Ie 320 - Spring 2003: Mmcs For Aerospace Applications

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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

‡ The production of fibres of boron and of silicon carbide in the early 1970s
enabled the reinforcement of light metals and particularly aluminium alloys
to be considered seriously.

The advantages of MMC over monolithic metals :

Lecture 4 ƒ A higher specific modulus,
ƒ Higher specific strength,
ƒ Better properties at elevated temperatures,
Composites with metallic ƒ Lower coefficients of thermal expansion and
matrices ƒ Better wear resistance.
ƒ Lower toughness
ƒ More expensive

Materials 2
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

INTRODUCTION MMCs for aerospace applications

The advantages of MMC over PMC Matrix Fibre Application
Cu base C combustion chamber

ƒ Superior mechanical properties, namely strength and stiffness, greater

nozzle (rocket, space shuttle) ;
NASPa heat exchanger
shear and compressive strengths,
Fe base W tubing
ƒ better high temperature capabilities Ni base and intermetalIics Al2 03 blades, discs
ƒ no moisture absorption properties, W

ƒ non-inflammability, Ti base and intermetalIics SiC

housings, tubing
blades, discs
ƒ high electrical and thermal conductivities, and TiC shafts, honeycomb
ƒ resistance to most radiations Al base SiC housings (pumps, instrumentation), mechanical
connectors, satellite, structures
Al2O3 fuselage
C structural members
SiC wings, blades
Mg base Al2O3 structural members
Directionally solidified blades, cable, NASpa ;heat exchanger,
eutectics superconductors
Cu base Nb
Ni base Carbide
3 Ti base Silicide 4
aHypersonic American National Aerospace Plane

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

METAL MATRIX COMPOSITE PROCESSING MMC Processing: Solid state processing

(a) Solid state, ‡ Diffusion bonding process
(b) Liquid state, a) sandwich a fibre mat, held by a polymer binder,
(d) Deposition, b) Form ply between two sheets of foil
(c) in situ, c) stack plies
d) hot pressed in a die to form the component
Solid state processing (SSP)

By application of T and P, the high ∆GT of the pressure

system are lowered by the matrix consolidating ƒ Diffusion bonding is an expensive and limited
to give lower energy solid-solid interfaces. to simple shapes such as tubes and plates.
heat ƒ the temperatures for SSP are lower than those
ƒ The solid matrix material is in the form of for LSP and thus undesirable interface
either particles or foil area reactions can be negligible.
contact ƒ Sometimes two methods are used; for
ƒ Powder metallurgy is suited for the densify example hot pressing followed by secondary
production of discontinuous fibre, whisker
processing such as forging, rolling and
or particulate reinforced metals.
ƒ The components are simply mixed, then point contact densification extrusion to obtain the required shape.
pressed, and consolidated at an elevated at low T by diffusion at
temperature. higher T
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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

MMC Processing: Solid state processing MMC Processing: Liquid state processing
The production of MMC by casting techniques is possible by overcoming the
Examples of MMCs produced by diffusion bonding
are titanium, nickel, copper and particularly aluminum problem of non-wetting and reactions.
reinforced with boron or SiC fibres. ƒ Coating of fiber: graded pyrolitic graphite coatings on SiC fibres.
ƒ Modification of the matrix composition: addition of lithium to the aluminum
ƒ Composites with up to 50% reinforcement matrix melt to enhance wetting of FP Alumina fibre by formation of Li20.5Al2O3
produced by powder metallurgy but limited to spinel at the fibre interface
25% due to damage to fibres and loss of
toughness. Melt stirring:
ƒ In the case of discontinuous fibres and
whiskers, alignment of fibers perpendicular to ƒ Particulate, whisker or
the applied load occur during pressing. This discontinuous fibre
leads to anisotropic behavior. reinforcement with the
ƒ If both the matrix and the reinforcement are molten metal are mixed.
ductile the composite can be produced by co-
extrusion or drawing. ƒ The melt is stirred just
above the liquidus
temperature and cast in
the conventional manner.
But, uniform mixing is
difficult to achieve.
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

