Explanation of Sales Budget For Hampton Freeze Inc

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Sales Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2003


1 2 3 4 Year

Budgeted sales in cases 10,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 100,000

Selling price per case $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total sales $ 200,000 $600,000 $800,00 $400,000 2,000,000

====== ====== ====== ====== ======

Percentage of sales collected in the period of the sales 70%

Percentage of sales collected in the period after the sales 30%

70% 30%

Schedule of Expected Cash Collections

1 Accounts receivable, beginning balance $90,000 $90,000

2 First quarter sales 140,000 $60,000 200,000

3 Second quarter sales 420,000 $180,000 600,000

4 Third quarter sales 560,000 $240,000 800,000

5 Fourth quarter sales 280,000 280,000

----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

6 Total cash collections $230,000 $480,000 $740,000 $520,000 $1,970,000

====== ====== ====== ====== ======

1 Cash collections from last years fourth-quarter sales.

2 $200,000 × 70%; $200,000 × 30%
3 $600,000 × 70%; $600,000 × 30%
4 $800,000 × 70%; $800,000 × 30%
5 $400,000 × 70%
6 Uncollected fourth quarter sales appear as accounts receivable on the company's end of year balance sheet.

Explanation of sales budget for Hampton Freeze Inc.

This example contains the sales budget for Hampton Freeze for the year 2009, by
quarters. Notice from the example that the company plans to sell 100,000 cases of
popsicles during the year, with sales peaking in the third quarter.

After preparing sales budget, a schedule of expected cash collections is also

prepared such as the one that appear in our example. Cash collections consists of
sales made to customers in prior periods plus collections on sales made in the
current budget period. In our example, 70% of sales are collected in the quarter in
which the sales are made and the remaining 30% are collected in the following
quarter. For example, 70% of the first quarter sales of $200,000 (or 140,000) is
collected during the first quarter and 30% (or $60,000) is collected during the
second quarter.

Hampton Freeze, Inc.

Production Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2009

1 2 3 4 Year
Budgeted sales (see sales budget) 10,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 100,000
Add desired ending inventory of finished goods* 6,000 8,000 4,000 3,000 3,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ----------- -----------

Total needs 16,000 38,000 44,000 23,000 103,000

Less Beginning inventory of finished goods** 2,000 6,000 8,000 4,000 2,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Required production 14,000 32,000 36,000 19,000 101,000

====== ====== ====== ====== ======

*Twenty percent of the next quarters sales. The ending inventory of 3,000 cases is assumed
**The beginning inventory in each quarter is the same as the prior quarter's ending inventory

Explanation of Production Budget of Hampton Freeze Inc.

At Hampton Freeze, management believes that an ending inventory equal to 20% of

the next quarter's sales strikes the appropriate balance. Example contains the
production budget for Hampton Freeze. The first row in the production budget
contains the budgeted sales, which have been taken directly from the sales budget
(see sales budget page). The total needs for the first quarter are determined by
adding together the budgeted sales of 10,000 cases for the quarter and the desired
ending inventory of 6,000 cases. The ending inventory is intended to provide some
cushion in case problems develop in production or sales increase unexpectedly. Since
the budgeted sales for the second quarter are 30,000 cases and management would
like the ending inventory in each quarter to 20% of the following quarter's sales, the
desired ending inventory is 6,000 cases (20% of 30,000 cases). Consequently, the
total needs for the first quarter are 16,000 cases. However, since the company
already has 2,000 cases in beginning inventory, only 14,000 cases need to be
produced in first quarter.

Pay particular attention to the year column to the right of the production budget in
the example. In some cases (e.g., budgeted sales, total needs, and required
production), the amount listed for the year is the sum of the quarterly amounts for
the item. In other cases (e.g., desired inventory of finished goods and beginning
inventory of finished goods), the amount listed for the year is not simply the sum of
the quarterly amounts. From the standpoint of the entire year, the beginning
inventory of finished goods is the same as the beginning inventory of finished goods
for the first quarter--it is not the sum of the beginning inventories of the finished
goods for all quarters. Similarly, from the standpoint of the entire year, the ending
inventory of finished goods is the same as the ending inventory of finished goods for
the fourth quarter--it is not the sum of the ending inventories of finished goods for
all four quarters.

