Integrated Mathematical Oncology Newsletter 1
Integrated Mathematical Oncology Newsletter 1
Integrated Mathematical Oncology Newsletter 1
crucial part of
any mathematicians
lab - the blackboard!
Dusty, messy
Dr. Alexander R. A. Anderson
Integrated Mathematical Oncology
Yvette Mieles (Assistant)
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Email: [email protected]
12902 Magnolia Drive, MRC 3 West
Phone: +1-813-745-4316
Tampa, Florida, 33612.
Fax: +1-813-745-6497
Email: [email protected]
IMO 1, 4
understand and treat cancer as we do today. We are certainly on the right
IMO - Continued
road to uncovering such laws and one unifying law that must be
This bridging nature of mathematical models is also important for integrated into our fundamental understanding of cancer is evolution.
understanding how the different biological scales of cancer impact upon It is generally well accepted that cancer is a genetic disease driven
one another. Mutations at the molecular scale affect protein formation by mutations in key genes that lead to uncontrolled growth and abnormal
which effect signaling pathways which modulate cell behavior that cell behavior. However, the fact that the tumor is an evolving system and
transforms the tissue. This complex multiscale process can be broken therefore subject to selection pressure and adaptation is largely ignored.
down into smaller units that are more amenable to both experimental and Theoretical models tell us that these evolutionary dynamics are what drive
theoretical approaches. Whilst its clear that the M in IMO is a fundamental tumor progression, and treatment resistance. Three other key factors that
tool to bridge the different scales of cancer, it also has the power to make also need to be understood within any unifying theory of cancer are
predictions and generate hypothesis. However, we need some means to homeostasis, heterogeneity and ecology. Ecology and evolution are
validate these mathematical models and to test the predictions they make. intimately linked as one provides the players and the field and the other
This will require sophisticated imaging techniques and potentially new the mechanism by which cancer progresses, this is discussed in more
experimental & clinical protocols. As such IMO, is a truly interdisciplinary detail by David Basanta and myself (Page 6). Ultimately all cancers
group of scientists incorporating experts in the field of experimental originate from a cell within an organ or tissue that was functioning
biology, mathematics, computer science, imaging, clinical science and normally i.e. homeostatic. Normal for many cells in this situation is doing
visualization. very little, except when there is a need to, such as to occasionally repair a
One of our major goals is to begin to focus on specific cancers and wound or react to a viral attack. This disruption of homeostasis is often
their treatment, and develop in silico models both as a compliment to in one of the initiating events in the development of cancer as the normal
vitro and in vivo models but also as a means to bridge them. control mechanisms of the tissue are damaged or ignored.
There is an unspoken void between in vitro and in Heterogeneity within the tumor cell population is
vivo models and between in vivo and the generally well accepted but is it driven by
clinic. In silico models have the power to genotypic or phenotypic means and
link these approaches and in doing did it emerge or was it always there.
so can give some insight into the Heterogeneity is certainly
processes that translate well important for treatment
between them and those that resistance but it may also drive
don’t. or be driven by evolution.
Focussing on a specific Understanding these four key
cancers means we can also factors and their interplay in
consider specific treatments. To this cancer progression is one of our
end we have began to develop specific goals. Here is one possible scenario
models of cancers such as breast, prostate, that encapsulates all four of them - the
melanoma, and myeloma. These models ecology of a given organ, that is the cells,
incorporate specific cellular and microenvironmental properties chemicals, signaling and structure that define it, all interact to
of these cancers as well as structural and signaling aspects. Treatment is ensure that homeostasis is maintained. This homeostasis is not static but
a natural place for IMO to play a role in because by its very definition dynamic as it reacts to perturbations (such as wounding) to ensure a
treatment needs to consider a multitude of interacting variables and what return to homeostasis occurs. Natural heterogeneity within the cell
happens to them once they are perturbed. We ultimately see in silico population may allow some cells to escape this homeostatic control easier
models as a pre-treatment protocol to suggest the best therapeutic than others and with additional (probably genetic insults) a true escape
regime or to indicate which should be avoided. They can also be can occur. This then opens the door to evolution and tumor progression.
considered as an adjuvant in terms of adjusting treatment in a more Its seems appropriate to end this introductory piece by restating why
dynamic manner, where the current patient state determines the therapy IMO was created in the first place, to paraphrase myself: “Cancer is a
i.e. an adaptive therapy. Patient specific treatments should be a natural dynamic complex multiscale system that can only truly be understood via
byproduct of properly parameterized in silico models, since changes in the integration of theory and experiments. The goal of IMO is to use such
parameters can lead to different outcomes. Understanding where the an integrated approach to better understand, predict and treat cancer.”
current state of a patient is in the “parameter space” will allow us to Integration really is the key and if we are serious about impacting
predict how the cancer will progress and therefore how best to treat it. treatment that integration must also encapsulate the clinic. The schematic
This is very much in line with the Total Cancer Care program at Moffitt. at the center of this page highlights the multiple scales that different
It is important to understand that because cancer is a complex researchers, involved in cancer research, are gathering data on.
dynamic process does not mean that we cannot fully understand it. In fact Traditionally the genes to patient jump is made without considering the
many complex systems are driven by relatively simple laws, therefore the scales in between because researchers tend to work within their specific
in silico models IMO develop will not only be specific but must also be scale. Using the expertise in the IMO we now have the means to develop
general to address the fundamental underlying mechanisms of cancer a mechanistic understanding of how these scales connect in cancer and
initiation, progression and control. Mathematicians are ideally suited to importantly how changes in one affect the others. As we move forward
this task as they have a long history in discovering the laws of nature this understanding will become critical in the prediction and optimization
(physics, chemistry etc). There may very well be fundamental laws of of treatment response.
cancer, that if defined and formalized would change completely how we
cancer might
be easier than
Patients and politicians increasingly will, at best, cure the disease and, at worst,
demand a “cure” for cancer. But controlling the keep the patient alive for as long as possible.
