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GG Av Static Pressure 1
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
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Iteration CPUTime PhysTime Travels Value AvValue MinValue
MaxValue Delta Criteria Progress dGMaxMin CriteriaType
CriteriaVarType CriteriaPercentage
1 0 0 0.025 111457.5 111457.5 111457.5 111457.5 0 0
0 10132.5 0 0 3
2 1 0 0.05 111885.98 111671.74 111457.5 111885.98 214.239946
0 0 21278.3 0 0 3
3 1 0 0.075 112310.625 111884.702 111457.5 112310.625 427.201794
0 0 25765.8 0 0 3
4 1 0 0.1 112731.859 112096.491 111457.5 112731.859 638.991201
0 0 24477.5 0 0 3
5 1 0 0.125 113177.703 112312.733 111457.5 113177.703 855.233488
0 0 33273.2 0 0 3
6 1 0 0.15 114084.123 112607.965 111457.5 114084.123 1150.46509
0 0 44639.8 0 0 3
7 1 0 0.175 115303.203 112992.999 111457.5 115303.203 1535.49903
0 0 59386.9 0 0 3
8 1 0 0.2 116676.367 113453.42 111457.5 116676.367 1995.91999
0 0 65815.9 0 0 3
9 1 0 0.225 118152.281 113975.516 111457.5 118152.281 2518.01567
0 0 72151.8 0 0 3
10 1 0 0.25 119734.405 114551.405 111457.5 119734.405 3093.90456
0 0 76885.3 0 0 3
11 1 0 0.275 121918.687 115221.158 111457.5 121918.687 3763.65755
0 0 84797.8 0 0 3
12 1 0 0.3 124200.387 115969.427 111457.5 124200.387 4511.92666
0 0 91730.4 0 0 3
13 1 0 0.325 126615.963 116788.391 111457.5 126615.963 5330.89103
0 0 97780.3 0 0 3
14 1 0 0.35 129163.581 117672.333 111457.5 129163.581 6214.83314
0 0 105779 0 0 3
15 1 0 0.375 131801.081 118614.25 111457.5 131801.081 7156.74964
0 0 116070 0 0 3
16 2 0 0.4 134662.835 119617.286 111457.5 134662.835 8159.78626
0 0 123971 0 0 3
17 2 0 0.425 137638.656 120677.367 111457.5 137638.656 9219.86684
0 0 132569 0 0 3
18 2 0 0.45 140818.324 121796.309 111457.5 140818.324 10338.8089
0 0 142989 0 0 3
19 2 0 0.475 144313.507 122981.425 111457.5 144313.507 11523.9246
0 0 154576 0 0 3
20 2 0 0.5 148180.43 124241.375 111457.5 148180.43 12783.8749
0 0 165293 0 0 3
21 2 0 0.525 152447.644 126290.882 111885.98 152447.644 14619.1422
0 0 175850 0 0 3
22 2 0 0.55 156801.377 128536.652 112310.625 156801.377 16651.9502
0 0 199819 0 0 3
23 2 0 0.575 161180.357 130980.139 112731.859 161180.357 18883.6473
0 0 228300 0 0 3
24 2 0 0.6 165543.417 133620.716 113177.703 165543.417 21307.9829
0 0 259203 0 0 3
25 2 0 0.625 169871.691 136455.416 114084.123 169871.691 23847.4507
0 0 293651 0 0 3
26 2 0 0.65 174134.545 139457.937 115303.203 174134.545 26464.9379
0 0 330938 0 0 3
27 2 0 0.675 178325.542 142609.054 116676.367 178325.542 29155.6339
0 0 369384 0 0 3
28 2 0 0.7 182772.558 145913.863 118152.281 182772.558 31938.3478
0 0 412574 0 0 3
29 2 0 0.725 186884.419 149350.47 119734.405 186884.419 34799.0658
0 0 454553 0 0 3
30 3 0 0.75 190398.729 152883.687 121918.687 190398.729 37662.529
0 0 499562 0 0 3
31 3 0 0.775 192833.596 156429.432 124200.387 192833.596 40460.0053
0 0 540046 0 0 3
32 3 0 0.8 194774.272 159958.126 126615.963 194774.272 43169.7352
0 0 572450 0 0 3
33 3 0 0.825 195685.439 163411.6 129163.581 195685.439 45739.2669
0 0 602302 0 0 3
34 3 0 0.85 195933.074 166750.075 131801.081 195933.074 48135.825
0 0 628380 0 0 3