Hampton Freeze Inc.

Cash Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2009


Other budget ref. 1 2 3 4 Year

Cash balance, beginning $42,500 $40,000 $40,000 40,500 42,500

Add receipts:
Collections from customers See sales budget 230,000 480,000 740,000 520,000 1,970,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total cash available 272,500 520,000 780,000 560,500 2,012,500

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Less disbursements:

Direct materials material budget 49,500 72,300 100,050 79,350 301,200

Direct labor Labor budget 84,000 192,000 216,000 114,000 606,000
Manufacturing overhead Overhead budget 68,000 96,800 103,200 76,000 344,000
Selling and Administrative sell. & adm. budget 93,000 130,900 184,750 129,150 537,800

Equipment purchases 50,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 130,000

Dividends 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 32,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total disbursements 352,500 540,000 632,000 426,500 1,951,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Excess/deficiency of cash available over
(80,000) (20,000) 148,000 134,000 61,500


Borrowings (at beginning)* 120,000 60,000 - - 180,000

Payments (at beginning) - - (100,000) (80,000) (180,000)

Interest** - - (7,500) (65,00) (14,000)

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total financing 1200,000 (60,000) (107,500) (86,500) (14,000)

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Cash balance, ending $40,000 $40,000 $40,500 $47,500 $47,500

====== ====== ====== ====== ======

*The company requires a minimum cash balance of $40,000. Therefore, borrowing

must be sufficient to cover the cash deficiencies of $80,000 in quarter 1 and to
provide for the minimum cash balance of $40,000. All borrowings and repayments of
principal are in round $1,000 amount.

**The interest payment relate only to the the principle being repaid at the time it is
repaid. For example, the interest in quarter 3 relates only to the interest due on the
$100,000 principle being repaid from quarter 1 borrowing:

$100,000 × 10% per year × 3/4 year = $7,500

The interest paid in quarter 4 is computed as follows:

$20,000 × 10% per year × 1 year $2,000

$60,000 × 10% per year × 3/4 year 4,500
Total interest paid $6,500

Explanation of cash budget for Hampton Freeze Inc.

Cash budget builds on the other budgets ( sales budget, material budget, Labor
budget, Overhead budget, sell. & adm. budget) and on some additional data that
are provided below:

• The beginning cash balance is $42,500

• Management plans to spend $130,000 during the year on equipment
purchases: $50,000 in the first quarter; $40,000 in the second quarter;
$20,000 in the third quarter; $20,000 in the fourth quarter.
• The board of directors has approved cash dividends of $8,000 per quarter.
• Management would like to have a cash balance of at least $40,000 at the
beginning of each quarter for contingencies.
• Assume Hampton Freeze will be able to get agreement from a bank for an
open line of credit. This would enable the company to borrow at an interest
rate of 10% per year. All borrowings and repayments would be in round
$1,000 amount. All borrowings would occur at the beginning of the quarters
and all repayments are made and only on the amount of principal that is

The cash budget is prepared one quarter at a time, starting with the first quarter.
Management began the cash budget by entering the beginning balance of cash for
the first quarter of $42,500--a number that is given above. Receipts--in this case,
just the $230,000 in cash collection from customers--are added to the beginning
balance to arrive at the total cash available of $272,500. Since the total
disbursements are $352,500 and the total cash available is only $272,500, there is
short fall of $80,000. Since management would like to have a beginning cash
balance of at lease $40,000 for the second quarter, the company would need to
borrow $120,000.

Required borrowing at the end of the first quarter

Desired ending cash balance $40,000
Plus deficiency of cash available over disbursements 80,000
Required borrowings $120,000

The second quarter of cash budget is handled similarly. Note that the ending cash
balance of the first quarter is brought forward as the beginning cash balance for the
second quarter. Also note that additional borrowing is required in the second quarter
because of the continued cash shortfall.

