Current Trends in Nursing Administration

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Submitted by

Mrs Gayathri R
2nd yr MSc (N)

Nursing is an art and a science. Nursing is the oldest of
arts and youngest of professions. The heritage of nursing
includes the successes, advances and units as well as
failures, regressions and conflicts. Nursing was
distinguished in its early history as a form of community
services was originally related to strong instinct to
preserve and protect the family. Modern nursing involves
many activities, concepts and skills related to basic and
social sciences, growth and development. The
opportunities for a nursing career are limitless
Trend means change or movement in a particular direction.
It also denote general direction and tendencies especially of
events, opinion or movements in a particular direction.
It is defined as the general direction in which something
tends to move. Or it is a general tendency or inclination or
current style.
Trend is the event that occurs overtime and shows a series
of fluctuation in its patterns. (Stanhope Lancaster )
Nursing trends
It is the general direction towards which the different
nursing events have moved and are moving, as well as the
opinions in and about our profession.

"Administration is the organization & direction of human

and material resources to achieve desired ends". [Pfiffner
and Presthus].

"Administration is the direction, coordination and control of

many persons to achieve same purposes or objective [
The events which have taken place, are being divided into four phases:

• The early period in which the foundation were laid

• The years up to world war ii in which a basic pattern was more or less

• The war years which gave an impetus to nursing education

• The year after independence marked by the development of public

health nursing and start of degree programme in nursing
*Milestones in nursing during independence period
Before Independence
• In 1888, Indian army nursing service were set up.
• Mission hospitals were being set in different parts of India at about the same
time. Religion prevented Hindu and Muslim girls from joining. So only Christian
girls should be trained first.
• The Dufferin fund: Queen Victoria noticed this trend and asked Lady Dufferin
(whose husband was in government service) to take interest in care of children
and women. She had raised a fund named Dufferin fund in 1885 and started the
National Association for supplying aid by women to women of India.
• Ms Atkinson was brought from England to Bombay to set up and become
superintendent of first modern training school for nurses in India.
• Low status of women, caste system; illiteracy, poverty and language differences
were the barrier or the difficulties that hinder in the progress of nursing
After independence

During the first 10 years of independence there has been a

considerable development in all fields of social welfare, nursing has
been one of them. A broader and more varied field of work has been
opened for nurses, greater opportunities for further study and wider
professional contacts, both at home and abroad have become
Changing Scenario of Gov. Towards
Health Care-healthy People
• There is constant effort from government to improve upon the health of the
people. Efforts are being made to deliver the healthcare to the community
especially the rural community. Various committees from time to time had given
the recommendations. Various national health programs were launched. Some of
the communicable diseases were eradicated.
• ‘Health for All’ development is based on self-determination & self-reliance of
every individual & the community for which the community participation is
• The community is also conscious about their health & their rights. The focus is on
coordinating the activities of health sector at national, international & community
levels with those other social & economic sectors education, agriculture,
household, water, housing, communication etc.
Computers and Technology Change
Health Care Delivery.
• New technology facilitates diagnosis, decision-making & research.
• Emphasis is on computerized documentation system. More
documentation will be done directly on a computer often at the
patient's bedside.
• Wireless handheld computers will enable doctors and nurses to be
close at hand, even far away.
• Personal digital assistants (PDA's) and other electronic organizers
will help nurse’s access information and manage time.
• Computerized records in formerly called CPR (computerized patient
records) and CMR (computerized medical records) or OLPR (On-
Line patient records) will be common.
Informatics and efforts to standardize and unify
nursing language.

Informatics, the study to how to use computers to capture the

data is proved to be better for clinical and Research purposes
and it is growing and on demand. Various programs are
required to take decisions for the nursing care.
Case management disease
management and tele-health care
• There is a demand to manage the care from a distance, being
simple at home and in remote areas with chronic diseases
and complicated treatment regimens, through the use of
telephones, television monitors and telecommunication.
• More nurses will become involved in disease management
and case management (care delivery models that aim to
keep costs down by helping people with chronic illness,
improve their health status through close monitoring, and
use of resources.)
Diverse responsibilities.
• Nurses at all the levels in hospitals communities are
accountable for diagnosis, prevention & management of
various health problems.
• Primary Health Care, patient education, health Promotion,
rehabilitation, self-care and alternative methods of healing
are the added responsibilities. To carry out such
responsibility nurses need to have diverse skills.
Educated consumers.

