Step Template 1-7 Complete

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The document outlines the STEP process for student teaching evaluation and preparation. It involves understanding students, writing objectives aligned to standards, lesson planning, implementation, analysis and reflection.

The STEP process is used for preparing and implementing a unit of instruction. It involves understanding the community, school, students and classroom in order to meet student needs strategically.

Standard 1 involves analyzing student demographics, environmental factors, and academic factors to understand and meet student needs.

Heather Knight


April 17, 2021


Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP)

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Table of Contents

STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and Community 3

STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Measurable Objectives and the
Learning Goal 4
STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy 5
STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning 7
STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit 11
STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning 12
STEP Standard 7 - Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student Progress 14

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STEP Standard 1 - Contextual Factors: Knowing Your School and
Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP) is the process for preparing and
implementing a unit of instruction.
By understanding the community, school environment, and the makeup of the classroom, you
will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your students.
By analyzing the student demographics, environmental factors, and student academic factors,
you will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your students. In the first two weeks of
student teaching, you should focus on learning about the students you will be working with.

Part I: Community, District, School, and Classroom Factors

You will be completing this portion of the STEP document using the following link:
STEP Standard 1, Part I
After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Part II: Demographic, Environment, and Academic Factors

You will be completing this portion of the STEP document using the following link:
STEP Standard 1, Part II
After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning Management
System (LMS).

Please note, that in order to submit this assignment, you must:

1. Complete each section of the STEP Standard 1
● Note: Closing your internet browser before the signing process is completed will
result in a loss of your work. If you will be completing this document in multiple
sittings, it is highly recommended to save and back up your work on another
document.  When you are ready to make your final submission, copy and paste your
responses into this document. The data from this electronic document will not be
saved until you complete the signing process.
2. Complete the signing process by entering your name, selecting “Click to Sign,” and
entering your email address. 
● An initial email will be sent to you to confirm your email address. 
● A completed copy of the document will be emailed to you within minutes of
confirming your email address.
3. After completing the e-doc portion, submit the PDF you receive into the Learning
Management System (LMS).

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STEP Standard 2 - Writing Standards-Based Measurable Objectives
and Learning Goals
Part of the planning process is to identify overall learning goals for a unit or lesson, as well as the
lesson’s specific learning objectives. Goals and objectives should be aligned not only to
standards, but also to student pre-assessment data.
The unit you are planning should be one you are preparing to teach during Weeks 5-7. The
standards and objectives need to align with your pre- and post-assessments and objectives.
Note: You will not teach this unit until you get feedback from both your instructor and your
mentor teaching on this STEP.

Unit Topic: Patterns, Scale, Proportion, and Quantity

Unit Title: Patterns of Earth and Sky

National or State Academic Content Standards:

Arizona State Science Standard
Develop, revise, and use models based on evidence to construct explanations about the
movement of the Earth and Moon within our solar system.
Obtain, analyze, and communicate evidence to support an explanation that the gravitational force
of Earth on objects is directed toward the planet’s center.
Arizona State ELA Standard
Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative
language such as metaphors and similes.
Learning Goal:
● I can use models to analyze the scale of space objects.
● I can explain how evidence from the text supports the explanation that the space objects
can be described using distance and size.
● I can quote accurately from the text when explaining what the text says explicitly and
when drawing inferences from the text.

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● I can determine the meaning of words and phrases using the clues from the text.
Measurable Objectives:
1. After completing the lesson, the students will be able to compare two objects using at
least 2 scale terms (larger, closer, farther, bigger, smaller) verbally or in writing.
2. After completing the lesson, the students will be able to analyze the use of visual
elements in the reading by answering discussion questions successfully in 2 of 3
3. After completing the unit, the students will graph data to show distance and size of

If you would like feedback on your pre-assessment for alignment prior to administering, copy it
in here.

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STEP Standard 3 - Assessment and Data Literacy
Pre- and post-assessments are used to assess the learning that takes place from participating in a
learning activity. The pre-assessment is given to students before instruction, in order to
determine their prior knowledge of the topic, or inaccurate knowledge, which is sometimes the
case. After students have participated in the unit, they are given the post-assessment, which can
be the same as the pre-assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures
the same concepts.
Formative assessment is acceptable, work with your mentor teacher to determine the best way to
collect data in your classroom.

Pre-Assessment - Copy and paste the pre-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’
knowledge of the topic prior to implementing the unit lessons. Include the scoring criteria used
to determine whether the student is Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient, Minimally
Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.
Students are given a post prompting them to write 1-2 sentences to show understanding of the
topic. The prompt will be presented visually and read aloud and repeated or restated as needed.
The prompt will read, “Describe two space objects using words like larger and farther?”. The
exit ticket will help determine if the students can show their understanding of scale of objects
and academic vocabulary. The next lesson in the unit will explore where objects are in space and
the data collected in this pre-assessment will be used to make instructional decisions.
Accommodations may include additional time provided, sentence starters, visual aides, and the
ability to verbalize responses to the writing prompts. A minimally proficient score (o/2) would
be given if the student struggles to include the prompt topics using two scale terms; a partially
proficient score (1/2 score) would be given when 2 objects are compared using only 1 scale
term; proficient score (2/2 score) would be for 2 objects compared using 2 scale terms; and a
highly proficient score (3+) would mean the student went above the prompt of comparing 2
objects using 2 scale terms and included evidence from the text or exact measurements to
demonstrate an understanding of scale.