Required borrowing at the end of the second quarter

Desired ending cash balance $40,000
Plus deficiency of cash available over disbursements 20,000
Required borrowings $60,000

In third quarter, the cash flow situation improves dramatically and the excess of cash
available over disbursement is $148,000. This makes it possible for the company to
repay part of its loan from the bank, which now totals $180,000. How much can be
repaid? The total amount of the principle and interest that can be repaid is
determined as follows:

Total maximum feasible loan payments at the end of the third quarter
Excess of cash available over disbursement $148,000
Less desired ending cash balance 40,000
Maximum feasible principle and interest payment $108,000

The next step--figuring out the exact amount of loan payment--is tricky since
interest must be paid on the principle amount that is repaid. In this example, the
principle amount that is repaid must be less than $108,000, so we know that we
would be paying of part of the loan that was taken out at the beginning of the first
quarter. Since the repayment would be made at the end of the third quarter, interest
would have accrued for three quarters. So the interest owed would be 3/4 of 10% or
7.5%. Either a trial and error or an algebraic approach will lead to the conclusion
that the maximum principle repayment that can be made is $100,000. The interest
payment would be 7.5% of this amount, or $7,500--making the total payment

In the fourth quarter, all of the loan and accumulated interest are paid off. If all
loans are not repaid at the end of the year and budgeted financial statements are
prepared, then interest must be accrued on the unpaid loans. This interest will not
appear on the cash budget (since it has not yet been paid), but it will appear as
interest expense on the budgeted income statement and as a liability on the
budgeted balance sheet.

As with the production budget and raw materials budget, the amounts under the
year column in the cash budget are not always the sum of the amounts for the four
quarters. In particular, the beginning cash balance for the year is the same as the
beginning cash balance for the first quarter and the ending cash balance for the year
is the same as the ending cash balance for the fourth quarter.

.Hampton Freeze Inc

Manufacturing Overhead Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2003


Year 4 3 2 1

40,400 7,600 14,400 12,800 5,600 (Budgeted direct labor hours (see direct labor budget
$4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 Variable overhead rate

--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

$161,600 $30,400 $57,600 $51,200 $22,400 Variable manufacturing overhead

242,400 60,600 60,600 60,600 60,600 Fixed manufacturing overhead

--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

404,000 91,000 118,200 111,800 83,000 Total manufacturing overhead

60,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Less depreciation

--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

$344,000 $76,000 $103,200 $96,800 $68,000 Cash disbursement for manufacturing overhead

======= ======= ======= ======= =======

$404,000 (Total manufacturing overhead (a

40,400 (Budgeted direct labor-hours (b


$10.00 (Predetermined overhead rate for the year (a) / (b

Explanation of the Manufacturing Overhead Budget for Hampton Freeze


At Hampton Freeze the manufacturing overhead is spread into variable and fixed
components. The variable component is $4 per direct labor-hour and the fixed
component is $60,600 per quarter. Because the variable component of the
manufacturing overhead depends on direct labor, the first line in the manufacturing
overhead budget consists of the budgeted direct labor hours from the direct labor
budget (see direct labor budget). The budgeted direct labor hours in each quarter
are multiplied by the variable rate to determine the variable component of the
manufacturing overhead. For example, the the variable manufacturing overhead for
the first quarter is $22,400 (5,600 direct labor hours × $4.00 per direct labor-hour).
This is added to the fixed manufacturing overhead for the quarter to determine the
total manufacturing overhead for the quarter. The total manufacturing overhead for
the first quarter is $83,000 ($22,400 + $60,600).

A few words about fixed costs and the budgeting process are in order. In most cases,
fixed costs are the costs of supplying capacity to do things like make products,
process purchase orders, handle customer calls, and so on. The amount of capacity
that will be required depends on the expected level of activity for the period. If the
expected level of activity is greater than the company's current capacity, then fixed
costs may have to be increased. Or, if the expected level of activity is appreciably
below the company's current capacity, then it may be desirable to decrease fixed
costs if that is possible. However once the level of fixed cost has been determined in
the budget, the costs really are fixed. The time to adjust fixed costs is during the
budgeting process. To determine the appropriate level of fixed costs at budget time,
an activity based costing system may be very helpful. It can help answer questions
like, "How many clerks will we need to hire to process the anticipated the number of
purchase orders next year?" For simplicity, we assume in all of the budgeting
examples that appropriate fixed costs has already been determined for the budget
with the aid of activity based costing system or some other method.