disease may prove to be a better strategy than To be sure, some types of cancer – for
striving to cure it. example, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, testicular
A century ago, the German Nobel laureate cancer, and acute myeloid leukemia – can be
Paul Ehrlich introduced into medicine the consistently cured using aggressive
concept of “magic bullets” – compounds chemotherapy. But these malignant cells seem
engineered to target and kill tumor cells or to have characteristics that make them Our models show that in the absence of
disease-causing organisms without affecting particularly responsive to “treatment.” Just as therapy, cancer cells that haven’t evolved
normal cells. The success of antibiotics 50 years invasive species adapt to pesticides, most resistance will proliferate at the expense of the
later seemed to validate Ehrlich’s idea. Indeed, cancer cells adapt to therapies. Indeed, the less-fit resistant cells. When a large number of
so influential have medicine’s triumphs over parallels between cancerous cells and invasive the sensitive cells are killed, say, by aggressive
bacteria been that the “war on cancer” species suggest that the principles for therapies, resistant types are able to proliferate
continues to be driven by the assumption that successful cancer therapy might be found not in unconstrained. This means that high doses of
magic bullets will one day be found for tumor the magic bullets of microbiology but in the chemotherapy might actually increase the
cells if the search is sufficiently clever and evolutionary dynamics of applied ecology. likelihood of a tumor becoming unresponsive to
diligent. Recent research suggests that efforts to further therapy.
Yet lessons learned in dealing with exotic eliminate cancers may actually hasten the So, just as the judicious use of pesticides
species, combined with recent mathematical emergence of resistance and tumor recurrence, can be used to control invasive species, a
models of the evolutionary dynamics of tumors, thus reducing a patient’s chances of survival. therapeutic strategy designed to maintain a
indicate that eradicating most cancers may be The reason arises from a component of tumor stable, tolerable tumor volume could improve a
impossible. More importantly, trying to do so biology not ordinarily investigated: the cost of patient’s prospects for survival by allowing
could worsen the problem. resistance to treatment. Cancer cells pay a price sensitive cells to suppress the growth of
In 1854, the year Ehrlich was born, the when they evolve resistance to chemotherapy. resistant ones.
diamondback moth was first observed in Illinois. For example, to cope with the toxic drugs, a To test this idea, we treated a human
Within five decades, the moth had spread cancer cell may increase its rate of DNA repair, ovarian cancer, grown in mice, with conventional
throughout North America. It now infests the or actively pump the drug out across the cell high-dose chemotherapy. The cancer rapidly
Americas, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Attempts membrane. In targeted therapies, in which drugs regressed but then recurred and killed the mice.
to eradicate it using various chemicals worked interfere with the molecular signaling needed for Yet when we treated the mice with a drug dose
only fleetingly and, in the late 1980’s, biologists proliferation and survival, a cell might adapt by continuously adjusted to maintain a stable tumor
found strains that were resistant to all known activating or following alternative pathways. All volume, the animals, though not cured, survived
insecticides. these strategies use up energy that would for a prolonged period of time.
So farmers have had to abandon efforts to otherwise be available for invasion into non- Designing therapies to sustain a stable
eliminate the moth. Instead, most now apply cancerous tissues or proliferation, and so tumor mass rather than eradicate all cancer cells
insecticides only when infestation exceeds reduce a cell’s fitness. will require a long-term strategy that looks
some threshold level, with the goal of producing The more complex and costly the beyond the immediate cytotoxic effects of any
a sustainable and satisfactory crop. Under the mechanisms used, the less fit the resistant one treatment. Researchers will need to
banner of “integrated pest management,” population will be. That cancer cells pay a price establish the mechanisms by which cancer cells
hundreds of invasive species are now for resistance is supported by several achieve resistance and what it costs them. They
successfully controlled by strategies that restrict observations. Cells in laboratory cultures that will also need to understand the evolutionary
the pest population growth but do not attempt are resistant to chemotherapies typically lose dynamics of resistant populations, and design
to eradicate them their resistance when the chemicals are strategies to suppress or exploit the adapted
The ability of tumor cells to adapt to a wide removed. Lung cancer cells that are resistant to characteristics.
range of environmental conditions, including to the chemotherapy gemcitabine are less I am not suggesting that cancer
toxic chemicals, is similar to the evolutionary proliferative, invasive, and motile than their researchers should abandon their search for
capacities demonstrated by crop pests and drug-sensitive counterparts. ever-more-effective cancer therapies, or even for
other invasive species. As in the case of the Although resistant forms are commonly cures. However, it may be time to temper our
Diamondback moth, successful eradication of found in tumors that haven’t yet been exposed quest for Ehrich’s magic bullets and recognize
disseminated cancer cells is rare. However, to treatment, they generally occur in small the cold reality of Darwin’s evolutionary
despite the paucity of success, the typical goal numbers. This suggests that resistant cells are dynamics. Medicine’s goal of a glorious victory
in cancer therapy remains similar to that of not so unfit that drug-sensitive cells completely over cancer may need to yield to recognition
antimicrobial treatments - killing as many tumor out-competed them, but that they struggle to that an uneasy stalemate may be the best we
cells as possible under the assumption that this proliferate when both types are present. can achieve.
IMO currently has 4 faculty associated with it, Alexander “Sandy” Anderson, Bob Gatenby, Bob
Gillies and Kasia Rejniak. The short biographies below show more info on each of them and their
roles at Moffitt.
Sandy Anderson, PhD is co-director of the Integrated Mathematical Oncology (IMO) department
and Senior member at Moffitt Cancer Center. Dr. Anderson performed his doctoral work on hybrid
mathematical models of nematode movement in heterogeneous environments at the Scottish Crop
Alexander Research Institute in Dundee, UK. His postdoctoral work was on hybrid models of tumor-induced
Anderson angiogenesis with Prof. Mark Chaplain at Bath University, UK. He moved back to Dundee in 1996
where he worked for the next 12 years on developing mathematical models of many different aspects
of tumor progression and treatment, including anti-angiogenesis, radiotherapy, tumor invasion,
evolution of aggressive phenotypes and the role of the microenvironment. He is widely recognized as
one of only a handful of mathematical oncologists that develop truly integrative models that directly
impact upon biological experimentation. His pioneering work using evolutionary hybrid cellular
automata models has led to new insights into the role of the tumor microenvironment in driving tumor
progression. Due to his belief in the crucial role of mathematical models in cancer research he moved
his group to the Moffitt Cancer Center in 2008 to establish the Integrated Mathematical Oncology
Bob Gatenby, MD is the chairman of the department of Radiology and co-director of the
Integrated Mathematical Oncology at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center. He joined Moffitt in 2008 from the
University of Arizona where he was Professor, Department Radiology and Professor, Department of
Applied Mathematics since 2000. Bob received a B.S.E. in Bioengineering and Mechanical Sciences
from Princeton University and an M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He completed his
residency in radiology at the University of Pennsylvania where he served as chief resident. Bob
remains an active clinical radiologist specializing in body imaging. While working at the Fox Chase
Cancer Center after residency, Bob perceived that cancer biology and oncology were awash in data
but lacked coherent frameworks of understanding to organize this information and integrate new
results. Since 1990, most of Bob’s research has focused on exploring mathematical methods to
generate theoretical models for cancer biology and oncology. His current modeling interests include:
1. the tumor microenvironment and its role in tumor biology. 2. evolutionary dynamics in
carcinogenesis, tumor progression and therapy. 3. information flow in living systems and its role in
maintaining thermodynamic stability.
