind® Report The advisory in this report does not claim to be a
treatment, remedy or cure for any health A healthy, balanced diet is essential for optimal collaboration with Right to Protein. The
on Protein content in pre-packaged foods.
condition. nutrition and wellbeing across the life-cycle. objective of the study is to address the lack of
Unhealthy, deficient, imbalanced diets are a knowledge amongst consumers about sources
In collaboration with Right to Protein The study is an independent, unbiased report with
key risk factor for the rise of of protein and their protein fulfilment. The lack
©2020LabelBlind® no conflict of interest
non-communicable diseases. of awareness is cited as one of the primary
Study is based on information collected from public
Copyright in India Protein Score Report belongs reasons for under consumption of Protein
domain in the form of food labels during the Protein is an essential macronutrient that is
to LabelBlind® amongst Indians, leading to deficiency of the
period October, 2019 to June, 2020 required to carry out most body functions – macronutrient and resulting effects on the
Assessment is done on the basis of nutrient building muscle mass and strength, health of the population. The study is based on
All rights reserved. No part of this report, including
labelling guidelines of FSSAI, and RDAs as boosting metabolism, a wide representation of 18 categories and
interior design, cover design, and icons, may be
suggested by ICMR. boosting immunity and repairing tissues, ~1750 products, making it one of the most
reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any
LabelBlind Protein Rating Report is a ranking of
® increasing stamina, comprehensive studies on the subject.
means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or
products by relevant nutrient content (as declared aiding weight loss by inducing satiety,
otherwise) without the prior written permission of
on food labels of pre-packaged products), to guide facilitating hormonal functions and I welcome inputs and suggestions to the report
the Publisher. Requests to the Publisher for
consumers in the choice of products. It is not a reducing age-onset lifestyle issues from consumers, food businesses and
permission of use should be addressed online to
recommendation to change/alter/modify/substitute Similar to fats and carbohydrates, protein is participants in the food ecosystem to help
The Nutrition Alchemy
existing food habits. Consumer discretion is classified as a ‘macronutrient’ as the body strengthen the discussion on protein
at [email protected]
advised in consumption of food products. For requires it in large (macro) quantities. consumption.
Visit prevailing medical conditions, doctors/nutritionist
advice is recommended before making any
changes to food habits Rashida Vapiwala
Founder | LabelBlind®
India Protein Score Report is a ranking of prepackaged food products by
relevant nutrient content (as declared on food labels), to guide consumers
in choice of products. It is not a recommendation to
change/alter/modify/substitute existing food habits.
The advisory in this report does not claim to be a treatment, remedy or
cure for any health condition. TABLE OF CONTENTS
Consumer discretion is advised in consumption of food products. For
prevailing medical conditions, doctors/nutritionist advice is recommended
before making any changes to food habits.
Assessment has been done on the basis of nutrient labelling guidelines of
FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India), and RDAs
(Recommended Daily Allowance) as suggested by ICMR (Indian Council of
Medical Research). KEY HIGHLIGHTS 09-15
The Protein Content has been assessed for pre-packaged food & beverage BEVERAGES - BY PRODUCT
products, along with nutrients like added sugar, saturated fat, trans fat and
sodium. TOP PROTEIN FOODS & 43-68
Allergens and Food Additives are not under the scope of this study.
Consumer discretion is advised for Allergens and Food Additives as
declared by respective companies on food labels.
The report is independent and unbiased with no conflict of interest. LABELBLIND® PROTEIN 69-71
The report is based on information collected from public domain in the
form of food labels during the period October, 2019 to June, 2020.