35 3 0 0.875 195686.269 169944.334 134662.835 195933.074 50327.0478
0 0 632024 0 0 3
36 3 0 0.9 195043.174 172963.351 137638.656 195933.074 52285.9842
0 0 636935 0 0 3
37 3 0 0.925 194391.633 175801 140818.324 195933.074 54004.6909
0 0 636238 0 0 3
38 3 0 0.95 194052.543 178462.711 144313.507 195933.074 51619.5665
0 0 630917 0 0 3
39 3 0 0.975 194104.596 180952.265 148180.43 195933.074 47752.6436
0 0 618086 0 0 3
40 3 0 1 194585.099 183272.499 152447.644 195933.074 43485.4295
2508.67345 5.7 596718 0 0 3
41 3 0 1.025 195187.96 185409.514 156801.377 195933.074 39131.6972
2508.67345 6.4 579814 0 0 3
42 3 0 1.05 196083.929 187373.642 161180.357 196083.929 34903.5719
2510.93627 7.1 562293 0 0 3
43 3 0 1.075 197251.129 189177.181 165543.417 197251.129 31707.7117
2519.15021 7.9 540627 0 0 3
44 4 0 1.1 198629.899 189627.31 165543.417 198629.899 33086.4821
2530.25413 7.6 516806 0 0 3
45 4 0 1.125 200253.419 191280.167 169871.691 200253.419 30381.7285
2541.21909 8.3 491743 0 0 3
46 4 0 1.15 201941.953 192807.323 174134.545 201941.953 27807.4079
2556.97172 9.1 467600 0 0 3
47 4 0 1.175 203617.909 194211.292 178325.542 203617.909 25292.3673
2570.18164 10.1 445313 0 0 3
48 4 0 1.2 205199.127 195490.987 182772.558 205199.127 22426.5687
2580.86929 11.5 425298 0 0 3
49 4 0 1.225 206795.651 196634.944 186884.419 206795.651 19911.2325
2589.58394 13 408553 0 0 3
50 4 0 1.25 208743.219 197675.839 190398.729 208743.219 18344.4895
2597.65198 14.1 396128 0 0 3
51 4 0 1.275 210485.732 198632.363 192833.596 210485.732 17652.1358
2603.04829 14.7 386075 0 0 3
52 4 0 1.3 212339.683 199561.224 194052.543 212339.683 18287.1398
2606.47584 14.2 378451 0 0 3
53 4 0 1.325 213814.51 200467.902 194052.543 213814.51 19761.9668
2607.20511 13.1 372690 0 0 3
54 4 0 1.35 215117.449 201393.236 194052.543 215117.449 21064.9059
2605.16303 12.3 368718 0 0 3
55 4 0 1.375 215948.402 202346.347 194052.543 215948.402 21895.8589
2599.78014 11.8 365664 0 0 3
56 4 0 1.4 217226.096 203372.053 194052.543 217226.096 23173.5533
2592.1 11.1 367421 0 0 3
57 4 0 1.425 217826.028 204456.951 194052.543 217826.028 23773.4849
2581.13065 10.8 374358 0 0 3
58 4 0 1.45 218703.268 205614.648 194052.543 218703.268 24650.7252
2567.54274 10.4 371370 0 0 3
59 4 0 1.475 219565.341 206829.543 194104.596 219565.341 25460.7446
2551.2276 10 369736 0 0 3
60 4 0 1.5 220109.756 208067.884 194585.099 220109.756 24795.3851
2531.56021 10.2 367302 0 0 3
61 5 0 1.525 221122.443 209331.567 195187.96 221122.443 23922.0523
2509.11658 10.4 368351 0 0 3
62 5 0 1.55 221909.454 210604.019 196083.929 221909.454 23230.3768
2508.67345 10.7 367263 0 0 3
63 5 0 1.575 222262.783 211850.631 197251.129 222262.783 22673.4503
2508.67345 11 370038 0 0 3
64 5 0 1.6 223181.771 213085.423 198629.899 223181.771 23458.1133
2508.67345 10.6 378946 0 0 3
65 5 0 1.625 223936.716 214290.51 200253.419 223936.716 23010.3426
2508.67345 10.9 391055 0 0 3
66 5 0 1.65 224881.365 215463.269 201941.953 224881.365 22655.9466
2508.67345 11 397410 0 0 3
67 5 0 1.675 225970.744 216607.497 203617.909 225970.744 22352.8349
2508.67345 11.2 400377 0 0 3
68 5 0 1.7 227063.901 217723.973 205199.127 227063.901 21864.7739
