Attributes of Professional Services
Attributes of Professional Services
Attributes of Professional Services
Professional services are appealing due to the intellectual challenge, career growth
opportunities, and high income. Architects, lawyers, consultants, accountants, and
contracting engineers are examples of professional service providers. Professionals are
experts in a particular field of knowledge and usually belong to a discipline that licenses its
members based on proven competence. Some professionals prefer to work alone, but the
majority prefers to work in groups, whether single or multidisciplinary.
Service Consulting
When a firm faces problems or opportunities that it cannot handle internally, it can be solved
with service consulting. Health care, financial services, logistics, and hospitality (hotels,
restaurants, and entertainment firms such as Disney) are examples of service industries where
consulting is common. The range of service consulting are wide that including operations
such as staffing, accounting, office automation, workforce scheduling, process improvement,
quality assurance, waiting line management, and call center management.
An increasing number of nonprofit organizations and government agencies also seek
consulting services for outside advice. Accenture, Bain, Booz Allen Hamilton, Deloitte
Consulting, and IBM Global Services are all major service consulting firms. The
effectiveness of service consulting is usually determined by the firm operations ability to
improve and its ability to maintain a steady flow of business. Consider the following ways
that service consulting businesses use the traditional 5 P’s of operations in developing
strategies: people, processes, programs, plant, and planning.
A typical service consulting project contains a combination of these components in different
proportions that are,
1. Proposal development
2. Problem analysis
3. Design, develop, and test alternative solutions
4. Develop systematic performance measures
5. Present final report
6. Implement changes as agreed upon
7. Assure client satisfaction
8. Compile lessons from the study
The general steps of this consulting cycle are very similar regardless of the nature of the
business, but the tools used and the focus provided at each stage can differ. A typical
consulting firm can be thought of as a pyramid, with 4 levels referred to as finders, minders,
binders, and grinders.
Operational Characteristics
Professional services firms often organized as partnerships rather than corporations. The
partners have equity in the firm and as a group represent the governing body. The economic
success of a partnership is measured by profit-per-partner, which is driven by 3 factors:
margin, productivity, and leverage.
Margins often are the most utilized factor in measuring the profitability of departments
within a professional service firm. Unfortunately however, margins frequently are inaccurate
and misleading indicators. Margin is equal to the percent of profit for each dollar of fees
charged. This ratio is affected by many factors including the productivity, leverage, also
overhead costs. Margins will suffer if these costs are not kept under control. However,
simply cutting it cannot return the desired results in the long run.
Productivity is further divided into 2 factors that affect the short and long term success of the
firm: realized fee per hour (value) and utilization of professional staff,
fees hours
Productivity = ( hours )( staff )
= ( value )( utilization )
The amount of value that a professional services firm can provide and capture in the rates are
another factor in the productivity. Several value-building activities can be used to increasing
the value of services. Meanwhile, utilization is defined as the ratio of the number of hours
billed to the number of possible billable hours. Utilization is affected by 2 aspects of the
professional services business, balancing demand and capacity also the importance of
nonbillable activities.
Leverage is the ratio of the number of professional staff members to the number of partners,
an essential factor in determining the profit-per-partner. Partners get profit from 2 sources:
the high rates a senior staff member charges for services and importantly the ability to hire
professional staff and bill them to customers at multiples of their salary. A successful firm
will maximize its leverage while also being able to complete projects successfully.
A transaction cost is incurred in seeking and maintaining the outsourced relationship. There
are 3 types of transaction costs,
a. Search costs are incurred in finding a capable supplier.
b. Bargaining costs are associated with reaching an acceptable agreement with the other
party and drawing up a contract.
c. Enforcement costs are incurred in making sure the other party sticks to the terms of
the contract, and taking legal action if it does not.