The Indian Market Research The Food and Nutrition Security
Bureau’s 2017 report states that more Analysis undertaken by the
than 80% Indians are protein deficient Government of India and The World
and unable to meet the daily Food Program in 2019 shows that
requirement of 60g protein. It is average protein consumption amongst
reported that the usual sources of Indians is 47 grams per day. The NSSO
BACKGROUND proteins in a regular diet—one cup of
lentils, 1 glass of milk, or 1 cup (200g)
Consumer Expenditure Survey shows
that the per capita per day protein
An immense challenge facing humanity is to provide a
of yoghurt— would provide approx. consumption fell by 11% in rural areas
growing world population with healthy diets from
7-8 grams of protein. Furthermore, a and 4.1% in urban areas during the
sustainable food systems. While global food
startling 93% Indians are unaware period of 1983- 2012.⁴
production of calories has generally kept pace
about their daily protein
with population growth, more than 820 million
people still lack sufficient food, and many
more consume either low-quality diets or too
much food. Healthy diets have an optimal
caloric intake and consist largely of a
diversity of plant-based foods, low amounts
of animal source foods, contain Calorie intake from protein souces compared to
unsaturated rather than saturated fats, reference EAT-Lancet diet
and limited amounts of refined grains,
highly processed foods and added sugars.1
pulses and legumes, soy and soy products, nuts and PLANT PROTEIN PLANT PROTEIN DAIRY & ALL ANIMAL
seeds and non-vegetarian sources like – poultry, fish, meat SOURCES-LEGUMES SOURCES - NUTS DAIRY PRODUCTS PROTEIN SOURCES
are consumed in limited quantities by Indians.2,3
Eat Lancet Reference Diet Avg India Consumption (Urban)
05/Background 06/Background
The Protein Pradox study by Right To Protein aims to understand and identify the The LabelBlind® Protein Rating Report is an
practical challenges that pose as a barrier to protein consumption in India, including attempt to study the subject of Protein content
common myths and practices about protein, and facilitate evidence-based in prepackaged food categories in India. It aims
discussions by focusing on data, statistics and objective information. The study has to equip consumers with a useful guide that will
been developed based on a survey which included 2,142 mothers of children in the help them exercise their Right To Protein and
age groups of 6-18 years residing in 16 cities across India. The Protein Paradox make smart choices leaning towards adequate
study revealed some major findings on the cause-and-effect progression of protein protein consumption in alignment with changing
deficiency – food preferences.
While 95% of claimed to know the importance of protein Nutrition data of 18 categories and 1789
as a macronutrient, only 3% of the population really products were studied. The objectives of the
understood the prominent functions of protein or why report are -
one should consume it daily.
Mothers were chosen for the study since women are the primary purchase
decision-makers and highly influence the food consumption patterns of Indian
households. They were also surveyed with the prime objective of finding insights
that could spur engagement in corrective measures in the future, among children
who will have the opportunity to better understand the importance of protein
consumption at an early age.
07/Background 08/Background
KEY HIGHLIGHTS 06 Distribution of categories
Ready to
01 A first-of-its-kind report on Protein 05 This report is intended to benefit Eat Meals Soy Products
Rating of prepackaged food consumers across different age groups, Ready to Cook & 1.8% Savoury
Eat Products Snacks (Soy Chunks, Tofu)
products by building an appreciation for Protein 0.8%
8.5% 13.6%
content in prepackaged food Soy Milk
02 Scope: 1.1%
2a Nutrition data of 6014
prepackaged food products Nuts, Seeds,
studied for Protein Rating Trail Mix
2b 1789 food products were assessed Whole Grains
Products qualified as
Protein content along with their
- Best Products
Protein Rating
- Best Brands
Fat, Sodium, Added Sugar values
on a scale of 1 to 5, using
information declared on the food
Dairy Products
Soy Products
(Soya chunks, 90.00 10.00
and Trail mix 75.45 3.03 21.52
Ready to Cook
46.90 20.35 32.74
& Eat Products
75.45% 73.76%
Soy and Soy Products (Soy Chunks, Tofu)
Health Food Drinks
Eat Meals
Products(Milk) 2.78 83.33 13.89
11/Key Highlights High Protein Source of Protein Not Qualified 12/Key Highlights
10 Householder’s Reference for Measure of Protein and RDA Fulfilment
Soy Products (Soya chunks, Tofu)
Dairy Products 16.93 28.22% 1/2 cup paneer
Dairy Products (Paneer) (Paneer)
Health Food Drinks
Nut Butters
4.07 Energy Bars 20.21 33.86% 2-4 bars
Dairy Products Cheese, Flavoured Yogurt)
