Mass Combat Rules For Olde House Rules Games

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Miniature Battle Rules for Olde House Rules games

NORMAL TROOPS Fighting against an opponent two

Determine how many actual men one steps weaker: roll 2d6 per unit, 6
miniature on the playing field kills or reduces monster hits by 1.
represents. Roll 1d6 for every
figure in combat. Fighting against an opponent three
steps stronger (mounted and two steps
FIGHER CHARACTERS stronger): roll 1d6 per two units, 6
Roll (Might divided by 3)d6 kills or reduces monster hits by 1.

SORCERER CHARACTERS Fighting against an opponent three

Roll (Might divided by 5)d6 steps weaker: roll 2d6 per unit, 5+
kills or reduces monster hits by 1.
Roll (Might divided by 4)d6 GETTING HIT: NORMAL MEN
One hit kills a normal man.
Roll (Might divided by 3)d6 GETTING HIT: MONSTERS
Monsters can take hits equal to
COMPARING TROOPS their Might divided by 3.
Combat Strength: Rank units as
light, medium or heavy, taking into GETTING HIT: FIGHTERS
consideration arms and armor. Fighters can take hits equal to their
Might divided by 3.
Missle weapons are considered to be
1 or 2 steps weaker against the GETTING HIT: SORCERERS
opponent (to level the playing field Sorcerers can take hits equal to
somewhat). their Might divided by 5.

Fighting against similarly strong GETTING HIT: PRIESTS

forces: 5+ kills or reduces monster Priests can take hits equal to their
hits by 1. Might divided by 4.

Fighting against an opponent one

step stronger: 6 kills or reduces
monster hits by 1.

Fighting against an opponent one

step weaker: 4+ kills or reduces
monster hits by 1.

Fighting against an opponent two

steps stronger: roll 1d6 per two
units, 5+ kills or reduces monster
hits by 1.
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written by Norbert G. Matausch,

massively inspired by rstites on and Chris Kutalik‘s „By This Axe“

Miniature Battle Rules for Olde House Rules games


Damage spells do damage according to 1) Missles are fired, spells are
the referee‘s rulings; we recommend started
6 or more hits for scrolls of some 2) Movement
sort 3) Spells started in step 1 now take
effect; archers who didn‘t move
SIMULTANEOUS COMBAT and haven‘t been engaged in melee
Melee is simultaneous. Only the first may fire again
row of combatants can attack, except 4) Melee
for polearm/spear attacks from the
second row.

Flanking bumps up Combat Strength
by 1 step.

Attacking from behind bumps up

Combat Strength by 1 step, and the
attacked forces are not allowed to

Polearm/Spear attacks against

mounted opponents bump up Combat
Strength by 1 step.

Each figure may move up to one
length of a pen in normal terrain.
Difficult terrain halves movement.
Very difficult terrain allows
movement of up to 1/4 of a pen.
Fast or slow combatants move farther
or shorter than one pen -- come up
with your own rulings here.

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written by Norbert G. Matausch,

massively inspired by rstites on and Chris Kutalik‘s „By This Axe“

Miniature Battle Rules for Olde House Rules games

MORALE A leader might be able to rally

Check morale when a unit has lost 3+ fleeing troops; roll 1d6 and stay at
figures, when a unit has lost more or under the leader‘s Leadership
than half of its members, when a Skill (1=uninspired, 2=typical,
unit is attacked from behind or in 3=talented, 4=superb, 5=tactical
the flank, or when friendly units genius).
are routing nearby.

Roll 1d6 to check morale. Modifiers

Attacked in flank -1
Combat under other/ Attacked from behind -2
Experience ranged fire routing Leader closeby +1
______________________________ Double ranks (formation +1
Civilians 1-3 1-2 is wider than deeper)
Soldiers 1-4 1-3 Triple ranks (formation +2
Veterans 1-5 1-4 is wider than deeper)
Elite soldiers 1-5 1-5 Lost half or more figures -2
Heroes 1-6 1-6 in unit)
Lost leader closeby that -2
If the unit rolls higher than the turn
number in the table, it is routed Lost general -3
and immediately turns in the
opposite direction and moves as far
back as it can. It will continue to
do so till it reaches the end of the
playing field; at that moment, it‘s
considered defeated.

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written by Norbert G. Matausch,

massively inspired by rstites on and Chris Kutalik‘s „By This Axe“

Miniature Battle Rules for Olde House Rules games

Klint Finley‘s even simpler rules: Each player character’s group of

followers starts with 5 morale

Each player character rolls 1d6 for That number goes up and down as
every two people in their own group. their group kills monsters and
A 5 or a 6 is a hit. members die.

One hit kills a normal fighter. When morale drops to zero, the
followers will abandon their leader.
Monsters, fantastic creatures, and
player characters can take a
varying number of hits depending INITIATIVE
on how many normal humans they are
equivalent to. For example, a 10 The group or individual with the
human point giant spider can take highest morale goes first. In a tie,
10 hits and rolls 5 dice during monsters/opponents go first.
group combat.

There are no skill checks or saves,
Use Blood of Pangea or Barons auf all of that is handled narratively/
Braunstein rules. Target numbers freeform.
and hits can and should be adjusted
up and down on the fly depending on
the circumstances. GO FULL OLD SCHOOL

Two-handed weapons deal two hits. To quote Chirine ba Kal when I asked
One-handed weapons deal one hit. him, „no hit points?“:

A shield adds one hit, light armor „If they got hit and took damage, I'd
adds one hit, medium armor adds two, tell them, and they'd have to role-
heavy armor adds three. play the results of getting a spear
through the guts.


Hirelings die first so PCs needn’t

worry about taking damage during
group combat until all the hirelings
are dead.

shamelessly copied from Klint Finley (

+KlintFinley) by Norbert G. Matausch,

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