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Carroll Community College

Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health

Department of Nursing
NURS 140 – Nursing Concepts 2
WEEKLY Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

Student Becca Wedra 20 Week # 4 Faculty Jenny Perry
Criteria: S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not (*) Critical
(Meets) (Requires assistance) (Unable) applicable behavior
Students who meet any of the following criteria will be given a remediation plan and may be placed on probation.
Failure to progress in these areas may result in failure of the course.
-One unsatisfactory grade in a critical behavior -Two needs improvements in a critical behavior
-Two unsatisfactory grades in a non-critical behavior -Four needs improvements
Student Eval of
Course Goal 1 Self-Eval Student
Apply the nursing process when implementing a plan of care (PG1) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
1. Prioritizes and completes daily nursing tasks S S
2. Completes assessments accurately S S
3. Uses EMR/MAR, patient charts, handoff report to provide care S S
4. *Establishes appropriate nursing priority list S S
5. Creates measurable patient outcomes S S
6. Establishes appropriate nursing interventions S S
7. Evaluates patient response to care and revises plan as needed S S
Student Eval of
Course Goal 2 Self-Eval Student
Participate in opportunities that promote professional growth (PG2) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
8. Adheres to dress code S S
9. Seeks input from patient, instructor, and healthcare team when providing care S S
10. *Demonstrates accountability and accepts responsibility for own actions and attitudes S S
11. Actively participates in all clinical experiences S S
12. Communicates learning needs to instructor S S
13. Completes assignments/evaluations as required S S
Student Eval of
Course Goal 3 Self-Eval Student
Provide patient-centered care with assistance (PG3) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
14. *Implements appropriate infection control precautions S S
15. Identifies client’s cultural needs S S
16. Accurately documents patient care S S
17. Communicates appropriately with patient, family, healthcare team, and instructor S S
18. Explains the actions, side effects, and nursing implications of medications S S
19. *Administers medication using the six rights n/a N/A
20. Demonstrates concern, compassion and empathy with patients S S
21. *Demonstrates physical and mental competence S S
22. *Notifies instructor and appropriate healthcare team members with safety concerns and changes S
in the patient’s condition S
23. Identifies patient and family health education needs S S
24. Provides nursing care in accordance with the Maryland Nurse Practice Act and the ANA Scope & S
Standards of Nursing Practice S
25. *Adheres to HIPAA guidelines S S

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

Carroll Community College
Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health
Department of Nursing
NURS 140 – Nursing Concepts 2
WEEKLY Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

Criteria: S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U = Unsatisfactory NA = Not (*) Critical

(Meets) (Requires assistance) (Unable) applicable behavior
Student Eval of
Course Goal 4 Self-Eval Student
Plan nursing care based on scientific evidence (PG4) S/N/U S/N/U
With assistance:
26. Justifies patient’s plan of care using appropriate resources S
Student Reflection (Thoroughly answer all questions)
What did you learn this week that has contributed to your growth as a nurse? Please explain

For starters, I learned what postpartum cardiomyopathy is which relates the stuff i’m learning being on a cardiac floor to my field
of interest which I really liked. I got to experience having two patients and understand what that’s like which is more realistic
because when I am a real nurse I will have more than one patient at a time, so it was good practice! I learned more about epic and
where to find information through exploring a little more on both my patients files so that was really nice. I learned about a TEE
test and the risks, which involves possible teeth loss. I was surprised to know there Is a dentist in the hospital for dental
consultations. I always assumed dental services were taken care of out of the hospital. I learned about what a cardioversion is and
was surprised to know it’s just an AED basically. I also learned more about a cultural assessment and the kind of questions you
need to ask about the patient and how it’s beneficial.

Which objective did you accomplish this week? How did you do it?

I completed AM care. Vital signs and assessments. I successfully managed 2 patients for the first time! It was a challenge but super
fun and I loved it! I completed a cultural assessment on one my patients and although some questions felt awkward I’m glad I did it
and have experience with asking tough questions now. I continued to learn more about the heat and more invasive problems and

Do you have any concerns about your performance? If so, what are your plans for improvement? Please explain.

My only concern is that I feel like i’m missing something. I feel like I am on the computer a lot at clinical looking things up
and I just want to be sure I am getting enough patient interaction and experience but at times it can feel awkward just
sitting in a patients room for too long especially if they do not want to talk. I just want to be sure being on the computer
and documenting and looking up information and exploring patient files is a good and valuable way to be spending my
time and that i’m not missing out on something.

Faculty Comments/ Student Learning Goals (Goals must be established even if performance is satisfactory. If an item was id

Faculty Comments:
Becca was able to take care of her same patient from last week as well as another patient. Becca was able to identify potential

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

Carroll Community College
Division of STEM, Nursing and Allied Health
Department of Nursing
NURS 140 – Nursing Concepts 2
WEEKLY Student Clinical Performance Evaluation

complications for her patient being discharged. This patient was immobile, sedentary and incontinent and she stated how this
would be difficult upon discharge. Becca and I reviewed prioritization and why it is important. Both of her patients were
challenging in different ways (one had complex insurance needs and the other had issues with risk vs benefit problems). Becca was
able to verbalize which patient she would see first and why. This patient was the patient who had risk vs benefit problems. The
patient needed a cardioversion but needed a TEE before the cardioversion to assess for clots. However they could not do the TEE
until some of her teeth were removed and the patient was on a heparin gtt. Becca was able to verbalize all of these “issues” to me
and why it could be a problem. We discussed potential solutions on this complex patient.

In response to what Becca said on her weekly eval, I would say that Becca is doing fine. However, patient communication is very
important and it is very important to practice this skill. This skill will always be necessary to her nursing practice and even if you
feel like a patient “does not want to talk”, asking questions is always beneficial. It can start with a simple “so where are you
from”/”do you live around here” and go from there. Even though sitting at the computer, looking up information on your patient is
beneficial, that communication is key as well.

Becca participated in post conference with her peers and completed a cultural assessment on her patients.

Student Signature: Rebecca Wedra Date: 3-12-20

Instructor Signature: Jennifer L Perry Date: 3.12.20

Approved 12/4/14. Revised 12/10/2014; 01/2015; 3/16/18, 1/2020

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