MMC Processing: Liquid state processing MMC Processing: Liquid state processing
Compocasting or Rheocasting Squeeze casting
ƒ Mixing is improved by allowing the melt to cool to a more viscous two- ƒ Pressure is
phase solid-liquid state. But It is limited to 20 vol. % of the applied
reinforcement mechanically
which is suitable
Liquid Infiltration for the
production of
ƒ Processes involve the use of a pre-form which the liquid must infiltrate. small net shaped
ƒ Infiltration can be carried out at atmospheric pressure or at higher
applied pressure.
ƒ Due to process limitations, reinforcement is limited to 30 vol. %.
a) insert preform into die;
b) meter in a precise quantity of
c) close die and apply pressure;
d) remove ram;
e) extract component.
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

MMC Processing: Liquid state processing MMC Processing: Deposition

Squeeze casting Spray co-deposition

ƒ Application of pressure by gas results ƒ It involves atomizing a melt and

in production of large size and a more introducing the reinforcement
rapid process. particles into the spray of fine
metal droplets.
ƒ Application of pressure by gas reduces ƒ The metal and the reinforcement
the extent of fibre breakage and particles are then co-deposited
misalignment. on to a substrate
ƒ MMC with a uniform distribution
of particles and of acceptable
density (> 95%) can be produced
at a reasonable rate.
a) insert preform and close die;
b) evacuate air; ƒ Other deposition techniques
c) apply gas pressure and namely chemical and physical
maintain during solidification VD, sputtering and plasma
spraying are used, but they have
not been widely employed.
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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

MMC Processing: In situ processes INTERFACE REACTIONS

ƒ Unidirectional solidification of eutectic alloys ƒ Interfacial layers are more commonly formed
form a two-phase microstructure where one of during fabrication at high temperatures.
the phases is an intermetallic compound with a
lamellar or rod-like morphology and aligned 12
parallel to the direction of heat flow. ƒ The extent of interdiffusion x = (D d t)
ƒ There is preferred crystallographic growth
x increases with the square root of time t and
direction and the interface between the phases is
normally of low energy.
diffusion coefficient Dd increases exponentially
ƒ The thermal gradient, G, must maintained to keep with temperature
a planar solid-liquid interface rather than further

nucleation of the phases. (G is 10-100 K/cm).
The inter-rod or -lamellar spacing λ1 vary with
ƒ Interfacial layers are encountered depends on
growth rate RG, velocity of S-L interface the composition of the matrix
according to
λ R =C
2 Transmission electron micrograph showing an
1 G interfacial layer of MgO in a magnesium alloy
reinforced with eta-alumina (Safimax) fibres
where C is a constant and λ1 is commonly in the
range 0.1-10 µm.

ƒ Unidirectionally solidified eutectics are not true

γ'(Ni3AI)-α(Mo) composite 13 14

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


ƒ Interfacial reactions can adversely Coefficient of thermal expansion
affect the mechanical performance
of an MMC ƒ αmetals is large, changes in dimensions with temperature which can lead
ƒ Both strength and toughness are to problems.
degraded by the presence of the ƒ αceramics is low and therefore reinforcement with ceramic fibres or
interfacial layer particles leads to a reduction in α.
ƒ Similar reasoning applies to thermal and electrical conductivities.
Thermal deformation resistance

ƒ the ratio of thermal conductivity, k(J/m-K-s) to thermal expansion

coefficient, α(1/K), is used as a parameter for dimensional stability under
conditions of temperature changes.
σ fs k
Thermal ShockResistance =
Effect of interfacial layer thickness on the

mechanical properties of a Ti-6%AI-4% V alloy
reinforced with 35% SiC monofilament fibres
coated with C and TiB2
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Physical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