Pre-Assessment Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ knowledge on the topic,
collect and analyze the pre-assessment data to determine if you will need to modify the standards,
learning goal, or measurable objectives that will be addressed during instruction.

Number of Students

Highly Proficient (90%-100%) 2

(80%-89%) 20

Partially Proficient 4

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Minimally Proficient
(69% and below) 2

Pre-Assessment Analysis: Whole Class

79% of the class (22/28 students) were scored at proficient or higher for the pre-assessment. The
remaining 21% (6/28) of students were scored partially or minimally proficient. This data shows that a
majority of students were able to show their understanding of the content and are likely to meet their
learning goals and objectives for the science unit. The students who did not show proficiency will be a
focus in additional lesson planning. The accommodations and differentiation that they may need in a
lesson will be considered in planning. I will specifically be adding more visuals, a class definition of
academic vocabulary will be made with student input and displayed, and peer learning opportunities will
pair those struggling with a peer that is showing proficiency. Opportunities for multiple exposure of the
content will be explored in the classroom in core content areas including math and ELA to help
scaffolding occur. The next lesson will start with review in the anticipatory set as well.

Post-Assessment – Copy and paste the post-assessment you plan to use to assess the students’ knowledge
of the topic after implementing the unit lessons. The post-assessment can be the same as the pre-
assessment, a modified version, or something comparable that measures the same concepts. Include the
scoring criteria used to determine whether students are Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient,
Minimally Proficient when it comes to meeting the learning goal and measurable objectives.

Students will be assigned this post- assessment worksheet at the conclusion of the unit. The unit
will cover how to use academic vocabulary to understand scale and location of objects in space.
The unit will present scientific data as well as visualizations to help students grasp abstract
concepts. The post assessment will challenge students to use scale terms to respond to prompts

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and show understanding of the unit learning goals. Students will be prompted to use the reading
booklet and notes from the unit to answer the questions in a ten minute period of post assessment.
Accommodations may include additional time, provided word bank, visuals, and verbal responses
to writing prompts as appropriate to specific needs. A minimally proficient score (o/2) would be
given if the student does not provide evidence from the text to accurately answer both questions;
a partially proficient score (1/2 score) would be given when one of the questions is accurately
answered using evidence from the text; proficient score (2/2 score) would be for accurately
answering both questions using evidence from the text; and a highly proficient score (3+) would
mean the student accurately answered both questions including evidence from the text or exact
measurements to demonstrate an understanding of scale of space objects and grammatically
correct sentences would be written.

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STEP Standard 4 - Unit and Lesson Planning
During the design phase, you will carefully construct activities that are geared toward improving learning outcomes in your specific
disciplines. Each activity should align to instructional goals and demonstrate your understanding of the pre-assessment data results,
contextual factors, student learning needs, and management strategies.

Collaborate with your Cooperating Teacher/Mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standards. Be sure to
include technology integration and demonstrate how you will differentiate your lessons to meet the needs of individual students.

Note: When implementing the unit of study, you will be choosing one of these activities to video record, review, and reflect on your teaching in
the STEP process.

Grade Level:


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

National/State 5.RL.1 :  Quote 5.E2U1.8  : Obtain, 5.E2U1.8 : Obtain, 5.RI.9 : Integrate
Learning Standards accurately from a text analyze, and communicate 5.MD.A.1 : Convert analyze, and information from
List specific grade-level when explaining what evidence to support an among different-sized communicate several texts on the
standards that are the the text says explicitly explanation that the standard measurement evidence to support same topic in order
focus of the lesson being and when drawing gravitational force of units within a given an explanation that to write or speak
presented. inferences from the Earth on objects is the gravitational about the subject
measurement system, and
text. directed toward the use these conversions in force of Earth on knowledgeably.
planet’s center. solving multi-step, real- objects is directed
world problems. toward the planet’s
center. 5.E2U1.7 :
 5.MD.B.2 : Make a line Develop, revise,
plot to display a data set of and use models
measurements in fractions based on evidence

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of a unit (1/8, 1/2, 3/4).
Use operations on to construct
fractions for this grade to explanations about
solve problems involving the movement of
information presented in the Earth and Moon
line plots within our solar
Specific Learning Students will be able Students will use the Students will plot the Students will be able Students will be
Target(s)/Objectives to accurately quote reading and previous given points accurately in to express verbally able to accurately
Based on state standards, from a text using page notes to answer worksheet 4 of 5 opportunities when or in writing an compare 2 space
identify what is intended to and paragraph number questions accurately in 4 provided with a data chart understanding of objects using scale
be measured in learning. as well as source name of 5 opportunities citing and a graph. gravity using key terms in one
when writing or evidence from the text. terms in 2 of 3 attempt.
verbalizing answers in I can convert light years to opportunities.
3 of 4 opportunities. miles with the provided I can use evidence
I can quote from the text data. I can describe from the reading to
I can quote from the using quote marks and the Earth’s gravity using describe the scale of
text using quotation exact words of the text to key terms. space objects.
marks and the exact answer questions from the
words of the text to reading.
answer questions from
the reading.
Academic Language Solar system Sun Light years Gravity Space Objects
General academic Visualize Moon miles Force Sun/ Star
vocabulary and content- Scale Earth Scale Pull Solar System
specific vocabulary Star Scale Visualize
included in the unit. Solar system Scale