• Education and Technology advancement brings about a

growing Awareness of health needs among people.

• They are becoming aware of their rights, so the nursing

needs to be directed according to their health needs.
Changing role of women in society

Women are now becoming educated and active Foster the

status of nurses as women is improving in the society. They
are now Independent, and they can take independent
decisions for themselves and for their clients.
Changes in medical, paramedical
and allied professions.

• Growing specialization and super specialization in medical

and allied professions have brought the development of new
tests, medicines and machines.
• There is also focus on quality- oriented services. So, the
nurses also need to be trained accordingly to keep pace with
the change in the technology.
International influence and contribution
of international organizations.

These International organizations and their influence encouraged

the Nurses to participate in international conferences, workshops.
Most of the nurses are sent on deputation for undergoing training
programs in Abroad sponsored by WHO, INC International Council
of nurses promotes a sharing idea whereas World Health
Organization, USAID etc. aid with research, education and
Expanding nursing role.

There is an increased demand for advanced practice nurses

(ANPs), who should be prepared at the master's level and who
should have specialized skills to function in the clinical,
research, education and management roles.
Nurses must prove value.

Regulatory requirements stress that nurses must prove their

values to both customers and their employers, showing how
the impact on patient outcomes.
Nurses roles as leaders and managers essential.

Nurses play a central role in efficient management of scarce

resources, organizational skills, leadership, critical thinking,
delegation and supervision and communication skills are
required for them working at different levels.
Shared governance and collaborative decision making.
• Nurses are required to be included in making decisions about
rules procedure other aspects of care in order to bring
Nursing shortage threatens patient care.
• More demand with fever nurses threatens patient care. To
find out to attract and retain nurses.
Nursing education course online.
• Various courses of nursing education will go online in future.

Standards and practice guidelines.

• This is a high time to have the standards in nursing and
practice models, protocols, guidelines that should aim to
reduce useless or harmful practices.
Evidence-based care and best practices are
Research and clinical studies are required to
have the evidence that can be analysed to
come to the consensus about what are the
best approaches to specific conditions from
outcome and cost perspectives. These best
approaches often referred to as Benchmarks or
best practices.
• Changing Demographics and Increasing Diversity

• The Technological Explosion

• Globalization of the World’s Economy and Society

• The Era of the Educated Consumer, Alternative
Therapies and Genomics

• Quality assurance in nursing care

• Decentralised approach to care management

• Interdisciplinary Education for Collaborative Practice

• The Current Nursing Shortage/Opportunities for

Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development

• Continuing nursing education

• Evidence based practice

• Nursing audits

• Collective bargaining
• Incentives for the health care professionals

• Trend in span of authority

• Case management disease management and telehealth

care expand.
Changing demographics and
increasing diversity

• Increase in the diversity of the population which affects

the nature and the prevalence of illness and disease,
requiring changes in practice that reflect and respect
diverse values and beliefs.
• Disparities in morbidity, mortality, and access to care
among population sectors have increased, even as
socioeconomic and other factors have led to increased
violence and substance abuse.
• Ethnic and racial diversity of nursing institutes creating a
rich cultural environment for learning.
The Technological Explosion

• There is reduction in distance through speedy

communication. Advances in digital technology have
increased the applications of tele-health and telemedicine
mobiles, e-line, video conferences, bringing together
patient and provider without physical proximity.
• Nanotechnology is a new form of clinical diagnosis and
treatment, which is capable of detecting a wide range of
diseases from very minute specimens. There is
computerization for patient care management.
Globalization of the world’s
economy and society
• Now there is potential for rapid disease transmission &
potential for dramatic improvements in health due to
knowledge transfer between cultures and health care
• Nursing science needs to address health care issues, such as
emerging and remerging infections, that result from
• Nursing education and research must become more
internationally focused to disseminate information and
benefit from the multicultural experience.
Quality assurance in Nursing care

• Public knows their rights, human rights, commissions ,

protection acts and process etc, are putting constant
pressures on the professionals to deliver their best.
• Professionals cannot ignore or be careless in discharging
duties especially when it concerns people lives and health.
• Nurse managers have to ensure delivery of quality care by
practicing as per standards laid down by their counsels and
Decentralized approach to care Management
• This makes each and every nurse responsible and
• for the care of assigned patients.
• patients satisfaction, quality care and smooth functioning of
the units.
• It focuses on problem solving on the spot with the joint
participation of the supervisee and supervisor.
Continuing nursing education