Thermal deformation resistance (a) Elastic properties

Example: Magnesium reinforced with carbon fibres ƒ Marked increases in the

has the thermal deformation resistance by over Young's modulus achieved by
6000%. reinforcing metals, such as Al
and Mg with low E
ƒ Aluminum composite can be
Comparison of thermal conductivity of more than double that of
metals, polymers, MMCs and PMCs aluminum.
k (J/m-K-s)
Aluminum 201
AI-15%SiC 140
Phenol formaldehyde 0.2
Phenolic-50% glass fibres 0.6
Comparison of the thermal
Epoxy 0.3
expansion of metals and MMCs
Epoxy-60%glass fibres 1.6 Effect of reinforcement on the
Epoxy-carbon fibres 5-100 Young's modulus of aluminum
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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(a) Elastic properties (a) Elastic properties
ƒ Not surprisingly ƒ But the modulus measured normal
composites become stiffer to the fibre direction (the transverse
as the proportion of modulus) can be less than the
reinforcement increases longitudinal modulus.

Difference in longitudinal and

transverse modulus for Al-Li
Effect of proportion of reinforced with FP Al2O3
reinforcement on the Young's
modulus of aluminum 19 20

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(b) Room temperature strength and ductility (b) Room temperature strength and ductility

ƒ High strength reinforcement and a ƒ Continuous fibre composite has high

strong interface are needed to longitudinal strength, but strength gets
produce a high strength composite lower as the angle between tensile and
ƒ If there is an interaction at fiber axis increases, and lowest
interface during processing, strong strength, called the transverse strength.
interface may not be obtained. That ƒ transverse strength is dependent on the
results in lower strength and properties of the matrix and the fibre-
fatigue resistance. matrix bonding.
ƒ The strength is higher with
increased volume fraction of
ƒ the strength is sometimes
decrease at high levels of
reinforcement due to processing

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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(b) Room temperature strength and ductility (b) Room temperature strength and ductility

ƒ Continuous fibre composite has high ƒ Problems and benefits, can arise from the large differences in the α
longitudinal strength, but lower between matrix and reinforcement .
transverse strength. ƒ The differences in α produces thermal stresses which may deform the
ƒ the longitudinal and transverse matrix plastically, and increase dislocation density up to 1014 m-2 and
strengths increases as the fibre leads to strengthening.
content increases.
ƒ But, thermal cycled of MMC may lead micro-damage, such as cracks
and/or voids at the reinforcement-matrix interface, which degrade
mechanical properties.

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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(b) Room temperature strength and ductility (b) Room temperature strength and ductility
ƒ Metals generally have good ductility and toughness, but these properties are
ƒ MMCs have superior mechanical degraded by reinforcement.
properties than monolithic alloys as ƒ The homogeneity of the dispersion, surface properties of the reinforcement, the
shown by the data for aluminum in cleanness of the matrix may play some role in ductility.
Figure. ƒ The loss of toughness is significant, KIC of Al- SiC MMC is 5-25 MPa•m1/2
compared with 20-45 MPa•m1/2 for the monolithic alloys

Ductility of composites of aluminum and its alloys

Matrix Reinforcement 20 vol% Ductility (%)
Al Alumina+ 4.0
AI-2.5%Mg Alumina+ 3.3
AI-10%Mg Alumina+ 1.3
AI-12%Si-1%Cu-1%Ni Alumina+ <1

6061 AI Silicon carbide* 7.0

7075 AI Silicon carbide * 4.2
2124 AI Silicon carbide * 4.0
5083 AI Silicon carbide * 0.6 26
+discontinuous fibres, *whiskers

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(c) Properties at elevated temperatures (c) Properties at elevated temperatures
ƒ MMCs has better high temperature properties, since ceramic reinforcements
maintain their properties to higher temperatures than the matrix.