2508.67345 11.4 406451 0 0 3
69 5 0 1.725 227679.677 218794.476 206795.651 227679.677 20884.0253
2508.67345 12 409903 0 0 3
70 5 0 1.75 228444.113 219825.355 208743.219 228444.113 19700.8941
2508.67345 12.7 415238 0 0 3
71 5 0 1.775 229994.691 220837.33 210485.732 229994.691 19508.9587
2508.67345 12.8 419392 0 0 3
72 5 0 1.8 231162.851 221821.954 212339.683 231162.851 18823.1681
2508.67345 13.3 424359 0 0 3
73 5 0 1.825 232571.364 222785.368 213814.51 232571.364 18756.8541
2508.67345 13.3 427999 0 0 3
74 5 0 1.85 234239.011 223757.963 215117.449 234239.011 19121.5625
2508.67345 13.1 432237 0 0 3
75 5 0 1.875 235775.643 224741.687 215948.402 235775.643 19827.2413
2508.67345 12.6 435454 0 0 3
76 5 0 1.9 237210.63 225754.174 217226.096 237210.63 19984.534
2508.67345 12.5 438594 0 0 3
77 5 0 1.925 238949.79 226788.635 217826.028 238949.79 21123.7618
2508.67345 11.8 445244 0 0 3
78 6 0 1.95 240845.174 227884.785 218703.268 240845.174 22141.906
2508.67345 11.3 450754 0 0 3
79 6 0 1.975 242804.558 229032.465 219565.341 242804.558 22202.9227
2508.67345 11.2 456962 0 0 3
80 6 0 2 245490.945 230267.018 220109.756 245490.945 22199.1343
2508.67345 11.3 461295 0 0 3
81 6 0 2.025 247574.233 231574.85 221122.443 247574.233 22243.2835
2508.67345 11.2 465062 0 0 3
82 6 0 2.05 250332.24 232965.793 221909.454 250332.24 22361.7741
2508.67345 11.2 467407 0 0 3
83 6 0 2.075 252395.277 234417.499 222262.783 252395.277 22566.8678
2508.67345 11.1 470960 0 0 3
84 6 0 2.1 254911.03 235972.177 223181.771 254911.03 22886.7538
2508.67345 10.9 473326 0 0 3
85 6 0 2.125 257261.23 237595.009 223936.716 257261.23 23304.4987
2508.67345 10.7 476728 0 0 3
86 6 0 2.15 259757.774 239300.773 224881.365 259757.774 23837.504
2508.67345 10.5 479854 0 0 3
87 6 0 2.175 263149.437 241123.062 225970.744 263149.437 24515.565
2508.67345 10.2 483865 0 0 3
88 6 0 2.2 266058.628 243032.009 227063.901 266058.628 25308.0361
2508.67345 9.9 487721 0 0 3
89 6 0 2.225 268534.244 245006.788 227679.677 268534.244 26212.312
2508.67345 9.5 492524 0 0 3
90 6 0 2.25 271408.949 247089.134 228444.113 271408.949 27263.7792
2508.67345 9.2 498044 0 0 3
91 6 0 2.275 274151.662 249265.684 229994.691 274151.662 28428.3543
2508.67345 8.8 498380 0 0 3
92 6 0 2.3 277291.073 251517.893 231162.851 277291.073 29695.9383
2508.67345 8.4 503155 0 0 3
93 6 0 2.325 280478.988 253866.28 232571.364 280478.988 31080.9124
2508.67345 8 508648 0 0 3
94 7 0 2.35 284609.949 256344.308 234239.011 284609.949 32586.345
2508.67345 7.6 511559 0 0 3
95 7 0 2.375 288078.861 258908.11 235775.643 288078.861 34166.4238
2508.67345 7.3 512400 0 0 3
96 7 0 2.4 291899.273 261580.664 237210.63 291899.273 35826.4905
2508.67345 7 512007 0 0 3
97 7 0 2.425 294992.462 264332.18 238949.79 294992.462 37543.5448
2508.67345 6.6 512841 0 0 3
98 7 0 2.45 298599.894 267172.661 240845.174 298599.894 39287.8761
2508.67345 6.3 512472 0 0 3
99 7 0 2.475 302754.996 270120.748 242804.558 302754.996 41088.2824
2508.67345 6.1 512152 0 0 3
100 7 0 2.5 306444.432 273151.218 245490.945 306444.432 42884.2
2508.67345 5.8 511970 0 0 3
101 7 0 2.525 312405.865 276337.643 247574.233 312405.865 44762.7926
2508.67345 5.6 513142 0 0 3
