Ie 320 - Spring 2003: Mmcs For Aerospace Applications
Ie 320 - Spring 2003: Mmcs For Aerospace Applications
Ie 320 - Spring 2003: Mmcs For Aerospace Applications
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
The production of fibres of boron and of silicon carbide in the early 1970s
enabled the reinforcement of light metals and particularly aluminium alloys
to be considered seriously.
Materials 2
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
MMC Processing: Solid state processing MMC Processing: Liquid state processing
The production of MMC by casting techniques is possible by overcoming the
Examples of MMCs produced by diffusion bonding
are titanium, nickel, copper and particularly aluminum problem of non-wetting and reactions.
reinforced with boron or SiC fibres. Coating of fiber: graded pyrolitic graphite coatings on SiC fibres.
Modification of the matrix composition: addition of lithium to the aluminum
Composites with up to 50% reinforcement matrix melt to enhance wetting of FP Alumina fibre by formation of Li20.5Al2O3
produced by powder metallurgy but limited to spinel at the fibre interface
25% due to damage to fibres and loss of
toughness. Melt stirring:
In the case of discontinuous fibres and
whiskers, alignment of fibers perpendicular to Particulate, whisker or
the applied load occur during pressing. This discontinuous fibre
leads to anisotropic behavior. reinforcement with the
If both the matrix and the reinforcement are molten metal are mixed.
ductile the composite can be produced by co-
extrusion or drawing. The melt is stirred just
above the liquidus
temperature and cast in
the conventional manner.
But, uniform mixing is
difficult to achieve.
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
MMC Processing: Liquid state processing MMC Processing: Liquid state processing
Compocasting or Rheocasting Squeeze casting
Mixing is improved by allowing the melt to cool to a more viscous two- Pressure is
phase solid-liquid state. But It is limited to 20 vol. % of the applied
reinforcement mechanically
which is suitable
Liquid Infiltration for the
production of
Processes involve the use of a pre-form which the liquid must infiltrate. small net shaped
Infiltration can be carried out at atmospheric pressure or at higher
applied pressure.
Due to process limitations, reinforcement is limited to 30 vol. %.
a) insert preform into die;
b) meter in a precise quantity of
c) close die and apply pressure;
d) remove ram;
e) extract component.
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
nucleation of the phases. (G is 10-100 K/cm).
The inter-rod or -lamellar spacing λ1 vary with
Interfacial layers are encountered depends on
growth rate RG, velocity of S-L interface the composition of the matrix
according to
λ R =C
2 Transmission electron micrograph showing an
1 G interfacial layer of MgO in a magnesium alloy
reinforced with eta-alumina (Safimax) fibres
where C is a constant and λ1 is commonly in the
range 0.1-10 µm.
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Continuous fibre composite has high Problems and benefits, can arise from the large differences in the α
longitudinal strength, but lower between matrix and reinforcement .
transverse strength. The differences in α produces thermal stresses which may deform the
the longitudinal and transverse matrix plastically, and increase dislocation density up to 1014 m-2 and
strengths increases as the fibre leads to strengthening.
content increases.
But, thermal cycled of MMC may lead micro-damage, such as cracks
and/or voids at the reinforcement-matrix interface, which degrade
mechanical properties.
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IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
may be 4 for a metal, but manufacturing defects. Mg(AZ91) + 25%Alumina (Saffil) 106
for composites n > 15. Despite these crack
initiation sites the
reinforcement of a metal
ε& = ε&o σ ne Q RT
− / can lead to significant
improvement in the fatigue 32
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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IE 320 - Spring 2003
Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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Composite Composite
Materials Materials
Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu Prof. Dr. Arif Güllüoğlu
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