Unit Resources, Amplify Science Amplify Science reading Graph paper, visual of data Amplify Science Scale slides
Materials, Equipment, reading booklet 1.3; booklet 1.3; “How Big is chart, conversion chart, reading booklet 1.3- presentation;
and Technology highlighters, pencils, Big” worksheet; pencils, pencils, SMART board, 1.6; highlighters, Amplify Science
List all resources, SMART board, SMART board, document individual white boards pencils, SMART reading booklet 1.3;
materials, equipment, and document camera, camera, Amplify Science and markers, document board, document space objects
technology to be used in Amplify Science slides slides 1.3 camera, Amplify Science camera, Amplify visuals (13),

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the unit. 1.3 slides 1.3 Science slides 1.3 SMART board,
clipboards, fact
check worksheets
Depth of Knowledge In the text, how many What did we use to Looking on the data chart When we talk about What are some
Lesson Questions cars were the same visualize the size of the on page 19, how far is the the moon orbiting other “space
What questions can be length as the blue moon? sun from Earth? Earth, what is objects” in space?
posed throughout the whale? pulling it in? What
lesson to assess all levels What scale words could Using place value how do term did we find in What is a way that
of student understanding? How many whales we use to describe the you read the number our reading to you could visualize
● Level 1: Recall
would wrap around distance from earth to the 0.000016? describe this pull? a space object you
● Level 2:
the moon? How would moon? have never learned
● Level 3: Strategic you line up the How can a conversion When we jump off about? Like
Thinking whales? Quoting the text, what is chart help us determine the ground, what Halley’s comet?
● Level 4: Extended keeping the moon near the how many miles a light happens?
Thinking How could that help Earth? year is? How can we use
you visualize the size Jump in the air as our data to put
of earth? How could you use the How will charting the data high as you can- objects in order by
data chart to describe the help us to visualize what is bringing us size? By distance
What would you tell size and distance between distance? back down? Are we from our sun? What
someone who asked space objects? floating? data was more
you how big the earth helpful?
was? How can we use this data How can we explain
to explain gravity? this pull to the earth? How can we
What else is describe the
impacted by this gravitational pull of
pull? the sun on space
Anticipatory Set What is your favorite Think about the million When we are using a Who plays Visualize walking
How will students’ prior fruit? Visualize that whales lined up around graph, which is the X axis basketball? Yes I say home from school.
knowledge be activated as fruit in your mind. the moon. What scale and which is the Y? Where your jump shot at For some of us, we
well as gain student Describe that fruit. Is words could we use to do we start when we have recess! How high are picturing a
interest in the upcoming it large, small? What describe what we are an ordered pair? Do you can you jump? Lets quick walk home.
about compared to a seeing? What else could remember our super hero? get up and jump in Who is picturing
grape? When we you visualize when you He starts at the origin, he place as high as you walking forever in a
visualize, we use what think about the size of the runs down X and jumps up can. Why do we land desert? I am! I live
we already know to moon? The Earth? The to Y. I was visualizing back on the ground 20 miles away.

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make a picture in our Sun? Superman. How about after a jump? Is there How about you?
mind. you? Lets stand up and act a sting pulling you? What did you
out his origin, running (in How does is feel to visualize the
place) on the X, and jump up and then distance of home to
jumping up the Y! come down? be?
Presentation of Content
Multiple Means of Amplify Science Amplify Science reading Amplify Science reading Amplify Science Amplify Science
Representation reading booklet 1.3 booklet 1.3 will be used booklet 1.3 will be used reading booklet 1.3 reading booklet 1.3
Describe how content will will be used during during ELA instruction during ELA instruction will be used during will be used during
be presented in various ELA instruction during the week. Students during the week. Students ELA instruction ELA instruction
ways to meet the needs of during the week. will work independently, will work independently, during the week. during the week.
different learners. Students will work with a partner or small with a partner or small Students will work Students will work
independently, with a group, and in whole class group, and in whole class independently, with independently, with
partner or small group, instruction to complete a instruction to “talk to the a partner or small a partner or small
and in whole class worksheet. They will use text”. They will answer group, and in whole group, and in whole
instruction to “talk to the previous “talk to the discussion questions, class instruction to class instruction to
the text”. This activity text” work to complete choose key topics, and “talk to the text”. “talk to the text”.
will be modeled on the the worksheet. evidence highlight evidence in the They will answer They will answer
smart board to show in the reading. They will reading. They will then see discussion questions, discussion
the symbols and then see the data from the the data from the math choose key topics, questions, choose
writing used. Students math tables in later math tables in later math lessons and highlight key topics, and
will answer discussion lessons as they work on as they work on evidence in the highlight evidence
questions, choose key converting units of converting units of reading. They will in the reading. They
topics, and highlight measurement and measurement and graphing then see the data will then see the
evidence in the graphing data. Excerpts data. Excerpts from the from the math tables data from the math
reading. They will from the reading will be reading will be used in the in later math lessons tables in later math
then see the data from used in the science lesson science lesson at the end as they work on lessons as they
the math tables in later at the end of week. of week. converting units of work on converting
math lessons as they measurement and units of
work on converting graphing data. measurement and
units of measurement Excerpts from the graphing data.
and graphing data. reading will be used Excerpts from the
Excerpts from the in the science lesson reading will be used
reading will be used in at the end of week. in the science
the science lesson at lesson at the end of
the end of week. week.