The last line in the manufacturing overhead budget for Hampton Freeze Inc. shows
that its budgeted cash disbursement for manufacturing overhead. Since, some of
the overhead costs are not cash outflows, the total budgeted manufacturing
overhead costs must be adjusted to determine the cash disbursements for
manufacturing overhead. At Hampton Freeze, the only significant non-cash
manufacturing overhead cost is depreciation, which is $15,00 per quarter. These
non-cash depreciation charges are deducted from the total budgeted manufacturing
overhead to determine the expected cash disbursements. Hampton Freeze Inc. pays
all overhead costs involving the cash disbursements in the quarter incurred. Note
that the company's predetermined overhead rate for the year will be $10 per direct
labor hour, which is determined by dividing the total budgeted manufacturing
overhead for the year by the total budgeted direct labor hours for the year.

Hampton Freeze, Inc.

Direct Materials Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2009

1 2 3 4 Year

Required production in cases (see production budget page) 14,000 32,000 36,000 19,000 101,000

Raw materials needed per case (pounds) 15 15 15 15 15

----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------

Production needs (pounds) 210,000 480,000 540,000 285,000 1,515,000

1 Add desired ending inventory of raw material 48,000 54,000 28,500 22,500 22,500

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Total needs 258,000 534,000 568,500 307,500 1,537,500

Less beginning inventory of raw materials 21,000 48,000 54,000 28,500 21,000

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Raw materials to be purchased 237,000 486,000 514,000 279,000 1,516,500

Cost of raw materials per pound $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20

------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------

Cost of raw materials to be purchased $47,400 $97,200 $102,900 55,800 $303,300

======= ======= ======= ======= =======

Percentage of purchases paid for in the period of the purchase 50%

Percentage of purchase paid for in the period after purchase 50%

50% 50%

Schedule of Expected Cash Disbursement for Materials

2 Accounts payable, beginning balance $25,800 $25,800

3 First-quarter purchase 23,700 $23,700 47,400

4 Second-quarter purchases 48,600 $48,600 97,200

5 Third-quarter purchase 51,450 $51,450 102,900

6 Fourth-quarter purchase 27,900 27,900

---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

Total cash disbursement $49,500 $72,300 $100,050 $79,350 $301,200

1 Ten percent of the next quarter's needs. For example, the second-quarter production needs are 480,000 pounds. Therefore, the
desired ending inventory for the first quarter would be 10% 480,000 pounds = 48,000 pounds. The ending inventory of 22,500
pounds for the quarter is assumed
2 Cash payments for the last year's fourth-quarter materials purchases.
3 $47,500 × 50%; $47,500 × 50%.
4 $97,200 × 50%; $97,200 × 50%.
5 $102,900 × 50%; $102,900 × 50%.
6 $55,800 × 50%. Unpaid fourth quarter's purchases appear as accounts payable on the company's end of year balance sheet

Explanation of the Direct Materials Budget for Hampton Freeze Inc.

The only raw materials include in this budget is high fructose sugar, which is the
major ingredient in popsicles (finished goods of Hampton Freeze Inc.) other than
water. The remaining raw materials are relatively insignificant and are included in
variable manufacturing overhead. As with finished goods, management would like to
maintain some minimum inventories of raw materials as cushion. In this case,
management would like to maintain ending inventories of sugar equal to 10% of the
following quarter's production needs.