Bob Gillies, PhD is vice chair of Radiology and director of research imaging at Moffitt. He
received his PhD in Zoology from University California, Davis in 1979 and did post-doctoral work on
Gillies in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Robert Shulman, first at the Bell Labs (Summit, NJ)
and then at Yale University. He joined the faculty at Colorado State University as an Assistant
Professor of Biochemistry in 1982. He moved to the University of Arizona as an associate professor
with tenure in 1988 to establish a research program in biomedical MR spectroscopy, which over the
years has grown to include biomedical MRI. He relocated to the Moffitt in 2008 as part of a major
investment in radiology and imaging research. Bob has received numerous local, national and
international awards for his teaching and research, including the Furrow award for innovative teaching
(U. Arizona), the Yuhas award for radiation oncology research (U. Penn), a TEFAF professorship (U.
! Maastricht) and the distinguished Basic Scientist award from the Academy for Molecular Imaging..
The vision for the Moffitt Imaging Institute ate to develop new applications to diagnose, predict and
monitor therapy response using noninvasive imaging. This work spans a breadth from molecular and
chemical work, to animal studies and to human clinical trials and patient care. Personally, he is
Kasia principal investigator on four NIH grants dealing with tumor imaging and tumor physiology.
Rejniak Kasia Rejniak, PhD is assistant member at Moffitt. Dr. Rejniak performed her doctoral work on
the mechanics of growth of a trophoblast tissue at Tulane University under the supervision of Lisa
Fauci. Her postdoctoral work has centered around the development of a single-cell-based numerical
technique for modeling the growth and development of non-homogenous tissues and multicellular
organisms at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State University. Subsequent work at
Dundee University, UK with Dr. Anderson led to the development of the IBCell (Immersed Boundary
There are currently 4 main faculty model of a Cell) model to understand the mechanics of the formation of epithelial acini. A unique
within or associated with the IMO. aspect of the computational models she develops is their ability to accurately represent morphological
There are also 4 post docs and and biomechanical properties of cells and in particular how these properties differ in cancer versus
many other researchers, including normal. As part of the group brought from Dundee in 2008, she is also very passionate about
clinical faculty, directly involved in integration and sees the IMO as a unique opportunity to fully realize her own computational lab driven
the IMO activities. by experimental and clinical data.
The diversity of interests of the 4 postdocs that are currently employed by the IMO is precisely
what drives the integrated research that we carry out. Getting to know the group and there interests is
one of the reasons for this newsletter and hopefully will stimulate further collaborations both within
and outwith Moffitt. We currently have funds for 3 other positions (see the back page) so this list will
grow but here are the current team:
David Basanta, PhD is a postdoctoral fellow at the Integrated Mathematical
Oncology (IMO) department. He got his undergraduate degree in computer
science from the University of Oviedo (Spain) with a thesis on information
processing and, after a rather brief stay in industry, performed doctoral work on
evolution inspired computing at the department of mechanical engineering at
King's College London (University of London, UK). After his PhD, his work shifted
to the study of the evolutionary dynamics of cancer, first at the Technical
University of Dresden (Germany) and eventually in Sandy Anderson's group (now at Moffitt). David
uses mathematical tools such as Cellular Automata and Evolutionary Game Theory to study how the
interactions between tumour cells and other tumour cells and with the tumour microenvironment drive
the evolution towards potentially more aggressive cancers. His work has provided novel insights on
the role of homeostasis as a set of mechanisms that need to be disrupted during carcinogenesis, and
on competition and cooperation's effect on the progression of cancers like glioma and prostate.
It might not seem intuitive, but a small albeit Species that are viable in a homeostatic m a i n l y t h ro u g h t h e re g u l a t i o n o f b o t h
growing number of people found interesting ecosystem are not necessarily viable in a proliferation and apoptosis. These mechanisms
parallels between ecosystems as studied by different one, or in the same one if homeostasis fall into the two broad camps of cellular (e. g.
ecologists (yes, think of the Savannah or the is disrupted. cell-cell adhesion, cell-ECM adhesion), and
Amazon rain forest or a Coral reef) and tumors. The local environment is an important environmental (e.g. metabolic factors, growth
The idea of viewing cancer from an ecological factor, not only in traditional ecosystems but also factors, stroma) although there is a great deal of
perspective is not just about presenting old facts in cancer. This idea dates back to the late 19th feedback between these camps with changes in
in a new light but, fundamentally, means that we century with Paget's well-known seed-soil one driving the other. Therefore to escape
cannot just consider cancer as a collection of hypothesis [1] which suggests that in order to homeostatic control mutant cells need to
mutated cells but as part of a complex balance understand metastases, the soil (the site of a significantly modify their baseline phenotypes
of many interacting cellular and metastasis) is as important as the seed (the and effectively ignore environmental signals. This
microenvironmental elements. This perspective metastatic cells). It is beginning to be accepted will be profoundly influenced by both cellular (in
means that tissues should be seen as that cancer is not just a genetic disease but one terms of phenotypic traits such as cell adhesion)
sophisticated ecosystems in a homeostatic in which evolution plays a crucial role [2]. The and environmental heterogeneity (in terms of
equilibrium that cancer cells can disrupt. implications are that tumor cells evolve, adapt to metabolite levels and stromal communication)
Therefore, as convenient as it would be for and change the environment in which they live and the feedback between them. The cellular
cancer biologists to study tumor cells in (which includes other cellular species). The ones heterogeneity represents an intrinsic variability
isolation, that makes as much sense as trying to that fail to do so will eventually become extinct. that may be driven by genetic or non-genetic
understand frogs without considering that they The ones that do, have a chance to invade and means but provides the means for homeostatic
tend to live near swamps and feast on insects. metastasize. The capacity of a tumor cell to disruption. This heterogeneity further
Suddenly a frog’s sticky tongue makes much adapt to a new environment will thus be emphasizes the need to understand interactions
more sense when you consider how convenient determined by the environment and the other that occur within the cancer ecosystem i.e.
