Boyet Celebrities Pitch Deck 1.7 Eng
Boyet Celebrities Pitch Deck 1.7 Eng
Boyet Celebrities Pitch Deck 1.7 Eng
Diamond processing
Diamond Mine Shanghai Diamond Exchange factory in Guangzhou Sales channels
BOYET Guangzhou
Diamond Processing Factory
Main sponsor
Networking Speech Media
Gala Dinner
Charity Award
Dinner Presentation
Fine craftsmanship and meticulous
attention to detail have become the
cornerstone of our work at Boyet
Diamonds. These made-to-order
trophies are all handcrafted by
Boyets’ expert artisans.
Conflict-free Diamond Policy
Boyet has a policy of zero tolerance of the Conflict Diamonds. Boyet only purchases diamonds from the
largest and best suppliers in Russia and South Africa. These suppliers, like Boyet, strictly abide by the rules set
by the Kimberley Process. At the same time, Boyet is also committed to improving global mining standards,
respecting the environment, and supporting the people who work at or live nearby the ore fields to ensure
that our diamonds come from the suppliers that comply with the highest human rights, social and
environmental standards.
Thank You