Ready-to-Eat Meals 18.09 30.16% 2/3 cup preparation
Energy Bars
Savory Snacks 17.29 28.99% 3/4 bowl
Whole grains
Breakfast Cereal 13.77 22.95% 1 big bowl cornflakes
>1 cups oats / muesli
Soy Milk
Dairy Products 13.7 22.84% 4 cheese cubes
Savoury Snacks
Dairy Beverages
Base 1789
Soy Milk 3.48 5.76% 1/2 glass
13/Key Highlights
14/Key Highlights
11 The New Protein!
Double Cocoa Protein Bar Growing acceptance of new food
preferences offers an opportunity
Cumin Soya Sesame Sticks for increased options in food with
Greek Yogurt Smoothie protein content
New formats like nut butter, trail mix,
High Protein Roasted Mix
energy bar, flavored yogurt, flavored
Moong Sprouted Roasted Snack milk, nuts & seeds, high-protein
Vegetarian Bytz- savory snacks are great for mid-meal
Vegan Plant Based Meat
Millet Vita Drink Tofu, paneer, soy chunk, veg plant
based meat, ready to cook & eat
Roasted High Protein Mixture mixes, high protein breakfast cereal,
can be added to main meals
Keto Breakfast Bar
7 Grain Protein Snack Minty Chaat Atta, whole grains, can replace
regular refined carbs to add more
Creamy Peanut Butter with Added nutrition
Vitamins, Minerals & Omega-3
Health Food Drinks is a growing
Masala Methi Oats
category - no more a child growth
Organic 100% Edamame Noodles drink alone, but also an adult source
of nutrition to meet protein and
High Protein Slim Meal - Shake other nutrient gaps.
Cookies & Cream
Roasted Flax & Watermelon
Organic Multigrain Health Flour
Soya Chaap
Slim Atta
TOP PROTEIN FOODS & • Amul Kool Sugar Free Elaichi Drink |
Kesar Drink
• Ananda Flavoured Milk-
Coffee | Elaichi
SECTION-01 • Epigamia Greek Yogurt
Smoothie Mulberry
• Gowardhan Topp Up Milk -
Butterscotch | Elaichi
• Mother Dairy Chocolate MilkShake
• MuscleBlaze High Protein Cereal • The Health Factory Protein Bread MultiProtein
• Nouriza Protein Muesli 4.6 • The Health Factory Protein Bread Vegan 4.8
• Yoga Bar Muesli Dark Chocolate Cranberry
• FabIndia Organics Wheat, Barley & Oats Muesli • Britannia 100% Whole Wheat Bread
• GoodDiet Goji Cocoa Granola 3.9
• Britannia Atta Bread 3.0
• Harvest Gold Hearty Brown Bread
• Mahananda Annapurna Toned Milk 4.2 • RRO Dairy Smoked Cheese 4.6
• Nestle A+ Slim Milk 4.0 • RRO Dairy Buffalo Mozarella Cheese 4.5
HEALTH FOOD DRINKS • V-Nourish Pedia Plus Strawberry Milk Mix 4.4
READY-TO-COOK, • Gits Moong Dal Vada 4.3
• 24 Mantra Organic Millet Dosa with Chutney Powder
• GoodDiet Foxtail Millet Dosa
• GoodDiet Multi Millet Dosa 4.2
• InnerBeing Millet Pancake
• TATA Sampann Protein Rich Moong Dal Chilla Mix
• TATA Sampann Protein Rich MultiGrain Chilla Mix
• Fabindia Organics Soyabean Lime Roasted • Yoga Bar Almond Fudge 4.3
• GoodDiet Roasted Mixture Lime
• Gourmia Exotic Mix 4.5
• Whole Foods Toasted Watermelon Seeds
• The Green Snack Co. Kale Crisps Sea Salt & Vinegar 4.4 • Nourish Organics Breakfast Oats Cookies
• The Health Factory Protein Nutri Cookie
• Ketofy Keto Crackers • Flat Tummies Millet Pleasure Choco Melts Cookies |
Coffee Melts Cookies
• Ketofy Keto Nut Crackers 4.0 3.6
• Ketofy Almond Cookies