102 7 0 2.55 318454.141 279712.877 250332.24 318454.141 46747.0836
2508.67345 5.3 515345 0 0 3
103 7 0 2.575 326761.572 283352.369 252395.277 326761.572 48934.8697
2508.67345 5.1 518258 0 0 3
104 7 0 2.6 337420.647 287401.196 254911.03 337420.647 51429.0185
2508.67345 4.8 523909 0 0 3
105 8 0 2.625 353715.401 292106.166 257261.23 353715.401 54511.1571
2508.67345 4.6 539163 0 0 3
106 8 0 2.65 376176.696 297768.807 259757.774 376176.696 58468.0337
2508.67345 4.2 565529 0 0 3
107 8 0 2.675 404962.099 304683.299 263149.437 404962.099 63560.2362
2508.67345 3.9 598287 0 0 3
108 8 0 2.7 437809.733 313000.456 266058.628 437809.733 69968.4463
2508.67345 3.5 663416 0 0 3
109 8 0 2.725 472580.34 322834.823 268534.244 472580.34 77828.0352
2508.67345 3.2 728879 0 0 3
110 8 0 2.75 499364.558 333826.743 271408.949 499364.558 86737.6087
2508.67345 2.8 802044 0 0 3
111 8 0 2.775 517037.638 345523.347 274151.662 517037.638 96257.6629
2508.67345 2.6 861845 0 0 3
112 8 0 2.8 520725.748 357264.97 277291.073 520725.748 105747.077
2554.41715 2.4 876603 0 0 3
113 8 0 2.825 522251.253 368929.74 280478.988 522251.253 115063.46
2638.47167 2.2 905357 0 0 3
114 8 0 2.85 521671.454 380415.096 284609.949 522251.253 124070.788
2719.57836 2.1 906517 0 0 3
115 8 0 2.875 519091.826 391580.9 288078.861 522251.253 132672.789
2797.90756 2.1 892059 0 0 3
116 9 0 2.9 521286.055 402686.004 291899.273 522251.253 141105.34
2873.60902 2 944732 0 0 3
117 9 0 2.925 516784.58 413394.828 294992.462 522251.253 149062.648
2946.66662 1.9 947778 0 0 3
118 9 0 2.95 516558.585 423945.596 298599.894 522251.253 156772.935
3017.12195 1.9 940226 0 0 3
119 9 0 2.975 515593.774 434278.638 302754.996 522251.253 164157.89
3085.04953 1.8 925933 0 0 3
120 9 0 3 521327.94 444686.873 306444.432 522251.253 171535.655
3150.27153 1.8 925949 0 0 3
121 9 0 3.025 526138.179 455148.48 312405.865 526138.179 178810.837
3214.55112 1.7 945303 0 0 3
122 9 0 3.05 531612.061 465586.87 318454.141 531612.061 185873.994
3278.25653 1.7 989600 0 0 3
123 9 0 3.075 528053.232 475567.78 326761.572 531612.061 192215.411
3339.68119 1.7 992917 0 0 3
124 9 0 3.1 526343.415 485071.677 337420.647 531612.061 194191.413
3398.74488 1.7 987046 0 0 3
125 9 0 3.125 523296.342 493922.9 353715.401 531612.061 177896.66
3455.58935 1.9 957500 0 0 3
126 9 0 3.15 521986.248 501935.798 376176.696 531612.061 155435.365
3510.24097 2.2 918900 0 0 3
127 9 0 3.175 523304.314 508941.875 404962.099 531612.061 126649.962
3562.46669 2.8 904949 0 0 3
128 9 0 3.2 527709.855 514787.006 437809.733 531612.061 93802.3275
3612.51369 3.8 945601 0 0 3
129 9 0 3.225 531164.688 519232.48 472580.34 531612.061 59031.7213
3660.60157 6.2 944506 0 0 3
130 9 0 3.25 533840.257 522149.619 499364.558 533840.257 34475.6986
3707.40532 10.7 941354 0 0 3
131 9 0 3.275 536558.237 523920.747 515593.774 536558.237 20964.4626
3753.17226 17.9 939282 0 0 3
132 10 0 3.3 541398.327 525080.78 515593.774 541398.327 25804.5524
3798.49884 14.7 937278 0 0 3
133 10 0 3.325 549051.015 526429.602 515593.774 549051.015 33457.2409
3844.29091 11.4 941614 0 0 3
134 10 0 3.35 552716.294 527880.318 515593.774 552716.294 37122.5191
3888.96005 10.4 961045 0 0 3