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Multiple Means of ELL- Students will be ELL- Partner work will ELL- The graphing paper ELL- Reading ELL- Visual space
Representation partnered with peers at help students with the will have the X and Y axis material can be read object printouts and
Differentiation a higher reading level worksheet and visuals can pre labeled and may have aloud and peer a kinetic activity
Explain how materials will or teacher can read be provided including a a modeled plot point done learning will allow all
be differentiated for each passages to students word/ answer bank. if needed. Visuals will be opportunities can be students to model
of the following groups: and model the “talking SpEd- Accommodations provided. used during reading. scale terms. Other
● English Language to the text”. Symbols may include highlighting SpEd- Accommodations Visuals can include visuals and video
Learners (ELL)
can be printed as a some worksheet questions may include and answer defined and will help students
● Students with
special needs
visual for these for the student to bank, modeled example, illustrated reach learning
● Students with students like a word complete, additional time extended time, modified vocabulary and goals.
gifted abilities bank. given on the assignment, worksheet, etc. The illustration of SpEd-
Early finishers (those who SpEd- partner work, and visuals graphing paper will have abstract concepts Accommodations
finish early and may need Accommodations may used. the X and Y axis pre (like gravitational may include
additional include verbal or Gifted- Additional labeled and may have a pull) can be extended time, one-
sources/support) drawing responses, reading materials can be modeled plot point done if provided. Kinetic on-one or small
visuals printed, word provided, and guided needed. Visuals will be activities can be used group support.
bank provided and questions can help provided. to model key terms Visual space object
peer work. Students students to further explore Gifted- Additional plot for students. printouts and a
may be partnered with the content. Leadership points and conversions can SpEd- kinetic activity will
peers at a higher roles such a coaching can be assigned to students. Accommodations allow all students to
reading level or be given. Early Finishers- can include read model scale terms.
teacher can read Early Finishers- Additional plot points and aloud options, Other visuals and
passages to students Additional reading conversions can be visuals provided, video will help
and model the “talking materials can be provided, assigned to students. one-one-one support, students reach
to the text”. Symbols and guided questions can peer work, etc for learning goals.
can be printed as a help students to further students as needed. Gifted- Leadership
visual for these explore the content. Gifted- Leadership roles like fact
students like a word Leadership roles such a roles can include checker and coach
bank. coaching can be given. partner work and will be given to
Gifted- Peer work and coaching. Students gifted and early
leadership roles will can participate in finishers during the
help the keep these kinetic activities to kinetic activity.
students engaged. explore key Early Finishers-
Additional questions concepts. Leadership roles
can be posed to help Early Finishers- like fact checker

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students to explore the Leadership roles can and coach will be
activity farther. include partner work given to gifted and
Early Finishers- Peer and coaching. early finishers
work and leadership Students can during the kinetic
roles may help participate in kinetic activity.
students who finish activities to explore
early. These students key concepts. Fact
can also be asked checker or
guided questions to demonstration roles
help explore the can be provided.
activity further.
Application of Content
Multiple Means of Students will “talk to Students will use the Students will plot points Students will read, Kinetic activities,
Engagement the text” using the Amplify Science reading using data charts from discuss, watch, listen model making, read
How will students explore, Amplify Science booklet 1.3 and previous Amplify Science reading to, and participate in aloud, think-pair-
practice, and apply the reading booklet 1.3. notes to complete the booklet 1.3. as well as a activities to explore share, discussion,
content? Independent work, worksheet. Independent provided conversion chart key concepts in this and video will help
small group, and work, small group, and and graph paper. lesson. Oppurtuniites to keep all students
whole class instruction whole class instruction Independent work, small to stand up and jump engaged. Content is
will be used to will be used to practice group, and whole class and discuss those prepared on slide
practice skills and skills and explore the instruction will be used to actions will help show and presented
explore the content. content. Videos, read practice skills and explore students explore to the class on the
Videos, read aloud, aloud, and kinetic the content. Videos, read gravity. Reading and smart board to
and kinetic activities activities will allow all aloud, and kinetic read aloud options allow for
will allow all learners learners to explore the activities will allow all will provide data as engagement
to explore the content. content during the week. learners to explore the well. Video and song opportunities
content. activities are
available if
differentiation is
Multiple Means of ELL- Visuals can be ELL- Visuals can be ELL- Visuals and ELL- Visuals, read ELL- Visuals can
Engagement provided to help ELL provided to help ELL modeling can be provided aloud options, and be provided to help
Differentiation students. students including in small group or one-on- kinetic activities can ELL students
Explain how materials will SpEd- Visuals and highlighting key elements on to help students graph help students in including visual
be differentiated for each larger print can be of the reading. the data. Graph paper can engagement and definitions, key
of the following groups: provided for students SpEd- Visuals and larger be presented with the x understanding. concepts, and visual
● English