it is to have one of those if you want to catch cellular species from the original site, to which it between cells and between cells and their
flies. Suddenly it makes sense that a cancer cell has already painstakingly adapted. environment.
that is close to a blood vessel and is capable of Adaptation is thus a critical process in any Given the complexity of the homeostatic
producing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factors system subject to Darwinian evolution, and process that emerges from the interactions
can benefit from co-opting endothelial cells to cancer is no exception [3]. Although it's role in between individuals and their environment in an
grow its very own vasculature and obtain Cancer has recently started to be explored, the ecosystem, how can we hope to understand,
nutrients and oxygen. full implications have yet to impact the cancer never mind cure, cancer? Fortunately for us
An ecosystem is made of individuals research community at large. Tumor cell mathematical oncologists, theoretical ecologists
(plants, animals, bacteria, independent cells,...) adaptation to a complex environment like a have already developed a number of tools that
and the environment they inhabit (water, soil, tissue ecosystem not only means that finding the can be used to study ecosystems, and these
oxygen, nutrients,...). The success of an roots of the disease got a whole lot more tools are suitable for both big and small
individual in surviving (and procreating), which is challenging (as it is not restricted to the role of a ecosystems.
what matters at the evolutionary level, depends few genes) but this view also opens new routes One tool that is ideal for this is game theory
on how well it competes (for the existing to stop or even reverse cancer progression [4]. (GT). Interestingly GT was initially introduced to
resources) and cooperates (to produce new In most cases the ecosystem maintains a understand human and sociological behavior.
ones) with other individuals in the same, or dynamic balance or homeostasis from which it The idea is that one can study games in which
different, species. Even a simplified ecosystem can be disrupted by certain events (such a the outcome affecting a player depends, not only
should showcase the interdependence of invading species, drought, or a fire). on the strategy used, but on the strategies
species and how important the interactions Homeostasis is also a crucial feature of employed by the other players. A key aspect is
between them are. In a stable ecosystem the normal body tissues (those in which cancer has that a strategy to play a game is not good or bad
number and types of interactions between not been initiated). Evolution selects for considered in isolation but only when compared
species does not change significantly over time, homeostatic organisms that are capable of with the strategies employed by other players: it
leading to a dynamic equilibrium of species and recovering from environmental and genetic is the interactions between the players that
individuals known as ecological homeostasis. insults [5]. The normal form and function of most matter. John Maynard Smith pioneered the use
tissues (defined by the integration of multiple of this tool to study evolutionary dynamics in
cellular, extracellular, chemical and physical ecosystems. This is known as evolutionary game
signals/constraints) is to maintain a homeostatic theory (EGT). The GT assumption that players
balance and carry out the role they are required have to be rational is, paradoxically, better suited
to perform. Homeostasis loss is traditionally to the individuals in an ecosystem than to
seen as a key initial step on the route to cancer humans playing either games in economics or
development [6]. At its simplest tissue war. The force of natural selection keeps
homeostasis is the balance between cell ecosystem denizens focused on optimizing the
proliferation and apoptosis such that the tissue bottom line: reproduction. In the games studied
architecture and function remains constant. It is by evolutionary game theoreticians, individuals
no accident that disruptions in these processes compete for available resources using a variety
are considered as key features of oncogenic of strategies, that is, by presenting different
transformation. Fortunately, there are multiple features and behaviors that can affect their
mechanisms that regulate these processes and chances of survival and reproduction. These
A lake ecosystem: it can remain in equilibrium for long periods of time
before a disruption sets the ecosystem evolving in a different direction. actively ensure homeostasis maintenance, features and behaviors, known as the phenotypic
can incorporate detailed descriptions of the distance from the primary site or on the
individual (tumor cell, fish, fox etc) defining its availability of lymphatic or blood vessels but also
behavior (migrate, reproduce, die etc) in a given on the suitability of the new site for colonization.
context (Savannah, lake, muscle tissue etc). Since these cells are likely to be reasonably
IBMs therefore capture the spatial and temporal adapted to specific environmental conditions. A
variation that characterizes real ecosystems secondary site that somewhat resembles key
allowing us to explore the robustness of key features of the primary one while providing the
homeostatic mechanisms. Moreover, they have metastatic cells with nutrients and room for
been extensively used by the modeling growth will always be a more likely target for a
community to look at many different biological secondary tumor.
systems [9] focussing on how individuals and The timing for an ecosystemic view of
their interactions collectively drive different cancer could not be better: with the development
evolutionary outcomes. of high throughput automated microscopy the
Traditionally the ecological perspective is ability to gather substantial amounts of cellular
firmly grounded at the scale of the phenotype (a information is becoming a reality. With this new
fox, fish, rabbit etc) and essentially ignores information the cancer ecosystem is becoming
Parasitism: Parasitic wasp cocoons attached to a caterpillar. anything below this scale. However, it tends to more complete and therefore theoretical
strategy, determine the winners and losers of the be more encompassing at the phenotype scale oncologists will have a better understanding of
evolutionary race. Simple mathematical analysis and embraces all the different players of the the key phenotypic strategies and mechanisms
using EGT can be used to investigate the ecosystem. In contrast with this perspective, the of interaction that tumor cells, and other
evolutionary dynamics. If some equilibrium is cancer biology view is very much centered on the relevant cells employ. Clearly this means we are
achieved then this could form the foundation for genetic and molecular scales for which there is a more likely to be successful at producing models
homeostasis. wealth of data. Whilst this provides a solid that are both holistic (taking into account the
One crucial lesson from EGT for potential foundation to work from, this data is unbalanced multiple scales at which cancer takes place) and
anti-cancer therapies, is that focusing on due to the poorly quantified phenotypic-scale. quantitative (in which model parameters and
indiscriminately destroying as many cancer cells This imbalance is the result of the dominance predictions can be compared with experiments)
as possible is not necessarily the smartest thing and success of reductionism in cancer research. i.e. qolistic approaches [13].
