Design of Septic Tank

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Design of Septic Tank

The main function of a septic tank is to liquefy and precipitate solid waste

purifying odorous materials. The proponents determined the size of the septic tank based

on Plumbing Design and Estimate by Max B. Fajardo. To determine the size of septic

tank the computations were presented as follows:

Computation of Size of Septic Tank

I. For school, commercial and industrial establishments, the volume of the septic

tank should not be less than 0.057 cubic meter nor more than 0.086 cubic meter

per person.

II. Approximate occupant of Proposed Three-Storey Parking Facility

V= 350 persons’ x 0.057m³/person = 19.95 m³

V= L x W x H
19.95 m3 = 2W x W x 2m
W= 2.2 m say 2.2 m
L = 2 (2.2m) = 4.4 m say 4.4 m
Chamber Sizing
By design, the length of the chamber is as follows:
Length of Digestion Chamber = 100% of 4.4 m = 4.4 m
Length of 1st Leaching Chamber = 50% of 4.4 m = 2.2 m
Length of 2nd Leaching Chamber = 50% of 4.4 m = 2.2 m
Total length of septic tank = 8.8 m
Specify Dimensions: 8.8 m x 2.2 m x 2.0 m

Figure 31. Section and Details of Septic Tank of Three Storey Parking Facility
Shown in Figure 31 is the section and details of septic tank of the three storey

parking facility. The digestive chamber has a calculated width of 4.4 m and 1st and 2nd

leaching chamber both having 2.2 m with a total width of 8.8 m. Estimated with

reinforcement details of wall with 10 mm diameter vertical and horizontal rebars spaced

at 600 mm on 5 inches’ thick concrete hollow blocks interior and exterior and a thickness

of 100 mm floor slab with 10 mm diameter rebars spaced at 300 mm.

Design of Septic Tank
The main function of a septic tank is to liquefy and precipitate solid waste

purifying odorous materials. The proponents determined the size of the septic tank based

on Plumbing Design and Estimate by Max B. Fajardo. To determine the size of septic

tank the computations were presented as follows:

Computation of Size of Septic Tank

I. For school, commercial and industrial establishments, the volume of the septic

tank should not be less than 0.057 cubic meter nor more than 0.086 cubic meter

per person.

II. Approximate occupant of Proposed Three-Storey Parking Facility

V= 400 persons’ x 0.057m³/person = 28.5 m³

V= L x W x H
28.5 m3 = 2W x W x 2m
W= 2.7 m say 2.7 m
L = 2 (2.7m) = 5.4 m say 5.4 m
Chamber Sizing
By design, the length of the chamber is as follows:
Length of Digestion Chamber = 100% of 4.4 m = 5.4 m
Length of 1st Leaching Chamber = 50% of 4.4 m = 2.7 m
Length of 2nd Leaching Chamber = 50% of 4.4 m = 2.7 m
Total length of septic tank = 10.8 m
Specify Dimensions: 10.8 m x 2.7 m x 2.0 m

Figure 31. Section and Details of Septic Tank of Three Storey Public Market
Shown in Figure 31 is the section and details of septic tank of the three storey

parking facility. The digestive chamber has a calculated width of 5.4 m and 1st and 2nd

leaching chamber both having 2.7 m with a total width of 10.8 m. Estimated with

reinforcement details of wall with 10 mm diameter vertical and horizontal rebars spaced

at 600 mm on 5 inches’ thick concrete hollow blocks interior and exterior and a thickness

of 100 mm floor slab with 10 mm diameter rebars spaced at 300 mm.

Design of Drainage Canal

The value of discharge will be used in the Manning’s Equation for the

computation of the channel section. Design discharge calculation will be made by using

rational formula:

Q p=Ci A c


Q p- design discharge in cu meter. Per second (m3/s)

C – runoff coefficient

I – rainfall intensity in m/s.

A – catchment area in square meters

According to Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards Volume 3 (2015), Runoff

coefficient © is the least precise variable of the Rational Formula implying the fixed ratio

of peak runoff rate to rainfall rate for the catchment area. Table 20 provides the values of

runoff coefficient for each land use.

Table 20
Values of “C” for Use in Rational Formula
Land Use Value
Residential Area – Densely built 0.50-0.75
Residential Area – Not densely built 0.30-0.55
City Business District 0.70-0.95
Light Industrial Areas 0.50-0.80
Parks, Playgrounds, Cemeteries,
unpaved open spaces and vacant lots
Concrete or Asphalt Pavement 0.90-1.00
Gravel Surfaced Road and Shoulder 0.30-0.60
Heavy Industrial Areas 0.60-0.90
Rocky Surface 0.70-0.90

Bare Clay Surface (faces of slips, etc.) 0.70-0.90

Forested Land (sandy to clay) 0.30-0.50
Flattish Cultivated Areas (not flooded) /
Steep or Rolling Grassed Areas / Steep
gullies not heavily timbered
Flooded or Wet Paddies 0.70-0.80
Source: DPWH Design Guidelines Criteria and Standards Vol.III

The Table 8 shows the possible values of runoff coefficient for specific land use.

The classification of land use of public market and parking facilities in Sto. Tomas City,

Batangas is city business district. The value will be use range from 0.70 to 0.95 for the

computation of discharge in the area.

In getting the required section for the open canal to be used, the equation is:
2 1
V = R 3 S2
V- Velocity of flow in m/s
n – Manning’s frictional factor
S – Slope of the canal
R – hydraulic radius
Ac – Area of the cross-section

P – Wetted perimeter

The Table 21 provides the values of the roughness coefficient (n) depending on

the material that will be used in designing the drainage.

Table 21
Manning’s Roughness Coefficient
*For man-made channels and ditches Roughness Coefficient
Earth, straight & uniform 0.020-0.025
Earth bottom, rubble sides / riprap 0.030-0.035
Grass covered 0.035-0.050
Dredged 0.028-0.033
Stone lined & rock cuts, smooth &uniform 0.030-0.035
Stone lined & rock cuts, rough & irregular 0.040-0.045
Lined - smooth concrete 0.014-0.018
Lined - grouted riprap 0.020-0.030
Winding sluggish canals 0.025-0.030
Canals with rough stony beds, weeds on earth banks 0.030-0.040
Source: DPWH Design Guidelines Criteria and Standards Vol.III

Table 21 shows the roughness coefficient of the materials for drainage. For the

Manning’s Roughness coefficient, the proponents use the value of 0.012 for lined smooth


Where velocity (v):


Q = the area of the room (m2) times the maximum intensity (m/s2)

A = area of open channel

To get the Value of v, use the equation.

Q = Av ; A=bh
Q = discharge
A = Assumed area of the box type drainage
v = Velocity flow of storm water on open channel
Q p- Discharge
C – 0.70
I –23.75 mm/hr
A – 1.29 hectares
CIA 0.70(23.75) (1.29)
Qp = =
360 360
Q p =0.05957 m 3 /s
Calculating the velocity of flow:
Qc = A c V ; Ac = bd
In getting the required section for the open canal to be used, the equation is:
2 1
1 3 2
V= R S
For roughness coefficient (n), use 0.012 for concrete cement finish, and the slope
bd 2d 2 d
R= = =
b+2d 4d 2
0.05 957 1 d 23 1 12
= ( ) ( )
2d 2 0.012 2 2000
d=0.0.25214 m
d=252.14 mm say 260 mm
b=520 mm

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