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Language with specific needs. print can be provided for and y axis marked and SpEd- Visuals, read models.
Learners (ELL) Gifted- Additional students with specific labeled as well as a aloud options, and SpEd- Visuals and
● Students with reading material can needs. modeled plot point. kinetic activities can larger print can be
special needs be provided to help Gifted- Additional Conversion charts can be help students in provided for
● Students with
students explore the reading material can be presented and explained engagement and students with
gifted abilities
Early finishers (those who
content farther. provided to help students individually and practed understanding. specific needs.
finish early and may need Early Finishers- explore the content on the white board. Larger print can be Gifted- Additional
additional Additional reading farther. Higher level SpEd- Larger print and provided as well as reading material
sources/support) material can be thinking questions can be modified data can be used needed. can be provided to
provided to help posed to guide learning. for students. Visuals and Gifted- Students can help students
students explore the Early Finishers- modeling can be provided. be given leadership explore the content
content farther. Additional reading Gifted- Students can graph roles as coach or fact farther.
material can be provided points on the white board checker and can Early Finishers-
to help students explore and can be given coaching demonstrate for Additional reading
the content further. roles. Data charts and peers. Additional material can be
Guided questions can be plotting can be done in reading material can provided to help
asked or answers can be peer work as well. be made available as students explore the
extended to guide Early Finishers- well. content farther. The
learning. Leadership roles, such as Early Finishers- fact checker
coaching and fact checker, Students can be worksheets will
can be given to early given leadership provide additional
finishers. Additional plot roles as coach or fact information on the
points or conversions can checker and can subject.
be assigned as well. demonstrate for
peers. Additional
reading material can
be made available as
Assessment of Content
Multiple Means of Students can Students can verbalize, Students can verbalize, Students can Students will
Expression verbalize, write, or write, or even draw to write, or even draw to verbalize, write, or provide an exit
Formative and summative even draw to show show understanding to show understanding to illustrate to show ticket to show
assessments used to understanding in this complete the worksheet. complete the conversions understanding. As understanding. A
monitor student progress activity. “Talking to “Talking to the text” notes and graphing. Peer work gravity can be an word bank and
and modify instruction. the text” can look like can be used from the can also be used as one abstract concept, modeling will be
writing notes in the previous lesson to answer student coaches and the students can use provided for

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margin of the reading, worksheet questions. other plots the points. their body or objects students if needed.
using symbols to mark Finding and using the to “show” Students can write,
parts of the reading, information from the text understanding as draw, or verbalize
highlighting and can be modeled on the well. answers.
underlining, or telling smart board and peer
the teacher thoughts learning opportunities can
during the reading. be planned to allow
students to discuss their
Multiple Means of ELL- Students can use ELL- Students can use ELL- Students can use ELL- Students can ELL- Students can
Expression visuals, highlight and visuals, illustration, visuals, illustration, use visuals, use visuals,
Differentiation underline, verbalize, verbalize, etc. to show verbalize, etc. to show illustration, illustration,
Explain how materials will etc. to show understanding. understanding. verbalize, or show verbalize, or show
be differentiated for each understanding. SpEd- Students can use SpEd- Students can use with their body, etc. with their body, etc.
of the following groups: SpEd- Students can visuals, illustration, visuals, illustration, to show to show
● English use visuals, highlight verbalize, etc. to show verbalize, etc. to show understanding. understanding.
and underline, understanding. understanding. SpEd- Students can SpEd- Students can
Learners (ELL)
● Students with
verbalize, etc. to show Gifted- Students can write Gifted- Students can use visuals, use visuals,
special needs understanding. more than the needed 1 complete additional illustration, illustration,
● Students with Gifted- Students can sentence to answer conversions and plot verbalize, or show verbalize, or show
gifted abilities write more than the worksheet questions and additional points for with their body, etc. with their body, etc.
Early finishers (those who assigned prompts in can have additional differentiation. to show to show
finish early and may need margins and can have content to explore. Early Finishers- Students understanding. understanding.
additional additional content to Early Finishers- Students can complete additional Gifted- Students can Gifted- Students
resources/support) explore. can write more than the conversions and plot complete additional can complete
Early Finishers- assigned prompts in additional points for demonstrations and additional
Students can write margins and can have differentiation. explanations for demonstrations and
more than the assigned additional content to differentiation. explanations for
prompts in margins explore. Students can also Early Finishers- differentiation.
and can have add illustrations to their Students can Early Finishers-
additional content to writing to show demonstrations and Students can
explore. Students can understanding. explanations for demonstrations and
also add illustrations differentiation. explanations for
to their writing to differentiation.
show understanding.

