Kuliah Analisa Organik-Ppt-3
Kuliah Analisa Organik-Ppt-3
Kuliah Analisa Organik-Ppt-3
07/09/2020 1
Bahan Kajian Sampai Dengan UTS
1. Sistematika Identifikasi Senyawa Organik
2. Identifikasi Senyawa Unknown Uji pendahuluan, sifat fisik dan uji
3. Analisis elemen dalam senyawa organik secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
4. Identifikasi Senyawa Unknown Penentuan berat molekul, Penentuan
rumus molekul
5. Korelasi struktur dan sifat fisik : titik lebur, titik beku dan titik didih
6. Korelasi struktur dan sifat fisik : indeks bias, spesifik gravity dan
putaran optik.
7. Penentuan metode kemurnian : kromatografi, titik lebur
8. UTS
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Bahan Kajian Setelah UTS
1. Metode Pemurnian Senyawa Organik : ekstraksi , distilasi & sublimasi
2. Metode Pemurnian Senyawa Organik : kromatografi Lapis Tipis, HPLC , GC
dan Kolom Kromatografi
3. Klasifikasi senyawa Organik berdasar kelarutan : penentuan kelarutan,
teori kelarutan, Strutur molekul & kelarutan
4. enentuan gugus fungsi secara kimia : asam anhidrida, asil halida, alkohol,
aldehid dan Amina
5. Identifikasi Penetuan gugus fungsi secara kimia : karbohidrat , b.asam
karboksilat, ester, eter, halida, dan hidrokarbon
6. hhhPenetapan struktur kimia senyawa baru
7. Elusidasi struktur senyawa organik
8. UAS
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Komposisi Penilaian
Tugas 1/ UTS 20% dan 30%
Tugas 2/ UTS 20% dan 30%
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Media Pembelajaran
Kuliah Analisa Organik
2. MT yang tersedia di SIAP UNDIP 2020
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Dr. Ramy Y. Morjan, 2009, Chemical Identification of Organic
Compounds-PPT, Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry Chemistry
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Organic Analysis
Organic chemists regularly needs to identify the
compounds that are formed in chemical reactions or
isolated from natural sources.
In order to identify an unknown organic compound
you must first find which functional groups it
contains and then determining its molecular and
three-dimensional structure.
Chemical and Spectroscopic methods are used by
organic chemists to determining the molecular and
three-dimensional structure of any unknown sample.
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As a result of the advance developments of the spectroscopic
and analytical methods, the chemical methods of
identification of unknown organic compounds in no longer
In this course you will have the opportunities to learn and use
the techniques of organic qualitative analysis while
determining the identity of sample compounds whose
identities are unknown to you
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Chemical Analyses (CA)
C.A. are generally divided into two broad categories
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Spectroscopic methods:
Involve using I.R, Mass Spectrometry,
H NMR, C NMR any few other techniques.
(Kuliah Elusidasi Struktur Molekul Organik)
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Chemical methods:
Involve the examination of :
1. the physical properties of the unknown
2. classification by solubility and
3. elemental analysis by sodium fusion
classification tests for functional groups
4. synthesis of solid derivatives
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Pure Sample Impure Sample
Needs purification
Physical state
Solubility class
Elemental Analysis
Functional group test
Synthesis of derivatives
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Bahan Kajian Sampai Dengan UTS
1. Sistematika Identifikasi Senyawa Organik
2. Identifikasi Senyawa Unknown Uji pendahuluan, sifat fisik dan uji
3. Analisis elemen dalam senyawa organik secara kualitatif dan
4. Identifikasi Senyawa Unknown Penentuan berat molekul,
Penentuan rumus molekul
5. Korelasi struktur dan sifat fisik : titik lebur, titik beku dan titik didih
6. Korelasi struktur dan sifat fisik : indeks bias, spesifik gravity dan
putaran optik.
7. Penentuan metode kemurnian : kromatografi, titik lebur
8. UTS
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Uji pendahuluan
1. The physical appearance of an unknown will be your
first datum in the search to discover its identity
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Colour: Many liquid and solid organic compounds are
coloured. They are coloured because of the presence of
chromophoric groups in the molecules.
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Odor: Many organic compounds have a characteristic
Odor. Generally specking the odor is more clear for
Compounds with lower molecular weight.
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Melting and Boiling points:
In the previous slides we have seen the importance of
Mp and bp in the determination of the compound purities.
Now let us look at another importance of them in identifying
An organic compounds.
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Where to Begin?
When you are asked to identify an unknown
organic sample the first thing to do is to check
the purity of the Sample.
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How to check the purity of your sample?
The best techniques are:
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Melting Point
1. The melting point (mp) of a substance is one of the physical
properties that chemists use to identify a substance and/or to check
the purity of a substance.
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Link Penentuan Melting Point secara sederhana
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Boiling Point
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Penentuan Boiling Point Secara Sederhana
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Bahan Kajian Sampai Dengan UTS
1. Sistematika Identifikasi Senyawa Organik
2. Identifikasi Senyawa Unknown Uji pendahuluan, sifat fisik dan uji
3. Analisis elemen dalam senyawa organik secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif.
4. Identifikasi Senyawa Unknown Penentuan berat molekul, Penentuan
rumus molekul
5. Korelasi struktur dan sifat fisik : titik lebur, titik beku dan titik didih
6. Korelasi struktur dan sifat fisik : indeks bias, spesifik gravity dan
putaran optik.
7. Penentuan metode kemurnian : kromatografi, titik lebur
8. UTS
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Thin Layer Chromatography
Theory of chromatography uses the different polarities of the stationary
phase, mobile phase and the liquid mixture of different compound to be
The compounds that have the most similar polarity to the mobile phase
i.e. solvent or eluant will move the fastest and be closer to the solvent
line than the other types of molecules which have less similar polarity
to the solvent.
The compounds more attracted to the stationary phase i.e. thin layer
plate will also move more slowly. Thus, molecules can be separated
from each other based on their different polarities.
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Pure Impure
sample sample
PERTEMUAN KE-3 ==> Senin, 7 September 2020
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Solubility Test
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Solubility in 0.6 M (5%) NaHCO3
(Untuk membedakan Asam Organik dan Fenol)
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Solubility in 1.5 M (5%) HCl
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Solubility in Conc H2SO4 (96%)
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