to do. In EGT, the long term (equilibrium) Reductionism is undoubtedly responsible for the The heart of the matter is that an ecological
outcome of a game depends on the interactions exquisite level of understanding of the several view of tumors does not invalidate but
between the players, not on the size of the genes and pathways that are involved in tumor complements and builds upon decades of
population. A treatment based exclusively on initiation and progression in a variety of tissues. cancer research and undoubtedly this will lead to
removing cancer cells is likely to have only a Unfortunately both of these approaches have a better understanding of the biology of cancer
temporal effect as in most cases the original limitations but also have their own strengths that and to new and improved therapies. If we may
number of tumor cells will eventually be restored in fact compliment one another. Ideally we want use the old analogy but framed slightly
and exceeded. A more effective alternative would to unify this biological-gene-centric view with the differently: we need to properly understand the
be based on changing the way cells interact with ecological-phenotype-centric view, however, trees (e.g. every leaf, twig and branch) before we
each other and their environment which would experimentally this is difficult if not impossible, can understand the forest but we cannot afford
affect their fitness and thus, potentially, drive without the aid of theoretical approaches to ignore the forest because the trees are so
tumor evolution towards less aggressive cell discussed above. In fact, IBMs can explicitly interesting on their own.
types or at least to a stable coexistence that bridge the genotypic-phenotypic scales [10-12]. 1. Paget, S. (1889). Lancet 1889; 1:571-3.
2. Crespi, B. and K. Summers (2005). Trends Ecol Evol 20: 545-52.
would be less harmful to the patient [7]. The ecosystem view is, ultimately, a holistic 3. Anderson, A. R. A., A. M. Weaver, et al. (2006). Cell 127: 905-15.
4. Gatenby, R. A., A. S. Silva, et al. (2009). Cancer Res 69: 4894-903.
Another potential application of EGT one that sees cancer progression as a process 5. Basanta, D., M. Miodownik, et al. (2008). PLoS Comp Biol 4: e1000030.
emerging from the cancer-ecosystem viewpoint that emerges from the interactions between 6. Hanahan, D. and R. A. Weinberg (2000). Cell 100(1): 57-70.
7. Gatenby, R. A. (2009). Nature 459(7246): 508-9.
is the study evolutionary dynamics leading to the multiple cellular species and interactions with the 8. Axelrod, R., D. E. Axelrod, et al. (2006). Proc Natl Acad Sci 103:13474-9.
9. Anderson, A. R. A., Rejniak, K.A. & Chaplain M.A.J. (2008) MBI Book.
emergence of cooperation [8]. A common tumor microenvironment. An ecosystem may be 10.Mansury, Y., M. Diggory, et al. (2006). J. Theor. Biol.238: 146-156.
11.Basanta, D., H. Hatzikirou, et al. (2008). Eur. Phys. J. B 63: 393–397.
misunderstanding about evolution is that the either under homeostatic control or in 12.Gerlee, P. and A. R. A. Anderson (2008). J. Theor. Biol. 250: 705-22.
13.Anderson, A. R. and V. Quaranta (2008). Nat Rev Cancer 8: 227-34.
survival of the fittest means that only the evolutionary driven escape. These states have
strongest and meanest survive. But nature is intriguing implications for invasion and
abundant with examples of inter and intra metastasis. Are metastatic cells the ones that
species cooperation. The trick is that cooperation represent the best and most adapted cells at the
can only emerge within the constraints of primary site? Or, on the contrary, does
selection, so it can only be sustainable when metastasis and invasion represent the only
everybody (or their genes) benefits. Which is not alternative for the less successful phenotypes,
to say that all parties should benefit equally. capable of escaping the primary site but unable
EGT is particularly useful at studying the to compete with better adapted ones locally?
interactions between the players, how those May it only be a by-product of tumor cells
affect tumor evolution (as in Darwinian evolution), acquiring the abilities to move and detach from
and how evolution might lead to or away from the main body of the tumor? Is it the result of
homeostatic equilibrium. However, they do not cooperation or competition? Regardless of the
incorporate space, individual based models (IBM) answer to this question, an ecological
do consider both space and time explicitly and interpretation of cancer would predict that
treat each cell as a distinct entities, offer and metastasis will occur to sites in which the tumor
ideal methodology to integrate some features of cells will have a better chance of survival and
EGT within a spatial framework. Specifically they colonization. This will depend not only on the Symbiosis. Both the bee & flower derive benefit from their interaction.
In this article we compare two anaerobically producing lactic acid [3, 4] even
phenomena: tumorigenesis and the in the presence of oxygen. It has been
development of slums in big cities, and proposed that this glycolytic phenotype could
propose that not only are the rules that control be a mechanism through which tumors
their existence similar but also that the intoxicate their surroundings in order to kill
strategies used to eradicate them are healthy tissue and make room for new tumor
equivalent and as such can we learn lessons cells [4].
A similar mechanism is found in the
from one problem to resolve the other. periphery of growing slums: a wave of
Slums are a grave problem in big cities in devaluation of real state moves outwards of the
underdeveloped and developing countries. In slum propagated by criminality which imposes
2007 in São Paulo, the biggest city in Brazil, a “bad reputation” on the neighborhood, We propose that the most promising
there were approximately 2,000 slums with a scaring the residents away and leaving room strategies for eradicating and preventing
total population of more than 400,000 families for new tenants from the slum periphery or carcinomas and slums are those that target the
living in sub-human conditions. Besides the from outside of the system. forces that promote their emergence. For
social problems of this population, deprived of Solid tumors are often avascular during carcinomas these strategies would focus on
minimum sanitary conditions, slums are also a the early steps of tumorigenesis and are only intratumoral pH normalization, use of glucose
safe haven for organized crime and drug able to promote angiogenesis as they achieve inhibitors, use the minimum amount of therapy
dealers. Slums gradually grow by engulfing a critical mass. The fragile infrastructure of necessary to arrest tumor growth and delay
neighborhoods of the city whose real-state is slums is no different from solid tumors: as one patient relapse, and finally assess tumor
downgraded by the proximity with them. progresses into the settlement, the roads response to therapy in a closed-loop approach.