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Extension Activity and/or Homework
Identify and describe any Additional reading can “The Solar System 101” Using the graphed data, “Crash Course: The google slides
extension activities or be shared digitally or content can be shared write 3 or more sentences Defining Gravity” presentation will be
homework tasks as printed for students to digitally or printed from explaining how far space (link) video can be provided digitally
appropriate. Explain how continue reading. the National Geographic objects are from Earth. shared with students. or printed for
the extension activity or
Students can be tasked for Kids resources. Video This can be verbalized or Challenge Question: students and will be
homework assignment
supports the learning
with “talking to the content (link) and reading illustrated if needed for “Bring two items to used to answer the
targets/objectives. As text” to independently material can be explored. some students. demonstrate how challenge question:
required by your finish the chapter as a Challenge Question: gravity is working
instructor, attach any home extension “Tell us 1 thing you on items on Earth.” “Describe 3 items
copies of homework at the assignment. already knew about the (Students can drop around your home
end of this template. solar system and 2 things two items to show in relation to each
you learned.” this or verbalize an other using our
explanation) scale terms.”
Students can verbalize, (larger, smaller,
write, or draw to show Students can be father, closer, etc)
understanding. Resources provided printed
should be printed for material or
students who can not illustrations if not
access the material online. able to access online.

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 of 26

STEP Standard 5 - Implementation of Instructional Unit
You will implement all lesson activities, correlating formative assessments and the summative
post-assessment. Choose one of the lesson activities to video record a 5-10 minute segment,
review, and reflect on your teaching. Have your cooperating teacher/mentor review the recording
and provide feedback, if possible.

Use an online video platform such as Loom, YouTube, or Vimeo to upload your completed video.
Be sure that others can access and view your linked video prior to submitting.

Video Recording Link:
Summary of Unit Implementation:

The google slide presentation is projected on the smart board with students prepared with a reading
booklet. The lesson starts with student expectations being shared. The unit learning goal and lesson
essential question are shared. The slides will present academic vocabulary and visual definitions that will
also be posted in the classroom on the “vocab wall”. The class is asked guided questions, participates in a
group activity, watches a video clip, and participates in think-pair-share partner activities. The lesson ends
with a writing prompt as summative assessment that is collected by the instructor to complete the lesson.
The question reads, “Describe two space objects using words like larger and farther?”, with modeling and
rephrasing used as needed to accommodate student needs.

Summary of Student Learning:

Students are guided to discover the answer to the lessons essential question, “How big is big?
How far is far?” during the lesson. The lesson is presented on slides and reading material is provided to
each student. The students learn through reading, video clips, class discussion, peer learning, and a kinetic
group activity to model scale for the class. The students show their understanding at the conclusion of the
lesson with an exit ticket prompting students to write 1-2 sentences using academic vocabulary from the
lesson to describe space objects from the lesson. The specific learning needs of the students were
considered in planning and in delivery of instruction. Visual, auditory, and kinetic activities were planned
into the lesson and IEP goals were considered as accommodations and modifications were addressed.

Reflection of Video Recording:

In collaboration with the mentor teacher and the school instructional coach, I am able to reflect on the
recorded lessons and better plan for future lessons. When collaborating with our notes, areas of
improvement become clear. For my next observation I need to be sure to recap and review the lesson with
a “today we learned… and next week we will learn ….” script. I need to ensure that I am explicit with my
expectations and this is especially true when I am asking the class for a response. I need to be clear on
wanting a choral response, hands up to respond, think time, etc. The lesson was engaging and kinetic and
the student seems to respond to the activity, but the room in the classroom was limited and a smaller scale
activity would have been better for the setting. Future planning will take the space and the socially
distancing guidelines more into consideration. The exit ticket worked well as a way to check

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understanding and the data will help to guide the review in the anticipatory set of the next lesson. As the
students are working on place value and graphing in math, I will also plan cross core content in the

STEP Standard 6 - Analysis of Student Learning

After you have implemented each lesson in the unit, as well as completed the post-assessment,
collaborate with your cooperating teacher/mentor to analyze the results of the post-assessment
and determine student learning. Review your data and whether there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives and discuss what you will do to further develop
students’ knowledge and skills.

Post-Test Data: Whole Class - Once you have assessed your students’ learning on the topic, collect and
analyze the post-test data to determine the effectiveness of your instruction and assessment.

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test

Highly Proficient 2 0
20 24
Partially Proficient
4 3
Proficient 2 1
(69% and below)

Post-Test Analysis: Whole Class

Based on your analysis of the whole class post-test data, what is your interpretation of the
students learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come
to this conclusion.
Based on the assessment data for both pre and post assessment, I can conclude that most students
were able to meet learning goals for the unit. The post assessment consisted of a worksheet with
one of two writing prompts. Students could write a response and accommodations and
modifications were included to meet students specific needs. There was not an extension
available for students to show highly proficient in this unit post assessment so the data shows 0
for that option. 24 of the 28 students , about 86%, were able to show proficiency in the post
assessment. These students were able to answer the essential question verbally or in writing. The
students that showed partial or minimal proficiency did not meet learning goals or unit objectives.
One of those 4 students who did not show proficiency were later able to reach learning goals with
guided discussion and it does demonstrate a need for differentiation in assessment in later

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Based on the whole class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of your
instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. Cite examples and provide evidence of
student learning to support this analysis.
I can determine that the majority of the class was able to meet the learning goal and objectives of
the unit after instruction with the data provided. 85.7% (specifically 24 students) were able to
score proficient in the post assessment to show understanding of the unit. The writing in the post
assessment showed students were able to use evidence from the reading and video resources, use
academic vocabulary, and access prior knowledge and personal experience to show
understanding. I would consider that evidence of effective instruction of the unit. When looking
at the state standards in science, math, and ELA and the objectives that were planned, the class
was successful in this unit and is able to move on to the next unit. Specifically, students did show
mastery of citing evidence from a text, “using multiple sources, graphing data and converting
measurements, and show an understanding of objects in space in relation to other objects and
scale terms. The specific 5th grade state science standards mastered were 5.E2U1.7 and
5.E2U1.8. Math standards were 5.MD.A.1 and 5.MD.B.2. The ELA standards included 5.RL1
and 5. RI.7 and 9. Standards were based on recommendations on the Arizona Department of
Education best practices and recommendations of instructional paths at .