• It has become essential to keep up with the changing

needs of patient care.
• Nurses have to continuously update themselves with new
and innovative approaches in patient care management.
• For this they should enable themselves with workshops,
seminars, short term training programme, attend
conferences, make use of library, subscribe and read
periodicals and books.
• Discussion on bedside and supportive supervision helps to
keep abreast with newer techniques and information.
Evidence based Practice
• There has been a significant Advancement in Nursing Science and
• Most studies concern health behaviors, symptom.
• There is lack in focus on the scholarship and science of nursing as top
• Doctorally prepared nursing professionals are not being produced in
large enough numbers to meet the growing need.
• There is need for enhanced mentorship for new researchers to
strengthen skills and capacity to conduct meaningful nursing research.
Nursing audits

Regular nursing audits promotes ensures quality of care

provided to the clients and upliftment of standards of nursing
Collective bargaining

• Collective bargaining is the uniting of the employees for the

purpose of increasing their ability to influence their
employer and to improve the working conditions.

• Collective bargaining is based on the principle that there is

greater strength in large numbers
Case management, disease management, and
tele health care expand
There is a demand to manage the care from a distance, being
more people at home and in remote areas with chronic
diseases and complicated treatment regimens, through the
use of telephones, television monitors, and
The Current Nursing Shortage, Opportunities for
Lifelong Learning and Workforce Development
• Career and professional development (in-service education
programmes, study leave)
• Workload management
• Overtime payments
• Letter of appreciation to the good worker or for their
extraordinary performance(best nurse award)
• Flexible working arrangements
• Positive working environment
• Access to benefits and support(Child care leave, housing loan,
Earned leave )
Interdisciplinary Education for Collaborative
• There is an increased collaboration between nursing practice and
nursing education.
• Team-based, interdisciplinary approaches are highly effective for
improving clinical outcomes and reducing cost.
• There is a growing need of teaching methods that incorporate
opportunities for interdisciplinary education and collaborative
• Also there is increased student and nurse mobility (including
increased licensure mobility), increased distance (online) learning.
Schools of nursing providing ongoing professional development for
competence requirements. Also there is an increased teaching of
evidence-based practice.
Nursing Administration Graduate Programs: Current Status
and Future Plans
• Frank, Betsy PhD, RN; Aroian, Jane EdD, RN; Tashea,
Priscilla MS, MBA, RN [The Journal of Nursing
Administration: May 2003 - Volume 33 - Issue 5 - p 300-
• Background: Much controversy has been reported in the
literature regarding the value of graduate programs in
nursing administration. Yet a rapidly changing healthcare
delivery system requires that nurse administrators be well
prepared to deal with a fiscally restrained environment that
demands the delivery of high-quality care
• Objective: The purpose of our study was to investigate the
current status and future plans of graduate programs in
nursing administration. We particularly focused on
anticipated program reforms and relationships with external

• Method: A survey was mailed to 338 National League for

Nursing Accrediting Commission and Commission on
Collegiate Nursing Education accredited master’s programs.
Data from 105 completed surveys were analysed
• Results and conclusions: Graduate programs in nursing
administration are alive and well. Programs appear to be
adding needed content as suggested by the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing and American
Organization of Nursing Executives and others to keep pace
with a changing healthcare delivery system. Programs
continue to explore creative ways to reach more students
with fewer faculty resources.
Nursing sisters are not adequately prepared and oriented to
carry out their role. Hospital Administrators and Nursing
administrators need to organize orientation programme and in-
service education programme to orient and update nursing
sisters on management techniques. Nursing sisters should
utilize every opportunity to empower them as a responsible
and accountable leader of her team in the ward to provide
quality health care to the patient.
• Jogindra vati, Principles and Practice of Nursing Management and Administration,
Jaypee Publishers, 1st edition.
• Donald E Lighter & Douglas C Fair, Quality Management in Healthcare, Jones &
Bare let Publishers, 2nd edition.
• Alamelu Venkataraman, Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Service &
Education, Jaypee Publishers, 1st edition.
• B M Sakharkar, Principles of Hospital administration & planning, Jaypee
publishers, 2nd edition.

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