Cornell Notes For Religious Questions

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Name ___Mr.

Phillips___________________________ Reading Assignment __1 – 1 __

Religious Questions (pp. 13-15)

ethics = a dimension
Humans are of self-conscious and spiritual
and how
answer, life’s most basic questions
we are to act while living in
the world.
1. What is the human condition?
 Are we more than physical beings? Do we have a soul/spirit? Are
transcendence = the
we good, evil or both? Why do we suffer?
overcoming of the normal
 Often answered with accounts of human origins
limitations imposed by the
2. What is spiritual perfection?
human condition, whether
 What is right and wrong (ethics)?
temporarily or abidingly.
 Can we transcend the human condition or attain salvation?
cosmology = the is our destiny?
3. What
understanding of the nature
Where are we going ultimately?
of the universe. Is there life after death? Heaven, hell?
4. What is the nature of the world (cosmology)?
monotheism = the belief in
 Is the universe, real or illusory? sacred or mundane? good or evil?
only one god.
 How does science relate to religious belief?
polytheism = theisbelief
5. What in
the Ultimate Reality and how is it revealed?
many gods.  Is there a God or gods?
 Monotheism, polytheism, pantheism, non-theism
pantheism = the belief that
 Has God (or the gods) been revealed to us? If so, how?
the divine reality exists in

revelation = the transmission

of the divine will or
knowledge to human beings,
typically through myths or
some form of religious

Summary: As self-conscious, spiritual beings, humans ask the most basic questions about the meaning of life. These
are the questions that have given birth to the various religious traditions in human history.

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