The first line in the direct materials budget contains the required production for each
quarter, which is taken directly from the production budget (see production budget
page). Looking at the first quarter, since the schedule of production budget calls for
the production of 14,000 cases of popsicles (finished goods of Hampton Freeze Inc.)
and each case requires 15 pounds of sugar, the total production needs are for
210,000 pounds of sugar (14,000 cases × 15 pounds per case). In addition,
management wants to have ending inventories of 48,000 pounds of sugar, which is
10% of the following quarter's needs of 480,000 pounds. Consequently the total
needs are for 258,000 pounds (210,000 pounds for the current quarter's production
plus 48,000 pounds for the desired ending inventory). However, since the company
already has 21,000 pounds in beginning inventory, only 237,000 pounds of sugar
(258,000 pounds – 21,000 pounds) will need to be purchased. Finally, the cost of the
materials purchases is determined by multiplying the amount of raw materials to be
purchased by the cost per unit of the raw materials. In this case, since 237,000
pounds of sugar will have to be purchased during the first quarter and sugar costs
$0.20 per pound, the total cost will be $47,400 (237,000 pounds × $0.20 per

As with the production budget, the amounts listed under the year column are not
always just the sum of the quarterly amounts. The desired ending inventory of raw
materials for the year is the same as the desired ending inventory of raw materials
for the fourth quarter. Likewise the beginning inventory of the raw materials for the
year is the same as the beginning inventory of raw materials for the first quarter.

Direct materials budget is usually accompanied by a schedule of expected cash

disbursements for raw materials. This schedule is needed to prepare the overall
cash budget. Disbursement of raw materials consist of payments for purchases
on account in prior periods plus any payments for purchases in the current budget
period. Direct materials budget in our example includes such a schedule of expected
cash disbursements. Ordinarily, companies do not immediately pay their suppliers.
At Hampton Freeze Inc. the policy is to pay for 50% of purchases in the quarter in
which the purchase is made and 50% in the following quarter, so while the company
intends to purchase $47,400 worth of sugar in the first quarter, the company will
only pay for half, $23,700, in the first quarter and the other half will be paid in the
second quarter. The company will also pay $25,800 for sugar acquired in the
previous quarter, but not yet paid for. This is the beginning balance in the accounts
payable. Therefore, the total cash disbursements for sugar in the first quarter are
$49,500--the $25,800 payment for sugar acquired in the previous quarter plus the
$23,700 payment for sugar acquired during the first quarter

Hampton Freeze Inc.

Selling and Administrative Expense Budget
For the Year Ended December 31, 2009

1 2 3 4 Year
Budgeted sales in cases (see sales budget) 10,000 30,000 40,000 20,000 100,000
Variable selling and administrative expenses per case $1.80 $1.80 $1.80 1.80 $1.80
----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
Budgeted variable expense $ 18,000 $54,000 $72,000 $36,000 $180,000
====== ====== ====== ====== ======

Budgeted fixed selling and administrative expenses:

Advertising 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 80,000
Executive salaries 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 220,000
Insurance 1,900 37,750 39,650

Property taxes 18,150 18,150

Depreciation 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Total budgeted fixed selling and administrative exp. 85,000 86,900 122,750 103,150 397,800
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Total budgeted selling and administrative expenses 103,000 140,900 194,750 139,150 577,800
Less depreciation 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,000
------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
Cash disbursements for selling and administrative exp. $93,000 $130,900 $184,750 $129,150 $537,800
====== ====== ====== ====== ======

Explanation of Selling and Administrative Expense Budget for Hampton

Freeze Inc.

Like the manufacturing overhead budget the selling and administrative expense
budget is divided into variable and fixed cost components. In the above example the
variable selling and administrative expense is $1.80 per case. Consequently,
budgeted sales in cases for each quarter are entered at the top of the schedule.
These data are taken from the sales budget (see sales budget). The budgeted
variable selling and administrative expenses are determined by multiplying the
budgeted sales in cases by the variable selling and administrative expense per case.
For example, the budgeted variable selling and administrative expense for the first
quarter is $18,000 (10,000 cases × $1.80 per case). The fixed selling and
administrative expenses (all given data) are then added to the variable selling and
administrative expenses to arrive at the total budgeted selling and administrative
expenses. Finally, to determine the cash disbursement for selling and administrative
items, total budgeted selling and administrative expense is adjusted by adding back
non-cash selling and administrative expenses (in this case, just depreciation).