Tumors are believed to be created by the become narrower until cars cannot travel, For slums, whose emergence is due to a
relentless replication of genetically unstable which considerably reduces efficiency of law considerable mass of poor people, the most
cells that, through mutations and selection enforcement. This lack of law enforcement and promising approach would be to invest
from the microenvironment, acquire a set of a minimum infrastructure for the survival of the resources into bringing this share of the society
phenotypes that allow them to invade healthy slums is similar to what happens in solid into more equal conditions, which can be
tissue, promote angiogenesis and colonize new tumors. On one hand poor perfusion prevents a achieved by full-time public education with
regions of the host and create new tumors [1, faster growth of the tumor but on the other meals and recreational activities in order to
2], eventually reaching a state of tumor burden hand it protects the tumor by preventing the keep the children away from one environment
that is fatal to the host. action of the immune system, chemotherapy permeated by violence, drugs and poverty.
and radiotherapy by limiting diffusion of drugs, Work laws that ensure minimum wages and
inducing quiescence in hypoxic tumor cells and social programs to provide credit to families to
by generating a heterogeneous tumor finance homes are also more immediate
microenvironment that confers a greater actions. Finally, the problem of slums in big
robustness to therapeutic attack [5]. cities will never be solved if the flow of
We have discussed some aspects on how migrants from poorer underdeveloped regions
carcinomas and slums develop in a similar of the same country remains. It is important
manner, notably by uncontrolled population thus that such an action for reduction of social
growth in an area at the edge of the host/city disparities happens country-wide.
with poor infrastructure but also with small or As a final note, we would like to stress
no interference from immune system/law that even though slums carry within criminality
enforcement, as is the case with carcinomas and major social and public health problems,
Both phenomena, slums and tumors, which are separate from immune system by a they only exist and grow because of the initial
often develop in the periphery of the host basement membrane. advantage of cheap labor they offer to the
(carcinomas develop from epithelial tissue Both systems appear to be robust to richer population of the cities. An interesting
separated from the host by basement brute force attacks (toxins and drugs in cancer, point is that in carcinomas the cells that
membrane while slums have their origin in the and law enforcement and eviction in slums) not develop as tumors are exactly those that are
outskirts of towns where real state is less only because these approaches cause higher isolated in the periphery of the host and
expensive) where resources are limited and side effects in the “host” than in the target but considered as “expendable”.
uncontrolled growth leads to gradients of also because the forces that promoted the
resources and harsh conditions. initial development of these systems remain 1. Goldie JH: Drug resistance in cancer: a perspective. Cancer Metastasis
Rev 2001, 20:63-68.
Both systems invade by “trashing” their unchanged (genetic instability and 2. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA: The hallmarks of cancer. Cell 2000, 100:57-70.
3. Gatenby RA, Gillies RJ: A microenvironmental model of carcinogenesis.
surroundings: tumors invade healthy tissue by microenvironment-imposed selection for Nat Rev Cancer 2008, 8:56-61.
both degradation of the extracellular matrix and cancer, and social inequality in slums) and thus 4. Gatenby RA, Gawlinski ET, Gmitro AF, Kaylor B, Gillies RJ: Acid-mediated
tumor invasion: a multidisciplinary study. Cancer Res 2006,
by causing death of healthy cells; it is known will promote regrowth of the original system or 66:5216-5223.
5. Kitano H: Cancer robustness: tumor tactics. Nature 2003, 426:125
that tumors constitutively metabolize glucose similar systems in other areas.
clinician-scientists to present their work
covering every scale of cancer growth.
Each day of the workshop, consisted of 3
primary speakers split between experimental,
Its been a busy start to the 2009 for the
mathematical and imaging such that the
IMO with two major meetings being co-
experimentalist presented the biological
organized by our members. An MBI workshop
problem, a mathematical modeler described
and a three part SIAM symposium both dealing
modeling approaches and a imaging specialist
with in silico models of cancer but with their
described the type of data available for model
own distinct focus.
validation and development. Other attendees
MBI Workshop: Cancer Development, were invited to present posters at the poster
Angiogenesis, Progression, & Invasion session and every day one poster was chosen
The Mathematical Biosciences Institute to give a short presentation to the group.
(MBI),is an institute dedicated to the Each day was broadly themed with
application of mathematics to biology with the “snow emergency” (see pic above) that
focuses on cancer development,
goal of enhancing both research and education led to a very impromptu take over of the
angiogenesis, progression, invasion and
to foster the growth of an international holiday inn meeting facilities (where most of the
treatment. We deliberately left 30 minutes after
community of researchers in this new field. participants were staying) where the talks
every presentation for discussion which really
Co-organized by Kristin Swanson and proceeded as planned.
caused the whole workshop to be a hive of
Sandy Anderson this workshop was based on For further information regarding the
discussion with each talk leading to extended
the premise that a deeper understanding of workshop, including participants, abstracts and
debates between the interdisciplinary audience
cancer requires scientists willing to some talks that were presented can be found
and the speaker. This created a vibrant and
communicate and interact extensively across at the following link:
exciting atmosphere that really made the whole
disciplinary boundaries. By inviting a truly
workshop far more successful than we had
interdisciplinary team of scientists to attend as hoped.
well as a shared platform for both experienced An interesting aside is that the MBI had to SIAM Symposium: State of the art
modelers, state-of-the art experimentalists and close halfway through the meeting due to a in Computational modeling of
This three part symposia was aimed at
bringing together all of the key computational
modelers in the Cancer field to discuss the
diversity of new techniques that have recently
been deployed and/or developed. Co-
organized by Kasia Rejniak and Sandy
Anderson at the SIAM Conference on
Computational Science and Engineering.
One of the participants called this
minisymposium "a family reunion" - we actually
really liked this interpretation. We invited 12
scientists, from USA and abroad, working on
different aspects of cancer modeling to share
there scientific experience and results. Thanks
Yi, Andreas, James, Sasha, Heiko, Bruce,
David, Yangjin, Zhihui, Fang for coming.