• Ketofy Peanut Butter Cookies
• Zago 4.78
• Provilac 3.95
• Britannia 3.62
• So Good 4.20
• Silk Organic
• Soy Milky
• Sofit 3.60
• Patanjali 4.60
• Briyas 4.50
• Fortune
TOP PROTEIN FOODS & • Murginns 4.30
• Nutrela
• Urban Platter 4.20
• Morinaga (Mori-Nu)
• Elworld Organic
• Agrophiliaa 4.53 • Whole Foods
• Rostaa
• Urban Platter 4.20 • Naturevibe Botanicals 4.28
• Truefarm
• Modern 3.40
• Yoga Bar 3.98
• Kwality 3.32
• OrganoNutri 3.90
• Britannia
• Harvest Gold
• Gaia 3.87
• Wibs
• English Oven 2.88
• FabIndia Organics 3.85 • The Baker’s Dozen
• Bagrry’s 3.58
• Amul 4.27
• Akshayakalpa
• Fresho
• Prabhat
• Punjab Sind
• Mother Dairy
• Amul
• Nestle 4.00 • Courtyard Farms 4.40
• RRO Dairy
• Courtyard Farms
3.60 • Britannia 3.58
• Provilac
• Mother Dairy
3.43 • Nutoras 3.45
• Sarda
• Gokul
• Nandini
• Proliva
• Soulfull
• Obesigo
• Saffola
• ProtineX 4.16
• Horlicks
• Nutty Yogi 4.00
• InnerBeing 3.95
• GoodDiet 3.68
• Freshway 3.91
• Gits 3.58
• Healthkart 4.60
• Bagrry’s 4.40
• Nouriza
• Pintola 4.35
• Coco Soul
SECTION-06 • Nuts+
• Sundrop
• Rostaa • Snackible
4.00 • Yoga Bar
• True Elements
• Feel Mighty
• Crispea 4.60 4.20
• Lo! Foods
• Conscious Foods
• Ketofy 3.94 • Ketofy 3.33
• Nourish organics
Product categories not considered in the report are those where nutritional
information may not be necessary as per FSSAI Labelling Regulation. Such
categories include, foods which are single ingredient products like sugar, jaggery,
salt, spices, water. Non-nutritive products like coffee, coffee chicory mixture, tea,
condiments. Packaged fresh produce like fresh fruits and vegetables,
fresh seafood, eggs and fresh meat.
69/Methodology 70/Methodology
04 Protein Rating Methodology 05 Selection for Protein
Protein Rating assesses products on Rating List
following criteria - Protein Rating reflects the protein
content of individual products
Protein content and its contribution
to the RDA for an adult man
(percentage RDA met.) Products with the highest Protein BIBLIOGRAPHY
Rating were selected for the India
Protein content and its contribution
Protein Score Report.
to Energy (kcal) provided by the 1
Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems – Khandelwal S and Kavishwar A (2018). Indians
product. To ensure a wider representation of Food Planet Health. Summary Report of the are protein deficient, and it needs immediate
Other nutrients that are known to brands in the report, each brand EAT-Lancet Commission - Food in The attention. Forbes India Blogs.
have a direct impact on consumer representation was capped at Anthropocene: the EAT-Lancet Commission on
health – Added Sugar, Saturated Fat, maximum 2 highest-scoring Healthy Diets From Sustainable Food Systems ns-are-protein-deficient-and-it-needs-immediat
Trans Fat, Sodium. products in the respective category. (2019). Published by EAT. e-attention/
Protein Rating was built on the Food & Beverage products with
principles of Recommended Daily LabelBlind® Protein Rating =/>3.0 ancet-commission-summary-report/. India’s Protein Paradox study (2020).
71/Methodology 72/Bibliography