Hampton Freeze Inc.

Budgeted Income Statement
For the Year Ended December 31, 2009

Other Budgets References

Sales Sales budget $2,000,000

Less cost of goods sold* Sales budget, Ending finished goods inventory budget 1,300,000


Gross margin 700,000

Less selling and administrative expenses Selling and administrative expense budget 577,800


Net operating income 122,200

Less interest expense Cash budget 14,000


Net income $108,200


Hampton Freeze Inc.

Budgeted Balance Sheet
December 31, 2009
Current assets:
Cash 1 $47,500

Accounts receivable 2 120,000

Raw materials inventory 3 4,500

Finished goods inventory 4 39,000


Total current assets $211,000

Plant and equipment:
Land 5 80,000

Building and equipment 6 830,000

Accumulated depreciation 7 (392,000)


Plant and equipment, net $518,000


Total assets $729,000

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable (raw materials) 8 $27,000
Stockholders' equity:
Common stock, no par 9 $175,000

Retained earnings 10 526,000


Total stock holders' equity 701,100


Total liabilities and stockholders equity $729,000


Hampton Freeze, Inc.

Balance Sheet
December 31, 2008
Current Assets:
Cash $42,500

Accounts receivable 90,000

Raw materials inventory (21,000 pounds) 4,200

Finished goods inventory (2,000 cases) 26,000


Total current assets $162,700

Plant and Equipment:
Land 80,000

Building and equipment 700,000

Accumulated depreciation (292,000)


Plant and equipment, net $488,000


Total assets $650,700

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current Liabilities:
Accounts payable (raw materials) $25,800
Stockholders' Equity:
Common stock, no par $175,000

Retained earnings 449,900


Total stock holders' equity 624,000


Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $650,700


Explanation of December 31, 2009, budgeted balance sheet figures:

1. The ending cash balance, as projected by the cash budget on cash budget
2. Thirty percent of fourth quarter sales, from sales budget ($400,000 × 30% =
3. From direct materials budget, ending raw materials inventory will be 22,500
pounds. This material costs $0.20 per pound. Therefore, the ending inventory
in dollars will be 22,500 pounds × $0.20 = $4,500.
4. From ending finished goods inventory budget.
5. From December 2008 balance sheet (no change).
6. The December 2008 balance sheet indicated a balance of $700,000. During
2009, $130,000 of additional equipment will be purchased (see cash budget),
bringing the December 31, 2009, balance to $830,000.
7. The December 31, 2008 balance sheet indicated a balance of $292,000.
During 2009, $100,000 depreciation will be taken ($60,000 from
manufacturing overhead budget, and $40,000 selling and administrative
expense budget), bringing the December 2009, balance to $392,000.
8. One half of the fourth quarter raw materials purchase, from direct materials
9. From the December 2008 balance sheet (no change).

10. December 31, 2008, balance $449,900

Add net income, from budgeted income statement 108,200
Deduct dividend paid from cash budget 32,000
December 31, 2009, balance $526,100

Hampton Freeze Inc.

Ending Finished Goods Inventory Budget
Absorption Costing Bases
For the Year Ended December 31, 2009
Item Quantity Cost Total

Production Cost Per Case:

Direct materials 15 Pounds $0.20 per pound $3.00

Direct labor 0.40 hours 15.00 per hour 6.00
Manufacturing overhead 0.40 hours 10.00 per hour 4.00


Unit product cost $13.00


Budgeted finished goods inventory:

Ending finished goods inventory (see production budget) 3,000

Unit production cost (see above) $13.00


Ending finished goods inventory in dollars $39.00


Explanation of Ending Finished Goods Inventory Budget for Hampton

Freeze Inc.

For Hampton Freeze Inc. the absorption costing unit product cost is $13 per case of
popsicles (finished goods of Hampton Freeze Inc.)--costing of $3 of direct materials,
$6 of direct labor, and $4 of manufacturing overhead. The manufacturing overhead
is applied to units of product on the basis of direct labor-hours at the rate of $10 per
direct labor-hour. The budgeted carrying cost of the expected inventory is $39,000.

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