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup Selection

Using the information obtained in Standard 1(Student Academic Factors section), select one
subgroup population to focus on for this analysis. Provide a brief rationale for your selection (1-
3 sentences).
Demographic data for the school district and school were provided on the Great Schools site at . The
district serves a higher number of low income students. Specifically, nearly 44% identify as low
income and more than 70% qualify for reduced or free meals. The possible socio economic status
(SES) of students was considered when planning this science unit in many important ways. Many
students do not have access to technology or wifi and thus would not be able to participate in
extension activities requiring using online resources. Resources were printed and sent home with
all students and online resources were shared by email with all parents/ guardians so that all
students would have content for home activities to continue learning. The demographic
information also impacted delivery of instruction. Knowing that many students may not have
prior exposure to the subject or may not have resources to investigate the subject independently,
accessing prior knowledge in the anticipatory set of each lesson in the unit involved using the
students unique experiences and interests to make connections. For example, when asking
students about perception, students were asked to share their favorite breakfast foods and how we
may perceive that as a huge meal compared to the coffee that Mrs. Knight has for breakfast daily.
Asking students to pictures 6 cars lined up to visualize the size of a blue whale and showing a
video of planets as sports balls to show scale all helped students of every SES grasp abstract
concepts about space. Consideration was also taken when providing all supplies to the students

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during the unit so that all had equal access.

Post-Assessment Data: Subgroup (Gender, ELL population, Gifted, students on IEPs or 504s, etc.)

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Gender- 1male / 1female (of 2)
ELL- 0/2
Gifted- 1/2
Highly Proficient
(90%-100%) IEP/504- 0/2
Gender- 8 male/ 12 female (of 20 Gender- 11 male/ 13 female(of 24)
ELL- 1/20 ELL- 1/24
Proficient Gifted- 1/20 Gifted- 2/24
(80%-89%) IEP/504- 2/20 IEP/504- 3/24
Gender- 3 male/ 1 female(of 4) Gender- 2 male/ 1 female of 3)
ELL- 1/4 ELL- 1/3
Partially Proficient Gifted- 0/4 Gifted- 0/3
(70%-79%) IEP/504- 2/4 IEP/504- 1/3
Gender- 2 male (of 2) Gender- 1 male (of 1)
ELL- 0/2 ELL- 0/1
Proficient Gifted- 0/2 Gifted-0/1
(69% and below) IEP/504- 1/2 IEP/504- 1/1
Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup

Based on your analysis of the subgroup post-test data, what is your interpretation of the student
learning? Cite examples and provide evidence of student learning that helped you come to this
Based on the pre and post assessment data collected, I can state that improvements can be made
in the assessment differentiation provided to students. Students with IEP and 504 plans and ELL
students were partially and minimally proficient in both the pre and post assessments. I need to
ensure that these students are considered in planning for the lesson and in the assessments in
order to ensure that all students are able to meet learning goals and objectives. I need to
collaborate with ELL instructors, resource and Special Education team members, and the
classroom teacher to better plan accommodations for these students. I may need to offer multiple
means of expression or specific assessment accommodations for some students. I may need to
plan one-on-one or small group intervention for these students throughout the lesson. I may also
need to provide additional resources for these students to continue the learning.

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Based on the subgroup class post-test data, write one paragraph analyzing the effectiveness of
your instruction and assessment and effect on student learning. If there is a student or group of
students who have not mastered the objectives, discuss what you will do in future days to aid
students' understanding with respect to the unit’s objectives. Cite examples and provide evidence
of student misconceptions to support this analysis.
The pre and post assessment data does show that some students with IEP and 504 plans and ELL
students were not able to show mastery of objectives for the unit. I need to collaborate with
resources, SpEd, and classroom teachers to ensure that differentiation is effective for the unit. I
believe I need to plan more one-on-one and small group activities for instruction. I will also
create better/ more visuals for students including individual visual vocabulary cards and large
whole class visuals to be displayed in the classroom. I will also learn the interests and individual
needs of the students that struggled to meet learning goals to create engagement for these
students. It may be that I need to create more kinetic or auditory activities for learners or work on
the seating or pairing of students to ensure that they are engaged for the majority of the unit. I will
also plan more opportunities to check understanding so that I can be flexible in instruction and
make instructional changes as needed during the unit.