135 10 0 3.375 559342.888 529674.196 515593.774 559342.888 43749.1134
3933.68595 8.9 1.0051e+06 0 0 3
136 10 0 3.4 569344.866 532067.198 515593.774 569344.866 53751.0916
3979.41181 7.4 1.04913e+06 0 0 3
137 10 0 3.425 578532.287 534793.209 515593.774 578532.287 62938.5129
4026.07967 6.3 1.05352e+06 0 0 3
138 10 0 3.45 588195.635 538193.735 515593.774 588195.635 72601.8603
4073.64898 5.6 1.03251e+06 0 0 3
139 10 0 3.475 603877.025 542351.756 515593.774 603877.025 88283.2504
4123.75011 4.6 1.02587e+06 0 0 3
140 10 0 3.5 620968.863 547369.618 521327.94 620968.863 99640.9231
4176.86994 4.1 1.05333e+06 0 0 3
141 10 0 3.525 635873.365 552824.162 521986.248 635873.365 97675.6814
4231.59425 4.3 1.07845e+06 0 0 3
142 10 0 3.55 644650.53 558467.607 521986.248 644650.53 92880.7364
4286.04814 4.6 1.04377e+06 0 0 3
143 10 0 3.575 659886.218 564575.9 521986.248 659886.218 89008.1205
4341.46262 4.8 1.13041e+06 0 0 3
144 10 0 3.6 673931.075 571522.464 521986.248 673931.075 86450.7872
4396.78811 5 1.18463e+06 0 0 3
145 10 0 3.625 693515.007 579483.016 521986.248 693515.007 85560.1156
4451.99953 5.2 1.21275e+06 0 0 3
146 10 0 3.65 728210.731 589240.844 521986.248 728210.731 87305.0461
4509.63181 5.1 1.29862e+06 0 0 3
147 10 0 3.675 756572.711 600411.628 523304.314 756572.711 91469.753
4566.06814 4.9 1.35748e+06 0 0 3
148 11 0 3.7 797403.41 613463.966 527709.855 797403.41 98676.9597
4623.67686 4.6 1.46226e+06 0 0 3
149 11 0 3.725 809485.902 626881.873 531164.688 809485.902 107649.393
4673.98411 4.3 1.53221e+06 0 0 3
150 11 0 3.75 806646.696 640000.064 533840.257 809485.902 117850.445
4716.07189 4 1.55427e+06 0 0 3
151 11 0 3.775 798052.777 652581.612 536558.237 809485.902 128660.866
4753.01506 3.6 1.5106e+06 0 0 3
152 11 0 3.8 792072.858 664748.975 541398.327 809485.902 139668.196
4789.29853 3.4 1.4377e+06 0 0 3
153 11 0 3.825 772866.773 675771.282 549051.015 809485.902 149341.68
4824.93982 3.2 1.36017e+06 0 0 3
154 11 0 3.85 767924.144 686193.812 552716.294 809485.902 158313.494
4859.95582 3 1.28615e+06 0 0 3
155 11 0 3.875 787569.686 697377.307 559342.888 809485.902 167703.111
4894.36284 2.9 1.22107e+06 0 0 3
156 11 0 3.9 783549.135 708053.795 569344.866 809485.902 175986.597
4928.17665 2.8 1.20017e+06 0 0 3
157 11 0 3.925 783701.813 718261.269 578532.287 809485.902 183468.06
4961.41243 2.7 1.17116e+06 0 0 3
158 11 0 3.95 785115.909 728098.584 588195.635 809485.902 189904.849
4994.0849 2.6 1.15086e+06 0 0 3
159 11 0 3.975 795481.668 737969.347 603877.025 809485.902 195617.591
5026.20825 2.5 1.17628e+06 0 0 3
160 11 0 4 799187.563 747269.849 620968.863 809485.902 188517.038
5056.36268 2.6 1.18862e+06 0 0 3
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
cristopher rodriguez
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
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Serv Press
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
cristopher rodriguez
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SG Av Static Pressure 1
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GG Av Static Pressure 1
cristopher rodriguez
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