MBI The minisymposium covered many
Cancer aspects of cancer - tumor initiation,
Workshop p ro g re s s i o n , a g i o g e n e s i s , m e t a s t a s i s ,
To celebrate our move from Scotland to temperature has the same numerical value in
SIAM symposium - Continued
Florida, we invited our minisymposium C and F. Well, it took a few approximations and
Each of the three IMO members presented
speakers and a few other friends for dinner in actually solving one linear equation to find out
their current work with Kasia opening the 1st
a very cosy Italian restaurant called La Loggia that it is -40 :o)
session and Sandy closing the 3rd and final
located in Downtown Miami. It was not only a For further information regarding the
session. It proved to be a very successful
nice culinary experience but a challenging one. workshop, including participants and abstracts
meeting - so much so that Kasia and Sandy
We learned that half of the German population of the talks that were presented, can be found
decided to put together a special issue of the
(at least those present at the table) speaks at the following link:
IMA Journal Mathematical Medicine & Biology.
fluent Norwegian! And we had a lively
This will be a double bumper issue and will
discussion-competition to determine what
collate the recent work of all who attended.
Presenting our
work at the SIAM
meeting in Miami.
Members of the
IMO: Kasia Rejniak,
Sandy Anderson
and David Basanta
(Left to Right).
Kasia, David and Ariosto who gave a
talk on "Adaptive Therapy: an
alter native cancer treatment".
Attendance has increased significantly
when the Molecular and Functional Simon
Imaging group, headed by Bob Gillies, Hayward
moved in to town. Moreover, we can
proudly announce that some of our
invited speakers have enjoyed the
presenting to
friendly but brainstorming atmosphere IMO
of IMO seminars so much, that they visiting guests from many different disciplines:
have became affiliates of the IMO and join us mathematicians, experimentalists, image
every Thursday at lunch time to actively scientists, radiologists, physicists,
participate in both questions and discussion. pharmaceutical scientists, pathologists and
Many local Moffitt scientists have given clinicians.
talks summarizing their research interests and To see a list of the past, present and future
experimental approaches, and discussed with speakers please look here: http://
us possible areas where mathematical/ If you are
The first Integrated Mathematical Oncology computational modeling approaches could be interested in participating or presenting an IMO
seminar, on Thursday September 4th 2008, useful. This has fortunately led to the initiation of seminar please contact our seminar organizer
gathered together the only five existing several new collaborations within Moffitt. Kasia Rejniak ([email protected]).
members, speaker included, i.e. the core of the We have also hosted a few outside
mathematical modeling group: Bob, Sandy, speakers, including both collaborators and
The “Single-Cell-Based Models in Biology and Medicine” book
in the eyes of its editors Sandy Anderson & Kasia Rejniak
Sandy Anderson and Kasia Rejniak: The the formation, growth and maintenance of multi-
book we have edited together with Mark cellular bodies.
Chaplain has been recently published by Kasia: We noticed that over the last few
Birkhauser-Verlag in the Mathematics and years several biomathematicians and
Biosciences in Interaction (MBI) series. It biophysicists have been working on different
contains 12 chapters from leading authors in the computational models in which cells are
field of single-cell-based computational models represented as individual entities. These models
that can be applied in various areas of biology employ very different computational
and medicine, including development, approaches: Monte-Carlo simulations, energy
morphogenesis, tumoriogenesis, blood clotting, minimization techniques, volume conservation
vascularization, tissue folding and cell laws, solutions of the equations of motion for
chemotactic and haptotactic movement. each individual cell or for each point on
Kasia: It is fascinating to watch live cells the cell membrane. They also differ in “We hope
under the microscope, to see how they move, the level of detail that defines the cell that readers will
divide and interact with one another. As a structure and subsequently differ in the
enjoy this book as
much as we have
biomathematician, I was always interested in number of individual cells that the enjoyed working e s s e n t i a l f o r b u i l d i n g a n d
making computational models that allow for model can incorporate. So, the on it” understanding good predictive
simulations of cells and cell processes on the existence of numerous mathematical
mathematical models.
computer screen. It turns out I was not the only models dealing with individual cells brought us
Kasia: Right, mathematical models will not
one. to the idea of putting together a collection of
eliminate biological experiments but instead will
Sandy: Indeed, mathematical modeling of papers where different computational models
help motivate them by generating hypotheses
biological phenomena is not a new trend. One are described by their authors.
and determining the key factors and processes
may trace modeling of tumor growth to the work Sandy: Therefore, one can use the book to
that need to be tested. To build a mathematical
of Archibald Hill from 1928 in which the author survey what is new in modern mathematics,
model of a cell, we have to make it much
uses mathematical approaches to study how the because very different mathematical and
simpler than in reality by taking into account
diffusion of dissolved substances through cells computational techniques are used to define the
only the most important features, but we also
and tissues determines cell metabolic range of models included in our book. In some
want to represent differences between individual
processes. However, these early mathematical of them cells are represented as points on the
cells as well as their ability to communicate and
models use a purely continuous approach and lattice, in others as small spheres or ellipsoids,
interact with one another and their surroundings.
represent tumors as well mixed masses of cells or they have deformable shapes and contain
Single-cell-based models are ideal for these
that respond to external cues in an averaged elastic boundaries filled with fluid. If one wants
purposes and allow for a more realistic
manner. Whilst these models are able to capture to focus on mechanical properties of cells, there
representation of biological tissues and multi-
the tumor structure at the tissue level, they fail are models that capture that level of detail but
cellular organisms as they can capture the
to describe the tumor at the cellular level. at the expense of limiting the number of
principles underlying the complex biological
Kasia: So, the development of single-cell- cells the model can handle. If on the other hand
based models was a natural way to overcome one wants to model tumor growth, then millions
Sandy: And therefore, we would like to
the limitations of continuous models. of cells may need to be represented and
address this book equally to scientists already
Sandy: Yes, to adequately describe therefore considering the cells more simply as
modeling multi-cellular processes and to
complex spatio-temporal processes that occur single points may be more appropriate.
students starting their research in the field of
in multi-cellular organisms, a class of models is Kasia: Moreover, the book is accompanied
mathematical biology to give them a flavor of
required that simultaneously takes into account by a DVD containing simulation movies that
the different techniques that they can use in
differences between individual cells as well as show all discussed models in action! They are
their studies. We asked our contributing authors
their ability to communicate and interact with applied to a quite diverse set of problems, such
to include a detailed description of their
one another and their environment. Single-cell- as tumor growth, limb development, blood
particular model and an extensive review of
based models form a framework that allows for clotting, vascularization, cell chemotactic
suitable biological and medical applications.
the explicit incorporation of different properties movement, development of Dictyostelium
And, of course, all simulation movies of the
of individual cells, but at the same time enables discoideum, tissue folding or the formation of
presented models and applications are on the
all cells to act together as one collective body. epithelial layers.
