Field Guide To The Identification of Mobulid Rays (Mobulidae)
Field Guide To The Identification of Mobulid Rays (Mobulidae)
Field Guide To The Identification of Mobulid Rays (Mobulidae)
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The guide is intended to be used as a resource for both scientists and members of the general public who
have a keen interest in identifying and learning more about the Mobulidae family, which contains the
manta and devil rays. At present the taxonomy of this family of batoid rays is poorly understood, with
many questions remaining over the true distinction between, and validity of, the 11 described species
currently recognized globally. Due to the scarcity of data available for the mobula species which are
restricted to the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific, this guide focuses only on the 7 mobulid species which occur
in the Indo-West Pacific. Close underwater encounters of the smaller and more elusive devil rays (mobula)
are rare, making identification during these brief
encounters difficult without prior knowledge of the key
identifiable features of each of these species. Scientists
working in the field examining dead specimens at fish
markets often find the current literature unsatisfactory
for accurate identification.
Contents Page
Very little is known about the mobula rays which, unlike the
mantas, are generally very shy in the presence of divers making
it hard for scientists to observe behaviour in the wild. Like the
mantas they are found throughout tropical and sub-tropical
oceans, sometimes aggregating in vast shoals of many hundreds
which probably come together to seek safety in numbers. These
aggregations may also occur more frequently at breeding times
and it is not uncommon to encounter these large groups
attracting attention from those at the surface as the rays leap
The mouths of all Devil Rays, like this Bent-fin several metres out of the water.
Devil Ray (Mobula thurstoni), are all under
slung, unlike the mantas, which face forward.
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Ventral Surface
1 2
6 7
Mobulid Anatomy
11 12
8 10 1. Disc Width (DW)
2. Tail
3. Mouth
4. 1 Gill Slit
5. Spiracle
6. Cephalic Fin
7. Eye
8. Dorsal Fin
9. Pelvic Fin
10. Tail Spine
11. Dorsal Ridge 13
12. Neck Dorsal Surface
9 2 13. Pectoral Fin
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Sexual Dimorphism
1 1 2
Sexual Dimorphism
1. Pelvic fin.
2. Enlarged claspers in mature male.
3. Undeveloped claspers in juvenile male.
4. Pregnancy bulge in mature female.
Spotted Eagle Ray – Aetobatus narinari Javanese Cow-nose Ray – Rhinoptera javanica
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Many other countries have also targeted their mobulid populations with similar results, switching from
local artisanal fisheries to commercial export fisheries wherever a market for their products can be found.
The Philippines, Indonesia, Mozambique, Madagascar, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil and Tanzania have
all chosen the same path as Mexico, with similar trends of population declines reported in many of these
countries. Yet out of all these countries, only in the Philippines are there now official laws in place to
protect these vulnerable species.
Why So Vulnerable?
The reason for these rapid declines is simple; Mobulid
rays live for a long time and reproduce infrequently.
They are large animals with few natural predators that
have long gestation periods which result in the birth of
just a single pup (most of the time), which themselves
are likely to take over a decades to reach sexual
maturity. As a result of these life history strategies, and
like many other large marine animals, manta ray
populations simply cannot survive or sustain any
commercial fisheries for an extended period of time.
Drying manta and devil ray gill rakers in Sri Lanka, Any target fishery which annually removes even a
destined for China.
relatively small percentage of the breeding adults results
in a rapid decline in the overall population within just a few years, as the remaining mature individuals
simply cannot breed fast enough to replace the loses. This is why, even with complete protection from
anthropogenic threats, an overfished population of manta rays will take decades to recover to its natural
state. A situation which, in the realities of today’s global fisheries management and protective
enforcement (or lack thereof), is never likely to happen to these populations which have already been
Terminal Mouth
Ventral Mouth
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Mobula tarapacana
(DW up to 3m/9.8ft)
Mobula Rays
3 4
8 5
Species Characteristics
Size: Disc width large, up to 6.8m/22.3ft
Range: Circumtropical; Often in association with offshore oceanic islands
Distinctive Features:
1. Terminal mouth.
2. Knob-like bulge at base of tail.
3. Cephalic fins large and unfurl to meet together in centre of the mouth.
4. Ventral spot pattern clustered around lower abdominal region.
5. Trailing underside edge of pectoral fins usually shaded black.
6. Gill covers often with black shading/flaring.
7. Inside of mouth and cephalic fins often coloured black.
8. White shoulder markings form two mirror image right angled triangles
which create the letter ‘T’ in black across the top of the head.
Black Colour
Gil Rakers
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5 8
Species Characteristics
Size: Disc width up to 4.5m/14.8ft
Range: Circumtropical; Often in association with warm water coral reefs
Distinctive Features:
1. Terminal mouth.
2. Slight depression at base of tail; no bulge.
3. Cephalic fins large and unfurl to meet together in centre of the mouth.
4. Often ventral spots between the branchial gill slits.
5. Ventral spots spread across trailing edge of pectoral fins and abdominal region. 2
6. Inside of mouth and cephalic fins usually pale (excluding black morph).
7. Dorsal markings more varied than M. birostris, with some individuals almost completely
white across the whole dorsal surface, while others are completely black.