Young’s modulus versus T

Strength of Al alloy matrix for Mg and Mg-25%B
composite at high T

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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(c) Properties at elevated temperatures:Creep (c) Properties at elevated temperatures:Creep
ƒ Creep is the increase in strain with time under combinations of stress and ƒ The creep curves of continuous Ceramic Fiber reinforced Metals are
temperature. different, because creep rate of fibres will be negligible in comparison
ε& = ε&o σ
− Q CR / RT
ƒ Creep curve shows three-stage, the linear
portion of the creep curve corresponds to
e with the creep rate of the matrix.

where Qcr is activation energy for

steady state creep and given by creep, εo and n are constants ƒ The deformation of fibres is
elastic and limited in extent.
Thus, creep is hindered and
instead of reaching steady state
ƒ Similar creep curves are found in creep the creep rate of the
continuous fibre MMCs with similar composite falls progressively
melting points of matrix and fiber. towards zero rate, So there is no
But, steady state creep data are not steady creep regime.
well represented by previous equation

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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties PROPERTIES OF MMCs:Mechanical properties

(c) Properties at elevated temperatures:Creep (d) Fatigue resistance
ƒ But, discontinuous fibre or whisker form leads to a finite steady state ƒ Fatigue is the failure of a component under the repeated stress smaller
creep rate with the rate increasing with decreasing aspect ratio. A three- than required to cause failure in a single application.
stage creep curve is observed.
ƒ The steady state creep ƒ In fatigue a crack is Fatigue data for MMCs
region is limited for initiated and slowly grows
particulate reinforced during fluctuating stress % increase in
systems and the creep until eventually failure endurance Iimit
curve is dominated by a occurs in a catastrophic Al-12Si-1Cu-1Ni+20%Alumina 30
increasing tertiary creep manner.
6061-T6 Al+20%SiC(w) 91
rate. ƒ Fatigue crack initiation
ƒ And stress exponent, n sites are often internal
Mg(AZ91)+ 16%Alumina (Saffil) 46

may be 4 for a metal, but manufacturing defects. Mg(AZ91) + 25%Alumina (Saffil) 106
for composites n > 15. ƒ Despite these crack
initiation sites the
reinforcement of a metal
ε& = ε&o σ ne Q RT
− / can lead to significant

improvement in the fatigue 32

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


(d) Fatigue resistance Multifilamentary superconductors
ƒ However there are examples in the literature where the fatigue resistance ƒ The superconducting composites is the intermetallic compound Nb3Sn,
has been degraded by reinforcing. or occasionally V3Ga. They are in the form of filaments or a thin tape.

composite with 41070 filaments of matrix etched away to show

approximately 5 µm diameter: cross-
section the filaments.

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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu

SOME COMMERCIAL MMCs:Multifilamentary superconductors SOME COMMERCIAL MMCs:Multifilamentary superconductors

ƒ Nb3Sn is brittle and

ƒ The rebundled composite is
placed inside a copper can
produced by a solid state
whose inner surface has a thin
processing based on the
coating of tantalum or niobium.
diffusion controlled reaction
between niobium filaments ƒ The presence of the copper in
and a copper-tin matrix. the final product increases the
stability of the superconductor
by minimizing local
ƒ The first stage in the temperature rises.
bronze route process is to
drill holes in bronze and ƒ The canned composite is drawn
insert niobium. down to give a final niobium
filament size of a few microns.

ƒ The composite wire is then heat treated at 600-800 °C to allow diffusion

ƒ The bronze block with embedded niobium rods is swaged down to of tin from the bronze into the niobium, to form Nb3Sn by a solid state
reduce the cross-section of the niobium. Rebundling is carried out to reaction
increase niobium filaments.
35 The major use of this composites is as windings for superconducting magnets

IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


Aluminum reinforced with silicon carbide particles Aluminum reinforced with silicon carbide particles
ƒ There is high demand for Mechanical Properties of Al based composite materials (AMC)
producing low cost Al alloy based
composites with improved Reinforcement, Yield Strength (MPa) Tensile Strength
properties. Matrix conten(vol%) (MPa)
ƒ But fabrication costs for CF- Al - 64 90
MMCs are high, and whisker, Al SiC, 20 117 200
particulate or discontinuous fibre
2014-T6 - 429 476
composites become important.
ƒ SiC is available as whiskers and 2014-T6 SiC, 10 457 508
particulates. 2014-T6 Al2O3, 20 495 515
ƒ Al-SiC(p) composite (p indicates 6061-T6 - 275 290
particles) is available to match 6061-T6 SiC, 20 345 410
the expansion characteristics of
many of the common metals and 6061-T6 Al2O3, 20 307 349
alloys 7091-T6 - 520 590
7091-T6 SiC, 20 500 560
Graph of α of aluminum -SiC(p)
composites as a function of SiC Al with 20% vol SiC,
content showing the matching with a
range of metals 37 ƒyield strength yield strength increases by 50MPa 38
ƒ Tensile strength increases by increases by 110MPa

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


Aluminum reinforced with silicon carbide particles Aluminum reinforced with silicon carbide particles
ƒ Creep behavior of Al- reinforced SiC whiskers leads to a three-stage creep ƒ Figure shows that the stress
curve, but particulate reinforced aluminum has a creep curve with a exponent, n was greater for
negligible steady state creep region and the curve is dominated by a marked whisker and particulate
increasing tertiary creep regime. reinforced metals than for the
matrix metal.
ƒ This point is exemplified by
the data presented in Figure
for aluminum based
composites. We can see that
whiskers impart a slightly
better creep resistance than

Effect of stress on the steady state

creep rate for 6061Al and its
composites. Note the higher stress
sensitivity of the composites.

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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


Some of the matrix Al alloys is heat treatable Some of the matrix Al alloys is heat treatable
ƒ precipitation process is ƒ Many processes for forming
enhanced in MMCs due to the aluminum-SiC(p) components can
dislocations produced by be used, super plastic forming due
thermal stresses in MMCs to fine microstructure of matrix can
acting as nucleation sites for be employed even though the SiC
precipitation so that the peak in particles are not deforming.
properties is reached after a ƒ MMC components are assembled
shorter time of heat treatment. by bolting, since conventional
welding involves local melting and
is therefore unsuitable
ƒ However for Al-SiC(p) MMCs
diffusion welding and friction
welding, both of which are solid
Ageing curves showing the faster Aircraft panel produced by super plastic
precipitation kinetics for the SiC(p) state processes, show forming of an Al-SiC(p)
reinforced samples. considerable promise.

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IE 320 - Spring 2003

Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


Aluminum based composite materials
The Matrix material typically consists of Aluminum and Titanium. Applications: Engine Block
‰ Aluminum for Automotive industry (AMC) Iron cylinder liner is replaced with
‰ Titanium for high performance needs AMC
‰ Materials chosen based on criteria: ƒ Better thermal expansion
ƒ Good strength/weight ratio coefficient
ƒ Good thermal and mechanical properties ƒ Higher thermal conductivity
ƒ Increases engine efficiency
ƒ Ease of fabrication and machinability
ƒ 1/3 the weight
ƒ Cheap and abundant

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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu


Aluminum based composite materials Aluminum based composite materials

Applications: Pistons and Connecting Rods Rods Applications: Braking Systems

AMC Pistons and connecting rods Braking systems made from higher
ƒ Increased engine efficiency due volume MMC
to less rotating mass ƒ Resist wear mean longer life
ƒ $$$ reduced as less time is spent ƒ Unsprung weight increases
balancing rotating parts engine output
ƒ Lower thermal expansion allows ƒ More resistance to brake
for tighter tolerances around the warping as thermal cycling
piston rings doesn’t cause distortion
ƒ Wear properties exceed cast iron
ƒ Higher allowed temperatures
ƒ allow greater efficiency

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