This leads ultimately to more biologically Sandy: And on top of that, numerous
Kasia and Sandy: So, we hope that the
realistic models of heterogeneous tissues and applications presented in the book are
readers will enjoy using this book as much as
multi-cellular organisms and allows for a better accompanied by experimental results and
we have enjoyed working on it.
understanding of the principles underlying the images, since continued interactions with
complex biological processes occurring during experimentalists working on cellular systems is
One of the most common responses that Having accurate experimental
IMO receives when we try to initiate measurements of the variables and processes
collaborations is either that in silico modeling is that are driving the system will allow for much
far too simple to produce anything informative more accurate model predictions. It will also
or it has some magical property that solves highlight the model limitations and where
refinements need to be made. Having a fully
complex problems without any experimental
parameterized model that is sufficiently refined
input. These two extremes highlight a real lack
will allow us to make predictions of the tumor
of understanding that we must address
growth dynamics, how it will respond to
directly, after all we are the strangers in a
different treatments and how best to optimize a
strange land. The schematic on the right
given treatment. Ultimately, this means that we
represents an over simplified attempt to
can tailor in silico models to a specific patient
explain how we can build cancer models and make predictions directly relevant to that
together. It does not encompass all possible patient.
scenarios and we are not constrained by only Hopefully his will lead to in silico models
this approach. becoming an integrated part of treatment. The
The single most important aspect of schematic loop below, shows how data based
developing mathematical models is the on analysis of the current patient state (e.g. via
motivation i.e. what question do we want to biopsies, imaging) can parameterize models to
answer? In the context of cancer this might be make predictions regarding cancer growth and
one specific to a given type or might be treatment that can be tested experimentally
It is important to realize that what sets In
relevant to all cancers. Often finding the before being applied to the patient. This should
silico models apart from other useful
question (or the right question) is the biggest result in tailored treatments that are optimized
quantitative approaches (such statistics or
hurdle to start a collaboration. Critical to for the cancer of this patient. This optimization
i n f o r m a t i c s ) i s m e c h a n i s m . We a r e
defining the question, however, is the dialogue fundamentally interested in understanding why can continue with subsequent analysis and
- we need to talk to each other, perhaps certain outcomes occur. By integrating the repeats of the whole loop. The resulting
several times. This dialogue really is where the relevant biological processes within our therapy will be by definition adaptive to the
common language begins to develop, allowing theoretical framework we can generate changing needs of the patient.
us to tease out the key variables and core testable predictions and hypothesize novel This will, however, take time. We are
processes of the system and how best to mechanisms. Vital to this is model constrained by the experimental and clinical
represent them theoretically. This reduces the parameterization (and validation) which can data that we can obtain. Also, the resolution
only be achieved via experimental testing and and scope of this data will dictate to what
complexity of the model and aids in the
observation. In silico model driven degree we can validate the in silico model
subsequent understanding of the results,
experimentation and imaging are precisely why results. We are also constrained by the level of
however, its worth pointing out that its natural
we believe being integrated within Moffitt will complexity we want to incorporate into our
to always want to add more complexity. Thats
be beneficial. models, the trade-off between understanding
why the integrated approach is so important,
and sophistication is difficult to balance. There
the biological-mathematical dialogue should
are multiple modeling approaches at our
converge on a minimal model. disposal and they cover a wide range of
Minimal models make for simpler resolution and scale. Choosing the
visualization and parameterization. There are appropriate in silico approach (or combination
then some technical aspects that need to be of approaches) should be driven by both the
addressed in terms of the precise modeling question and the experimental system to which
approach to be used, how it will be solved and it will be validated against. This further
presented - this is where the IMOs diversity emphasizes the need for integration:
becomes important. The different backgrounds experiments should drive models and models
should drive experiments. This feedback
and interests of the group ensure we take the
hopefully converging on novel insights into our
best approach, and visualization is something
understanding of cancer growth and critically
we take great pride in (see page 12).
the development of novel treatments.
Issue 1
Growing from IMO members and I’d personally like to thank David
Basanta, Bob Gatenby, Kasia Rejniak and Ariosto Silva for their
Moving to Moffitt from a mathematics department in
articles and last but not least Edward Flach for his creative flare
Dundee, Scotland seemed like a monumental task. There was
on the numerous schematics throughout.
always going to be a transitionary period and dealing with the
I’d like to end the newsletter on a positive note - the good news is
personal issues that a move of this scale presents. There is no denying it
that we’ve been fortunate enough to secure funding from two major NCI
was difficult at times and could have went smoother. One of the main
programs, the new Physical Sciences in Oncology (PSOC) program and
sticking points was the fact that we are mainly a computational group
the Integrative Cancer Biology program (ICBP). Both of these programs
and therefore needed very different computational facilities. Thankfully,
support the application of theoretical and computational models to
this issue has been directly addressed with the updated Moffitt cluster
cancer research. Clearly this is what IMO already does and so we are
and better support for our Mac centric world. Its worth stating however,
grateful to be part of them! This should certainly keep IMO busy for the
that even though its only been just over a year and a half, IMO feels like
next 5 years or so!
home. Moffitt has made us feel welcome and we’ve already made
Enjoy the rest of 2010, and look for issue 2 next year!
friends and collaborators. As we develop over the coming year, we
Sandy Anderson (Editor).
hope to integrate further with Moffitt, building new collaborations and
working in new areas. Since we have recently outgrown our space in
MRC, we’re looking forward to moving into our new space in SRB -
specially refurbished to enhance the collaborative nature of our research.
We’re HIrINg
This is the first issue of the IMO newsletter, and I hope you’ve •Several Post DOC PosItIoNs are
found it interesting. I realize thats its probably unusual to produce this avaIlable NOW!
type of document but I see this medium as the perfect opportunity to let •MathematIcIaNs, PhysIcIsts or
anyone interested know we are here, what we are doing and where we computer scIeNtIsts
are going. I’d be happy to receive any feedback, both negative and •please CoNtact US!
positive, on the current issue as well as ideas for future content. This
issue would not have been possible without the numerous contributions