8. Transition between the white and black markings on the dorsal surface is blurred along
the colour boundary (unlike M.birostris which has a more defined boundary), forming
more of a ‘Y’ shaped pattern across the animals head and down the centre of its back.
Black Colour
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4 3
Species Characteristics
9 Size: Disc width up to 3.1m/10.2ft
Range: Probably circumglobal in temperate and tropical waters
Distinctive Features:
1. Ventral mouth.
2. White-tipped dorsal fin.
3. Spine at the base of the tail.
4. Very long tail, much longer than disc width (whip-like).
5. Coloration: general deep blue-mauve and purple on dorsal
surface, bright white across entire ventral surface.
6. Top of the head has a thick dark black band which stretches
from eye-eye (fades when animal is dead).
7. White ventral markings wrap up behind, and above, the eyes to
meet the black dorsal head band.
8. Tail is ventrally flattened (ovoid) near the base of the dorsal fin.
9. Tail is covered in distinctive rows of tiny white bumps
(tubricles) along either side.
10. The spiracle is above the margin of the pectoral fin near where
the fin meets the body; and under a distinct ridge.
Gil Rakers
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Gil Rakers
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9 11
Species Characteristics
Size: Disc width up to 2.2m/7.2ft
Range: Probably circumglobal in tropical and subtropical waters
Distinctive Features: Gil Rakers
1. Ventral mouth.
2. White-tipped dorsal fin.
3. No spine at the base of the tail.
4. Tail long; equals disc width in length when fully intact.
5. Short necked appearance.
6. Short cephalic fins: length, from the tip of each fin to the corner of
the mouth, is less than 16% of the total disc width.
7. White ventral markings do not extend above the eyes.
8. Tail base dorso-ventrally compressed close to the dorsal fin.
9. Pectoral fins anterior margin have a distinctive double curvature.
10. Spiracle small in size, sub-circular and below the margin of the 7 10
pectoral fin where it meets the body.
11. Coloration: general deep blue-black on dorsal surface, white ventral
surface anteriorally, while the distal half has a silver-brown sheen.
12. The top of the head has a dark band which stretches across the
head behind the eyes (fades when animal is dead).
1 11 2
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Short-fin Pygmy Devil Ray - Mobula kuhlii (Müller & Henle, 1841)
Species Characteristics
Size: Disc width up to 1.2m/3.9ft
Range: Distributed throughout the coastal continental waters of
the tropical Indian Ocean and Western Central Pacific
Distinctive Features:
1. Ventral mouth.
2. White-tipped dorsal fin (not all specimens, or regions).
3. No spine at the base of the tail.
4. Tail shorter than disc width and counter-shaded.
5. Base of tail quadrangular (square) in section.
11 6. Short necked appearance.
7. Short cephalic fins: length, from the tip of each fin to the
corner of the mouth, is less than 16% of the total disc width.
8. White ventral markings do not extend above the eyes.
9. Spiracle very small in size, sub-circular and below the margin
of the pectoral fin where it meets the body.
10. Coloration: mauve to chocolate brown and grey dorsally,
ventral surface usually plain white, although distal halve of
pectoral fins sometimes shaded dark brown-black.
11. Top of the head has a narrow brown-black band which
6 stretches across the head behind the eyes (fades when
animal is dead).
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Species Characteristics
Size: Disc width up to 1m/3.3ft
Range: Widely distributed throughout the coastal 9
continental waters of the tropical Indo-West Pacific
Distinctive Features:
1. Ventral mouth.
2. White-tip to dorsal fin in most specimens, with
variations possibly occurring between regions.
3. No spine at the base of the tail.
4. Tail shorter than disc width.
5. Base of tail quadrangular (square) in section.
6. Long-necked appearance.
7. Long cephalic fins: length, from the tip of each fin
to the corner of the mouth, is more than 16% of
7 6
the total disc width.
8. Spiracle very small, sub-circular and below the
margin of the pectoral fin where it meets the body. 9 10
9. Coloration: Chocolate brown dorsally, white
ventrally, with a patch of the dorsal coloration
extending down onto the ventral area along the
leading edge of both pectoral fins at the mid-point.
10. Pectoral fins have a dark brown strip which runs
along the leading edge of each fin.
11. The angle of the leading edge of the pectoral fins
sweeps back from the head more acutely than in
the other small mobula species.
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All images are copyright to: Guy Stevens, Thomas Peschak, Daniel Fernando, Marloes Poortvliet, Paul Hilton, Owen
Bruce, Alec Moore, AIMS, Carlos Minguell, Marc Sentis, Andy Green & Mark Fuller.