Post-Assessment Data: Remainder of Class

Number of Students Number of Students

Pre-Test Post-Test
Highly Proficient 1 0
16 18
Partially Proficient
1 1
Proficient 1 0
(69% and below)

Post-Assessment Analysis: Subgroup and Remainder of Class

Analyze the data of the subgroup as compared to the remainder of the class. In one paragraph,
describe the effectiveness of your instruction for this unit using the finding from your analysis.
Instruction can be viewed as being successful when assessing the data collected. Students were

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proficient in the pre and post assessments and a majority met learning goals and objectives. For
the post assessment of the unit, 18/19 of the subgroup scored proficient. This shows that
instruction was engaging and effective for a majority of the class.

Based on your analysis of student learning, discuss the next steps for instruction, including an
objective that would build upon the content taught in this unit of instruction.
The data shows that a majority of the class met learning goals and the class can move on to the
next science unit in the Access Science instructional path in alignment to the state science
standards. The students are able to cite evidence from the text, use multiple resources, graph data
and convert units of measurement, and use academic vocabulary to explain scale of space objects
to show understanding of the solar system. The next science unit will go into depth with
explaining gravitational pull and other forces that work on objects in the solar system. Lesson
planning will need to incorporate math. ELA, and science to offer multiple means of
representation and differentiation for all students.

STEP Standard 7 – Reflecting on Instruction to Improve Student

Improved Practice Based on the Unit of Study
Based on the experience of developing and delivering your instructional unit, list three short-
term goals to improve specific areas of your teaching practice based on the unit of instruction
and describe your plan to reach each short-term goal.

Plan to Reach the Goal (i.e., professional

Short-Term Goal development, research on the Internet,
observation of a veteran teacher, etc.)
1. Improve student understanding of I plan to implement more opportunities for
academic vocabulary. students to use academic vocabulary while
speaking or writing. I will plan opportunities
to formatively assess student understanding
of terms throughout the unit in activities such
as think pair share and class discussion by
researching ways to include more visuals and
kinetic activities.
I will plan multiple exposures to the content
in other core subjects including ELA and
math by working with other teachers in a
collaborative effort to plan lessons.

2. I will improve differentiation in I will observe veteren teachers in their

assessment. planning and delivery of both formative and

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summative assessment to find ways to
differentiate assessment for students with
specific needs.
I will continue to take and track data from
assessments to better understand the needs of
the students. I will also collaborate with
veteren teachers, including the school
instructional coach and special education
team members, to discuss the IEP and 504
goals of students. I will research methods to
differentiate for ELL students and those with
a reading level below grade level in an effort
to better plan differentiation for these
students as well.
3. I will work to improve class I will collaborate with veteren teachers to
engagement in the lesson. create engaging lessons with more kinetic
involvement for the class. I will search
sources to include more age/ interest
appropriate songs, videos, read alouds, and
other auditory and visual resources to add to
the instruction.
I will also make the effort to get to know the
students in a more meaningful way so that
the lesson can be planned to specifically
engage with their interests, strengths, and
experience. I will ask for student feedback to
improve lessons and increase engagement by
doing quick polls in class and asking for
veteran teachers to observe lessons and offer

Long-Term Goals: Teachers who are dedicated to their profession and to improving the lives of
students will continually look for ways to grow and learn. The best way to ensure that learning is
prioritized is to create a long-term goal. Create one long term goal that is specific and
measurable. Make sure to discuss the following:
Long-Term Goal: By the start of the 2021/2022 school year, I will take educational
courses to enhance my use of technology in the classroom in an effort to create and
deliver more effective and engaging lessons.
Rationale: Why did you choose this goal? How I chose this goal because the pandemic has
do you expect it to improve the outcomes of your created a need for educators to be more
future students? effective using technology in the classroom. I
scrambled last March to learn new platforms
and I am still learning in the moment. I would

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like to work to better my knowledge of the
use of technology in the classroom before the
start of the new school year. My school
district is offering many educational courses
and I will sign up for these opportunities to
take advantage of the offer to improve my
End Date: By when do you expect to accomplish I will work over the summer to accomplish
this goal? this goal and plan to have met the goal by the
start of the next school year Specifically, the
2021/2022 school year begins August 7th,
Action Timeline: What steps will you take to 5/1/21: To complete this goal, I will first
complete this goal, and by when will you take organize my calendar for the summer by
them? Example: recording important dates. I will then have a
1/31/18: Join AACTE better idea of my availability so that I can sign
up for the educational courses offered by my
district. I will research courses offered by
other sources as well to ensure that I am
taking advantage of various learning
5/21/21: By the last day of this school year, I
will sign up for all available technology
specific educational courses offered by my
school district and any available from other
sources. I will make sure that I am prepared
for these courses by creating time in my
clalader for prep with supplies ready and find
a quiet place to complete these online courses.
7/1/21: Once I have completed a course I will
practice using the new skill or technology
resource so that I feel confident in using this
tool to plan and deliver classroom instruction
in-person or digitally. By September I will
have practiced using these newly learned
Resources: What resources are available to assist Litchfield Elementary school district will be a
you in accomplishing your goal? valuable resource in meeting my goal. The
district is not only offering educational
courses over the summer break, but also
allowing me the use of a laptop, document
camera, and other supplies to ensure that I
have mastered the use of technology for my
future role as an educator. I also have school

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staff as a resource. They will offer
collaboration and coaching to help me met
this goal. I will work to find more resources
available online to help in meeting my goal.

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